Home > Other > THE RULE OF THREE: A.C.H.E., MOTO, and TRINITY > Page 51

by Never , M.

  I smile conspiratorially. If they only knew. Jennifer has two.

  * * *

  I drop a plate of clam chowder fritters and two cups of lobster bisque on the table. Shane picked the best seat in the house. A two-top nestled in the corner of the restaurant right next to one of the large back wall windows.

  “Do you have impeccable taste with everything?” I sit.

  “Yes, why?” He regards me, self-assured and not arrogant. “I have a creative mind, and I search out the best and most beautiful places and things.” He aims his statement at me poignantly.

  I’m unsure if that was an indirect compliment, so I let it slide right by. But somewhere deep down, very far down, I courageously hope I’m one of those beautiful places or things. Being involved with Chase and Shane is treacherous and challenging on so many levels. The most obvious obstacle is that our relationship works three ways. What is the kitchen staff going to say when they see Chase waltz in and watch us act the exact same way? I can’t care about one less than the other. Treat one differently than the other. A triad relationship isn’t exactly a social norm. But I understand in order for this to work, we’re going to have to be stronger than public criticism. And even if we do get over that hurdle, the subject of their employer and my animosity toward him will always loom over our heads. As the redevelopment moves forward and the pressure to sell becomes unbearable, will we crack under the pressure? Will being on opposing sides ultimately destroy us? I’ll be completely honest. I don’t care about getting my heart broken. I’m not some hopeless romantic who dreams about a husband (or in my current situation, two), a house, and a white picket fence. What I care about most is my home. This place. The movement within these walls defines me.

  It gives me purpose.

  I know who I am. A twenty-four-year-old woman with no college education who has a challenging future ahead of her. Take the Corkscrew away and I’ll be a twenty-four-year-old woman with no future. With absolutely nothing.

  I can handle a lot of things, but losing this place isn’t one of them.

  “This is my favorite seat in the whole house.” I encourage him with my spoon to eat some soup before it gets cold.

  “I can understand why. The view is incredible.” He looks out at the sunset’s colors shimmering over the ocean. It’s a spectacular sight—bursts of orange, pink, and purples reflecting over the glassy turquoise sea. I could stare at the water for hours, mesmerized by just the curling blue current.

  “Jesus, this soup is delicious. What does the chef put in here?” Shane swallows several indulgent spoonfuls.

  “A little of this, a little of that,” I sing proudly.

  “This is your recipe, isn’t it?”

  “Guilty. I experimented for months until I got it just right.”

  “It’s freaking out of this world. I can’t believe you never went to culinary school.”

  I sigh as I stir the pink soup. “Maybe one day. For now, it’s YouTube videos and interrogating Edgar, the head chef, about everything he knows.”

  Shane places his spoon down gently and looks thoughtfully around the room. “Jenn, I know talking about the Corkscrew is a sensitive subject with Chase and me,” he treads lightly, “but have you considered remodeling? The food is outstanding, the location is unbelievable, so why not make it a trifecta?”

  I pause all movement and twist my lips into a sardonic smile. “You think I haven’t considered that? Haven’t dreamt day and night of turning this place into something more? Something better?” I finger my bangs agitatedly.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t upset me. I just see everything you see. When Pops got sick, everything changed. I was left to care for this whole place and him. I’m not complaining. I don’t mind hard work, and I’ll gladly do it. But every penny we make goes to paying off the liens. There’s nothing left to put back in.”

  “How much do you owe?” he probes carefully.

  “Less now. I’ve been doubling the payments by cutting corners where I can. I think if we scrape by one more winter and have a busy summer, we should be free and clear by next fall. Then I can take out a loan and remodel. Redo everything from bathrooms to kitchen to bar.”

  Shane sits across from me utterly silent, a sharp look in his green-brown eyes.

  “What?” I demand.

  “You’re very loyal. And passionate. And your lower lip quivers when you get upset.”

  “I’m not upset. I’m determined. And I’m worried.”

  “About Ty?”

  “Yes.” I clutch the spoon. “He’s persistent. I feel like I’m under the gun every single second, racing against time.”

  “The town wants this redevelopment, not just him. There are other factors at play.”

  “I know. Believe me, I know. That’s why I am busting my butt to get this place in order. I can’t bear to see it ripped down just so another carbon copy condo can be slapped on the beachfront.” I realize what I said after the words bitterly fly out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. Your work is very nice.”

  “Nice?” Shane lifts his eyebrows. “Is that what you think when you’re sleeping in my bedroom or taking a shower in my bathroom? It’s just nice?”

  “It depends if I’m alone or not,” I toy cheekily. This is exactly why I wanted to avoid all work -Ty -redevelopment conversation. Tensions rise way too fast, which can have our delicate situation spiraling out of control in a nanosecond.

  Shane leans forward superciliously in his three-piece designer suit, which screams money and intimidation. “I’m going to have you eating those words. My enterprises are more than nice. They’re progressive, environmentally friendly, and stylishly designed to appeal to the eye.”

  “My mistake,” I hiss at him, not threatened in the least bit. Shane extends an intimidating smile. “You’re a piece of work, Jennifer Reeves.”

  “I’d be boring if I wasn’t,” I toss back.

  “Yes, you would. And probably wouldn’t have given me or Chase the time of day.”

  “Probably,” I fuck with him.

  “You know what else?” he asks.

  “Please enlighten me.”

  “I think you can do it.”

  “Do what exactly?” I question, as I sip my soup.

  “Make the Corkscrew into something great. And I can help.”

  “How?” I’m immediately skeptical. I’m not taking his money. No way, no how.

  “I can help you design the remodel.”

  “What?” I straighten my spine. I wasn’t expecting that.

  “Yup.” He scans the room again. “It’s a great space. We could do a lot with it. I can see it already.”

  “See what exactly?”

  Shane smirks devilishly. “My vision. Which I will share with you when the time is right.”

  “When the time is right?” I repeat, affronted.

  “A magician never reveals his secrets.”

  “That remodel is a long time away.” I poke the snake with the stick. “Are you telling me you’re willing to invest that much time?” I lean back and cross my arms doubtfully.

  “I’m telling you I’m here for a while. And wherever I am, Chase is. So yes, we have plenty of time to invest, and we’re willing to go all-in if the ante is right.” My heart leaps. All-in?

  “That’s a hefty bet.”

  “I told you. I have an eye for searching out the best and most beautiful things, and once I find them, I never let them go. I own them.” He hurls the weighty words at me, hitting me square in the chest. No one, besides Pops, has ever made me feel so wanted. It arises panic and brings me hope all at the same time—a deadly combination.

  I may be in way over my head.


  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my elusive maid of honor.” Janine looks at me wide-eyed through the mirror of the hotel room vanity as her hair is curled.

  “What? I’m here on time.” I drop my stuff on the suite’s couch and hang
up my bridesmaid’s dress in the closet. It’s a silver corset thing with beads all over it.

  “I was wondering if you were going to show up at all. Been running around with one of those guys from my bachelorette party, I hear.” Her interest elevates, then turns sour. “And why do I have to hear about your love life from other people?” Other people?


  She was working the bar when Shane and I had dinner the other night.

  “I meant to tell you, but things have just been so crazy with work and Pops—” I begin to ramble.

  “And a whole lot of cock. Glad to see you’re heeding my advice,” she clucks.

  She has no idea how much I’m heeding it.

  “So which one? The blond, right?” She snaps her fingers. “What was his name again?”

  I bite my lip and look at her hair stylist. “Can you give us a second alone?”

  The dark-haired girl with the snappy gum nods, placing the curling iron on the hot pad. “I need some more coffee anyway.” She leaves the room aloofly.

  Janine’s eyes are as large as blue saucers; I sent the stylist away. She knows I’m about to share something juicy.

  “Oh, my god, you’re in love with him.” She tries to guess straight away.

  “Not exactly.”

  “He has a tiny penis, and he’s horrible in bed, and now, you have no idea how to get rid of him.” She frowns.

  “Not even close.” I roll my eyes.

  “Oh, thank god. So what’s with all the hush-hush?”

  I wring my hands together nervously. How do I say this? “I haven’t exactly been running around with just him. Shane.”

  Janine stares at me blankly. “What do you mean not just him? You’re bonking the other one too?”

  “Sort of.” I wince.

  “Do they sort of know, or are you juggling both of them behind their backs?” she asks, half perturbed, half in awe.

  “They know.”

  Her jaw drops. “And they’re okay with that?”

  “Yes, because they’re together. We’re all together.” I lace my fingers in front of her face. I don’t know if the hand gesture helps the explanation or not.

  “You’re all together.” She mimics my hand motion as she tests out what I just told her with her own tongue. “Holy. Fuck. Jennifer. Diane. Reeves.” It clicked. “You choose the morning of my wedding day to tell me this information! A threesome!” she jumps out of her chair.

  “A triad, I think it’s technically called,” I correct her.

  “Oh, excuse my ignorance on the terminology.” She snaps her head and digs her fists into her hips.

  “Shut up.” I knock her in the arm. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I don’t know how to tell anyone. It’s all very new and strange and yikes.”

  “And hedonistic. I can’t believe it. The girl who couldn’t commit to one man has committed to two.”

  “Hang on. It’s not like we’re strolling down the aisle three deep.”

  “You might be. I can see it written all over your face. You like them. A lot.”

  “There’s a big issue.”

  “Too much cock now?” She scrunches her face.

  “No.” I glare at her. “They work for Winters Travers.”

  “That swine who’s trying to swindle the Corkscrew from you and Pops?”

  “Yes. One and the same.”

  “Are they pressuring you to sell, you know,”—she pumps her fist—“when they’re applying pressure?”

  “No.” I look up at the sky. “We don’t talk about it at all. We all agreed.”

  “So what’s the issue?”

  I shrug self-effacingly.

  “You don’t want to fall in love?” Janine voices my answer.

  “I don’t want to be left looking like a fool if I lose everything.”

  “So keep your eyes open and bail at the first sign of trouble.”

  “Simple as that?” I question.

  “Simple as that.”

  I really don’t think so.

  * * *

  Janine and Jack’s wedding went off without a hitch. They looked beyond happy. And I was beyond happy for them. This day was a long time coming. But even with all the joyous festivities around me, it was all still a little empty. Or maybe it was just that I felt empty. Maybe it was Pops’ condition getting me down. Everything seems bleak knowing how little time he has left.

  I carried that hollow feeling around with me all night as I danced and toasted and ate. As I watched two of my best friends start their life as one. Maybe marriage isn’t a death sentence, after all. I mean, not if it makes two people smile like that.

  Close to midnight, I drag myself into Chase and Shane’s condo. They gave me a key and demanded I come home after the reception. They actually used the word home.

  I didn’t protest, even though my pride told me I should. My independence, my mistrust.

  Quietly, I sneak into their darkened bedroom. I pulled my rhinestone heels off ages ago, so my bare feet don’t make a sound. I stand on one side of the mattress watching them sleep under the small bedside lamp providing just enough light to show their handsome faces. Shane curled around Chase, both breathing heavily. Both peaceful and masculine and non-threatening. I’ve slept in their bed every single night since I’ve met them. They invited me in and never allowed me to leave. Truth be told, I don’t want to leave. Standing here now, I know what was missing tonight. Them.

  Chase stirs first, peeking up at me with one eye. He immediately smiles, an expression so warm it could rival the tropic’s sultry climate. “Hey. You just going to stand there, or are you coming to bed?” He reaches for my hand and plays with my fingers.

  “Bed.” I welcome his touch.

  “You look pretty.” He drinks in my smooth blond hair, heavy makeup, and silver beaded dress.

  “Thank you.” I can’t remember the last time a man told me I was pretty, and ever since I met them, they shower me with compliments every single day.

  “What are you waiting for?” Chase tugs on my hand.

  I don’t know where it comes from; the thought just suddenly bubbles inside. “I missed you tonight. Both of you.”

  Shane perks up, lifting his face off of Chase’s bare back to look at me. “We missed you too, baby.”

  “Yeah.” Chase becomes frisky. “Take your dress off and we’ll show you just how much.”

  The invitation is just too enticing. I recognize that look in their eyes, and I can’t wait to see what kind of ride they take me on next.

  I drop Chase’s hand and unzip the back of my dress, letting it fall lifelessly to the ground. They both growl desirously as I uncover my naked breasts and pointed nipples.

  “That’s what we like.” Chase rises to his knees and pulls me flush against him. “You, in nothing at all.” He latches onto my behind with both hands and rolls his tongue into my mouth. I meet his kiss, thrust for thrust, reveling in the firm welcome. Shane quickly follows suit, delivering his own passion-filled kiss as Chase moves down my neck to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. I moan on contact as their palms roam over the peaks and valleys of my bare skin, and their lips claim what’s rightfully theirs. Chase shimmies my lacy thong down my legs before they both pull me onto the bed.

  “Show me.” I let all my defenses down, sprawling out beneath their traveling tongues. “Show me how much you missed me.” Never have I allowed myself to be so vulnerable. But tonight proved one thing. I don’t want to be alone or without these two men. Ever.

  “We will always show you.” Shane’s mouth meets mine for another fiery kiss before he turns to Chase and shares the same heated embrace. I run my fingers through both of their hair as their tongues tangle right in front of me. Watching them is so fucking hot. Hotter than I ever could have imagined. So raw, and carnal, and powerful. I slip my hand down between my legs wanting to get off on the virile show, but Chase brushes my fingers away.

  “Not tonight. Tonight, your ass and pussy and pleasure ar
e ours.”

  I have no objections.

  “I can live with that.” I sweep my palms over their hardening cocks. “But you had better hurry, because I’m impatient.”

  “You’ll wait until we goddamn say you’re ready.” Chase pins my hands over my head in a show of dominance.

  “I just need you so bad.” I spread my legs, imploring them both.

  “And you’ll get us.” He releases me, the two of them moving south at the same time. I squirm as they lightly run their lips over my naked body, teasing me, tickling me, promising me a night of profane things to come.

  Together, they bite their way up the inside of each of my thighs, moving with purpose to the promised land. I spasm as they both tongue my pussy at the same time. An erotic French kiss of epic proportions. They work as a team, licking sensually, searching out every fold, fissure, and crevice. I watch with shadowy vision as two heads bob and two tongues indulge in my slick, hot flesh. I begin to flail as they break down the door to my desire, saturating me with saliva from the tip of my crease to the crack of my ass. My clit throbs as they spread my legs open and upward, feasting on their paralyzed prey. One sucking mercilessly on my pulsating little nub, while the other stabs me repeatedly with the tip of his tongue. But even with all the physical stimulation, it’s their pace that’s my undoing. They know I like a slow, lingering assault, and that’s exactly their attack strategy.

  I start to jerk my hips, a cyclone raging inside me. I need more—demand more—but they won’t give it. They wanted to show me how much they missed me, and they are, by prolonging the torture. By reveling in my desperate sounds and my weeping pussy.

  “God, please!” I crunch up painfully, as my need is sliced away one thin, fine layer at a time.

  “Again, scream it,” one of them demands as a hair more pressure is added to my clit.

  “Please!” I cry out, disturbing the stationary darkness. They both moan in tandem as I buck against their faces.

  I can’t keep track of who is doing what as my eyes are screwed shut, but I feel the sharpest, yet most alleviating pressure, in my pussy and in my ass, as they finger and lick me into oblivion. I shatter to pieces I as come everywhere, my shrieking cries threatening to break a window.


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