Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Rebecca Joyce

  Her mother, Maria had buried her father alone while she was hunkered down fighting for her life in Afghanistan. Vanessa never forgave herself for not being there for her mother, and she tried never to think of missing her chance to say good-bye to her father. She loved her dad and knew he was proud of her for defending her country, but that didn’t take away the pain. Therefore, she wasn’t surprised to see her mother on her doorstep a couple of months after she settled in Treasure Cove. Her mom was lonely and Vanessa knew that, but sometimes Vanessa was lonely, too, and her best cure was to be alone. She never could explain that to her mother, so Vanessa kept her mouth shut and her mother stayed. Her mom was now the housekeeper for Janie Hicks, who was due to give birth any day now.

  With her mother ensconced at the Hicks residence for the duration of Janie’s pregnancy, Vanessa knew it wouldn’t be long before her brothers arrived. Just thinking of her brothers put a smile on her face. However they were three of the nosiest buffoons that never took a liking to anyone, ever, and soon they too would invade her tranquil life she had worked hard to acquire. How those three idiots were related to her, she would never know. Nevertheless, until they arrived, and they would eventually, she was going to enjoy her peace and quiet.

  Twirling around, she smiled as the beautiful dress swished around her knees. There was just something about the embroidered dress with a fitted silk-organza bodice and a loose-fitting black jacquard skirt that made her feel special. God, she loved good fabric. Wearing cotton was fine, but nothing compared to wearing satin and silk, and don’t get her started on angora and cashmere. The shoes were a heavenly fit as she admired the impeccably crafted four-inch heels made of ultrarich Italian suede and delicate floral lace.

  Damn it! If she had half a brain, she would run away with the shoes and inform those filthy auto mechanics that whatever greasy socialite they bought these for that they were lost in the mail. Too bad she wasn’t going to do that. She hated being honest sometimes.

  To busy looking at herself in the mirror, she never heard the front door bell chime. Only when someone shouted her name did she come out of her dream of escaping with a pair of high-priced shoes.

  “Vanessa, you around?”

  Shit! She had forgotten about River. Vanessa was in desperate need of a remodel, and River volunteered to come over this morning to discuss a new design for her bathroom upstairs. Of course she didn’t know how she was going to pay her, but when River volunteered her time, Vanessa couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Vanessa didn’t have time to change, so she turned and headed toward the front of her store. She had just cleared the counter when a petite woman wearing jeans, construction boots, and a white tank turned and whistled.

  River Trinity was one third of Trinity Construction. Delta and Lake, her sisters made up the other two thirds of the all-female construction company. Based out of Celestial, the Trinity sisters were native to the area and knew everything there was to know about construction. From what Vanessa had heard, the sisters were the best at their craft and didn’t gouge on prices, and since she was working on limited funds, they were perfect for the job.

  Vanessa smiled when River whistled then said, “Damn, girl, that’s a mighty pretty dress.”

  “Thank you,” Vanessa replied, smoothing the fabric, loving the feel of it. “It’s a crying shame though, because this outfits isn’t mine. This whole ensemble belongs to someone else.”

  “Wow, now that’s one lucky gal.”

  “You mean men,” Vanessa corrected.

  “Huh?” River questioned.

  “You heard me right. This beautiful outfit, which should be worn at a fancy restaurant or dinner party, belongs to three dirty auto mechanics. They came in last Christmas and had me order this dress, these amazing shoes, and that bag on the counter for some chick. Lucky bitch,” Vanessa muttered the last part under her breath.

  “Wait a minute,” River said, holding up her hand. “Are you talking about those hunky men over at Cove’s Auto Body? Are those the dirty auto mechanics you’re talkin’ about?” River asked.

  “Yep, those are the ones,” Vanessa sighed, bending over to take off the high-priced shoes.

  “Um, Vanessa. I hate to burst you bubble, but those dirty auto mechanics are rich. I mean filthy, stinking, rolling-in-dough, can’t-spend-it-all-in-a-lifetime rich. Hell girl, Peter Castillo himself is from one of the wealthiest families in Colorado, and don’t get me started on his partners, Carter James and Brice Venter. Did you know that Carter James was once a professional football player? That was until he threw out his knee and opted to retire. Then there’s that yummy teddy bear Brice Venter. His family’s from Texas and is knee-deep in oil. Shit, woman, that outfit was pocket change compared to what they could really buy. All I can say is that there is one lucky woman out there, because those men are somethin’ fine.”

  Vanessa absorbed everything River had told her then quickly shrugged it all off. She knew those men weren’t for her. Why would someone so wealthy work as auto repairmen? Why would they hide their wealth? Moreover, they were definitely way out of her league. She was used to men in camouflage, not three-piece suits, even if they didn’t wear them, and she was defiantly not into grease anymore. She had her fill of that in the military. Hell, she could probably show them a thing or two about an engine that they didn’t know. Nope, those men were off-limits, and she didn’t care how handsome they all were or what they did to her body.

  Seriously, she was doing good to make the mortgage payment every month on her little shop. Hell, those men probably owned everything they touched. What would they know about living week to week, or surviving it for that fact? Shaking off what was never going happen, even if she would consider it, she smiled and led River up the back stairs to her apartment to see the bathroom.

  While River took measurements, Vanessa swiftly changed into last year’s designer jeans and a pretty white vintage top her mother picked up in San Antonio last fall. Pulling her hair up in a ponytail, she threw on her favorite four-inch knee-high boots and slapped a sparkly belt on for some bling. Standing, she checked herself over in the mirror. “This will do. No more camouflage for you, only real female clothes.”

  After checking her makeup, she grabbed last year’s Chanel bag and headed for her apartment door. Turning, she shouted, “River, I’m gonna run to Meyer’s General Store. Do you need anything?”

  From the back room, Vanessa heard, “A tall handsome man or two that doesn’t mind a girl who wears construction boots!”

  Laughing, Vanessa replied, “I’ll see what I can find!”

  Chapter Two

  Brice Venter was exiting the Meyer General store when he saw the most beautiful woman in the world pull into the parking lot. She was stunning with her long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her large sunglasses covered her deep-chocolate eyes. She was a ray of sunshine, in his dark world. He tried to hold it together as she parked her car, unsure he could be cool, but knowing at any minute he would embarrass himself. He was like that around the pretty ones, but downright goofy when he was in love. Frozen, he stood there like a statue as she got out of her vehicle. Brice groaned when she accidently dropped her keys.

  Damn, she had one smoking hot body. Just looking at her as she bent over in those tight designer jeans had Brice readjusting his cock. Yep, Ms. Vanessa Sanchez was living on borrowed time, because he and his partners, Peter Castillo and Carter James, had plans for the pretty little shop owner.

  Well, as soon as their package arrived.

  Slamming the door shut on her beat-up Chevy Impala, Brice cringed when she had to use her curvy hip to give the door a little nudge to shut. His future woman was too fine of a lady to be driving around in that rusted old vehicle. Brice wanted so much to take her into Billings and buy her a brand new BMW, but he couldn’t, well at least not yet.

  The second he and his partners laid eyes on the curvaceous shop owner, they knew she was the woman for them. The only problem they had in claiming her was that she flu
ttered around quicker than a butterfly on a spring morning before they could catch her. Saying that Vanessa Sanchez was a lazy woman was like saying beavers sunbathed on the beach every day.

  He would never get enough of Vanessa.

  She was full of life and energy and that was just what he and his partners needed. Someone to keep them on their toes, someone to put life back into their world, without worrying could she survive without them. Their lives hadn’t always been easy, and with Peter’s son Colby around, trying to find time for a personal life was almost nonexistent. Brice loved Colby. He really did, but damn did he look forward to the month of June when Peter’s parents took Colby for the summer.

  Brice wanted it all, and he knew that when they claimed Vanessa everything would fall into place. Of course, his partners called him a dreamer, that nothing was that simple, but just looking at the woman as she walked toward him, Brice could only hope. She may not know it yet, but Brice already loved her. That was just his way, just as it was with Diana.

  Brice shivered, just thinking about the vile woman. When Peter brought Diana into his life, Brice thought that was it, he was done. He had found the one woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He fell hard for Diana, and couldn’t wait to make her his. Carter, not so much.

  According to his best friend, there was something about Diana that rubbed him the wrong way, but Carter never said anything, not wanting to upset Peter. Before any of them could figure her out, Peter had informed them that Diana was pregnant, and the following week Peter married Diana. At first, everything was wonderful and Brice thought that Carter had just read her wrong. However, as usual, his best friend was right. When Diana gave birth to Colby, she went behind all their backs and had a paternity test done to prove that Peter was the biological father. When Peter asked her why she did that, she had informed him plainly she did it for the money.

  It didn’t matter that Carter was wealthy in his own right, or his family came from breeding. It didn’t matter that Brice’s family was one of the richest oil families in Texas either. Nope, Diana wanted the Castillo name and the prestige that came with being one of the original families of Denver’s Elite Society. Soon after Colby’s birth, Peter whisked his son away, and together with Carter and Brice, they settled in Treasure Cove. It was shortly after Colby’s second birthday that Peter was served with divorce papers. Diana had found someone richer, and she wanted nothing to do with Peter or Colby. Exactly one week after their divorce was final, Peter got word that Diana died in a car accident on her way to meet up with her new boyfriend.

  For the last seven years, it had just been Peter, Carter, and Brice raising Colby. They were all happy to do it, and loved every minute of it, but the nights were getting real lonely, and they all agreed it was time to step out and find someone whom they all could spend the rest of their lives with. It just so happened the first night they stepped out, they fell hard for the pretty little shop owner. They had spent months trying to find out every little detail they could about her and soon word had started to spread that they had their sights set on Vanessa. However, getting any information about the succulent shop owner wasn’t easy. Apparently, not many people knew of her past, and what little they did know was of her time in Treasure Cove.

  From what they had been told, Vanessa Sanchez was a good friend, helped out around town, and took care of her mother, who cared for Janie Hicks. Other than her love of fashion, hardly anyone really knew anything about her. What was even more amazing was that she didn’t find out they were asking about her. How that was possible was beyond him, because from what he had learned in the last seven years of living in Treasure Cove, if he wanted to keep it anything secret, he should move away!

  Nothing was sacred in this town, and everyone knew everyone’s business.

  Stepping out of the way so an elderly woman could pass, he said nothing as the woman of his dreams walked past him and into the store. He silently cursed himself for already having done his shopping. Brice wanted nothing more than to talk to the woman and maybe get her personal number. Spying the garbage can next to him, he knew Carter was going to kill him but he would understand. Dumping the two bags of groceries into the can, Brice smiled as he turned to do some more shopping.

  * * * *

  Vanessa had seen the large man as she walked into Meyer’s General Store. She damn near came in her jeans when he smiled at her, and she had to wipe away the drool after she got a good sniff of him as she walked past. Damn that man smelled delicious, like a five-course meal and dessert all wrapped into one. Too bad his handsome ass wasn’t on her menu.

  Nope, she had learned everything she needed to know about Mr. Moneybags and his friends. It was too bad actually. They did look like guys she could have some fun with.

  It had been entirely too long since she played the mattress mambo, and her little Johnny was almost on his last leg, which reminded her that she needed to pick up some more batteries. Grabbing a cart, she bypassed the fruits and vegetables isle and headed straight toward the cookies, chips, and cereal section. Getting what she needed, she pushed her cart over to the frozen food section and picked up two weeks’ worth of microwavable dinners.

  She couldn’t cook to save her life. She was aware of that pertinent fact and didn’t hide it. Hell, she was doing good not to burn her microwave dinners half the time. Besides, after surviving hell for two weeks, nuking a burnt dinner was like eating at a five-star restaurant to her. She would never complain.

  Vanessa had just closed the freezer door when a strong hand touched her shoulder. Going on instinct alone, she swiftly turned and swung her fist, letting it connect with a hard jaw. Only when the person behind her yelped did she realize what and whom she had hit.

  “Oh God! I’m so sorry, Brice,” Vanessa cried, reaching into her purse to pull out a tissue to stem the blood from a busted lip.

  “It’s all right, Van. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” Brice smiled, wincing as she dabbed his cut lip. “I must say though, for a tiny woman, you sure do pack a wallop.”

  Vanessa wanted to crawl under a rock and die. She should have known better than to react the way she did. However, old habits die hard, and when she still suffered a nightmare or two, well, it was damn near impossible to forget. Regardless, she wasn’t in hell anymore. She was in Treasure Cove, and she needed to remember that.

  “No it’s not. I shouldn’t have freaked out like that. I’m so sorry, Brice. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

  “Well, now that you mention it. How about having dinner with my partners and me tonight? We’re just cooking steaks on the grill, and Peter’s going to make a nice salad. It isn’t much, but you’re more than welcome to join us.”

  “That sounds lovely, but I can’t,” Vanessa replied kindly as her inner slut threw a tantrum. Damn it, woman, we need sex!

  Ignoring the harlot, Vanessa smiled as the large man eyed the contents of her cart. She said nothing when he turned his head and looked at her with his piercing blue eyes. Vanessa could admit to herself that Brice Venter was a bear of a man, with jet-black hair and muscled to perfection. He stood at full height, standing almost seven feet tall. The man was a tower of ripped muscles, washboard stomach, all wrapped in a dark pair of wranglers, hugging the thickest bulge she had ever seen.

  For fuck’s sake, woman, look at that monster. Let’s go for a ride!

  The clearing of a voice brought her out of her dreamy sate. Looking up and up, her eyes locked with his. Brice smiled and huskily said, “It will be real nice, I promise,” and just like that, Vanessa creamed her pants.


  “Dinner, with me and my partners?”

  “Oh,” she whispered, looking once again below his belt. She couldn’t help it. The man was huge! Slowly licking her lips, she imagined sucking on that monster lollipop. She wondered what he would taste like, but it was the thought of that massive cock sliding into her that literally had her knees shaking.

�Vanessa,” he purred her name, bringing her back to reality once again.

  Snapping her head up, she said, “Yeah.”


  She frowned. Needing to get a hold of herself, she turned to look at anything but the beautiful man before her. He was a complication, and that was something she didn’t need. Nope, her life was drama free and she needed to keep it that way. Besides, once he found out her secret, he wouldn’t want her anymore. Nobody liked imperfections, and that was exactly what she was.

  Mentally putting her shield back up, she turned and said, “Thank you for the invitation, Brice, but I have other plans.”

  “With your microwave?” he asked, eyeing the contents of her cart.

  “No, I’m stocking up for the Zombie Apocalypse. If you will excuse me, I need to go.”

  Okay, so she knew that her eating habits weren’t the best in the world, and she knew that to the average person, she did look like she was stocking up for some invasion of some sort, but damn it, she couldn’t cook! She shouldn’t have to explain herself to anyone, let alone some dirty mechanic. This was why she chose to avoid male companionship. As much as she would like to have some dick action, she refused to accept all the strings that went along with it. Nope, she was better off with her pal Johnny.

  Crap! I need batteries.

  Hastily making her way toward aisle three, her shopping cart crashed into another cart, driven by none other than Macie Jenkins.

  Fuck! What is this place? A fucking town hotspot!

  “Hi, Macie,” Vanessa mumbled, trying to veer her cart away from her friend.

  “Hey, Van. Hi, Brice, what brings you two in here?” Macie asked, stepping into her path.

  “Oh, I’m just trying to apologize to Ms. Van and see if she’ll let me make amends by cooking her a steak dinner tonight,” Brice piped up quickly, putting her in a tough spot. Macie Lynn Jenkins was the first person Vanessa met when she moved to Treasure Cove, and since then they had been the best of friends. There wasn’t a damn thing Macie didn’t know about her, well, minus one thing, but that didn’t stop their budding friendship. Hell, Vanessa was there the night Macie surprised the town by giving birth to twin boys. Talk about a shocker!


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