The Perfect Mother (ARC)

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The Perfect Mother (ARC) Page 29

by Caroline Mitchell

  Sheridan pressed her body against the wall of the lift.

  She hated it when he was like this.

  ‘You’ve been taking too many chances,’ she replied,

  feeling small in her sneakers. ‘I was scared Roz would

  escape, that they would pin Kelly’s death on us.’

  ‘So you got your old boyfriend around here the minute

  my back was turned.’ Daniel’s anger was rising now, and

  they both ignored the lift as it dinged. Aware of her gun

  in the waistband of her jeans, Sheridan hung her head.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, knowing how much Daniel hated

  Mike. ‘I couldn’t see any other way out.’

  ‘How did you get him to agree?’ Daniel was stand-

  ing over her now, his body rigid, his fists clenched. He

  punched the button to close the doors of the lift as they

  began to part.

  Sheridan swallowed. How could she tell him that they

  had kissed? That Mike’s hands had roamed her body as

  she whispered promises of so much more. She had worn

  the gun for a reason but lacked the courage that was so

  readily available when it came to her female counterparts.

  Mike understood about Kelly. He was willing to help.

  ‘He … he said he’d get rid of the body – for a price.

  We couldn’t keep her down there forever.’

  She waited for the fallout. Up until now, she had

  welcomed Daniel’s possessiveness; she saw it as a sign of


  Caroline Mitchell

  love. But she had bent over backwards to accommodate

  him. Why couldn’t he do the same for her?

  ‘What’s the price?’ Daniel’s words were spoken through

  gritted teeth.

  When Sheridan failed to answer, he pressed his fingers

  into her jaw. She gasped at the sudden contact. Daniel so

  seldom lost his temper, but when he did, he was capable

  of anything.

  ‘I paid him off!’ she cried, her skin burning beneath

  his touch. ‘A hundred grand.’

  ‘Liar!’ Daniel’s eyes bored through hers. ‘I know he’s

  got a thing for you. What else did you do?’ His fingers

  squeezed tighter with each word, and Sheridan cried out

  to be freed.

  ‘We kissed!’ Sheridan flinched beneath his touch.

  ‘Nothing more.’ She rubbed her jaw as he released it.

  ‘I did this for us. If you hadn’t let Roz go to church…’

  Her gaze roamed the lift walls, which felt like they were

  closing in.

  ‘This is my fault, then, is it?’ He spoke in a low growl,

  pressing her into the corner. ‘My fault that you brought

  that scumbag into my home and kissed him while I was away.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Sheridan said, panic cutting her breath

  short. ‘It meant nothing.’

  Daniel’s nostrils flared as his temper grew. ‘Do you

  want to be down there with her? In the mud and shit, with

  maggots digging holes in your pretty face?’ He touched

  her cheek, his movements rough against her skin. His

  fingers fell to her mouth and he forced her lips open. ‘Say no, Daniel, I should have cleared it with you first.’

  Sheridan glared at him in disbelief. He couldn’t be

  serious … She baulked as he squeezed her lips. ‘No,


  The Perfect Mother

  Daniel.’ Her words were distorted as Daniel squeezed

  hard. ‘I should have cleared it with you.’

  ‘Damn right you should have.’ He pushed her back

  against the wall. ‘You don’t make a single move without

  asking me first, do you hear me?’

  Sheridan nodded, blinking back her tears in an effort

  to regain control.

  ‘Where are you going?’ she called after him as he

  strode out of the lift.

  ‘To my room. Some of us have work to do.’

  ‘What about Roz?’

  ‘What about Roz?’ He spun on his heel, making

  Sheridan step back. ‘You heard what I said. Clean up that

  shit-hole downstairs and make her some hot chocolate.

  And if you ever neglect my property again, there’ll be hell to pay.’ Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her towards

  him. But it was not to touch her; it was to remove her

  gun. ‘You’ll get this back when you can be trusted. Get

  washed. You stink of him.’




  Sheridan lay on Leo’s bed, trying not to pull away as he

  wound his fingers around her neck. She wasn’t made of

  stone. Seeing the remains of Kelly’s body had brought

  back the old feelings of guilt and regret. She smoothed

  down Leo’s errant hair, staring into the depths of his deep blue eyes. It was hardly his fault the camera didn’t like

  him. You either had it or you didn’t. She only hoped his

  new sister would be able to pull things back.

  ‘Why don’t you go back to sleep?’ she said, swallow-

  ing back the tears that threatened to overflow. He had

  been awoken by a nightmare, but he would soon forget

  all about it. She wished she could escape hers as easily.

  Daniel was the only person in the world who could

  reduce her to tears. Such outbursts were thankfully

  rare – as long as she kept things on an even keel. But

  tonight, she had overstepped the mark by having Mike in

  their home.

  ‘That’s lovely,’ she said, as Leo pointed at a crayon

  scribble on the wall.

  ‘It’s a dog. Daddy’s getting me one.’ His cheeks dimpled

  as he beamed. ‘We’re calling him Jake.’

  Sheridan sighed. Daddy did whatever he damn well



  The Perfect Mother

  * * *

  After spending half an hour grilling Juanita, Sheridan

  gave her the sack. The girl had pleaded innocence, but

  somebody had leaked information to Roz. Checking

  on her baby donor was Sheridan’s next unenviable task.

  A sense of vulnerability crept in as she ventured below.

  Daniel had locked her gun in the cabinet and entrusted the

  keys to George. Sheridan’s face soured at the memory. It

  was as if she were a child. Her lips were still tender from where Daniel’s fingers had dug in. Sometimes he didn’t

  know his own strength.

  She would beg Daniel to allow Mike in so he could

  finish what he started and dispose of Kelly for good. It

  was pure luck that she had managed to sneak Mike out

  just as Daniel came home.

  It wasn’t just Mike that Daniel was angry about.

  Moving Kelly’s corpse had triggered something in him.

  The months following her death were the toughest of

  their marriage. Sheridan’s fingers touched her throat.

  The marks might have gone, but the memory remained.

  She recalled when her mother-in-law had come to visit,

  not long after Leo was born. Daniel had broken down,

  admitted every horrible twist and turn that had led to

  Kelly’s demise. For a long time, Sheridan had expected

  his mother to turn them both in; but she had taken their

  secret to the grave.

  Sheridan fixed her face as the lift doors opened. She

  would make it up to Daniel. She would start by

  honest with Roz. With a few words of Spanish, Sheridan

  dismissed Anna from the room.

  Roz was sitting on the sofa where they had left her,

  hunched and staring into space. Sheridan glanced at


  Caroline Mitchell

  her freshly made bed. The floor had been mopped, the

  room tidied, the light bulbs replaced. On the table was

  a plastic vase filled with fresh flowers, along with an ar-

  ray of food: chocolate muffins from their local bakery,

  sandwiches and a jug of juice. Yet not a bite had been

  taken from any of it. She cast an eye over Roz, who

  was now chewing what was left of her nails. She looked

  like a terrified creature, and somewhere deep within,

  Sheridan felt sympathy.

  ‘Roz,’ she said flatly. ‘Why haven’t you eaten?’

  But Roz did not reply. Her face was haunted, her eyes

  puffy and red-rimmed.

  ‘You know how this goes,’ Sheridan continued. ‘Stick

  with the programme and you get benefits. I’m willing

  to overlook what happened earlier because it’s obvious

  you’re not well. But we need to get you scanned. I can’t

  call the doctor in and have you looking like this.’

  ‘What’s the point?’ Roz sniffed, her voice thick with

  congestion. She must have been crying all this time. ‘I’ll

  never see my baby. You want rid of me.’

  Sheridan sighed as she took a seat. ‘You think you’ve

  got it all worked out. But you couldn’t be further from

  the truth. Why do you think we brought you here?’

  Roz delivered a one-shouldered shrug. ‘To take my

  baby, the same way you took Kelly’s. But now you don’t

  want either of us.’

  Sheridan snorted. ‘What happened with Kelly was

  an accident.’

  She paused, the memory returning like a bullet from

  nowhere. She had never seen anyone lose so much blood.

  Her hands were covered in it. Towels were not enough.

  Even after Leo was born, it had dripped down the bed

  and on to the floor in a sea of red. She recalled Kelly’s


  The Perfect Mother

  grey-blue lips. The life leaving her body as Leo cried

  from his bassinet.

  Sheridan took a deep breath. ‘She died in childbirth.

  But that won’t happen to you. We have a doctor now.

  You don’t need to worry on that front.’

  But the fact that Roz had guessed the body was Kelly’s

  aroused a prickle of irritation. Now that Sheridan had fired Juanita, there should be no more leaks. Sheridan watched

  Roz staring, zombie-like, into the distance. The girl was

  in shock and of no use to Daniel like this.

  ‘Remember the first time you asked to leave here?

  What did I tell you?’

  Roz stared at her, her mouth tightly clamped shut.

  ‘I said we weren’t just buying the baby, that we were

  buying you, too.’ Sheridan crossed her legs, never taking

  her eyes from Roz’s face. ‘That’s why you can relax …

  we’ve no intention of hurting you.’

  ‘But you’re not letting me go, either.’ The words were

  monotone, punctuated with a snuffle.

  Sheridan didn’t deny it. How could she? ‘There are

  plenty of women who’d be thrilled to spend time with

  my husband.’

  Her statement went unanswered, and Sheridan rose

  to plate up some of the food on the table. She picked up

  a chocolate muffin and coupled it with a plastic tumbler

  of orange juice.

  ‘Eat,’ she said, handing Sheridan the plastic plate. ‘For

  the baby.’

  She watched as Roz opened the paper wrapping, pulled

  chunks of muffin away with her fingers and popped them

  in her mouth.

  Regret hung heavy in the air. The two women sat

  together in silence. How had it come to this?


  Caroline Mitchell

  Sheridan’s thoughts floated back to when she first met

  Daniel, and how she had set her sights on him. But once

  things had progressed between them, he’d warned her that

  he would break her heart. She remembered his mother’s

  prophecy long before they tied the knot. ‘He’s just like

  his father,’ she said, but the words were not meant as a

  compliment. ‘The more you drag him into domesticity,

  the more he lashes out. He’s a free spirit. You’ll never tie him down.’

  She knew that Daniel wanted to be monogamous, but

  he was a pressure cooker. Too much work and no play

  made him blow his top. He’d told her he was scared he

  would hurt her, that it would all become too much. But

  then came the night when they’d shared their fantasies,

  and everything had changed. She remembered the rain

  pattering on the window of her LA apartment as they

  lay naked together in bed. Cradling his whiskey, Daniel

  had spoken in soft tones.

  ‘Have you read The Collector by John Fowles?’ His

  words were fuelled by alcohol, which opened up parts

  of him inaccessible to anyone else. ‘That’s as close to my

  fantasy as you can get.’

  Sheridan nodded, grateful for his trust. ‘You fantasise

  about abducting someone? Keeping them locked away?’

  ‘It’s not real, Sheridan – I wouldn’t be telling you

  if it was.’ That much was true. She’d had to get him

  very drunk for him to speak like this. ‘But, yes…’ he’d

  continued, throwing an arm around her shoulder. ‘It’s

  not about sex, and it’s certainly not about love…’ he

  paused, his face far away. ‘It’s about control. Bending

  the will of another until they’re totally dependent on

  you, to the point that if you open the door they won’t

  run away.’


  The Perfect Mother

  ‘Like Stockholm syndrome?’ Sheridan’s pulse quick-

  ened at the thought. That’s what she liked about Daniel.

  His dangerous side. The people she had grown up with

  were on-screen, written in to be picture-perfect and

  candy-cane sweet.

  ‘More like a dirty little secret.’ Daniel paused to sip his whiskey. ‘The satisfaction of knowing I’ve got this whole

  other world going on that people know nothing about.

  It’s dangerous, a break from the mundane, you know?’

  And mundane was the last thing Sheridan needed.

  It would be the death of their marriage, for starters. It

  would collapse her life like a deck of cards.

  Over time she’d begun to justify it. It was no different

  to Daniel playing a leading movie role. A fantasy world,

  with no outside attachments. She learned to recognise

  the signs of his growing unease. Knew when it was time

  to intervene. As publicity became fierce, he began to

  feel hemmed in. No longer could he ride his motorbikes

  or go out in public alone. Work was all-consuming, as

  was the pressure to present a clean image to the world.

  He needed an outlet. Which is where Kelly came in.

  She was a pretty girl, with light blonde hair. Exactly

  Daniel’s type.

  At first, it was a game. Something t
o bring Sheridan

  and Daniel closer. Their own private secret that nobody

  else knew about. Sheridan even found herself enjoying

  it – until it all became too real.

  ‘What about her?’ she’d say, browsing online escort


  ‘Too slutty,’ Daniel would reply. ‘She has to be whole-

  some, innocent. Think girl next door.’

  Sheridan should have heeded her internal warning

  bells and passed it off as a bit of fun. But as more women


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  chased her successful husband, the greater the risk that

  he would stray. A cheating husband would jeopardise

  everything they had built.

  Kelly was perfect. Young and naive, she was a wan-

  nabe actress who was desperate to leave home. Sheridan

  had been chatting to her for two weeks online when she

  told Daniel what she had done.

  ‘Are you crazy?’ he’d said, running his fingers through

  his hair. ‘If she calls the cops…’

  ‘She won’t,’ Sheridan replied. ‘I’ve offered to take her

  in, help her get her foot in the door.’

  ‘You’re crazy,’ Daniel said, but she could see from his

  expression that his interest was aroused. ‘Nobody is that

  stupid, and I don’t want some redneck hillbilly…’

  Sheridan clicked on the monitor and brought up the

  pictures of Kelly’s profile that she had saved. They were

  enough to silence Daniel’s protests.

  ‘I met her through a mentor chatroom,’ Sheridan said.

  ‘I’ve fed her a line. Told her we’re desperate for a baby.

  She’s offered to be a surrogate in return for my help.’

  ‘You are nuts, Sheridan Sinclair. What makes you

  think we can get away with this?’

  ‘It gets her here, doesn’t it? Think about it. It would

  explain why she has to be hidden to begin with, because

  we’d be passing the baby off as our own.’

  ‘I don’t know…’ Daniel said. ‘What if she got


  Sheridan shrugged. ‘Would it be the worst thing in

  the world? We could hire a nanny; a baby would get the

  press off our backs and do wonders for our profile.’ She

  delivered a seductive smile. ‘And Daniel … she’s not averse to getting pregnant the natural way.’


  The Perfect Mother

  ‘Bloody hell. You never stop surprising me.’ Daniel

  shook his head. ‘But … wouldn’t you mind? Having an-

  other woman in the house?’


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