Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian

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Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian Page 50

by Elizabeth Gannon

  Tzadok swore, hefting his war hammer into an attack position and standing shoulder to shoulder with Kobb, preparing to fight whatever came over the river.

  The bridge fell into place.

  To Tandy’s surprise, a lone man casually walked through the smoke.

  Tzadok lowered his hammer. “Fucking Swamprat.” He shook his head sadly. “Should have known that chaos draws in the Grizzwoodians like rats to cheese.”

  The Bearskin shouldered past them on the road, looking bored. “Save it. I don’t care.” He rolled his eyes, then turned back to poke Tzadok with his finger. “You owe me for this, Butcher. One day I’m going to write and ask you to come kill some people for me and you’d better not say one fucking word about it, understand?”

  ”I understand.” He gripped the man’s shoulder in brotherhood. “Thank you, anyway.”

  The Bearskin made a dismissive face. “Whatever. Just get in the fucking cart.” His eyes cut to Ryle. “I won’t even ask why you are traveling with a man in his underwear, Butcher.”

  Ryle looked at The Bearskin’s outfit, immediately recognizing who he was. “” He said simply.

  The Bearskin nodded. “” He corrected in the man’s language. “

  Behind him on the bridge, the Queen of Ashes and her female warrior appeared from the gloom. The beautiful foreign woman was carrying the girl on her shield throne again, then placed it on the railing for support.

  Tzadok looked at The Bearskin. “Out of curiosity, what did you promise the Hardmen to get them to come?”

  “A chance to murder people and steal their belongings.” Ella replied matter-of-factly. “What else is there? We prefer the simple life.”

  The Galland military was only a block away now, yelling about foreigners.

  Violet spurred the horse onward and the cart began to make its way across the bridge.

  “Awaken the iron, lads!” The Bearskin screamed into the night, looking back in the direction he’d just come. “Time to die!”

  A war cry sounded from that end of the bridge, a corkscrewing sort of howl mixed with a dozen hunting whistles and calls. It began as isolated low whispers, but built and built, echoing through the night. A rhythmic scraping and pounding of swords and axes on metal-rimmed shields began, producing showers of sparks which spread through the darkness ahead of them and filled it with angry shifting shadows

  Silhouetted against the illumination of the sparks, Mouse jumped around in front of the men, gesturing wildly with his arms and growling, beating his chest and tearing at his clothes and armor like a chained rabid creature waiting to be turned loose on its helpless enemy. If the strange enraged sounds he made meant anything in his language, Tandy couldn’t decipher it. They seemed to just be the yowls and shrieks of a madman. Finally he threw his head back and bellowed at the top of his lungs, like some kind of furious beast, smelling blood.

  Behind him, the Hardmen joined in ranks next to the Grizzwoodians, beginning a growling chant in their language. “Bah’roo! Bah’roo! Bah’roo!”

  The Bearskin raised his voice, pointing to Galland. “Alright you drunk and dirty bastards! Let’s go fuck’em where they live!”

  “Not yet.” Ella calmly shook her head, glancing up from her book to watch for something. “Wait.”

  Mouse continued to run about like a mad animal, screaming.

  The warrior woman standing next to Ella seemed to be waiting for something eagerly as well. “Come on! Come on!” She yelled in encouragement as the man continued working himself into a frenzy.

  Ella nodded after another moment. “Alright. Let Mouse take Galland dancing with Aoibheann.” She turned to look at the warrior woman and handed her a large parcel. “Turn Aoibheann loose.”

  The woman looked down at the blood-stained fabric. “There are a lot of people in this city. You sure?”

  Ella just continued silently staring at her.

  The woman apologized immediately, bowing her head to her queen.

  By this point, Mouse had shed all of his clothes, with the exception of one boot. Which was… unusual. He didn’t appear to notice that he was naked, still yelling nonsense and jumping around.

  The warrior woman approached him cautiously, the way someone would walk towards a snarling tiger. As Mouse turned around to face her, she grabbed him to deliver a head-butt which split the man’s lip open. Then she kneed him in the groin. Hard. He doubled over, letting out an angry growl of pain and rage.

  The warrior woman tossed the parcel at his feet, and immediately ran away.

  Mouse ripped open the bag like a starving man searching for food. A second later, he yanked out a club, carved from a single piece of turquoise blue gemstone into the shape of what was presumably their goddess of war. The shapely legs of the goddess created the handle, accentuated by silver accents. She was baring one breast which featured a red jewel and sharp steel stud for her nipple, designed to pierce armor and split skulls.

  “Aoibheann!” He screamed, then held up the weapon over his head. He let out the Hardman war cry, a shrill scream like an eagle, which collapsed into a hoarse roar, like the booming howl of the wind.

  “Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!” The Hardmen started chanting, stomping their feet in time with the word.

  “Sir Mouse?” Ella casually started writing something down in her notebook. “Please be so kind as to murder everyone. Thank you.”

  Mouse immediately swung the club at The Bearskin, who ducked out of the way swearing. “Fuck! Not me!” He pointed at the Gallandish army, who were at the end of the bridge now. “Them! Them you fucking lunatic!”

  Mouse, the Thirteenth Son, was beyond caring, turning back to look at his men as he started stalking forward. “LET’S GO KILLIN’!”

  The Grizzwood and Hardmen warriors cheered and charged across the bridge, slamming straight into the Gallandish army and out into the city beyond.

  Then Tandy lost sight of the battle, as the wagon crossed the river and left her old home behind. And Ryle. Who they’d somehow forgotten on the bridge next to The Bearskin and The Queen of Ashes.

  Chapter Twenty-Six:

  High of Heart and Strong of Hand

  Tandy stood in her new library space, feeling good about the world.

  Honestly, the books looked at home here. And the environment was perfect for them. They’d be preserved and enjoyed for millennia to come. If the Wastelanders could keep themselves from burning them or using them to wipe their asses anyway. But Tandy had faith.

  She turned away from the shelves, smiling. “So? What do you think?”

  “Beautiful.” Tzadok whispered.

  Tandy could tell he wasn’t talking about the shelves, and couldn’t help but blush. Even after all of these months together, she still got such a thrill out of the fact that he wanted her so much. “I… I meant the books.” She said softly.

  “Books are books.” Tzadok shrugged. “They are worth as much and as little as the words written inside them.” He met her eyes. “But if they make you happy, then I too am overjoyed by their presence in my village.”

  “I really think the library will be popular.” She bobbed her head. “You’ll see. People will come from all over to do research here.”

  He blinked in confusion. “Wait… what?”

  “People need to read books, Tzadok. That is their essential purpose.”

  “They can read their own damn books!” Tzadok gestured to the library. “These belong to us!”

  “But we can share them with the world.”

  “I do not ‘share.’” His eyes narrowed. “The first Brightlighter dog who comes to my lands, looking to read My Heart’s books, I will crucify on the Grave Tree as a warning to others. The vultures will feast on their fucking eyes!”

  Tandy frowned. “Possibly an overreaction.”

  He pointed at the books. “They could… they could write things in them! Or tear the pages!” He shook his head. “No. No, I al
most died for these books and I’d rather kill every outlander who wanders into the Wasteland than risk harm to them.”

  Tandy considered that. “Well… that is a good point…” She conceded.

  “Besides, then I’d have to endure those dogs being underfoot all of the time! They’re utterly uncivilized. Killing each other and shitting everywhere…”

  “You’re still talking about people, right? Not literal ‘dogs’?”

  He ignored that, shaking his head more forcefully. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t see how that could possibly work.”

  Tandy shrugged. “Well, how about if we just start with the Wastelanders reading them, and see how it goes?”

  “If you wish my people to read these books, I will make certain that they memorize each and every word.” He vowed darkly. “They will fall asleep each night dreaming them and awake in the morn reciting them like a holy prayer.”

  Tandy couldn’t help but smile at that idea. Literacy by sword-point. It didn’t sound half-bad, honestly.

  “Besides,” he continued, “I need the books to make sure you honor our agreement.”

  “Agreement?” She pretended not to understand. “And what agreement is that?”

  He met her gaze, his eyes dark and mysterious.

  “Ooooh…” She drew out. “You were serious about that?”

  He didn’t respond, his entire body one straining muscle.

  If he thought that Tandrea, formally the Head Chair of Foreign Language for Galland’s Academy of Learning and currently the Keeper of Heart to the ruler of The Wasteland, was someone who could be intimidated, he hadn’t been paying attention.

  She drew herself up to her full height, which still barely came to his chest. “You are The Lord of Salt. You kneel before no one.”

  He nodded, jaw set. She could tell she had about thirty seconds before he simply snapped and took her, which although always enjoyable, wasn’t how she wanted things today.

  “Get on your knees, Lord of Salt.” She commanded.

  Tzadok considered that for a moment, his pride doing battle with his lust. It was really no question which would win.

  The world’s toughest barbarian obediently sank to his knees in front of her.

  “Good boy.” She praised. “Now then, where was I?”

  “You were saying that…”

  “Did I tell you to speak?” She cut him off. “I don’t remember doing such a thing.”

  Tzadok immediately shut his mouth, recognizing the game.

  “I told you that if you obtained my books for me, that I would admit that you were my Keeper of Heart, yes?”

  “I am your Keeper of Heart, Tandrea.” He bit out, voice strained. “I don’t know why…”

  She held up a finger to silence him. “Shhh…” She shook her head. “I’m talking right now.”

  Tzadok nodded, falling silent again.

  Tandy couldn’t help but smile, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of power which shot through her. “I am a woman of my word, Tzadok.” She started to pace in front of him. “The books are here, obviously. Which means that you’ve fulfilled your side of the deal.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but she glared at him and he thought better of it.

  “And I don’t think there’s any doubt that I’m in love with you,” she admitted, “or you with me.”

  He nodded.

  “So…” She unbuttoned her pants, pulling them off and casting them aside. Her panties followed a second later. “I think we’re finally ready for the conclusion of my study, don’t you?”

  Tandy stood before him naked from the waist down, while he knelt before her. She felt like some kind of exotic sex goddess being worshipped by her most devoted follower.

  He moved to stand up, eager for her, but she placed her bare foot on his chest, holding him down. “Uh-uh.” She shook her head. “I like you where you are, (Adithian word for male sex pet).”

  He frowned slightly.

  “It’s like… it means… like ‘man wench.’” She explained.

  He nodded, smiling slightly. He always loved it when she talked dirty in other languages. His eyes were locked on her naked body, his breathing quickened.

  “Say ‘please.’” Tandy told him.

  “Please.” He repeated, the word coming out strained again.

  “You’re fucking mine, do you understand?” She demanded. “We are together until we die, agreed?”

  He nodded immediately. “I belong to you.”

  Tandy bobbed her head. “And I belong to you.” She moved her leg, hooking it over his shoulder so that his face was pressed between her thighs. “Now, you’re going to pleasure me, Barbarian.”

  Tzadok complied immediately, moving his mouth over her body before the words were even finished.

  Tandy gasped in surprise, still not used to the man’s enthusiasm for her body.

  She ran her hand through his hair while he devoured her. “That’s it…” She praised, moving her hips along with him. She started talking to him in Geetish, the words coming out slurred slightly because of what he was doing to her.

  He looked up for a translation.

  “Loosely translated?” She pressed his head back into place. “’Drink of my body, slave, the way a greedy drunkard guzzles sweet wine.’”

  He snorted in amusement, but moved his hands up to hold her body open further.

  Tandy wouldn’t last long at that rate, she could feel it. She silently debated with herself whether to let him finish or not, but ultimately lacked the strength to order him to stop. So, a moment later, she was grinding her hips against his face, screaming out his name.

  The climax staggered her, almost causing her to topple over since she was still on one foot. Tzadok caught her and was instantly on his feet, her leg still hooked over his arm. All evidence of his submission was instantly gone.

  He tore open her shirt before she’d even caught her balance again, pinning her up against the book shelf. His strong hands ripped down the cups of her bra and he buried his face in her breasts, his free hand reaching under her to support her weight, while his other arm continued to hold her leg up.

  Tandy let out a startled gasp, unexpectedly finding herself no longer in control of the game. Which was completely fine with her. She allowed him to sweep her along in his carnal wake.

  Tandy scratched at his back, then moved lower, trying to push down his pants.

  A moment later, his hard body was sliding into her and Tandy was moaning in delight and surprise.

  He slammed into her, causing the entire bookshelf to rock.

  She kissed him passionately, her tongue mirroring what his body was doing to her, invading the man’s mouth and taking control of at least one aspect of their lovemaking today.

  Tzadok let out a possessive growl, fingers gripping her rear and pulling her body against him while simultaneously using his weight to drive himself into her deeper.

  “Eleven…” She breathed into his ear, trying to keep her balance. “You’ve got me at ‘Eleven’ on the scale…”

  He lowered his face to her breasts again, closing his teeth over one of her tight nipples. The sensation was exquisite; a bite of pain mixed with the pure pleasure of his hot mouth on her body.

  She growled another Lostian word into his ear, knowing that was his favorite language, then provided him a translation. “That word is so profane and vulgar that it carries a death sentence in the north-eastern kingdoms.”

  Tzadok pressed his full weight into her, taking her so hard that it took her breath away.

  She came more intensely than she ever had in her life, her hands locked on his face. She stared into his dark eyes, riding out the waves of her climax. “Twelve!” She cried. “I’m at fucking ‘Twelve,’ Tzadok!”

  He pushed himself into her again and exploded, his hands gripping her tightly. He moaned her name, his eyes glazing from the force of his release.

  Tandy watched the passion on his face, feeling like this was the
start of a brand new study. One which she’d joyfully embark upon for the rest of her life.

  Just how high did the love scale actually go?


  One Year Later

  “You ever watch a woman get dressed?” Kobb asked Tzadok, leaning back in his chair. “I mean seriously watch, not just look at. I highly recommend it. It’s amazing how sensual and graceful putting on clothes can be. Surprisingly, just as much as watching a woman taking them off.”

  “Just stop.” Tzadok held up his hand, almost pleading with his uncle to shut up. “I don’t want to think about it. I like to imagine that you and that horrible girl just talk quietly about plants all day.”

  “Uh-huh. I was right about the whole ‘bath’ thing though, wasn’t I?” He arched an eyebrow. “Or are you going to tell me that you didn’t ask Tandy if she’d let you watch her bathe.”

  “Shut up, Uncle.”

  Tzadok rested his head in his hand, looking out over his village.

  All in all, things were proceeding nicely. The Coastal People were much easier to deal with now that Tzadok had defeated them and slaughtered their leaders in combat. Along with their giant serpent. When you came right down to it, if you wanted to prove your own power to your rebellious people, mercilessly slaying their living-god in front of them was a pretty good way to do it.

  And the Canyon People were part of the council now, already aligning themselves in all matters with the Saltmen. They were an honorable people, easily Tzadok’s favorite of the clans. Other than his own, of course. Jairo would be so proud to see how far they had come.

  Despite his best efforts, Tzadok was actually fairly good at this whole “diplomacy” thing.

  Not that he didn’t still have to slay a few honor-less dogs every now and then, but that was to be expected. He was The Lord of Salt. And he had everything that everyone wanted. It was the nature of life that they’d try to take it from him.

  Of course, he also had something he’d be glad to give them, should anyone ask.

  He made a face at his “aunt,” who was feeding one of the horses Kharash had sent from the Horseman clan as a wedding present to Kobb.


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