Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance

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Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance Page 12

by Ellie Rowe

“You guys can’t even be friends, much less lovers.”

  Liam stands up and comes to sit by me on the sofa.

  “Samantha, you’ve got to understand that there’s a lot of bad that has come between Asher and me. He’s done things and I’ve done things that don’t allow us to be friendly with each other. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a relationship with you.”

  “That’s not true Liam. I can’t be in a threesome where two out of the three hate each other.”

  “Well then if we can’t be a threesome, then the best man should win,” Liam says.

  “That’s right, pick one of us Samantha. And, just come home,” Asher says.

  “I wish that it were that easy. I don’t want just one of you. I want both of you.”

  I get up off the sofa and go to the floor to ceiling window of my apartment. I look out into downtown Manhattan.

  “Besides, this is my home, fella’s. Texas is no longer my home.”

  “Samantha, you know in your heart that this isn’t true. Texas is where you belong,” Liam says.

  I turn to face the two men who have stolen my heart.

  “If only the two of you could drop all that anger and just realize that the three of us belong together.”

  Liam and Asher both look at me with understanding.

  “Why don’t we work on this? Will you come home to Texas?” asks Liam.

  “I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.”

  I go sit back down on the sofa.

  “Come back with us Samantha. We need you.”

  I look at Liam and Asher and my heart is full of joy. These two are what’s been missing in my life, I realize. The question is can they drop the feud that is going on between them so that we can become a threesome again?



  “I have never in my life met a woman as stubborn as you!” Liam shouts at Samantha, who is sitting on the sofa drinking a Coca-Cola.

  “I just don’t want to go back to Texas, that’s all.”

  “We need you there, Samantha.”

  I stand up and go stand by the floor to ceiling windows and look out the window at Manhattan. There are so many people on the streets and sidewalks. I can’t imagine living here.

  “How can you stand this place, Samantha?” I ask.

  “It’s a great place to live. I love it here.”

  “Don’t you miss Texas at all?” Liam asks.

  “What’s to miss about Texas?”

  “There’s plenty to miss about Texas,” I say.

  “Like what?”

  “Well, you could miss us.”

  “I do miss you guys.”

  Samantha gets up from the sofa and comes to stand next to me.

  “You guys need to go out with me here in the Big Apple to understand what I feel.”

  “We miss you a lot in Texas. I wish that you would consider coming back and finish what you started,” I step closer to Samantha and put my arm around her shoulder.

  “You guys were pretty adamant about not being a threesome,” Samantha breaks out of my hug and takes my hand.

  “And then you left without giving us a chance to change our minds,” says Liam.

  Samantha lets go of my hand and goes to Liam. She sits on the coffee table that is across from the sofa.

  “You guys are never going to change,” Samantha lets out a big sigh.

  I leave the window and sit back down on the sofa.

  “You didn’t give us a chance Samantha.”

  “You guys were pretty clear about hating each other. I pretty much got the message that it would be a cold day in hell before you would agree to a threesome again,” Samantha turns to me.

  “We didn’t say that,” Liam insists.

  “That's all you guys were telling me.”

  “I guess you’re right. But that was before you left Samantha. Things are quite different now,” I say.

  “What’s so different?”

  “You left.”

  We all stay quiet for a minute. I can tell that Samantha is beginning to understand what we are telling her.

  “What if you just come home for a little while and help us to change.”

  “That’s right, come home Samantha. We will try our hardest to change,” I say.

  “What if you can’t change?” Samantha says.

  “Then we can’t change. But on my part, when I make up my mind to do something, I do it.”

  “Come on girl, we are telling you that we are going to change in a way that isn’t going to be easy for us. Now, what are you going to do for us?”

  Liam slaps his hand on the table and startles Samantha.

  “Gosh Liam, you don’t have to go all caveman on me.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that you are being so stubborn.”

  “I might just go if the two of you agree to do something just for me,” Samantha gets a wicked look on her face.

  “What would you want us to do?”

  Now we are getting somewhere. Liam looks a little nervous.

  “I want the two of you to come out with me and party the New York City way.” Samantha starts to giggle.


  Liam looks as if he is smelling something nasty.

  “That’s not fair Samantha. Liam will never agree to go out for a night on the town. He’s the dullest old man you’ll ever meet.”

  “Hey, speak for yourself!”

  “You know this to be true Liam.”

  “Come on boys, don’t fight.”

  “Why do you want us to come out with you Samantha?” I ask.

  Samantha turns so that her body is facing mine. All I can think of doing is pulling off her shirt so that I can see those delicious breasts. I get sad thinking that I might never get to see them again.

  “I want us to be a threesome here in New York. I want you to see the places I love and to meet some of the people in my life. Hell, maybe I just want to show you off. Whatever the reason, if you go out with me, I’ll fly to Texas the next day.”

  I grab Samantha and hug her. Liam doesn’t look happy about what is going on in front of him.

  “Maybe I’ll agree to do this, but I have to know way upfront what we are going to do and who we are going to see,” Liam says.

  Samantha gives me a squeeze with her arms before she lets go and faces Liam.

  “You are just going to have to trust me Liam. My favorite thing is to be spontaneous. I’ll figure out where we are going and who we’re going to meet once we are out on the streets of New York. It will be much more fun than planning the evening out.”

  “I don’t know if I can trust you, Samantha. Do you promise not to take us to any really strange places?” Liam asks.

  “You are just going to have to trust me Liam. In the end, it’s all about trust.”

  “Get it together Liam and concentrate on what we are here to do,” Liam stays silent for a moment. I can’t stand waiting.

  “What are you here to do?” Samantha asks.

  “We are here to take you back. I agree to go out for one night and one night only.” Liam says.

  “That’s a deal.” Samantha says.

  “Thank you!” I say.

  I feel a rush at the thought of being with Samantha again. She is so very beautiful.

  “Group hug?” I ask.

  Liam and Samantha shake their heads. I don’t get my group hug, but the most important thing is that Samantha is coming home. I don’t care if she drags me into a den of vampires, she’s coming home and that’s all that matters.



  I am not thrilled about the fact that I have to go out for a night on the town in New York City. I never enjoy myself when I am here. There are too many people, and everything is so expensive. I’ve gone out with different friends who live in New York City, and it’s always been a challenge to our friendship.

  “Come on Liam, pick out something exciting to wear. Dress like tonight is going to be
the best party night of your life!” Samantha says.

  “I’ll do my best, just let me be. Go help Asher,” I say.

  “Liam, you’re getting into the mood. I’m happy,” Samantha says.

  “Now you guys go into the dressing rooms and change.”

  We do as we are told and go change. When we finish, I can’t believe what Asher is wearing: a pink sequined shirt and some really tight pants. I am just wearing jeans and a t-shirt that says: buy me a beer, the end is near.

  “I can’t believe you. This is so not you,” I say.

  “I’m sorry to tell you Liam but yours is dullsville compared to me,” Asher says.

  “Brother, I wouldn’t want to compare myself to you any day.”

  That is the last sane moment we have. Even though it is still early, Samantha finds some action at one of her favorite restaurants. They have a live band and people are dancing.

  “This is a good place to start,” Samantha says.

  A server comes to lead us to a table. We sit down and Samantha orders a trendy cocktail for us. I have to admit that seeing Samantha so lit up and happy makes me get into a better mood.

  The band starts playing a song that Samantha says is her favorite.

  “Let’s Dance!” Samantha shouts.

  Asher gets up but I stay seated.

  “Oh no mister, you’re dancing too!”

  I take a big sip of my drink and then follow Asher and Samantha to the dance floor. Samantha is wild on the dance floor. She is so beautiful when she dances. Asher is not bad looking either.

  Maybe it is the cocktails that we are having but I start to really get into a party mood. We dance so well together. Not one time did Samantha ask to dance with one of us. Every dance, we dance together.

  “Let’s ditch this place,” Samantha says.

  I pay the bill and we leave and get into a taxi. Sam sits on my lap, even though there is room in the taxi. She gives me a passionate kiss.

  “I haven’t forgotten about you, Asher,” Samantha says and laughs.

  Then the three of us start making out in the back of the taxi. It’s wild but I have no shame in front of the taxi driver. Samantha makes everything seem cool and easy. I lose all my inhibitions and give our little session my all.

  We get to the next club. There is a long line, but Samantha knows the guy at the door, and we get right in. The place is wild. People are dancing, drinking, and having a good time. The dance music is loud and pulsing. I would usually hate a place like this. But as I follow Samantha to the dance floor, I totally lose whatever attitude I have left about partying.

  Samantha is the best dancer I have ever been with. She is beautiful as she moves and glides. She always manages to have her eyes on us. People know Samantha here, but she gives her attention to only Asher and me. She is amazing.

  Asher isn’t bad either. He is such a happy soul. I can understand why he picked a sequined shirt. He is loud and fun-loving. He is joking with me, and I can’t help laughing. Samantha and Asher are so happy, I can’t help but be happy myself.

  The band takes a break, and we head to the bar.

  “You guys have to try this drink. It’s called californication.”

  “I’ve heard of it,” says Asher.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “It’s a mixture of gin, vodka, white rum and tequila with a squeeze of lemon juice and topped off with orange liqueur.”

  “It’s so good!”

  “Sounds good, let’s order,” I say.

  Samantha gets the bartender's attention and orders three californications. The bartender gets them to us in record time. Samantha passes us our drinks.

  “Okay, let’s drink all at the same time. 1 . . .2 . . .3!” says Samantha.

  We drink at the same time. I can’t stop drinking mine. I drink it all the way down. I look at Samantha and Asher, they did the very same thing. We crack up laughing at each other. Samantha orders us more drinks. We drink them and then Samantha says we have to meet her friends. She takes us to a table of extremely attractive girls.

  Then, as if the evening couldn’t get better, the girls all get up and we all go to the dance floor together and start dancing. I dance with eight gorgeous girls but none of them are as brilliant or hot as Samantha.

  I had the best night. But the best moment was walking to Samantha’s apartment. The sun is coming up, so we stop to watch the sunrise together.

  “This has been a real blast!”

  “It sure has been,” Asher says, “You are amazing Samantha!”

  “You sure are,” I add.

  “Don’t make me cry. “

  Samantha puts her arms around both me and Asher.

  We walk the rest of the way to Samantha’s apartment. Then we pass out on her sofa. Samantha places her head in my lap and her legs on Asher’s lap. Asher and I sit close together. I know I’m going to have one heck of a hangover tomorrow, but this has been the best night of my life.



  The best part of any plane ride home is when the seatbelt light goes off and the snack cart is coming down the aisle. I buy some snacks and then look out the window at the clouds.

  Last night was so exciting. I can’t help but daydream about it. We went to all the places I love, and the boys seemed to enjoy themselves. It’s crazy the way they fit into my life. It’s like there was nothing in my life before they came into it.

  I’ve had plenty of friends and lovers, but these guys are different. They are so honest and decent. All I want to do is treat them as well as they treat me. These days, I think less about myself and more about them. I’ve never done that before.

  I close my eyes and think about all the perfect moments we had together during our special night out. The best part of last night was how well the boys fit in with my New York City crowd. All my friends just loved them.

  I didn’t know that the boys have such a great sense of humor. They keep my friends laughing and in a good mood all night. This is saying a lot about my crowd. It’s tough to impress them but the boys did a great job at it.

  The truth is that both guys are extraordinary, and I am lucky that they want me. The flight goes by fast because I daydream the whole time.

  Rusty, my father’s ranch hand is at the airport to take me home. Rusty is quiet on the way home. When we get to the ranch, he drops me at the front door. I thank him and let myself out of his truck.

  As soon as I am in the house, I hear my father shouting my name.

  “Samantha! Is that you?”

  “Yes, it’s me dad.”

  I close the door behind me and leave my suitcase by the door. I go to the living room and find my dad standing by the fireplace smoking. He does not have a happy look on his face.

  “How dare you leave Texas when we are right in the middle of things.”

  “I needed to get away for a few days.”

  “You needed to get away? What the heck for?”

  “I needed to sort things out in my head.”

  “And you couldn’t sort these things in the privacy of your own room?”

  My father gives me a hard stare.

  “No dad, I’m not twelve anymore.”

  “I should say you are not. You are a grown woman with responsibilities and obligations to your family.”

  “What responsibilities and obligations?”

  “You are responsible to me, and you are obligated to do what I say.”

  “Since when?”

  My father’s face turns red, and I want to run out of the room, but my feet stay planted in the living room’s brown shag carpeting.

  My father crosses the room to go to the coffee table in front of the sofa. He picks up a magazine and then throws it at me.

  “I can’t believe this filth. It’s hard enough that you have a wild reputation but it’s more disgusting to see you being so cheap on the cover of a national magazine.”

  I look at the magazine and see that I’m on the cover stickin
g my tongue in Asher’s ear while I grab at Liam’s bottom.

  “Nobody in town reads this magazine,” I say.

  “Are you kidding me! This is a popular magazine around here. Open the magazine up because there is more of your sordid lifestyle.”

  I open the magazine and there are several pictures of me all over Liam and Asher. I look pretty raunchy and wild as I grind and kiss them all over. I smile thinking of the things I did.

  “I never believed the rumors but now that I see what your life is like in New York City, I believe everything I hear. You are a slut.”

  “Now wait a minute. Just because I was having fun with Asher and Liam, it doesn’t mean I am a slut. What I do in private is my business.”

  “None of my business? You don’t get it. In this town, your reputation is all you have. Now you’ve gone and ruined the family honor.”

  “The family honor? I never knew we had any.”

  My father jumps towards me with his hand extended like he is going to slap me. I jump out of the way before he can bring his hand to my face.

  “Were you going to slap me?”

  “Yes, I was. Lord knows you deserve it.”

  “Like hell, I deserve this.”

  We both stand silent and stare at each other. My dad is the first to break eye contact.

  “Look, if you do as I say now, maybe we can rectify this whole thing and wipe this scandal from the minds of the townspeople.”

  “What scandal?”

  My father shakes his head.

  “I want you to stop seeing Asher and Liam. Let’s get the attention off your relationship with them.”

  “What do you mean stop seeing them? I'm not doing anything of the sort. I know all about your plan. Why I went along with it, I’ll never know. But I am a grown woman, and I can do anything I want.”

  I look directly in my father’s eyes.

  “And to hell with you and the townspeople. Asher and Liam mean the world to me, and I will never let them go.”

  Before my father can say anything to me, I rush out of the living room and go to the door. I grab my suitcase and pull out my phone. I feel horrible and I don’t want to be alone.


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