Straight to Hell

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Straight to Hell Page 8

by J A Hinchey

  “You screamed and screamed and begged him to stop,” Dacian murmured absently. I froze. He remembered. He remembered me getting the tattoo. I didn’t say a word, didn’t want to make a big deal of it, but maybe, just maybe, now that he was away from the influence of my brothers, his memories would return.

  “Lucy!” Hearing Levi call my name, I turned to watch him walk along the path toward me, his long strides loose, relaxed. His lips turned up at the corners in a smile, which I couldn’t help but return. Dacian stood, watching Levi approach.

  “There you are. I got a text from Jared suggesting we meet for dinner at the café.” Levi drew to a halt, looking from Dacian to me and back again.

  “Good idea. Tell him yes.” There was an uncomfortable silence, which Levi broke by asking, “Who’s this?”

  Ah yes, I’d forgotten they hadn’t met yet. “This is Dacian. He’s an angel.”

  “Really?” Levi assessed Dacian with narrowed eyes. “What sort? Arch like you?”

  “Guardian,” Dacian supplied, his voice clipped. Was that a hint of jealousy in his tone? Surely not.

  “Want to join us?” Levi asked, and this time I looked at him in surprise. Did he want to spend time with Dacian?

  “I do not,” Dacian replied, then promptly disappeared.

  “Friendly chap, isn’t he?” Levi turned his attention to me, and I saw it then in his eyes, the relief that Dacian hadn’t accepted the invitation. Levi had offered it to be polite and my heart melted a little at the gesture.

  “Dacian was my best friend when I was in Heaven. We lost touch after I left and it seems he’s suffered some memory loss since he doesn’t remember me at all,” I explained, looping my arm through Levi’s and continuing my walk along the path.

  “Are you and he…?” I knew what he was asking and shook my head.

  “Nope. Not involved. Not anything.”

  “Good,” he said a second before he pulled me to a halt and lowered his mouth to mine, fusing us together. He wrapped his arms around me, the hold tight, unyielding. The heat was blistering and surreal at the same time, and I felt it all the way down to my toes. He broke the kiss and nipped at my ear. “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first laid eyes on you.”

  I may or may not have melted into a puddle at his feet.

  Jared brought Nic with him to the cafe and I wondered why, since she disliked me so much. “I suggested he bring her,” Levi whispered, his breath hot in my ear, making me shiver. The kiss in the park had me all distracted, and now with his thigh pressed up against mine in the booth we’d chosen, I could barely think, let alone hold a coherent conversation.

  “Lucy. Levi.” Jared slid into the booth opposite me and I smiled a greeting, easing my body slightly away from Levi for some relief. I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored him. If he kept this up I wouldn’t be held responsible for my actions, which would be to throw him down on the table and have my way with him, consequences be damned.

  Feeling the cool stare of Nic, I focused my attention on her, giving her a small smile and nod of head in greeting. She returned the head nod, not the smile. Awesome. Dinner was going to be fun.

  “Before we order, I think we need to get something out of the way.” Jared cleared his throat and I leaned back, watching with interest. Just what did he have planned?

  “Nic has made it very clear, on numerous occasions, that she doesn’t believe Lucy’s story. If we’re to all work together—and basically get along—we need to rectify that.”

  A flash of annoyance appeared on Nic’s face, quickly followed by her blurting out, “If you’ve asked me here to listen to more of her bullshit, then I’m out.” She began to move as if to leave, but Jared’s grasp on her wrist halted her. I saw the flush of color in her face and bit back a grin. She had it bad for him, and I sympathized. He’d yet to notice her in that way; he saw her as his work partner and nothing more.

  “I don’t see why we need to work with them anyway. Good old-fashioned police work will get the job done, not all this psychic medium bullshit. No offense.” She aimed the last words at Levi, who shrugged, not caring what she thought.

  “They can help, believe me,” Jared grumbled. “My gut tells me that what we’re dealing with is otherworldly. How else do you explain the autopsy results?”

  “She had a heart attack, Jared. That’s what the autopsy results said. There is no case; there is no dimension breach or otherworldly bullshit going on. Except this one needs a psych ward and if she steps just one toe over the wrong side of the law I’m going to see she enjoys the comforts of a padded cell.” She pointed her finger at me, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to laugh or slap her silly.

  “Lucy, can you do your thing?” Jared asked me.

  “My thing?”

  “The eyes.”

  “Oh, yeah sure, if you want.” Propping my elbows on the table, I leaned forward and settled my gaze on Nic. “Nicole James.” My voice dropped as I injected a little other-world power into it, just to add to the whole ambiance of having dinner with the Devil. When her eyes met mine I let the fires of Hell transform my usual crystal blue gaze.

  “How did you do that?” she asked suspiciously, not particularly impressed. “Are they contacts?”

  Jared shook his head in apparent despair and I patted his hand. “It’s okay, I’ve got something else that will convince her. Levi, can you let me out?”

  Levi slid out of the booth, standing to one side while I slid out. I glanced around, the café was full. This was going to burn some energy, but if it was important to Jared that Nic was in on everything, then I’d do it. With a wave of my hand, I froze the room, then turned my attention to Nic, who was watching me with a frown. With a flourish, I extended my wings, not to their full extent since there wasn’t enough space, but far enough that they were truly impressive if I do say so myself. My black feathers shone in the overhead light and orange, red, and yellow flames danced over them in a mesmerizing display.

  Nic clapped a hand over her mouth and stared, her eyes huge. I watched the color drain from her face and worried for a moment that she was about to face plant, but she pulled herself together, sucking in a deep breath, “Oh. My. God.”

  “Not quite. Lucifer. At your service.” I gave her a mock bow, tucked my wings away and removed the freeze I’d placed over the café. Levi was gazing at me with what can only be described as lust in his eyes and my knees threatened to buckle at the heat that washed through me. What was this attraction to the human? I’d had lovers in the past, but never this distracting, aching, need. The need to touch and be touched. The need to taste, to explore, to devour, for that’s what I wanted, to devour him in the most erotic way.

  “Lucy,” Levi groaned, stepping forward, hands resting on my hips, “your eyes.”

  “What about them?” Bringing up my hand, I traced his jaw, feeling the soft tickle of his beard, and let my fingers trace over his lips.

  “They’re…I don’t know, they’re sort of midnight blue with stars in them?” His odd description brought me to my senses and I stepped back, giving us some breathing room.

  “What?” I blinked a couple of times, peered at Levi to see myself reflected in his eyes.

  “Are you folks ready to order?” A waitress appeared and Levi indicated I should take my seat, sliding in after me as I resumed my position in the booth. Handing me a menu, Levi quickly perused his while telling Jared and Nic to go ahead and order. It appeared Jared was the only one who had his head together at the table. Nic was gazing at me in wonder, and Levi and I were both struggling with the desire to strip each other naked, and, well, fuck. I thought I heard him groan under his breath and by the way he adjusted himself under the table I knew the struggle was real.

  “Maybe if you stop thinking about it, that would help?” Levi leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Because I swear to God you’re putting out some sort of signal that is driving me fucking wild, and while I’ve never been into public sex, right no
w I’m up for anything. Anything.”

  His words had my imagination running wild. Not to mention the tingling in my lady parts. But he was right—we were feeding off each other. The more aroused I became, the more my energy reflected it, and he was feeding off my energy and becoming more aroused himself. A cycle. Sucking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on other things. The soul stealer. How to find him. How to return him to his own realm.

  It worked. I felt my energy settle, and beside me, Levi relaxed.

  “Thank you,” he mouthed when I glanced at him before turning my attention back to the menu.

  “So you’re really Lucifer,” Nic said. The coolness was still in her tone and I almost laughed aloud. Still the same Nic, full of ice.

  “Correct.” I nodded my head sideways, drawing her attention to the waitress who was standing at the end of the table with pen and pad in hand, waiting to take our order. Me being Lucifer wasn’t a secret, but I didn’t think it wise to alert the townsfolk to the soul stealer who was loose in their town.

  Nic frowned but took the hint, placing her order without looking at the menu. Clearly a frequent diner. Jared followed, then Levi, and finally me. I didn’t know what I ordered. I picked randomly since I was working hard to keep my focus off of sex. Even thinking about not thinking about sex was turning me on.

  “Lucy!” Levi wrapped his fingers around my wrist and squeezed, hard. “Cut it out.”

  “Sorry,” I muttered, “it isn’t easy. It’s a two-way street, you know.”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Nic interrupted and I was grateful for the distraction.

  “Sex,” I responded. Levi made a choking sound, Jared blushed, and Nic leaned forward with interest.

  “Oh? Sex with…who? You two?”

  “Time to change the subject.” Levi cut in before I could answer.

  “I agree.” Jared backed him up, so I let it drop. I was still getting used to their human ways.

  “Fine,” Nic huffed, then her face lit up as an idea came to her. “So what can you do, Lucy? Are the eyes and wings it? Or do you have other powers?”

  “It all depends on the situation. For example, I can do things like this.” With a quick flick of my wrist, I changed her outfit from her almost staple wardrobe of worn T-shirts and baggy pants to a form-fitting little black dress. Her hair that had been hanging unstyled around her face was now a sleek and shining updo, and a light dusting of makeup transformed her dull and tired face.

  “Wow.” Jared breathed, his eyes traveling over Nic. “You look—amazing.”

  Finally! He’d finally noticed her—I hoped. Unfortunately, Nic was too distracted with her own transformation to notice him noticing her. The irony.

  “H-how?” she stuttered, running her hands over the dress, then frowning. Ah, I could feel the discomfort starting to roll off her. Curious, I allowed myself to read her, not surprised by anything I discovered. I already knew Nic was a straight-laced, by-the-book cop. I also knew she had a thing for Jared that she didn’t have the balls to pursue. She’d pushed her feminine side down in order to advance her career, to become “one of the boys.” It saddened me that she felt she had to do that to succeed.

  “Don’t like the Audrey Hepburn look?” I got it. She wasn’t a dresses girl. She was a tomboy, but even a tomboy could look good. I waved my hand again, and this time she was dressed in figure-hugging black jeans, cowboy boots, and an off the shoulder red blouse. Her hair went from sleek updo to casual waves falling to her shoulders. Her natural makeup I left alone. She looked gorgeous. By the look on Jared’s face, he agreed. Deciding I’d meddled enough, I sat back and watched the two of them.

  “You look fantastic, Nic.” Jared touched her hand, drawing her attention to him. “That outfit really suits you. And your hair…” Reaching up, he touched one of the curls close to her face. Her squeaked “thank you” almost had me laughing. Awww, how cute.

  My pleasure at watching their awareness of each other unfold was interrupted by Levi suddenly gasping and leaning forward, his eyes focused on something in the distance.

  “Someone’s on the move,” he said. I touched my hand to his and focused, channeling him. He was right: it looked like Brianna had left home. Alone.

  “Where could she be going?” I asked.

  Levi looked at me, shrugging a shoulder. “Probably to Sarah’s house.” We waited, intent on zeroing in on her location, like a mystical GPS. Only she didn’t go to Sarah’s house.

  “The school. She’s going to the school? At this time of night?” I was puzzled. It was eight in the evening. Why would Brianna risk visiting the school, the one place I expressly warned her not to go to?

  “Everyone’s at the school tonight.” Jared broke into my thoughts. “It’s the Halloween party.”

  “Shit.” Levi and I said in unison. “Do you know what this means?” Levi couldn’t disguise the worry on his face.

  “That’s she’s a sitting target for the soul stealer. Even with the bracelet, she’s unprotected if he sees her.” I replied.


  The kids had done a mighty fine job of decorating the school gym for the Halloween dance. Cardboard cut-outs of spooky trees, standing over six feet tall, each limb cut with great precision, painted in varying shades from white to black, were placed around the gym, the floor covered in a layer of smoke with lights casting different colors from green to purple. Pumpkin lights added to the effect. I was quietly impressed. This wasn’t a bunch of orange and black balloons and streamers thrown around; this had to have taken months of planning and tons of hard work. I wasn’t surprised Brianna wanted to attend.

  I’d transported Levi and myself to the school as soon as we’d realized that Brianna was not only at the dance but that Sarah was too and she’d removed her talisman bracelet, leaving her a very easy target for the soul stealer. Jared and Nic were following in Jared’s car giving him time to fill her in on the way. We’d had to abandon dinner and my stomach grumbled in protest. I’d be glad to be back in Hell where I didn’t have to deal with these annoying human encumbrances.

  The gym was packed with teenagers dressed as ghouls, zombies, vampires, werewolves and again I was impressed with the amount of effort they’d put into their costumes. Weaving through the students, I zeroed in on the girls—at least they were together. Just as I’d get them in my sights, they’d move and I’d lose sight of them.

  “I can’t track them here.” Levi cursed. “Too many people. Can you see them?”

  “Nah, lost sight of them. Let’s split up. If you find them, get them to Jared’s car and get them out of here,” I told him.

  “Sarah’s talisman?”

  “Good point. I’ll go get it now.” Pushing through a side door and out of sight, I extended my wings and materialized in Sarah’s bedroom. Holy fuck. It looked like a bomb had gone off: clothes and shoes were strewn everywhere and for a moment I thought the soul stealer had found her. Then I recalled I’d just laid eyes on her myself mere minutes ago. With a sigh, I began searching for the talisman among the carnage that was a teenage girl’s bedroom.

  Eventually, I found it. Under the bed. I’d be having a word with Sarah about her slovenly habits—if the soul stealer didn’t get her first after this stupid stunt. Worried too much time had passed leaving Levi alone to round up the girls, I hurried back to the dance. Levi was right, all the people, emotions and energy running high was messing with getting a read. On anyone. I couldn’t even zero in on Levi to let him know I was back. I spotted Jared across the room, head and shoulders taller than everyone else. At least he’d arrived. Loud music was thumping, strobe lights flashing, and bodies gyrating. Ordinarily, I’d stop and join in the fun, for it did look like a good time just waiting to be had, but I pushed on.

  “Have you found them?” Jared shouted at me and I shook my head. Turning to Nic, he nodded his head toward the back of the gym. “We’ll go check outside. They have a maze and a house of horrors setup out there.”

>   That’s when I heard it. Faint, but there. Levi, screaming my name. With no regard for anyone noticing, I flew to him, knowing my movements were so fast no one could truly be sure of what they saw. He was outside, running toward the woods that backed onto the school.

  “Thank fuck,” he puffed. “They’re there!” He pointed as he ran and I followed his finger to see two figures crossing the open field and into the woods. Behind them, a man. Oh shit. It was the soul stealer, had to be. With a flap of my wings, I caught up with the girls, swinging in behind them, keeping my wings drawn to protect them. They were both wheezing and crying. I was trying to work out how to scoop them both up and get us out of here when I was tackled from behind.

  Together we toppled, somersaulting through the brush until I came to a halt up against a tree with a resounding thud. Ouch. Zuska untangled himself from me and jumped to his feet, his eyes on his prey who’d stopped and turned around to watch. Shaking my head, I rose, brushing twigs from my jeans.

  “Listen up, Zuska, you don’t belong here. You need to return to your own realm.” I stepped sideways, wings extended, deliberately blocking the girls from his view. He’d have to get through me to get to them.

  “No can do, Satan.” Gah, how did he know my brothers gave me that nickname? Did the whole fucking universe know? They were such assholes and I knew I had to bite the bullet and deal with them once all this was over.

  “Why are you even here?” I asked, watching as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He was getting ready to attack, of that I was sure.

  “For the food. Our realm is experiencing a…what do you call it? A drought?”

  “You’ve consumed all the souls? In your realm? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Earth is ready to harvest. Once I am established I will open the portal and let my brethren through. Once we are done with Earth, we will move on to the next planet, solar system, realm, whatever—it matters not where we go, for we will always find food to fuel us.”


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