Going Inksane (Nice Ink Book 1)

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Going Inksane (Nice Ink Book 1) Page 14

by Trish Edmisten

  When we reached my station, I turned to face them. They stopped moving at the same time.

  I gestured to the empty chairs. “Have a seat.”

  They each took one of the chairs. Leaving the padded table empty, I sat down on the rolling stool and faced them.

  Looking at these guys, I realized something else odd about them. They kind of reminded me of Ned. It was those chocolate colored eyes.

  “I didn’t catch your names.”

  “I’m Key.”

  That was from Navy Blue Shirt, the more muscular one.

  I looked at the other guy.

  “Rog,” he said and flashed me a blinding smile.

  Key and Rog? Either their names were fake or their parents had a weird sense of humor. I was leaning more toward fake, but whatever. I didn’t give a shit what their names were since I got paid either way. At least I did once the work was done. We didn’t charge for consultations. Some shops had started doing it to avoid losing time with people who were just shopping around for the best deal.

  “What were you thinking about getting?” I asked.

  “Something that shows I’m a firefighter,” Key replied.

  Rog smirked. “Like a fire truck?”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of the station emblem, dumb ass,” Key retorted.

  “You’re a firefighter, huh?” I asked.

  Didn’t Ned say he had a brother who was a firefighter? And another who was a paramedic?

  “Yeah, I work downtown at Station Seven.”

  The guy was clearly proud of what he did, rightfully so. Anyone who was willing to deal with burning buildings was pretty bad ass.

  “How long have you been doing that?” I asked.

  It was Key’s turn to smirk. “Are you hitting on me?”

  “Sorry, you’re not my type.”

  Rog elbowed Key. “That’s a nice way of saying you’re ugly, Key.”

  “Or saying he’s straight,” Key said, regarding me with narrow eyes. “Are you straight, Heath?”


  Rog laughed. “Told you it was you. You’re a butter face.”

  Yeah, these two were definitely brothers.

  “Are you seeing anyone?” Key asked, and I frowned.

  I was beginning to think this was less a consultation for a tattoo and more an interrogation. If these were Ned’s brothers, that would make sense.

  I was tempted to call them on their bullshit, but I figured I would let it play out. Now, I just had to decide how it would play out. Was I going to listen to the angel on my shoulder telling me to show them I was good enough for their brother? Or was I going to follow the advice of the devil on the other shoulder telling me to flip the script and give these two a dose of their own medicine?

  Maybe it would be a little of both.

  “I just started seeing someone,” I said. They seemed pleased with that answer so I added, “Sexy as fuck little nurse.”

  They gave me matching frowns.

  “I didn’t get any yet, but I hope if I keep the cash flowing, it’ll start the ass going.”

  Their expressions turned thunderous.

  “Does that usually work?” Key asked.

  “If it doesn’t, one look at his porn star penis always does the trick,” X called.

  “Ah, thanks, honey,” I said, batting my eyes in X’s direction.

  “Save it for after work, babe,” X said.

  “Are you serious?” Rog demanded.

  “Well, yeah, I can’t suck his dick here in the shop,” I said, shrugging. “Too many customers. I’m pretty sure the health department would yank our license too. Jizz on the equipment is probably a hazard of some kind.”

  “Like I’d let you spill a drop,” X retorted, and it was all I could do not to laugh out loud.

  At this point, it was pretty clear I was leaning more toward listening to that devil. I had also given up any pretense of this being a legit consult.

  “Does this guy you just started seeing know about him?” Key jerked his thumb behind his back, presumably in X’s direction.

  “Yeah, I told him we work together.”

  “But not that you’re fucking him?”

  “Hell no, I don’t need that kind of drama. Some guys can’t handle open relationships.”

  Rog gave me a speculative look. “I get the feeling you’re not being serious.”

  “About which part?”

  “Do you really sleep around?”

  “Not sure what that has to do with my ability to tattoo.”

  “Or that it’s any of their business,” X added. “Unless they’re looking to join us. What do you think, babe? Should we take them on as our subs?”

  “Your subs?” Key looked alarmed.

  “You know, submissive,” I explained and then added, “As in a Dominant/submissive relationship.”

  “You’re into that kind of thing?” Rog asked.

  “Well, until now, I’ve been the sub and X over there is my Dom, but I’ve wanted to switch. You know, do the Dom role, but X is strictly a Dom. No sub in him at all.”

  “Damn right, and don’t forget it,” X said.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied and winked at them when their jaws dropped. “It sounds restricting, but it’s not. It’s actually pretty freeing with the right Dom.”

  “Which I am,” X added.

  “Not to mention, it’s really the sub that has all the control.” In an exaggerated whisper, I added, “Just don’t tell him that.”

  Throughout this exchange, Cooper had stayed silent, which was a little bit of a surprise. By now, he had to have figured out this wasn’t an ordinary consultation so I fully expected something sassy to come out of his mouth at any moment.

  “What else are you into?” Key asked, and I had to give this guy credit for his balls.

  If he knew I’d realized the jig was up, he wasn’t letting on. He was determined to see this through so he could save his brother from me and my kinky ways.

  “I like dogs,” I told him.

  “You mean like puppy play?” Key guessed, and I almost fell off my stool.

  As it was, I could barely contain my laughter.

  Rog’s eyes went wide. “How the hell do you know about that?”

  “I have seen porn, you know,” Key replied, and that put me on alert.

  I might be willing to fuck with these guys a little, but I wasn’t about to let them know about my porn past.

  Rog shook his head. “That’s disturbing.”

  “And not what I meant,” I added. “I thought you were asking about my interests and hobbies and stuff, and I like dogs.”

  “Yeah, dogs are cool,” Key agreed.

  “You know, if you want, I could do a Dalmatian as part of your tattoo,” I offered.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “It was just a thought. I can do whatever you want.”

  “Actually,” Key said, getting to his feet, “I think I’m gonna have to get this done somewhere else.”

  Rog stood as well.

  I pretended to look worried. “Is this about that health department thing? I wasn’t serious. We run a clean shop here.”

  “Yes, we do, and no he wasn’t serious,” X said, his voice deeper than normal as he came up behind them.

  Both men jumped, and I hid my smirk.

  “But I was,” X told them, slapping Key’s shoulder. “My boy never misses a drop. Do you?”

  “No, sir,” I said.

  “I just don’t think this is the right place,” Key said.

  Key’s eyes went wide when I stood and was shoulder to shoulder with X.

  Rightfully so, since X and I were some big dudes. Liking dick didn’t mean I couldn’t kick ass when I needed to, which I had proven on more than one occasion.

  “I mean time,” Key hurried to correct his error. “This isn’t the right time. I’ll be in touch though. Give me your card.”

  “You can get it from Damian on the way out,” I said. “Here,
let me walk you sexy boys out.”

  “We’re good,” Key said.

  Before I could object, he and Rog had already turned and were scurrying toward the front. I followed and wasn’t surprised when they didn’t stop to pick up my business card from Damian before they booked it out of there.

  X and Cooper joined us up front.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Cooper asked.

  “I’m pretty sure those were Ned’s brothers,” I explained.

  “Damn, how many brothers does he have?” X asked.

  “Four,” I said and then added, “He’s a quintuplet.”

  “Like an Octo-Mom baby?” X frowned.

  “Octo-Mom had eight babies, dumb ass,” Cooper informed him. “Octo, eight. Quintuplets mean his mom only had five.”

  “Only five?” X echoed. “That’s a fucking litter.”

  I smiled because that’s what Ned said his mother affectionately called them.

  “Speaking of your man’s littermates, you’d better call him and give him some warning before they beat you to it,” X said.

  X was right. Those two were probably already texting Ned while we stood around with our thumbs up our asses.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I opened my contacts list and hit the call button when I found his number.


  “Hey, it’s Heath. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”

  “I was actually calling because I think I just met two of your brothers.”

  “Um, okay. How did that happen?”

  “Two guys claiming their names were Key and Rog just came in the shop. Key said he wanted a tattoo.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Nope, he said he was a firefighter so he wanted something that represented that, but he and Rog seemed more interested in grilling me than Key getting a tattoo.”

  “That has to be Kiel and Roger.”

  “I thought so.”

  “I’m going to kill them.”

  “You might not need to.”

  “I assure you, I do.”

  “I’m pretty sure I just gave them a heart attack so I might have beaten you to it.”

  “Please tell me you threatened them with bodily harm.”

  I smiled. My sexy little nurse had a vicious side. Mental note; do not do anything to cause him to turn that side on me.

  “Nah, I just messed with their minds a little bit. I told them I was in an open Dom/sub relationship with X and he suggested we take them on as our subs.”

  I immediately relaxed when Ned burst into laughter. “Oh my God, what did they say?”

  “Roger didn’t seem to think I was serious, but Kiel wasn’t so sure. They booked it out of here pretty fast after that.”

  “Yeah, well, they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think they were just trying to look out for you.”

  “I don’t need them to look out for me,” Ned snapped. “I’m perfectly capable of looking out for myself, which I’m going to tell them right after I turn their balls inside out.”

  “Is it wrong that I’m a little turned on by this vicious streak of yours?”

  When Ned sucked in a sharp breath, I was afraid I might have scared him off. After the need to take things slow vibe he’d been putting off since the night we met, I should have known better than to say something like that so soon. Some damage control was definitely in order.

  Not wanting the rest of the guys to hear what I had to say next, I stepped outside for some privacy.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you,” I said, keeping my voice gentle so I didn’t spook him any more.

  “I’m not offended, just surprised.”

  “That’s good, but I don’t want you to think my interest in you is only about sex.”

  “I know, but it’s something you’ll want eventually, right?”

  I didn’t like the way he said that. Like sex was something only I would want and he wouldn’t have any interest in it, other than maybe doing it to make me happy.

  “Yes, but I’m not going to ask you for something you’re not ready to give.”

  “What if I’m not ready for a long time?”

  “Then we wait.”

  It wasn’t ideal, but I had a perfectly good right hand. I could use it until Ned was ready to take that step with me, but this conversation just reinforced what I’d suspected since dinner the other night. Someone had hurt him in the past.

  I didn’t want to think about some guy forcing him. It made my thoughts turn murderous.

  “You know, I was mad at Derek when he set us up, but I’m glad he did,” Ned admitted. “I never would have had the courage to ask you out.”

  “But you wanted to?”

  “Well, duh. You are a sexy tattooed god.”

  “And you’re my sweet and sassy little nurse.”

  “Yours, huh?”

  Yeah, Ned was mine, and I was going to make sure I did everything to show him that was a good thing.

  Before I could answer, he spoke again.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  I smiled. “Me too. Anyway, I need to get back inside.”

  “And I need to make sure my nosy brothers can never procreate.”

  Despite knowing he was serious, I laughed. My sexy little nurse was out for blood. I was just glad it wasn’t mine.

  Chapter Twelve


  I smiled when the doorbell rang, but it wasn’t a happy smile. It was more like a grimace. I knew Roger and Kiel were on the other side. I’d wondered if they would call or come straight from the tattoo shop. While I’d expected the former, I’d hoped for the latter.

  Now that they were here, I couldn’t wait to give them a piece of my mind. First, I was going to have a little fun.

  Opening the door, I offered them my biggest smile. Hopefully, they couldn’t see how fake it was. “I didn’t know you guys were coming over.” Adopting a worried tone, I added, “Is everything okay?”

  Roger and Kiel traded glances.

  “We need to talk,” Kiel said.

  “Um, okay. Come on in.” Stepping back, I opened the door wider. When they were inside, I closed and locked the door before turning to face them. “Is this the kind of talk we need drinks for?”

  “I could go for a beer,” Roger agreed.

  “What about you, Kiel?” I asked.

  “Yeah, a beer sounds good.”

  “Great,” I said, resuming my bright smile. “You guys go ahead and take a seat and I’ll just grab those for us.”

  While my brothers moved toward my living room, I detoured to the kitchen. When I joined them in the living room, I handed each of them a beer. Since they had taken up residence on my couch, I dropped down on the love seat.

  The two of them opened their beers and tossed the caps on my coffee table before taking a long drink and then setting their drinks on the table. The moves were done in perfect unison, as though they had choreographed it. Even though I’d grown up watching them do stuff like that, it was still kind of crazy to see. Of the five of us, they were the only two who did stuff like that and only with each other. I sometimes wondered if it was because they had a deeper connection to each other than the rest of us.

  When we were kids, the thought of that didn’t sit right with me. Being that we’d all been born together, it didn’t seem fair for them to be closer to each other than the rest of us. As I’d gotten older, I’d let it go. Even if they were better friends with each other than the rest of us, it wasn’t a threat to the connection we all had.

  “So, what’s going on?” I asked.

  Roger and Kiel traded looks, probably trying to decide who was going to answer and how. It was Kiel who finally spoke up.

  “What’s the deal with you and this tattoo artist?”

  I frowned. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “You guys aren’t anything
serious, are you?”

  “Not yet, but we haven’t been dating that long.”

  “Good, I think you should keep it that way.”


  “I don’t think he’s good enough for you.”

  I blinked at him. “Why?”

  “He’s just a tattoo artist, and you’re a freaking ER nurse.”

  “Wow, judgmental much?” I scoffed. “Heath isn’t ‘just a tattoo artist’. He owns the shop, and he’s not even thirty yet. That’s pretty damned impressive if you ask me.”

  “Look, I know you’re gonna get mad, but…”

  “But what?” I demanded, like I didn’t already know what he was going to say.

  Kiel’s eyes shot to Roger’s as if pleading for help.

  “We went to his shop tonight,” Roger admitted.

  “Why would you do that?” I asked.

  “You’re talking about inviting this guy over here. We needed to make sure it was safe.”

  “You needed to make sure it was safe?” I echoed, incredulous. “I can take care of myself you know. In case you missed it, I’m a twenty-seven-year-old man, same as the two of you.”

  “You can be mad if you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that this guy’s bad news,” Kiel said.

  “No, he’s not. He’s a good guy.”

  Kiel snorted. “Yeah, he’s such a good guy he’s making you his side piece.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I said you’re his side piece. He’s already got a boyfriend.”

  “Not just a boyfriend,” Roger added. “They’re in some kind of S&M relationship, and the guy’s his Dom.”

  “If you’re talking about X, I already know about that.”

  I almost laughed at the way their eyes widened and their mouths dropped open, but I held it together.

  “What do you mean you know?” Kiel said.

  “Yeah, Heath said he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want to deal with the drama,” Roger agreed.

  “Well, he didn’t specifically tell me, but he said enough for me to read between the lines and figure it out,” I explained.

  Kiel pinned me with a glare. “And you’re okay with that?”

  “I can live with it.” I shrugged.

  “You can live with this guy lying to you and using you?” Roger said.

  “Well, he is pretty hot.”


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