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Saving Reli

Page 3

by Brooke Summers

  “Talk to Dad about that.” Saves me having that conversation. I sure as shit don’t want to bring it up that I was having inappropriate thoughts of a fucking teenager. “In the meantime, you are to let both Cohen and Greg run point. You are there for backup.”


  I cut him off. “I’m not saying this to be an asshole, Tal; I’m saying this because you’re not going to be able to give it your full attention like you should. You’ll still protect her, just let the other’s take point.”

  I can feel someone staring at me; I turn just as the cashier is bagging my items. My breath is taken from me as I stare at the saddest pale blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Something sparks inside of me as I stare at this gorgeous blonde woman. Her foot is tapping like I’m irritating her. I bite back my smile but then I scowl after she ducks her head when she sees me looking at her, and I’m pretty sure that I see shame in her eyes before she hides them from me

  “Fine,” Talin says, pulling my thoughts away from the woman behind me. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  I ended the call and the woman lifts her head and I see recognition in her eyes. Do I know her? I feel as though we’ve met before, but I can’t remember where. I turn back to the cashier and hand her my card.

  I put my cell into my pocket and take the card back from the cashier and reach for my bag. I glance over my shoulder as I move toward the exit. The beautiful blonde woman glances up at me, and it’s then I see the bruises that mar her skin at her neck. Fucking finger marks. Someone’s tried to strangle her. My anger rises and before I do something stupid like pull her out of the store with me and demand to know who put their hands on her, I turn my head and exit the store.

  I make it a few feet outside and come to a halt beside my car. There’s something about that woman that gets to me; I feel like I know her from somewhere, and yet I can’t quite put my finger on where or how I know her.

  She walks out of the store, her head down as she hurries toward her car. I’m able to get a good look at her. She’s slender, maybe too skinny, her cheekbones are prominent and her clothes are too baggy for her small frame. Her bruises dark against her pale complexion, but it’s the absolute fear on her face that makes my gut wrench. She climbs into her sleek car and starts the engine. When she turns to stare at me as she drives by, it clicks. I realize who I’m staring at.

  Yoreli Maine.


  I grab my cell and call Zeke. “Hey, I need you to find the owner of a Bugatti Chiron Sport.” I rattle off the tag plates as she pulls away.

  He lets out a low whistle. “Damn, someone’s got taste.”

  “Find me an address,” I demand.

  “On it, boss.”

  I hang up and just stare as the reality of what I’ve just witnessed settles in. The bruises that mar her skin and the fearful look in her eyes tells me that she’s being mistreated. I’m going to find her. I’m going to make sure that she’s okay and if anyone is hurting her, I’m going to make sure that it won’t happen again. I’ll kill anyone who harms her.

  I call my dad. “Hey son,” he answers cheerfully.

  “I found her.”

  There’s silence for a beat; he knows who I’m talking about. He’s not a stupid man and he knows there’s something up with me and her. “Talk to me.”

  “She’s got fucking finger marks around her neck. She’s been strangled. Fucking strangled. They're fresh, maybe a day old.” I’m seething right now.

  His sharp intake of breath is enough to let me know just how fucking irate he is.

  “I’m going to find her,” I tell him. “I can’t sit back any longer.” I won’t fucking sit back and let her be mistreated.

  I hear his long sigh. “Son, what’s going on? Talk to me.”

  “I’m not sure. The moment I saw her, there was something about her. I felt it in my gut. I’ve not been able to get her off my mind.”

  “That’s how I felt when I saw your mom, and from what Talin says, what he feels when he looks at Megan,” he tells me and I feel relief.

  Well, at least we’re not fucking insane.

  “She’s young, John.”

  “I know Dad, I fucking know. I’ve kept my distance for that exact reason. But I won’t sit back and let her be hurt.”

  Just the thought of her being hurt makes me want to tear the city apart looking for her. Zeke had better hurry the fuck up with an address.

  “Let me know when you get her; she’ll need us, especially if she’s been hurt.”

  “Talk to you later.” I end the call and pray that Zeke gets back to me soon. This waiting is fucking torture.

  Just as I’m about to climb into my car, I notice something shiny where Yoreli’s car was parked. Walking over, I see that it’s a bracelet. It’s silver with a tiny heart. I pick it up and pocket it. When I see Yoreli, I'll give it back to her; that will be my excuse as to why I'm there.



  The doorbell rings and I'm stunned. No one ever stops by unannounced: everyone always calls or texts first. Talia hates it; it means that she doesn’t have enough time to hide me. She hates anyone knowing I’m here. I quickly rush out of the kitchen and toward the stairs, needing to hide in my room.

  “Go,” she instructs me, briskly walking past me as she strides toward the door.

  I make it to my room just in time. I can't help but glance out the window to see if I can see who is here. I notice a dark car parked out front, a burly man dressed in a suit standing against the car.

  “Hello, may I help you?” Talia asks sweetly, that tone of her voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  “I’m looking for someone who lives here,” a deep, silky smooth voice says and my body reacts in ways I’ve not reacted to a voice before. Butterflies form in my stomach and goosebumps spread across my body.

  “Oh?” I hear Zella’s voice. “Hello.” God, the seduction in her voice causes me to shiver in disgust.

  “Whom are you looking for?” Talia asks with a purr.

  “A woman. She was at the store yesterday,” the man says and I gasp; it’s John. What’s he doing here?

  “Zella, Anna? Were you at the store yesterday?” Talia asks, knowing that they weren't and that it was in fact me, but she'll never tell him that.

  “Ma’am, is there another woman living here?” he asks, and I hold my breath. Is he here for me?

  “No, sorry; you must be mistaken,” Talia responds, and for some reason I’m disappointed. I knew she’d say no one else lives here, but it hurts and I’m not sure why.

  “Was your car stolen?” he asks; there’s a bite to his tone.

  “No! What’s with all the questions?” Talia replies, affronted.

  “Lady, you’re the only person in this state that has a Bugatti Chiron Sport. If your car wasn’t stolen, who was driving it yesterday?” The hardness in his voice makes me flinch; I’ve only ever heard Talia be that way before.

  “I apologize, sir, but you are sorely mistaken. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I have things that need to be done.”

  I can’t hear what is being said; it’s as though they’ve lowered their voices, but I know that they’re still at the door. I can see that the man hasn’t gone back to his car.

  “Is there something else you need?” Talia questions with a raised voice. I know that tone; she's mad, and there’s only one person that she’s going to let that anger out on. Me.

  “No,” he replies, but he doesn’t sound happy.

  “Good day,” Talia says moments before the door slams shut.

  Pounding sounds and I brace myself; she’s coming up the stairs. “Yoreli!” she yells, causing me to flinch. My bedroom door flies open and bounces off the wall with the force she opens it with. “What the fuck have you been saying?”

  I shrink back at her tone; her eyes are narrowed into slits as she stalks toward me. There’s nowhere I can go. She’s got me in her sights and I’m terrified of what’s to come.

/>   “Why is that man here?” she questions me and I shrug; I have no idea. “Yoreli, don’t test me. Answer the damn question. Why is he here? Who is he?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before,” I lie; it’s better than telling her that he was at the store with me yesterday or that he’s Markus’ son.

  Her hand tangles in my hair and she pulls. “Don’t lie to me, Yoreli. He came here for a reason; he knows that you were at the store yesterday. What happened? Hmm, tell me!” she screams, her hand in my hair tightening so much that tears well in my eyes.

  “Nothing. I don’t know who he is.” I plead with her but it’s no use; she’s in no frame of mind to listen.

  “Tell me,” she demands.

  “Talia, I have no idea.” Tears are streaming down my face from the sheer pain of her grip on my hair.

  “Lies!” she yells and to my utter relief, she releases my hair.

  Righting myself, my gaze is drawn to the window. Standing outside, looking up into my bedroom is John. He’s staring at me with such a helpless look on his face that I feel bad for him. I wish he’d leave; he doesn't need to see this. I’m so focused on him that I don’t see it coming.

  A vicious backhand hits my cheek, knocking me to the ground. It’s followed by a swift kick to my back that has me screaming in pain. The last thing I see is Talia standing over me before I black out.

  “Give it to me.” The demand is one that’s not to be ignored. “I want it all, every single inch of you.”

  My pleasure is rising in ways I’ve never felt before. This isn’t the touch of the devil, this is one of loving. Those green eyes piercing my soul, seeing the depth of me, every single depraved thing. “Come for me, baby. Come all over my cock, soak me with your juices.”

  I’m no longer able to resist, I detonate; doing exactly as he asked. I come long and hard. “Yes, Reli,” he groans as he thrusts into me again. "Fucking amazing," he growls as he comes inside of me, filling me up with his hot cum.

  He pulls out of me and collapses on the bed beside me, his arm going around my waist pulling me close to him. "Reli?" he questions softly.

  "Hmm." I snuggle up close to him, my back pressed against his front, loving the protectiveness of the way his arms surround me.

  "Love you, baby girl. You're safe with me; no one is ever going to hurt you again."

  My heart warms at his words. "Love you too," I reply instantly, not once doubting his words.

  I gasp as I wake; just a dream. Of course it was; I don't have anyone who loves me and I'm not safe with anyone. I groan as I move. It's then I realize that I'm lying on the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut, groaning as pain radiates through my back as I move. God, Talia didn't even move me when she knocked me out.

  Opening my eyes, I blink rapidly, trying to adjust to the sunlight. It's morning already. Damn, not another concussion. Lifting my arm up, my fingers feel my head; there’s dry crusted blood. Shit, I must have hit my head on the way down. Dammit. I’m going to be groggy all day; that’s just what I need. Talia’s going to be on my case.

  I listen intently, trying to see if the girls are up already, but I'm met with silence. That is until I hear the buzzing of an alarm clock. My body freezes. Shit. I need to get up and get dressed. “Yoreli!” Talia screams.

  “Coming!” I yell back as I grab my sweater off the end of the bed and pull it over my head, wincing when it brushes against a sore spot. “Yes, Talia?” I ask as I rush to her doorway; she’s lounging on the bed, dressed in just her panties. I dart my gaze away, glad that I hear movement coming from the girls’ bedroom.

  “The car service will be here at nine. Have our bags brought downstairs and breakfast ready. The girls and I will be down shortly.”

  “Yes, Talia,” I reply and reach for her bag. I had it packed yesterday; no doubt she’s gone through it to make sure I packed correctly.

  I knock on the girls’ door and Zella answers it, waving her hand in the direction of their luggage. I drag their bags outside of their door and leave them against the wall. “Breakfast will be served shortly. Is there anything that you’d like?”

  Anna groans. “Mom! Can’t we just have breakfast at the airport? I don’t want to look at her this morning.”

  “Yeah, Mom; Yoreli’s killing my buzz.”

  I grab off the bags, wincing in pain as I do, and begin making my way downstairs, wanting to be out of the way when Talia exits her bedroom.

  “I’ll call the car service and see if I can have the driver come earlier.”

  I pray that the driver can; it gets them out of my hair that much sooner. Walking slowly back up the stairs, pain ricochets through my body with every step. When I get to the top, I reach for the last bag, pulling my back in the process; a piercing cry escapes my mouth, I bring my hand up to muffle the sound.

  “Oh, Yoreli. The driver will be here in ten minutes; please make sure our bags are in the car waiting for us.”

  “Yes, Talia,” I reply instantly as I lift the bag down the stairs.

  Fifteen minutes after the car has arrived, I've put the last of the luggage into the trunk. The pain is excruciating. I don't dare breathe in relief just yet; I don’t want to jinx things. As the girls get into the car, I begin to feel the fear ebb slightly. When I see the car drive down the street I smile; they're gone. I can have peace for a week.



  I heard the yell as soon as the bitch closed the door on me. She didn’t care that I threatened her; she stood in the doorway with a sultry look on her face as she eyed me like a piece of meat. Not to mention her daughters did the exact same thing. It pissed me off that they lied to me, that they acted as though they had no idea who I was looking for. I knew I had made a mistake in coming here as soon as I mentioned the store yesterday. The look on her face can only be described as sinister.

  When she closed the door and let out the yell, I stopped on my way to the car and looked up. I’m not sure why I did; I glanced up just in time to see that bitch Talia grab Yoreli by her hair and yank it hard. I grit my teeth as I try to fight the urge to burst into the house and grab Yoreli and get the hell out of here. But I’m rooted to the spot as Yoreli’s eyes catch mine. I hold her gaze, letting her know that I’m here.

  Talia backhands Yoreli and I watch helplessly as she falls to the floor, Talia bends down and I lose both of them from view. I know I should go in there, but I can’t. I know that Talia would cause a ruckus. I turn on my heel and go back to my car. I’ll have Zeke look further into Talia and her estate. I’m sure that he can uncover something. I doubt that bitch is on the up. Hell, she’s assaulting her step-daughter; there’s no way that she’s fucking legit.

  Once I’m in my car, I make a call. “Zeke, find out everything you can about Talia Maine. I want the works. Everything you can uncover, I want to know,” I say as soon as he answers the phone.

  “Yes, boss. I’m on it; it’s going to take me a couple of weeks to delve that deep,” he replies instantly.

  “Thanks. Anything you find out, I want to know asap.”

  “Sure, boss. What’s this woman to you?” He’s curious. I get it. I’ve never asked him to delve into anyone that wasn’t a client before.

  “She’s hurt someone that means something to me,” I reply. “Let me know if you find anything.”

  “Will do, boss. I’ll work it around the job. If she’s so much as getting a ticket, I’m going to know about it.”

  I believe him; he’ll ensure that it’s done. “Thanks.”

  Once I end the call, I call my father. I’m going to need him and Mom when I get her out of that fucking house.

  “John, is everything okay?” he asks as soon as he answers the phone.

  I grip the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles white with the strain. “That fucking bitch is hitting her, Dad. I saw her with my own fucking eyes. She backhanded her. It took everything I had in me to walk away.”

  “Son…” Dad begins slowly. “If you had gone into th
at house, it would have made things worse. We’re going to get Yoreli; we’re going to make sure that she’s safe and when we do, we’re going to ensure that that woman will never be able to harm her again.” The anger in his voice is palpable. If that’s how he’s sounding, I’m wondering just how fucking pissed I sound.

  “I have Zeke looking into Talia; he’s going to let me know when he finds anything out. I hate being in the dark, Dad, and I fucking despise leaving her with that woman for another day.”

  It’s not who I am, I protect people. It’s what I’ve always done and yet, Yoreli is so fucking far out of my reach that I can’t breathe. I need her like I need air.

  “I know. We’re going to get her. You’ve got mine and your mother’s support, and if you opened up to your brothers, they’d have your back. Just let us help you; you don’t need to do this on your own.”

  “Dad, I’m thirty-three. She’s what? Eighteen?” It’s been over two years since I last spoke to her. She was fifteen, almost sixteen. To me, the age difference doesn’t bother me; the reaction I have to her is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I’ve been with my fair share of women, both older and younger than me, and no one has caused a reaction from me like Yoreli has.

  “Anyone has a problem with it, it’s there damn problem,” Dad grouses. “I knew Paul better than anyone. That man loved his daughter fiercely and while he may not like that you’re a lot older than her, he wouldn’t be able to deny that you’re a good man. One of the best. He’d be proud that you’d be the one to love his daughter.”


  “I’ll talk to them. I have a feeling that once we get her out of there, that bitch isn’t going to let go of her. I’m going to need them to keep her safe when I can’t.”

  “I’ll talk to your mother; she’s been worried about you. When I tell her, she’ll be relieved and want to do whatever she can to help Yoreli.”


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