A Few Little Scars

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A Few Little Scars Page 15

by Casey McMillin

  "Hey, I'm riding up there with you," he said to Jason as he passed him on his way upstairs. Jason turned to look at Nick from over his shoulder.

  "You're coming to that show?"

  "Yeah," Nick said, "don't leave without me."

  "I'm leaving in thirty minutes," Jason said.

  "All right," Nick called. He went upstairs to the spare bathroom where he kept some of his stuff. He splashed some water on his face and ran a hand through his hair. He stared into the mirror, knowing deep down that something inside him was changing. He had the distinct impression that he was going there to get Molly and he'd never let her go again.

  He blinked and his reflection came into focus again. He thought to himself that he was an OG, and she'd have to be crazy to turn him down, and then he smiled at his own silly thoughts. He couldn't wait to see her. He hadn't seen her in two months and suddenly the prospect of having to wait another hour or more seemed impossible. Now that he knew she wanted to see him, every second that they were apart felt like torture.

  Jason had said he wanted to leave in a half hour, but why wait? In fact, why should Nick even have to wait for Jason? He had his own car, so why not just leave now? Nick rinsed his face again before drying it with a hand towel. He gave himself one last glance in the mirror before heading back downstairs to meet Jason.

  "Nicky, I need you to do me a huge favor, baby."

  When Mary Lou started a sentence like that, Nick new there was gonna be something he couldn't get out of. He cringed as he waved his hand in the air, asking his mom to get on with it and ask the favor.

  "I need you to run some of this food to your father. He's not feeling well, and I told him I'd send you over with some."

  "Mom it's ten at night. Why does Dad need food right now? That's ridiculous."

  "Because he's sick and it's Valentine's Day, and he was supposed to be here tonight. Plus, I told him you would. He said he hasn't seen you in a while."

  "I have to run by my office to get Hannah's Valentine's Day present anyway," Jason said.

  "We'll probably get there about the same time if we drive separate."

  Nick had no idea that Jason was planning on making a stop. He was annoyed at him and his parents. He was annoyed with anything that made him have to wait longer to see Molly. He had to remind himself that he just did two months so he'd be okay waiting an hour.

  Leroy Logan was pretty dang sick. Nick didn't know how sick he was until he got there. Apparently, a doctor had made a house call that same afternoon and had prescribed antibiotics for strep throat. Leroy was feeling nostalgic as a result of the drugs, and ended up talking Nick's ear off for what seemed like an eternity. He talked about Nick's childhood and different regrets he had over the years, and how was Nick supposed to hurry along a conversation like that, right?

  By the time Nick got in his car it was a quarter till eleven, and he sped all the way to Midnight Inn, knowing he still wouldn't make it before the show started. Part of him wanted to get there before the band started playing so he didn't have to hear them, but it was what it was.

  He thought for a second about stopping somewhere to pick up something for Valentine's Day, but he had no idea where to stop for something like that in the middle of the night, and besides, that would just be something else to hold him back.

  Nick checked Instagram while he was sitting at a red light about a mile from the club. Hannah had posted a photo of herself along with Taylor and Molly. He stared at her smile. Then his eye went to the place where he knew she had a scar. Her face was tilted to where you couldn't see it and he pictured it in his mind's eye. He absolutely could not wait to get his hands on that girl. He pulled into the parking lot late and empty handed, but his mind was set, and there was no way he was leaving without her.

  Chapter 21

  The girls took a couple of hours getting dressed, and all three of them looked groomed to the max (including matching accessories) when they left the apartment. Molly and Taylor left their cars at Molly's apartment and rode with Hannah to the club.

  The girls were all in neutral shades of black, white and grey. They hadn't done it on purpose; it just worked out that way, but they looked good standing next to each other. Before they left the apartment they took a photo, which Hannah posted to her Instagram account.

  Zeke left their names at the door, and the girls bypassed the line of paying customers and went straight to the bouncer. He checked the list and unhooked the velvet rope to let them in with a smile.

  The venue was already packed when they got there. You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC was playing when they walked in. The place was bigger than Molly expected. Most of the tables and about half of the dance floor were full, and she felt suddenly nervous for Zeke. It wasn't Madison Square Garden, but it was certainly bigger than that place in Printer's Alley.

  The stage was on the far wall. It was a platform about four feet off the ground that took up nearly the entire back wall of the place. The stage itself took up more than half of the platform, but to the side of the stage, there was a little sitting area with couches and a couple of tables. There were metal rails around it, making it look very off limits.

  It was obviously meant for the band and their people, because she noticed three of the band members, including Zeke, sitting up there. She also saw a girl she knew to be Kade's girlfriend. She pointed to the little area and motioned for Hannah and Taylor to come closer.

  "The guys are up there," she said. She had to yell over the noise of the song. The room was huge, and Molly worked for a second at explaining where she saw them.

  "You go on up there," Taylor said. "I'm not sure how many of us they want backstage, and I wanted to get a drink first anyway."

  "Yeah, you go ahead," Hannah said.

  "Come with me," Molly said. "Just walk over there with me. You can get your drink on the other side. I'm not going up in that little booth or anything."

  Taylor and Hannah both looked in the direction of the stage. Both of the sidewalls were lined with bars, and the far end of the bar on the right-hand wall was right next to that little backstage area. Taylor and Hannah agreed to walk with her.

  Zeke caught sight of them before they made it across the dance floor, and came down off the little platform thing using some set of mystery steps that Molly couldn’t see. He met them in front of the bar, smiling and reaching out to hug Molly as they approached.

  "You mind working the table?" he asked. His voice was deep and cut through the noise of the music and crowd.

  "No, that's why I came early," she said.

  "Who's working there right now?" she asked, hoping to hear that she'd be sharing the duties with someone.

  Zeke gave fistbumps to Hannah and Taylor. "No one," he said. "I haven't even put stuff out yet. I was waiting on you."

  "I've never done anything like that before," she said. "I'm probably not the best salesperson."

  "It's easy," he said, smiling. "It's cash only and all round numbers. You might not even sell anything we usually only sell one or two things per show."

  She wondered why she was going to be stuck behind a table all night to sell one or two items, but didn't say anything. It really wasn't that big of a deal, and Hannah and Taylor would probably hang out with her some anyway. She figured if she got too frustrated with it, she could just pack everything and close up shop.

  They'd been following Zeke, who stopped walking when he reached a table along the wall near the back of the dance floor. It was a good distance from the stage, but she could still see the band and all the action on the dance floor.

  "It'd be great if you could stay back here while we're playing," he said. "I'll come take over once we're done, but I'd like somebody to be back here if you don't mind."

  He bent to get a few cardboard boxes that had been stashed under the table then he opened them and began organizing the merchandise in tidy rows. Taylor and Hannah were waiting at the bar, and Molly stood there watching Zeke, not knowing what she could do t
o help.

  "I wanna get Hannah to draw something for us," he said as he lined up a row of five or so T-shirts.

  "I told her that," Molly said. "She'd be up for it for sure."

  "I guess I just need to ask her what she'd charge." He handed Molly a moneybag. It was one of those bank bags with a zipper across the top. She opened it and looked inside. "There's fifty dollars in fives in there. You can break a bill at the bar if it comes to it. The T-shirts are fifteen, the CD's are ten, and the stickers are five." He pulled her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Thanks." He reached out and patted her on the ass before he walked away. She was wearing black pants and heels with an ivory top that sort of billowed over the waistline. "You look hot," he added.

  "Thanks… and you're welcome," she said, smiling.

  "I need to get back over there," he said. "You sure you're gonna be all right?"

  Molly nodded.

  "You want me to grab you a beer before I go?" She shook her head. "I asked Taylor to get me something," she said.

  A song started playing that made everyone on the dance floor begin to line up and start dancing in unison. Molly had never heard the song or learned the dance before, and she felt weird watching all the other people who knew what was going on. She learned a few line dances over the years, but the one the entire bar was doing at that moment didn't look familiar.

  Hannah and Taylor came back to the table holding drinks. "Do y'all know this song?" Molly asked.

  Hannah shook her head but Taylor smiled and nodded. "This one's easy," Taylor said. "You could pick this up in about three seconds." She handed Molly the beer she brought back for her and turned around to face the dancers. Taylor did the moves using about half the enthusiasm she would have if she'd already finished her beer. It was easy. It was just a few simple steps and Molly felt better for knowing she could join in if she wanted. She didn't want to, but at least she knew it was an option.

  Molly was already half done with her Heineken when the next song came on. Unlike the line dance song, it was one she'd heard before. It was a classic country tune by none other than Leroy Logan, country legend and father of the one and only Nick Logan. This one was one she'd heard a million times called, When I've Been Drinkin'. It was one of those old country anthems that everyone liked to get drunk and sing along to. People all over the bar were holding up drinks, hugging on each other, and singing to the top of their lungs the instant the song came on.

  Molly thought it was slightly surreal that one of Nick's dad's song was playing right before Zeke's band went on stage. It struck her as slightly worrisome that Zeke's band was not even close to country, and the crowd was obviously eating up this song. She started to get nervous since she felt partially responsible for getting him the gig, but she chose to trust that everything would go fine. Mostly it was just crazy to think about it being Nick's dad that everyone was singing along with. Even Hannah and Taylor knew the words to the song, and all three of them (along with literally everyone else in the bar) sang along as it went into the chorus.

  But baby, you won't let me come around…

  When I've been drinkin'.

  You won't even open up your door.

  Baby, you won't even take my calls…

  When I've been drinkin'

  Can I even call you baby anymore?

  Molly was laughing at the fact that they all knew the words when Hannah asked, "Did you know that's Nick's dad?" Molly continued to laugh. Hannah thought she was still laughing at the song, but really it was the ridiculousness of the question. Of course she knew it was Nick's dad, she'd been unable to think of anything else since the song first started. The nerves that went along with hearing it in the first place caused Molly to basically inhale that Heineken, and by the time the song was in it's last verse, she was feeling the warmth of alcohol hitting her in her knees.

  "Jason's here," she heard Hannah say. Molly and Taylor both watched as Hannah crossed the dance floor to meet Jason in the middle. He caught her up in his arms and started to sway as he belted the last few lyrics of the song. Hannah cracked up and they hugged and kissed like the perfect little couple they were. Molly caught herself wishing it were okay to roll her eyes at them.

  "I think Jason's dad wrote that song," Molly said, looking at Taylor.

  "I wouldn't be surprised," Taylor said. Just then she saw someone she recognized and asked Molly if she'd be okay at the table by herself. Molly told her to go on and assured her she didn't mind staying back there alone. She watched as Hannah and Jason danced the next two songs away. Taylor had disappeared for a few minutes, but Molly spotted her talking to a group of girls at a table across the way, and could see they were laughing and having a good time. A few of her friends from Reflections showed up as well, including the guy Jesse who helped Zeke get the gig. She took in all the activity, relieved that everyone she invited seemed to be having fun. She only hoped it continued when Zeke's band started.

  The Half Nelsons took the stage at eleven o'clock on the dot. Zeke seemed at ease on stage, and Molly breathed a little easier once the first song was underway and the crowd seemed to be responding to it.

  During the first four songs, Molly only had one customer. It was a girl who was coming out of the nearby ladies room. She stopped at the table, picked up a CD, looked at the front of it, flipped it over and looked at the back, and then set it back where it was. Then she walked off without a word. Molly was pretty sure she should be more of a salesperson, but she didn't feel too bad since she told Zeke from the start that she would suck at it.

  She enjoyed the Half Nelsons performance, feeling a sense of pride that they were good enough to keep the crowd not only interested, but also moving. Most of the dance floor was covered with people standing to watch the band, and all seemed really into the music.

  Between songs, Taylor came by with a Heineken in her hand. "This is awesome, Molly. They're really good." It was Taylor's first time to see the band, and she had no idea what to expect. She'd met Zeke a few times and was honestly surprised, based on his laid-back personality, that he was such a good front man. He was a passionate singer and good with the audience in between songs. They watched as he introduced the next song and looked back at the drummer with a nod, signaling him to count off. The intro was loud, and Molly leaned over so Taylor could hear her when she spoke.

  "Did you check out the drummer?"

  Taylor smiled. "He's cute and everything, but I'm not really the type who likes to get set up."

  "We can make it look like a chance meeting," Molly said, raising her eyebrows.

  "I'm good," Taylor said. "I might try to say 'hi' after the show or whatever, but don't tell him anything because I don't want it to be awkward."

  "I would never say anything. Just check him out from afar and see what you think."

  Taylor smiled and looked down at the untouched merchandise on the table. "You good here?" she asked. "You mind if I go dance?"

  Molly smiled. "I'm good, thanks. Hannah just came by and asked me the same thing. I'm glad y'all are having fun."

  "All right. My phone's in my pocket, so just text me if you need to get out of jail."

  Molly smiled. "Thanks."

  She put the green bottle to her lips and took a pull from it as Taylor walked back to the other side of the bar where she'd run into some friends. Molly was nodding to the rhythm of the music when she felt someone come up behind her.

  The place was packed, and she'd been bumped into more than a few times while she was standing there, but this wasn't a bump. This was someone moving in on her personal space. The person came up behind her so quickly that Molly didn't have time to turn and see who it was before he spoke in her ear.

  Chapter 22

  Molly was taken completely off guard by the warm body that moved to stand directly behind her. Before she could turn to find out who it was, she heard the person speak close to her ear.

  "Don't look back," a deep voice said. She almost ignored the warning and turned around a
nyway, but he continued speaking before she could. "Just look straight ahead like I'm not even here."

  Her heart sped up to about eight times its normal rate. Knowing it was Nick standing behind her made her body ache to the point where it felt like it needed to double over.

  Molly held still. He was standing close enough to be touching her, and she could feel the heat through the fabric of their clothes. His face was next to the back of her right ear and she shifted ever so slightly trying to get a look out of the corner of her eye.

  Nick made a disapproving noise, and she stopped trying to get a peek. "I heard I'd be received if I came here, but I'm still a little scared," he said.

  "Scared of what?" she asked without turning around. Her groin burned like hot lava mixed with electricity.

  "Scared you're gonna reject me like you did last time."

  Oh my God, she wanted so badly to believe that Nick Logan was scared of being rejected by her, Molly Fletcher. Is that what was happening here? Was he seriously standing behind her saying he hoped he'd be received? The pulsing beat of the music along with the touch and sound of Nick behind her was overwhelming to her senses. She had the sensation of freefalling. All of these thoughts were happening within seconds.

  Molly had to remind herself that maybe she should say something. She took a deep breath, trying to think of what she could say.

  He spoke again. "Happy Valentine's Day," he said.

  Her first thought was that she'd gone all day without even saying it to Zeke. Then she had another fleeting thought that she never felt with Zeke like she was feeling right then. The excitement coursing through her veins could only be described as unnatural. It rendered her incapable of turning around to look at him.

  "Happy Valentine's Day," she somehow got out. Her voice sounded rusty, like she hadn't used it in days. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Happy Valentine's Day," she repeated, turning slightly to help her words drift back to him.


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