Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Rebecca Joyce

  After turning off the shower, Peter stepped out and dried off. Reaching for a clean pair of jeans and a white T-shirt, he heard his son scream bloody murder. Running down the hallway, he collided with Brice and Carter. Together they each moved fast toward the screaming child, only to be stopped dead in their tracks. Looking in the bathroom, they spotted Colby pointing at Vanessa.

  “She’s a Terminator, run!” Colby shouted, running from the bathroom as if his pants were on fire. Turning the corner, they all walked in, none of them saying a damn thing, because there she sat on the plush chair, with no pants on, trying to hide her amputated leg.

  “Well.” She smiled shyly. “I thought you would at least feed me dinner before I’d tell you all my secrets.”

  Chapter Four

  So many things swirled in Peter’s mind, it was like wading through a wind tunnel that led to nowhere. However, through all the chaos, it was her scared chocolate-brown eyes that gave him the direction he was needing. Peter didn’t know about Brice or Carter, but the woman before him looked more beautiful than ever. Her scared innocence unmanned him. He could only imagine what this vivacious woman must be feeling at the moment. He couldn’t imagine, and it didn’t help having three grown men gawking at her as if she was some specimen in a petri dish. Peter needed to do something quick, because their actions at this moment was a turning point in their relationship, and one wrong word or move would either solidify their relationship, or end it.

  “Both of you go check on Colby,” he ordered, moving slowly toward her. Placing his T-shirt on sink, he knelt before her and asked, “What happened?”

  “A land mine in the southern Helmond Providence is what happened,” she quipped smartly.

  Smiling, Peter looked into her dark-brown eyes and said, “I wasn’t asking how you lost your leg, sweetheart. I was asking about your prosthesis.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, and then lowered her head. “I tripped in your driveway. I should have watched my step better.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have been wearing four-inch heels,” Peter said a bit too harshly. When she gasped, he felt like kicking himself in the ass. Thinking quickly, Peter took the prosthetic from her hands and asked, “Is it broken?”

  “No,” she said softly. “My stump slipped from its socket. I just need to put it back on.”

  “Let me see that, Peter,” Carter said, stepping into the bathroom. Turning around, Peter said nothing as Carter and Brice walked in.

  “I thought I told you both to check on Colby?”

  “He’s fine,” Brice muttered, kneeling next to Vanessa. “He really feels awful he screamed.”

  “It’s all right. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting to see me take my leg off.” She smiled.

  “Peter, her leg,” Carter asked, holding out his hand for the prosthesis. Peter handed the leg to Carter and watched as his friend looked it over. “You know something. I bet a bit of monkey glue and we can fix this crack, but the mechanics are all wrong. This should have been made with reinforced silicone or PVC, not a second-rate plastic. Now, the metal joint does help counter the weight, but the placement of the socket is all wrong. Look at this, Brice. They used a high-density metal instead of titanium steel. Whoever designed this prosthesis was an idiot.”

  “What crack?” Vanessa asked, reaching for her leg.

  “I bet we could fabricate something more durable, which could allow Van to move more freely without fear of breakage,” Brice added, examining the inner working of the leg.

  “Hey, that leg is approved by the United States Military, and what crack?” Vanessa said, interrupting them.

  “And that’s the problem,” Peter replied. “With budget cuts and downsizing, the military can’t afford the latest technology. No, what you need is a reliable leg that can take the rigors of living out in the country. Seriously, Van, this leg is crap. Why hasn’t the military upgraded you?”

  “What crack!” she shouted, gaining all of their attention. Peter cursed as he realized that the three of them had ignored her. Feeling like a total ass, he handed her back her leg and showed her the crack.

  “Son of a bitch,” she muttered. “I just got this leg. They told me it was new.”

  “Not likely,” Carter said, kneeling on her right side, examining the limb again. “My father’s firm deals with the military and helping wounded veterans acquire limbs. This model is over seven years old, Van. I know, because I helped my dad design it.”

  “Well then,” she huffed, yanking the leg out of his hands. “I have you to thank for the shitty craftsmanship. Oh, and it hurts like a bitch when my leg starts to sweat.”

  Chuckling, Carter replied, “I’ll see what I can do about that, any other complaints?”

  “Yeah, where’s that steak I was promised?”

  It was then that Peter knew everything was going to be all right between them. Scooping her up into his arms, he almost made it out of the bathroom when she said, “Um, maybe I should put my pants back on?”

  “Oh,” Peter stammered, knowing he was blushing scarlet. “I think that would be best.”

  For the rest of the night Peter sat and watched as Carter schmoozed Vanessa, talking about everything under the sun, from cooking to the latest technology in artificial limbs. Brice, who barely talked, seemed to find common ground with the lovely Latin beauty when they started talking sports. Apparently, Vanessa was a big Chicago Cubs fan, while Brice preferred the St. Louis Cardinals. As for Peter, he was just happy to have the amazing woman in his house. It had been a long, hard winter, and he was happy to see summer right around the corner.

  Life wasn’t easy as a lonely bachelor raising a seven-year-old boy. He thanked God every day that Carter and Brice stuck around and helped him, though in his mind, Colby was just as much theirs as he was biologically his. It felt right, being there on their back deck, laughing and enjoying the cool night with Vanessa. Even Colby quickly got over his fear of Vanessa’s limb. He was now enthralled with the shop owner he now called the pretty bionic woman. In his sons eyes, Vanessa was a superhero, but to Peter, she really was an honest-to-God hero.

  Brice had pulled him aside and quickly told him that Vanessa was prior military and suggested they didn’t mention it, saying she wasn’t receptive to talking about it. However, from what he learned over dinner, he was surprised to find out that the beautiful woman before him was more than a pretty shop owner. She was good with cars, guns, and apparently was trained to physically take care of herself. What the Marines didn’t teach her, her father and brothers did.

  He listened silently as she talked about her family, and wanted to hold her forever when she talked of her father. Peter almost lost it when he witnessed her tearing up, and it took everything in him not to hold her in his arms forever.

  She had been through so much, he worried that asking her to take on the four of them was going to be too much for her. Peter knew how he, Carter, and Brice felt about her, and the more time they spent with her, the deeper their feelings would grow. The only problem he had at the moment was, could he trust another woman?

  Trust wasn’t something easy to come by, and with their history with women, well, he wasn’t so sure that he was ready. Oh, he wanted Vanessa, and he sure as hell wanted to get to know her better, but to just jump into a relationship? No.

  Nope, Peter didn’t have that luxury. He had his son to worry about, and introducing a woman into their fold was going to be tricky. His son came first, in everything. So, reluctantly, Peter decided to take things easy and slow…very slow.

  * * * *

  Hunger fueled his veins as Peter took her by the back of her head as he crushed his mouth down on hers. God, she was so responsive, as she melted against him like butter in the warm sun. Pulling back, Peter took a deep cleansing breath as he gasped, “We can’t do this.”

  “Why?” she panted, her face flushed, her body heaving deeply. However, when she looked up at him with her warm chocolate eyes, he hauled her back into his arms.

p; “There are so many reasons, but God help me, I can’t think of a single one right now,” he said hoarsely, taking her lips again. Heaven help him, she tasted like sin, if sin had a taste. He was addicted, wanting and needing more, as he thrust his tongue deep into her moist, warm mouth. Reaching around her, he clamped his arm her around her trim waist and whispered,” And I know you want me, too.”

  It was true. He knew she wanted him. Her heartbeat pounded rapidly as her ample chest pressed hard against his. Her body molded against his, and when she started rubbing her pelvis against him, he knew her panties were damp.

  “Maybe, we…” she began to say as he brought his mouth down on hers, and then pulled back, looking at her with her eyes full of molten fire. “Maybe we should, slow down,” she whispered as he gently pulled one side of her shirt off her shoulder, trailing gently kisses down her neck to her shoulder.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as her head fell back.

  Sliding one hand slowly down her throat, he grasped it lightly at the nape, “Baby, if we go any slower, the world will stop spinning.” Laying his hot wet lips on her throat, he kissed her softly as he eased her other arm out of her shirt, letting it fall to the floor.

  Peter ignored her pleas for a more sedate approach. He had tasted heaven, and nothing but the devil himself was going to keep him from having her. He watched for hours as she laughed, talked, and teased. His little shop owner was a vixen, a Latin seductress, and she had him in her grasps.

  * * * *

  He was driving her insane with his wandering mouth and gentle hands. Vanessa was delirious with pleasure. She couldn’t decipher anything. She could only feel, and what she was feeling was exquisite. It had been years since she’d been with a man, and even that time she tried not to remember, because it didn’t end well. Since then, she resigned herself to live the life of a nun, well, a nun with a big dildo, which she used regularly. However, now, she had a real man before her and she was scared.

  He was huge. Peter’s strong arms encircled her, enveloping her in his strength. She was a tall woman, standing close to five foot seven. However, she felt tiny, petite before him as he had to bend a bit to kiss her. She gasped as he slid his hand smoothly down her chest and grasped one of her full breasts.

  “I want you, Van. I’ve wanted you for a long time,” he muttered as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth, “and from now on, I’m going to take what I want.”

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  “I want to be myself, Vanessa. Can I be myself with you?” he asked.

  She nodded helplessly as he slid his warm tongue into her mouth. He cupped one of his hands on her ass and lifted her easily as she wrapped her petite legs around his wide waist. “Bedroom?” he asked roughly through deep kisses.

  She pointed the way to her bedroom as he carried her gently, and then laid her on her bed. He removed his white T-shirt and dark denim jeans, standing before her in his boxer briefs. Vanessa eyed the wide expanse of his chest, the rippled muscles of his belly and arms, and the smooth tan skin that covered his body.

  “Oh wow,” she gasped. She tried to sit up to meet him, but he pushed her down, crawling on top of her. He took her wrists in his hands, pinning them above her head. She could feel his strength, and she did not fight against him as he laid his mouth on hers and began kissing her in earnest.

  He crushed his lips against hers as his tongued snaked into her mouth. She felt hers slide against his. His erection was strong and straining against his boxers as she lifted her hips up against him, grinding her pelvis against his cock. He maneuvered her wrists into one of his strong hands and pushed her hips down with the other.

  “Not yet, baby,” he said, then kissed the tip of her nose. Vanessa whimpered beneath him. Peter unclasped the front of her bra and exposed the ripe flesh of her breasts as her rosy nipples hardened into little pebbles. He licked up the underside of her breast and greedily took a nipple and the surrounding area into his mouth. He suckled her nipple as she sucked in her breath roughly and let out a soft moan. He took it between his teeth, flicking the tip of her nipple with his tongue, and then resumed suckling her roughly.

  “I can’t wait to taste every inch of you,” he breathed up at her. “You be a good girl, and just enjoy, okay?”

  Vanessa nodded her understanding as she writhed beneath him. Kneeling between her legs, he slowly unzipped her jeans. Her heart picked up. Shimming her jeans off her hips, he gently removed one leg and then the other. Her heart beat in earnest now. Naked, except for her panties, she was bared to him. All of her imperfections were visible, and nothing she could do would hide them. Gone was the feeling of pleasure, only to be replaced with hideousness. Ashamed, she turned her head, looking away as her face heated.

  For years, she hid behind her wardrobe, letting only the feel of silks and cottons touch her skin, knowing no man would want a broken and damaged woman. Seriously, who would want a scarred woman with a missing leg? No man she knew, and she knew it that was one of the reasons she packed everything she could, left her old home, and headed out west. Landing in Treasure Cove was good for her. Nobody knew her past, and she could keep hidden what she didn’t want the others knowing. However, now that she was lying almost naked under a beautiful man, who clearly desired her, her secret was no more her own and soon the whole town would know, and there was nothing she could do about it. Eventually, the sad looks and false sympathies would begin again. She couldn’t handle that again. She opened herself once before, and because of it, she was left with no choice but to leave. After that, she promised herself never again. She would not put herself in that position ever again, so helpless and weak.

  No, she refused to move, to uproot her life, for a hunky piece of ass.

  No man was that good.

  “You’re beautiful,” she heard him whispered reverently.

  Snapping her head back to him, she felt the cold wetness on her cheeks. Anger fueled her veins. She looked at the man who had lust in his eyes as he took in her state. She cursed herself for allowing her feelings to show. She had made herself a promise long ago to hide what she truly felt, not wanting or needing anyone’s pity. The day her life changed, she vowed never to cry again, and she hadn’t until this moment.

  She didn’t stop Peter when he cupped her face in his warm hands, and she said nothing when he said, “You’re beautiful Vanessa, so very beautiful.” She heard the sincerity in his voice, the truth of his words, and it unmanned her. Her tears came in droves, and before she could utter a word, she was in his arms, holding him as he rocked her.

  “God, baby, what happened to you?” he asked as she sobbed openly against his chest. Vanessa didn’t know how to stop or even if she could. For so long she bottled up every emotion, every scar, and every nightmare and pretended it never happened. For some moronic reason she believed that if she threw it from her mind, it never happened. She knew it was wrong, and every psychologist she had ever seen had told her it was. Yet, in the span of less than an hour, Peter had invaded her body and unlocked everything she had tried so hard to keep hidden. How this man did that, she didn’t know, but her monsters were out now, and she couldn’t contain them.

  A tiredness she had never felt before encompassed her like a ghost. Promises she had made to herself fell at the wayside as Peter held her shattered soul like a fragile piece of porcelain.

  * * * *

  Peter said nothing as he held her. He had never seen that specific look of frailty, of fearful rejection, in anyone’s eyes before, yet when she looked at him, he felt her sorrow it deep in his bones. Remembering what Brice had told him, he agreed with his best friend. Their beautiful shop owner was more than a pretty woman. Strength and resilience were just a few of her admirable traits, but what he noticed most was her vulnerability. Vanessa Sanchez was a woman who craved. She craved life, love, and affection. One sweet word from someone who meant it and she melted. A woman who was that strong, yet could be so fragile needed someone special, and Peter prayed that she would
allow him and his friends to be what she needed.

  Leaning back against her pillows, he made himself comfortable, trying not to jar her. Gone was the urgency to claim her. Now only a fierce protectiveness remained. He gently stroked her back. Vanessa didn’t know it, but tonight her life had changed. There was no way in hell Peter was ever going to leave her to walk alone. She may have been alone before but her future lay with three men who only wanted to love her as she deserved to be loved.

  Chapter Five

  “Yo, chica! You awake?”

  Vanessa moaned as she rolled over in bed, pulling the covers over her head. She had never slept so peacefully before, and she didn’t relish the idea of starting another day when all she wanted was to sleep. Stretching, her arms reached over her head as she answered, “In here, River.”

  Sitting up in bed, Vanessa said nothing more before River walked in wearing her traditional coveralls, white tank, and constructions boots. Her hair was once again up in a ponytail and her face void of makeup. Vanessa groaned, silently shaking her head. “River, what am I going to do with you?”

  Chuckling, the pretty woman smiled sitting on the edge of the bed, “Not a damn thing. I’ll leave high fashion to you, and you leave your bathroom to me. We’re both good at what we do. No sense in messing up what the universe has already coursed. Besides, I heard a bit of juicy info over the starry sky last night. Word is that a certain shop owner was seen inviting a certain mechanic into her home last night. Fess up, woman. I want all the details.”

  Vanessa groaned, “Already?”

  “Yep,” River said. “Girl, you know damn well there ain’t nothing you can do that by nightfall the whole town won’t know about. So spill it. Which one was it? Was it the Hollywood hunk? Oh, I bet it was the big ole teddy bear, or did you just jump in with both feet and claim all three?”


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