Picture Perfect Love

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Picture Perfect Love Page 12

by Marquita Valentine

  “The old you was very smart.”

  “Yeah, but I’m older and wiser now.”

  “Older for sure.”

  He makes a wow face. “That’s it. I’ll give you to the count of three and—”

  I kiss him into silence.

  He smiles against my lips. “Love you, little mermaid.”

  “And I love you, Laird.”




  Sunset is my favorite time of day. The colors, the mood it evokes... my beautiful wife nearby, nothing could beat this—except the new addition to our family.

  Only two months old, Rainbow lays against my shoulder, little breaths like the beat of hummingbird wings against my bare skin. She’s asleep and so’s her mother.

  I glance over at Ophelia, a slight smile on her face as she lays in the hammock at the edge of the pier. The wind rocks her gently. Long dark hair falls nearly to the wooden plans on one side and I’m half tempted to adjust her simply so I can touch her.

  Instead I keep my hand over Rainbow’s back, securing her to me so that she knows her daddy can carry her as well as her momma.

  To think that I could have lost this blissful peace.

  To think I was stupid enough to consider it.

  Thank God Ophelia didn’t give up on us.

  Fear threatens to take my joy away, but I push it aside, taking a deep breath.

  While I don’t wish our journey on anyone, I’m sure as hell glad that no matter what separated us, Ophelia was always mine... and I am forever hers.

  And this child of ours, this blessing after so much damn pain, whatever curses our families have endured for centuries surely has been broken.

  Ophelia stirs, her eyes opening as she stretches and yawns. She sits up, fixing her gorgeous green gaze on me. A smile pushes her full lips up.

  “I feel slightly more human now.”

  “You’ll always be mostly mermaid to me, love.” I wink at her and she laughs quietly. “Don’t feel like you have to get up, I have things under control.”

  She glances longingly at the hammock. “I could sleep more.”

  “I’m not going to stop you.”

  At that moment, our daughter stirs, whimpering a little.

  Immediately, Ophelia rushes to us, concern written all over her face. “I’ll take her.”

  I gently pat Rainbow’s back and she settles down again. “It was just a bad dream, sweetheart. Go back to sleep.”

  Ophelia hovers. “Are you talking to me or her?”

  “Both of you.” I stand. “You have not only baked this beautiful human to perfection, but you pushed her out of your body. The very least I can do is take care of Rainbow while you get some rest.”

  Ophelia bites her lip. “Are you sure? I’m up.”

  I nod at the hammock. “Go sit back down.”

  “I need to fix supper.”

  “Already took care of it.”

  Ophelia blinks at me, stepping closer to us both instead of sitting like she needs to do. “You did? When?”

  “While you were both sleeping.” I grin at my wife. “If you won’t allow me to hire someone to help you while I’m at work, then you’ll have to let me contribute when I get home.”

  “It’s weird to have help,” she mumbles.

  “It’s not weird to take care of yourself or allow your adoring husband to take care of his family.” I give her a mock painful look. “It’s good for my ego.”

  Snorting a little, she shakes her head. “In that case, you can take over baby duty when you get home from work to your heart’s content.”

  “Thought you’d see it my way.” I bend down a little, kissing her forehead. “Made your favorite, spinach ravioli and grilled chicken.”

  She wrinkles her nose. “There is no way I slept through you grilling.”

  My cheeks heat. “I might have ordered take out and had it delivered.”

  Her mouth drops open and then she giggles. “You are the worst best husband ever.”

  “I aim to please.”

  “Your aim is always true.” My wife runs her finger down my arm. “It’s been eight weeks.”

  “Yup.” I don’t want to get excited, but I can’t help it. I also don’t want to think that she’s talking about sex when she’s really talking about how old our daughter is either. “How should we celebrate?”

  Her eyes twinkle at me. “I bought a new outfit.”

  I cock a brow. “For you, me, or the baby?”

  “Welllll,” she drawls. “It’s for you, but I’ll be the one wearing it.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”

  She nods happily, then her smile turns so seductive that my mouth runs dry and my pulse jumps. I adjust Rainbow in my arms, unsure if I should feel this way while holding our daughter.

  “After we put Rain down for bed, I’ll try it on for you. You still like black lace, right?”

  Internally, I’m wagging my tail like a dog and shouting glory hallelujah. “Absolutely,” I reply in a casual voice. “I know I’ll love whatever you wear.” I’ll enjoy taking it off of her even more. The new curves to her body are killing me. I’ve been dying to touch her, dying to kiss, lick, and savor every inch of her. This woman still has no true idea what she does to me, what she’s always done to me.

  Even when I didn’t know her, I wanted her for my own.

  Tenderly, Ophelia touches my cheek. “Any new memories today?”

  “One,” I say honestly. It’s weird. Some days I get a slew of memories and others, it’s as if my swiss cheese-like past will never be filled. “The first time I kissed you. You sneaked into my room, right after dad...” I clear my throat, “You were drenched. Freezing. But you braved all that and your mother for me. I felt like Wendy meeting Peter Pan for the first time.”

  “I think we were each other’s Peter,” she says, slipping her arm through my free one as we walk down the pier that leads to our home. “When I needed to go to Neverland, you took me there.”

  I swallow hard. “I think you’re right.”

  She gestures to the bungalow we call home. “This is our safe place now. No one can touch us here. Tell us where to go or who we’re supposed to be.”

  “I swear I’ll keep Rainbow safe.”

  She stops, turning toward me. “I know. I know. Just because Rainbow wasn’t planned doesn’t mean she isn’t loved by you.”

  Our baby wasn’t planned. She was one of the biggest surprises of my life and it had scared the ever-loving hell out of me when we found out. I was so damned worried for Ophelia, worried that the worst would happen, but none of that happened. “I love you, little mermaid.”

  Her clear green eyes get misty. “And I love you, Laird.”

  “Swear on everything that I won’t ever put myself in danger again.”

  She sighs. “I’m not asking you to never go diving. Just not alone and not when a storm is coming in.”

  “I know.” I shake my head and we resume our walk. “But I can admit that I was full of myself. Cocky. I should have thought of us. Should have thought about what you had to go through without me here.” It kills me to my soul to know that the love of my life miscarried without me to help. It kills my soul that she bore this burden even after I returned, simply because Ophelia didn’t want to make me hurt more.

  Ophelia leans against me, lightly rubbing our daughters back over my hand. “Our angel baby is content to wait on us, Laird. He’s happy and safe in Heaven. In a while, we’ll see him, hold him and tell him all the things we couldn’t in this lifetime, but not yet. We have to take care of his little sister first. Tell her about her big brother Connor.”

  My throat gets crowded.

  My vision blurs.

  I want to dwell on a past, but Rainbow wakes up this time, head moving, rosebud mouth searching for dinner. It eases the pain I feel inside, just a little. This rainbow baby of ours is a gift.

  “I’ll keep dinner warm.”

nbsp; Ophelia takes our daughter from me. “You could always feed me while she eats.”

  I laugh, swiping at my eyes. “That’s a great idea.” I pull my girls against me for a quick one-armed hug, then open the French doors with my free hand. “Go on inside.”

  Ophelia lingers in the doorway, even as Rainbow starts to fuss. “Kiss me.

  “Until the seas run dry.”

  Epilogue II



  Laird Connor King, beloved of Ophelia King, was laid to rest today at the age of ninety-four. He passed peacefully, surrounded by the love of his life, children, grandchildren, and great children. His last words were to instruct his family to love one another and to always work through the difficult times, and then to his wife, saying he’d see her soon, but she couldn’t join him until after their first great-great grandchild was born.


  Ophelia Randolph King, beloved of Laird King, was laid to rest today at the age of one hundred and five. She passed peacefully, surrounded by children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and a great-great grandchild. Her last words echoed that of her husband’s, to love one another in the best and worst of times.

  OPHELIA BLINKED, THE glory of the sun almost too beautiful to view. Gradually her eyes adjusted to the brilliance, and she continued to walk. The grass was the most amazing green she’d ever seen and so soft, like lamb’s wool.

  She looked down, shocked to see that she was barefoot as she walked, without threat of stone or thorn. Wait, her feet didn’t look the same.

  She held out her hands, wonder filling her. They were smooth, unblemished. Age spots, wrinkles, and bruises no longer marred her skin.

  Taking a deep breath, she filled her lungs and started to run, laughing with sheer joy as her legs worked effortlessly. Her hair was dark as night and her body strong, shapely... the clothes she wore flattering. Surprisingly practical as they flowed around her.

  There were people all around her. Smiling people who mirrored her joy as their gazes met. They called out in greeting and she waved to them, never slowing. She had somewhere to be, someone important to meet.

  A grassy field filled with wildflowers appeared before her. The wildflowers seemed to dance and sing, but that didn’t seem right. Everyone knew flowers couldn’t sing, yet... she shifted her gaze, focusing on the image in the middle of the field. A large tree grew there, heavy with fruit, and under it a man looking up at its branches. She knew that man, knew him like she knew herself.

  She had to go to him, but first... she stopped to speak with the one who brought her here.


  He had dark hair, and warm eyes filled with love and joy as he spoke first, “Welcome home, Ophelia.”

  Impulsively, she hugged him in thanks. “It’s beautiful here, nothing like I could have ever imagined.” She didn’t have the words to describe all that she saw, but her brain was filling with the knowledge of the universe. “But I know you.”

  He smiled. “And I know you, daughter.” He nodded at the man under the tree. “Go to Laird. He’s been patiently waiting for you.”

  “Laird,” she breathed, her heart filling with a joy she’d never felt before. It was all encompassing and perfect. A second later she was under the tree with him.

  Laird smiled at her, more handsome than she’d ever seen. He was healthy, tall, and strong... and young. He couldn’t be older than thirty, maybe even twenty-five.

  “Little mermaid, you’re here.” He took her in his arms, kissing her with a passion that rivaled a thousand suns. Honestly, he took her breath away and she loved it. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” The feeling filled her soul.

  The tree shook and Laird looked up. “Watch out for falling apples.”

  Ophelia craned her head back. “Why would—?”

  Bright green eyes met hers, nearly identical in color to what she remembered hers to be. “Hello, Momma.”

  The boy jumped down from the tallest branch and landed neatly on the balls of his feet, making her gasp, but not in worry. She had absolutely nothing to worry about here. Rather her gasp was one of excitement.


  He nodded, his dark blonde hair glittering in the filtered sunlight. “My Father told me all about you, and when Dad got here, he told me even more things.”

  As Connor walked closer, she realized that he wasn’t a child, but rather a young man, tall and strong like Laird. He held out his hand to her and she took it.

  “My angel baby?” she asked in awe, glancing at Laird.

  He nodded encouragingly. “The one and the same. He’ll be taller than me before I know it, but don’t tell Connor that he hasn’t grown more than an inch since I arrived.”

  “Dad,” Connor said laughingly. “You know time moves differently here.”

  Ophelia shook her head. “How differently?”

  Laird grinned. “Depends on who you’re talking to.”

  “You’re allowed to hug me, Mom.”

  Ophelia didn’t need to be told twice. She wrapped her angel baby in her arms, tears of happiness falling from her eyes. “You were and are so loved, Connor.”

  “I know. I remember you talking to me when I was in your womb,” he said quietly, not letting her go. “I remember how tenderly you held me. Later, my Father shared with me what I didn’t remember. He also told me about my sister and twin brothers, how much fun they would be when they came home. Shouldn’t be long now.”

  Ophelia’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  Connor shook his head, letting her go. “But for now, why don’t you and Dad spend some time together.”

  Laird slid his hand in hers, watching with Ophelia as their son walked into a nearby forest, his stride long and sure. “He’s amazing.”

  “I knew he would be.” She turned to him, taking his other hand in hers. “I know I’m here with you, but there are still parts of me that can’t believe it.”

  Laird kissed her tenderly, passion and pure love rising. “We have a house waiting for us. Help me make it a home.”

  Ophelia looked into her beloved’s gaze. “Until the seas run dry.”

  MY NEXT RELEASE IS Love So Sweet—a Lawson Brothers Christmas novella that you will simply enjoy! There is very little angst and a whole lot of holiday sweetness as we celebrate Christmas with the Lawsons!

  And to share amazing news, I was able to secure the rights to a four-book series previously owned and published by my traditional publisher. I’m so excited to share the new covers and refreshed novels with ya’ll next year.

  In the meantime, be sure to check out my other titles on the next couple pages.

  Also by Marquita Valentine

  Scored Series

  Scoring Her Heart

  Protecting Her Heart

  Catching Her Heart

  Boys of the South

  Live for You

  Only for You

  True for You

  All for You

  Wish for You

  Burn for You

  Melt for You

  Holland Springs Series

  Drive Me Crazy

  Twice Tempted

  Third Time’s a Charm

  His Christmas Wish

  Just Desserts

  Not Over You

  Be Mine

  The Brides of Holland Springs Series

  The Billionaire Bride

  The Temporary Bride

  The Forgotten Bride

  The Christmas Bride

  The Scottish Bride

  The Lawson Brothers Series

  Love So Hot

  Love So True

  Love So Irresistible

  Love So Tempting

  Love So Perfect

  Love So Unexpected

  Love So Right

  Love So Wild

  Seducing the Billionaire Series

  Seducing the Billionaire’s Wife

  Seducing the Billionaire’s Brot

  Seducing the Billionaire’s Daughter

  Seducing the Billionaire’s Wife

  If you enjoyed the King family, then you’re going to love the Montgomerys. Keep going to read this enemies to lovers romance!

  Chapter One

  Thirteen years old

  Summer, 2006

  HANNAH MILLER WAS GOING to die. Even if she somehow managed to survive the riptide pulling her out to sea, her grandparents would kill her for being so stupid when they found out.

  “Never go swimming alone.” That was the only rule they gave when it came to the ocean, and she’d broken it to swim with the dolphins near Queen Island. She’d been entranced by their laughter and followed them, and now she was realizing that this swim was going to cost her life.

  Parallel, Hannah. Swim parallel to the shore.

  She struggled to tread the water as another wave of water crashed against her body. She sucked in a breath and prepared to make a move for the shore, but it was no use.

  Her arms were too tired.

  Her legs were too weak.

  Her lungs burned from all the salt water she’d swallowed.

  Hannah gave up fighting and willed her body to float on her back. With a little whimper, she smashed her lips shut and breathed through her nose.

  A large wave rolled over her and she went under, resurfacing with a hard sputter. Everything she’d been taught to do in a situation like this wasn’t working. She tried to stay afloat, but her body wouldn’t cooperate. She sank, bubbles and filtered sunlight blurring her vision as the water surged and churned.

  She didn’t want to die, especially not like this. She was only thirteen-years-old and had never been kissed. As a matter of fact, the only thing she wanted in life was to be kissed by Drew Montgomery. He was fifteen with the most kissable lips ever and she’d dreamed about kissing him far too many times to count.

  God wouldn’t let me die without letting me kiss Drew Montgomery first, would He?

  Desperately, she held her breath until black dots appeared in front of her eyes. Air. She needed air.


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