Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Rebecca Joyce

  “How are you feeling, Van?” Brice asked, sitting next to her. When she turned to look at him, she saw out of the corner of her eye that the other men, Peter and Carter, each took a seat at the table before her.

  “Better,” she whispered, trying to get her brain to function properly, but damn, with these men in the room, all she could think of doing was giggling like a little schoolgirl, especially when Carter smiled at her. “What happened?” she asked, looking around the room.

  Carter began, “Well, you know about what happened with accident.”

  “Yes, you told me earlier,” Van admitted.

  “That’s right, and don’t worry. Peter’s gonna have your car back to near perfect soon. So don’t worry about that. We heard about your shop. Van, I’m so sorry.”

  “What about my shop?” she asked, not understanding.

  “If there is anything we can do, please let us know,” Brice said, speaking for the first time. When Vanessa looked at him, she noticed that his expression gave nothing away. Yet, she could tell he wanted to ask her something but didn’t. As their words sunk in, she sighed. Her shop, the one she didn’t own anymore.

  Shitballs! If they knew about her problem, then the whole town knew. That was all she needed, to be the focal point for the evening gossip mill.

  “I know. I was notified yesterday. Look, guys, there’s not much I can do about it now. What’s done is done. I appreciate you looking after me, and I don’t want to impose any longer than I already have. So, if I could use your phone to call my mom, I can get out of y’all’s hair,” she said, getting to her feet, trying desperately not to wince from the pain, but failed miserably.

  When Brice gently pushed her back onto the stool, he said, “Take it easy, Van, Doc said you have to stay off that foot for a couple of days, and I don’t think he meant driving.”

  Looking around the room, she noticed that the dark-haired man, Peter hadn’t said anything. He just sat there staring at her, watching her. She felt as if she was on display, and for some reason the way he was looking at her was making her nervous. She didn’t know these men, and though she was grateful for their help and assistance, she knew she could not stay here. She needed to get back to her shop and start packing. She needed to find a buyer for all of her inventory and then start looking for a new place to live.

  She hated the thought of leaving. She loved this little town, but with no business to run, and no one hiring, she had no choice. She needed to work, and doing that in Treasure Cove wasn’t possible. No, she just had to make these men understand that she was a big girl and a little sprained ankle wasn’t going to stop her from doing what she wanted.

  “I appreciate the help, and I understand what Doc told y’all, but I have to get going. I can’t stay here.”

  “Why?” the gruff voice asked.

  Looking at Peter, she really didn’t know why he wanted to know, but the firmness in his eyes told her he wasn’t going to take anything but the truth. Starring at her hands, she whispered, “Because I don’t own my shop anymore. There isn’t anything left here for me.”

  * * * *

  Peter said nothing as the beautiful woman hid beneath her long dark locks. Dejected and scared, she was still stunning, and it was breaking his heart to see her sit there giving up. From everything he learned about her, she was a fighter, not one to give up easily. Yet there she sat, ready to wave the white flag of surrender. This was not the Vanessa Sanchez that sat on his deck two weeks ago, vivacious and smart, ready to take on the world.

  “Do you know who bought your property, Vanessa?” he asked, curious.

  Nodding, she looked up and whispered, “Tristan Summerfield.”

  Peter slowly sat up, looking at both Brice and Carter. When his friends recognized the name, each turned to look at him.

  “No,” Carter said, shocked.

  “It couldn’t be, could it?” Brice asked.

  “One way to find out,” Peter said, taking his cell phone out of his pocket.

  “What’s going on?” Vanessa asked.

  Searching through his contact list, Peter asked, “What if I was to tell you that Brice, Carter, and I went to college with a Tristan Summerfield. In addition, what if I was to tell you that Tristan owes Carter and me a big favor? Would that make you feel better?”

  Peter said nothing as her head snapped up so fast, he wouldn’t be surprised if she gave herself whiplash. Her breathing increased, and her face paled. Oh yeah, she met Tristan. Now all he needed to figure out was why Tristan was in town and what he wanted with Vanessa’s store.

  “How do you know him?” she asked, her voice squeaking.

  “Like I said before, we all went to college together, but his family and mine know each other, personally. Tristan can be…persistent when the mood suits him, and if he is the one buying up all these properties in and around town, I would bet my Shelby GT that he’s up to something,” Peter informed her.

  Immediately she jumped from the stool and shouted, “I don’t give a rat’s ass what he’s up to. He stole my shop. He’s a bastard!” She had spirit and a lot of fight in her, Peter would give her that. She wouldn’t lie down for anyone, yet, she was shy and timid when she needed to be. There was more to this woman than she was letting on, and so far, Peter liked what he saw.

  Peter watched as Brice wrapped his arms around her, trying to soothe her. He noticed she let him hold her. When Carter stood and sat next to her, she didn’t stop him when he took her hand in his.

  “Did he say why he bought the note to your shop?” Peter asked.

  “The hell if I know. As soon as he told me he was the new owner, I left.” She cursed.

  “I know Tristan. He’s not the kind of man to put a single woman on the street. Did he offer anything in return?” Peter asked.

  “I don’t know. I left, remember,” she said sarcastically, and it took everything in him not to paddle her behind for her smart mouth. Oh, yeah, there was way more to Vanessa Sanchez than she let on.

  “Why would you do that?” Brice asked, looking at Carter. Peter watched as her shoulders fell. He didn’t want to hound her, she had enough on her plate already, but with his son still around, he needed to know if there was trouble on the horizon. If there was, he could easily call Colby’s grandparents and send his son to Texas earlier than planned, but until he had all the facts, his hands were tied.

  He wanted to help the woman, but his son came first. “Why did you leave? Did he do something to make you uncomfortable?”

  “No, nothing like that. I guess my Latin blood boiled over. I tend to be a little hotheaded sometimes when I feel threatened, and to have a mega-millionaire walk into my shop and tell me he held the note, well, that kind of sent me over the edge. I went to the Hicks Ranch to talk with my mom, and she helped calm me down. I was heading back to town when the accident happened. I don’t know where to find this man, or if he still wants to talk to me. I was rude to him, and I wouldn’t blame him if he called in the note and kicked me to the curb.”

  “That isn’t Tristan’s way, Vanessa. If he purchased the note to your store, then he did so for a reason, and I can almost promise you that he won’t leave you high and dry,” Peter advised, snapping his phone shut. “Voice mail. I’ll try again later.”

  “But you’re not completely positive?” Vanessa asked. No, Peter wasn’t completely positive that Tristan’s motives were genuine. He’d known Tristan since they were kids, when his family vacationed in Denver for the summer. Peter knew that Tristan could be ruthless when he wanted, but his friend could also be caring. Peter prayed that Tristan was being the latter. In the meantime, he would find out why his friend bought Vanessa’s shop, and why he was in town. Until then, there was nothing he could do but make sure that she was well taken care of.

  Getting to his feet, Peter stretched. “Well then, I better get back to work, and you need your rest. Brice, make sure she gets back in bed,” he told his friend, heading for the back door.

kept quiet as Peter left without saying much more. When she turned to Brice, she questioned him, “That’s it?”

  “Looks that way.” Brice grinned and scooped her up into his arms. “Come on, Carter, help me get Vanessa back in bed. Doc’s orders.”

  “But I can’t stay here. I have to get back to my store,” Vanessa said, wrapping her arms around Brice’s neck.

  “Hate to break it to ya, beautiful, but until Peter figures out what Tristan wants, you’re stuck here with us. So be a good little girl, and do what Doc Jenkins ordered.” Carter grinned as Brice placed her back on the bed she escaped from.

  She was beginning to think that Brice and Carter wanted her to stay here. Why she didn’t know, but the longer she stayed, the more comfortable she was going to be around them, and she wasn’t ready for that kind of entanglement. She didn’t want them messed up with her problems. She had to deal with this herself. However, when Brice leaned over her, she momentarily forgot everything she was going to say as she stared deeply into his soft brown eyes. “You stay here, Van. I mean it. Don’t let me catch you out of this bed again, or you won’t like how I keep you here.”

  “But—” she managed to get out right before he kissed her.

  Chapter Nine

  Her soft, plump lips tasted of sweet cherries dipped in honey. Brice knew he was pushing her to fast, but he just had to have a taste of her. He had been thinking about her all night, and even today, she still infiltrated his mind. He had never been so aroused by one single woman before, and he thought if he didn’t just get one taste, he was going to go mad.

  So taking full advantage, he took his shot.

  Grateful that she didn’t pull back and slap the dog shit out of him, he deepened the kiss. Her soft moan was the only indication that she liked what he was doing. Never breaking stride, he sat down next to her and pulled her into his arms. Slowing the kiss down, he gently ran his tongue against the seam of her lips, and like a bee to honey, she opened her mouth as he delved in.

  Her mouth was a hot as her body, wet and delicious. He wanted more of her, but he didn’t want to press his luck, so sighing a little, he gently backed off and released her mouth, leaving her panting. He watched as her soft skin flushed, her lips swollen and full. Leaning his head against hers, he whispered, “I’ve been waiting for months to do that.”

  Kissing her forehead, he covered her up as she laid her head on the pillows. Leaning down once more, he softly touched her lips again before getting to his feet.

  The moment he stepped away, he watched Carter lean over her and said, “How about one for me, beautiful?” Carter didn’t wait for her response before he took what he wanted.

  * * * *

  Vanessa didn’t know what the hell was happening, but she liked it…a lot!

  Holy fuck these two men could kiss the socks right off her feet, if she was wearing any. If she thought Brice’s kiss was enough to scramble her brains, Carter’s was enough to fry them. More aggressive than Brice, Carter took what he wanted and didn’t take no for an answer. Where Brice slowly coaxed her into submission, Carter demanded it. With one swift thrust of his tongue, he took total control of her senses until she didn’t know which way was up.

  He tasted sweet, like sugar, addicting. When he pulled her into him, she gasped as his tongue moved in and out of her mouth, touching her lips, her tongue her teeth. If she didn’t know any better, he was giving her a dental exam! Thank god she just had her checkup two months ago, because he was now checking for cavities.

  Sloppy, hungry, and needy, Carter didn’t let up until he was finished, and when he was, she was left gasping for air. There were no words in her brain. Nothing.

  She had been kissed stupid!

  A first for her, she felt her face heat even more. She watched silently as the two handsome men walked to the door. Brice left first, and when Carter grabbed the door, he turned and said, “Now you be a good girl and do what the Doc said. One of us will check on you later. Sweet dreams, beautiful.” And with that, he closed the door.

  Lying there, her body needed release. Her breast ached, her pussy throbbed, and her ass, well, she didn’t know what was wrong with her ass, but it was begging, too. Touching her lips, she licked them, still tasting Brice and Carter on them.

  She barely knew them, and with only one barbeque between them, she wasn’t so sure they should be taking advantage so soon, but the moment they kissed her, she forgot about everything, her store, her troubles, even running away. For some reason, they made her feel safe, and she hadn’t felt that way in years. Closing her eyes, she decided to take their advice and rest. God knew she wasn’t up for running any marathons, let alone fighting some millionaire. No, she was going to listen to them, and do what Doc Jenkins, suggested.

  That was until her door burst open and in walked a small boy asking, “Are you’d the lady my daddy is predicting?”

  Sitting up, Vanessa looked at the small child, his head full of bouncing blond curls. A soft spray of freckles dotted his cheeks and nose. Dressed in a Captain America costume, he stood his ground waiting for an answer.

  “You mean protecting?” she corrected him, smiling as he nodded and watching his curls bounce all over the place. “Yes, I guess I am. My name is Vanessa. What’s yours?”

  “Colby. I’m going to Texas soon to visit my granny and pop-pop. You wanna come? They have a big ranch with lots of cows,” he asked, jumping on the bed next to her.

  Grinning, Vanessa whispered, “I don’t think your granny or pop-pop would like a stranger tagging along. Besides, I have to stay put. Doc’s orders.”

  “Aw, man! That Doc is always tellin’ my daddy what to do. You know he told my daddy I had to get a shot, and my daddy let him stick me with a knife dis big!” Colby informed her, holding his hands wide apart.

  Giggling, Vanessa knew Doc would never use a knife on a small child, let alone anything that big, but she could imagine to Colby, that it was a pretty big needle.

  “Did it hurt?” she asked, thoroughly entertained by the young boy.

  “Like the dickens! Man, let me tell you, next time, I’m gonna run and hide when Doc comes after me with a big one like that. Did he stick you’d, too? Did you’d cry?”

  “I don’t remember. I was asleep when Doc saw me.”

  “Then how’d ya know you’d have to stay in bed?”

  “Brice and Carter told me.”

  “Yeah, well, then you’d better listen.” He sighed. Then as if he struck lightning, he asked, “You’d wanna play a game? I got lots of games. We can play Chutes and Ladders, Go Fish, or Hungry-Hungry Hippo. I’m the best hippo player in these parts. Nobody can beat me.”

  “That sound mighty interesting, and I would love to play, but I’m not supposed to get out of bed, remember?”

  “That’s okay! I’ll go gets ’em and we can play right here,” he said exuberantly jumping down from the bed. “I’ll be right back!”

  Vanessa watched as the little boy ran from the room and right into Peter.

  “Hi, Daddy. I’ve gotta hurry. Vanessa says she’s gonna play me a game,” she heard him tell his father. She watched as Peter looked up at her, but didn’t say anything. The hard look in his eyes told her he wasn’t too happy that his son disrupted her, or that she agreed to play a game with him.

  She didn’t know what to say, and his silence was making her feel uncomfortable.

  “Then you best not keep the lady waiting,” Peter finally said, giving his son a smile. When Colby dashed off, Peter walked to her door, but did not enter.

  “You should be resting,” he stated firmly.

  “But I have a date. It’s rude to cancel on such short notice.” She replied, watching as Colby ran back into the room moments later. He quickly threw the game on the bed and hopped back on. She tried not to wince when he accidently touched her ankle, but his father must have seen and immediately reacted.

  “Colby! Be careful. She’s hurt.”

  Instantly, the boy looked crestfallen.
She wanted so much to hug him and tell him it was all right, that it was only an accident, but she dared not speak. Instead, she watched as Colby slowly turned to her. “I’m sorry, Vanessa. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “It’s all right. My ankle has already stopped hurting. So what game did you bring us?” she asked, wanting desperately to get the boy’s mind off him hurting her. It wasn’t his fault. She should have moved her foot out of the way. He didn’t know he had climbed on her bad side.

  “I got the hippo game. But if ya want to play Go Fish, I brought that, too.”

  “Well, I don’t know. You already told me you’re the hippo champion. What do you want to play?”

  “The hippo game,” he said, his eyes pleading with her.

  Vanessa nodded. “I would love to.”

  Looking up, she locked eyes with Peter, and for a split second, she saw longing, but then it was gone. Without another word, Vanessa watched him turn and leave the room. Something in that split second look made her want to console and comfort him. He was hurting. From what, she didn’t know. Since she could barely get any words out of the man, she figured he was just the quiet silent type. However, seeing his son, she was starting to think that just maybe he wanted her out of his house before her troubles ended up on his doorstep, and she was starting to agree with him.

  * * * *

  Peter Castillo walked down the steps that led to the basement. Taking his keys from his belt hook, he searched for the one lone key he hadn’t used in six years. After finding it, it inserted it into the deadbolt and unlocked the room.

  Instantly his senses were assaulted with a musty stale scent. He didn’t need to turn the lights on. He already knew where everything was at. Closing his eyes, he walked into the darkness, counting off the paces, until he was in the center of the room. Once there, he slowly opened his eyes and waited until his eyes adjusted.


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