Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian

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Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian Page 40

by Elizabeth Gannon

  “When I took off a few weeks ago, I knew I had made a mistake within the first few hours. I decided to come back to you guys, but lost the path. Your fucking kingdom plays tricks on you. By that night, I was almost completely out of water and had no idea where I was.” She pointed at him. “But I realized when you showed up… I knew you would. I think that’s why I was never scared.” She shifted in her seat. “I knew you’d come for me. And as I watched you trudge through the salt to come help, I knew that no one else in my entire life ever would have.” She cleared her throat. “And… and I think I fell in love with you right then.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Wait… you’re in love with me?”

  “I said ‘I think.’” She snapped, feeling color flush her cheeks. Dammit. She didn’t do embarrassment. She didn’t know why she was feeling that. “Giving a shit about someone else is a foreign emotion for me, okay? It takes some time to identify. …And to be honest, the whole idea of it kinda pisses me off, because being mean to people is much easier. And… safer. I don’t like sharing. It makes me… afraid. And when I get afraid I lash out.” She met his eyes again. “But… yeah. I think I am.” She paused, her voice more definite. “I am.”

  He took the ring and pried the bent metal open wider so that it would fit on his finger. “I will cherish it and wear it proudly for the rest of my life.”

  “Good. Because it belongs to you.” She bit her lower lip, leaning closer to him. “I belong to you.”

  “That means something serious here…” He warned.

  “I know exactly what it means.” She assured him, recognizing the marital vow. Her village did something similar. “But before we do this, I’m going to put all my cards on the table, in case you’re living in a delusion or can’t see the obvious.” She held her hand over her chest. “I’m kind of a bitch. I hit people a lot. I think your religion is absolute laughable bullshit and I guarantee you that I’ll somehow accidentally kill most of your plants. I won’t mean to, they’ll just… get dead somehow.” She nodded in assurance and apology at that idea. “But I’m good with horses. I know my mind and what I want. And I’m entirely faithful. If you’re with me, then I’m with you until the end. No one over you. Ever.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to be seduced and I don’t want to seduce anyone. I want a partnership of equals who are honest with each other. I don’t play hard to get if I want to get got.”

  He squinted in confusion. “This… this isn’t my first language.” He said softly. “Please speak slower, because I didn’t understand that last part.”

  She hesitated. “But there aren’t... there aren’t any creepy strings attached, right? Like, you won’t have to brand me with an iron or share me with all of your clan or something?”

  “My clan is so afraid of you they hide when you walk by, as a fawn hides from the wolf.” He reminded her softly. “I don’t think Chox himself could get them to bed you, even if that were a part of our ways. …Which, don’t worry, it is not. To the Saltmen, women are like a spring in the desert; if you’re lucky enough to find one, you set up your whole life around it. Because it’s what keeps you alive.”

  “I simply… I simply want to belong somewhere.” She whispered. “I want to belong with someone, understand? No matter where I am or what I’ve done. I want to know, without a doubt, that I have a place where I’m wanted. Somewhere I’m safe. With someone I want.” She stood up. “You’re the only person in my entire life who has ever given a flying fuck about me. …The fact that you’re also sexy as hell is just icing on the cake. I… I honestly don’t want to be anywhere but here. With you. So, if you’re offering that?” She shrugged. “Okay. I’m in.”

  He was instantly on his feet. “Wherever I am, is where you’ll belong. Whatever I have, you will have. Whatever I can do to keep you safe, I will do it, no matter the cost.” He casually vaulted over the table towards her like it wasn’t even there. “You have my word.”

  Violet didn’t even bother trying to suppress her genuine smile as he prowled closer to her. She instinctively retreated though, a habit she couldn’t break. Saying that you were excited about a plan was quite different from actually launching said plan.

  He closed the distance between them in two strides.

  Violet’s heart was pounding in her chest now, recognizing what was about to happen, and both wanting it and fearing it. She… she…

  He took her face in his hand and pulled her closer, his lips slamming into hers. She gasped in surprise, not expecting it to feel so amazing. The small sound was overshadowed by his groan of desire and lust. His mouth took control of hers, his tongue massaging hers and staking its claim to her body. The force of the kiss just about knocked her off-balance and she ended up on her tiptoes, suspended over the floor by his other arm.

  It was… incredible.

  And it completely drove any lingering doubts or fears she had from her mind.

  A smile of pure joy crossed her face, returning his kiss just as passionately. She eagerly wrapped her arms around him. He was just… Wow. Violet had very bad experiences with this. She’d seen the dangers inherent with lust and passion. It scared her. But Kobb’s love was… pure. It made her feel wanted and cherished and like someone needed her. Loved her. Wished for her as hard as she’d always been wishing for him.

  A moment later they both needed to come up for air.

  “I’ve given it a lot of thought, all day…” She told him breathlessly, resting her hand against his broad chest in an effort to steady herself on wobbly legs. “I beat you in a fight. I’m Claiming you.”

  “You can’t Claim.” He assured her with complete confidence, his hand running through her hair like he’d been waiting for weeks to touch it.

  “Yes, I can. Your ass is mine, sweetheart.” She nipped at his chin. “And you might not have had the balls to collect on that when you were the one Claiming me, but I sure as fuck do.” She slapped him on the ass. “I plan on being a ‘hands on’ owner, if you catch my meaning.”

  “It doesn’t work that way.” He repeated, obviously falling back into his role as moral authority. He kissed her temple. “And we’d never use the word ‘owner’ to describe something so precious to…”

  “I think it does.” She corrected, ignoring that last part. “And I think if you think about it, you’ll see that I’m right.” She ran her hand over his chest again. “Because if I’m right? Follow along with me here… that means you’re mine, Kobb. My property, my man, my fucking Little-Bird-Heart-Keeper-Thing or whatever the fuck you idiots call it.” She took his cheek in her hand. “I would own your body and always would, your stupid moral hesitations and self-pitying bullshit be damned.” She pushed him away just far enough that she could take off her top. “That’s what that would mean.”

  His eyes traveled down to her undershirt, locking on her breasts. “I think… I think you can Claim, yeah.” He agreed weakly. “You’re a warrior, it’s the law. Absolutely. Because I belong to you, Violet.”

  She let out a long breath. “I thought you’d see it my way.” She paused to enjoy the moment for a beat. “And if you don’t have me nude in the next ten seconds, I’m going to finish the job of caving in your face, husband.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, his lips on hers the whole time. She wrapped her legs around him, wanting him closer still. Loving the feeling of his body against hers.

  He let out a startled gasp, stumbling forward. “Ah! Your feet are freezing!”

  “Well, I can stop if you want…” She laughed.

  “You press everything you are against me,” he vowed, “I’ll keep you warm…”

  He set her down on the table and she grabbed his hand to press it over the curve of her breast. Her flesh immediately responded, like her whole body was singing for him. She let out a soft moan as his thumb caressed the hard point of her nipple. She reached down to hold his hand there, closing his fingers around her body. “Hey, look at that.” She me
t his eyes. “I fixed your busted hand.”

  He smiled, too distracted to really do much more. His other hand started ripping off her garments in brutal haste, tossing them aside while Violet helped. He had her undershirt and bra out of the way a beat later, his hands exploring her exposed breasts before she could even take a breath.

  She tossed her head back, loving the feeling of his calloused hands on her sensitive flesh. It felt so fucking right.

  She used her foot to try to open up his robes, deliberately running it over his stomach and lower, to the hardness his breeches concealed. The action revealed the tattoo which covered his chest though, and she could tell that he was instantly upset, hesitant to take the robe all the way off. “I’m so sorry.” He said softly, his voice filled with shame. “I have no excuse for that.”

  “I don’t care about that. I didn’t even know what the fuck that meant until Tandy told me.” She informed him honestly, then ran her hand over the arrow wounds he’d received protecting her. “I care about these.” She met his eyes. “Anything else? That was some other guy. Not you.” She pulled him closer again. “So take off your pants…” She ordered in his ear, as he lowered his head to taste her breasts. “Now.”

  He did as he was told, removing his last pieces of clothing as quickly as possible, so that he could refocus on her.

  She took the opportunity to shed her own pants, kicking them off and spreading her legs again. His hand ran up her leg, and Violet made a face when she realized she wasn’t naked yet. Specifically, she was wearing an incredibly boring pair of panties.

  “Sorry.” She breathed in genuine apology. “If I had known I’d meet the love of my life, I’d have… you know… worn sexier underwear to the war.”

  “Oh, Violet,” his hand slid further up her thigh, “you won’t be wearing them long enough for it to matter.”

  She giggled in lust and amusement, trying to shift her weight so that his hand would get to its destination quicker. “Still, please don’t judge me for this. I’m not really a ‘sexy’ kind of girl, but I swear I can do better than this.” She grabbed his head and pulled him closer for a kiss. “Next time we’re near a store? Point to it and I’ll wear it. I swear I will.” She rested her forehead against his, sharing his breath as his hand caressed the boringly practical underwear in question, which concealed her heat. Her voice was choked with lust now as he pressed his palm against her, her words coming out in a hoarse whisper. “Demeaning, dainty, pretty, slutty… whatever makes you happy.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t…”

  “Come on!” She kissed him again, biting his lower lip playfully.

  “Ow.” He let out a soft cry. “Still bruised, Vi…”

  She winced, remembering that she’d split his lip during their sparring session. “Sorry!” She mumbled against him, the words lost in his mouth. “But anything you want. Be a selfish barbarian for once! My body is yours! Go ahead and tell me what you want to see me in.” She rolled her hips against his hand, pressing against him, letting him feel the damp evidence of how much she wanted him. “Tell your wife what you like…”

  He met her eyes, glazed with lust and pleasure. “I like lace.” He told her simply. “We don’t have that here. It’s pretty.”

  “Sounds perfect.” She agreed, moving against him. Then she shook her head. “But not like ‘dainty’ lace or anything, because that’s a little too girly-girl… maybe something lace with… like… straps and buckles and…”

  He slipped her underwear off, passing it over one of her legs. She was too far gone to move anymore though, so the garment caught on her right ankle and dangled there.

  Neither one of them even noticed it.

  She took his erect body in her hand, gently squeezing it. He let out the most intriguing hiss of pleasure. It almost sounded pained. Violet wanted to experiment with that, but didn’t really have time at the moment. She needed him inside her. Right now. She’d needed him inside her since before she’d even met him.

  She’d prayed for this man every night of her life. He was every star she’d ever wished upon. She knew it.

  She swallowed. “I’m sorry about your flower.” She unexpectedly blurted out, surprising even herself with its randomness.

  Kobb frowned in confusion for a beat, then looked down at his body.

  “Not your dick, stupid!” She rolled her eyes. “That’s more than fine. I mean the flower I killed that time! Your flower!”

  “Oh, thank Chox.” Kobb let out a relieved breath. “I thought maybe you were unhappy with my body, or that the word was some kind of weird pet name for it where you’re from.” He wrinkled up his face. “Because that would just be…”

  “No!” She squeezed his body harder in punishment, fingernails scraping him. “Moron!”

  He didn’t seem to mind, closing his eyes and thrusting against her grip. He nodded. “The roots are strong. I can save it.” He opened his eyes again, looking into them as his body continued to move against her grip. “Either way, I think I can come up with some ways you can make it up to me.”

  “Can you?” She used her hold on his massive erection to position him at her entrance, his throbbing body pushing against her urgent heat. “That’s… good to know.”

  “Besides, I don’t need a ‘Coastal Raeko’ flower to be happy anyway,” he slid his length into her with one long forceful push, like he was made just for her, “I have a Violet now.”

  Violet swore savagely, not expecting anything to feel that good. Her body practically melted against his, welcoming him as its long-lost friend and possessor. She moved her hips with him, as he stood in front of her.

  “Slow…” He breathed in her ear seductively, his body inside her and allowing her to adjust to his size. “I’m an old man, have pity.”

  She snorted. “’Old,’ my ass.”

  He moved his hands under her on the table, supporting her weight. He squeezed her rear, as if testing it. “It seems fine, yes.”

  She clenched her legs around him even tighter, trapping him, enjoying the sensation.

  “Ribs…” He breathed weakly, his body jolting as she squeezed him harder than she’d intended. He looked down at the black and blue marks she’d accidentally given him this morning. “Still tender from…” He cleared his throat, ignoring the discomfort. “Never mind.”

  She gasped, immediately loosening her grip on him. “I’m sorry! I forgot all about…”

  “Your legs go right there.” He assured her, moving her legs back to their original position. “I’d endure anything to have them around me like that…”

  She nodded, wrapping her legs around him tightly, but giving him room to breathe. She started moving with him, until they found a rhythm they both liked. Violet couldn’t help but smile as she rode him. “I spent my whole childhood waiting for my true love to come rescue me. It never occurred to me that the reason he didn’t show up was because he was waiting for me to rescue him.”

  “Uh-huh…” He lowered his face to her breasts again, her nipple disappearing into his mouth, where his tongue and teeth showed it no mercy.

  The sensation almost drove her over the edge.

  “I’ll think of something ‘wise’ to say to that later… Promise…” He assured her, repositioning his hands so that one was on the side of her face and the other was on her hip, guiding her. “Right now… I just want to…”

  She nodded eagerly. “Me too…” She breathlessly promised. “Me too…” She shifted in his grasp, all but shaking now. “But you… forgot to…” She looked down at her other breast, which he’d ignored.

  He mumbled an apology and lavished the forgotten breast with attention.

  She threw her head back, relishing the feeling.

  She was so close now…

  He sensed it too, taking hold of her head again and holding her face inches from his. “I’ve waited a long time for you…” He said softly. “My whole life. You belong with me…” His hand closed over her breast again. “I love
you so much, Violet…”

  She came, sobbing his name in a most un-Violet way. Ordinarily, she would have tried to maintain some amount of dignity, but at the moment, it just felt too damn good. There was no way to hold that kind of pleasure or love in. And she didn’t even make an attempt. She’d waited too long for him to show up in her life and it made no sense to try to pretend like she didn’t love the fact he was finally here and making her feel so good. That she didn’t love… him. She raked her nails down his back, just trying to somehow contain that feeling.

  Kobb didn’t seem to notice the inherent embarrassment of her making such a silly whimpering submissive sound when fucking her spouse for the first time. In fact, he seemed to like it. Through the brilliant shiny fog of her own intense orgasm, she was dimly aware of his possessive growl, his fingers tightening on her body. He pounded into her with even more vigor, his intense eyes locked with hers, sharing everything he felt with her, and then he climaxed deep inside her.

  She held onto him as he came inside her, never feeling so close to anyone in her life.

  He rested his head on her breasts, breathing hard.

  She gently kissed the top of his head. “I’ve never been married before. It’s a lot of fun.”

  “Well, like you said. Making love with a friend means making love to someone you love. Making love to someone you love, means making love to a friend.”

  She frowned. “Did I say that?”

  “Something like that, yeah.”

  “I don’t remember.”

  He rose up, pulling her back into a sitting position. “You just said it like… forty minutes ago.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well, a lot has happened in forty minutes, give me a break. It’s my wedding night.” She ran a hand through her hair. “I like the idea though. I’ve never had a ‘person’ before, if that makes sense. I’ve always only been interested in myself, because no one has ever been interested in me.”

  “I am interested in everything you’ve ever thought, felt, or done.” He promised her, using his hand to reposition her face so that she was looking up at him. “I’ve only ever had one person. But on the bright side, now you get to share him.” He kissed her forehead. “He’s never had an aunt before. He’ll be so excited.”


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