Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance

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Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance Page 15

by Ellie Rowe

  “Howdy, all!”

  An incredibly large crowd formed without us noticing. The audience is sitting before an older man on stage. He looks plump and friendly, with his ten-gallon hat and belly laughs.

  “As many of you know, it is tradition for all of us here at the Annual Rancher’s Fair and Cattle Society of America, to highlight exceptional members of our community. Without our brothers and sisters, there wouldn’t be much of a trade for us. Now, would there be?”

  “No!” The crowd is booming and the camaraderie between Ranchers is apparent. Everyone who attended the fair must be in this audience. Including Alfred Laurier.

  Samantha looks back at me, I look at Liam and watch them exchange knowing glances. Somehow, we’re connected. We are all on the same, exact page.

  “End this,” I say.

  “We’ll clear the way,” Liam’s voice is thick with conviction.

  Before we know it, we’re linking around Samantha and parting a sea of people. We make it to the stage and hoist her up. An awkward silence falls through the crowd as people are realizing who she is.

  “Is that Samantha Laurier?”

  “The supermodel?”

  “God, she’s hot!”

  Phones raise in the air as she approaches the mic.

  “Sorry for the interruption. Really quickly, before we highlight our exceptional ranchers, I’d like to dedicate a minute to one special man who is a very special rancher in my life.”

  Samantha clears her throat and my guts twist in knots. Not just for her, but for all three of us.

  “My name is Samantha Laurier. Some of you may already know me. I’m a model,” whistles and cheers bounce through the crowd like a beach ball at a college party.

  Liam is leaning into me, and we both hold our breath as Samantha pauses.

  “I’m sure you may also know my father, Alfred Laurier, who’s hard work I’d like to highlight today.”

  The crowd is smiling. Some folks are nodding. They must be thinking what a sweet family Samantha has.

  “Without him faking the deeds to our land and continuously lying to the city, who knows where he would have ended up?”

  Samantha’s tone is dripping with revenge. Gasps envelop us like a cloud.

  “It’s his exceptional lies, manipulation, and thievery that I would like to bring to light.”

  Before Samantha can even finish, the crowd has gotten heated.

  “Is that true?”

  Voices from the crowd turn dark.

  “I wish it wasn’t,” she says

  Everyone is looking around, furiously, for Mr. Laurier.

  Liam and I usher Samamantha off the stage before anything can get any worse. The three of us exit the fair before a possibility of running into the wrath of Mr. Laurier one last time.



  We’re back at Asher’s house. We practically ran out of that fair and hopped into his truck, speeding off. For the past half hour, we’ve just been sitting on his back porch, staring off into the distance.

  My mind is filled with regret.

  “This is bad. Fuuck, this is bad.”

  “What are you on about Liam?”

  “This- this whole thing. It’s bad news. I don’t like the way I’m feeling.”

  “Dude, we just got exactly what we’ve wanted this whole time. We are untouchable.”

  “Okay but are we though? How do you know that? Alfred is a powerful man. What if he finds his way out of this and then his first move is to come after us.”

  “Do you seriously think he is going to find his way out of this?”

  “Do you seriously think that he is just going to let this slide? You think he’s just going to let this go? Have you ever known your father to let anything go? I mean come on.”

  “Okay but you’re missing something… my father has nothing left now. We just revealed that his land was stolen. That he has been a liar this whole time. And honestly? Once he is investigated- who knows what else they’ll find? He is toast. We have absolutely nothing to worry about,” she assures me.


  “No. Listen to me. I understand where this anxiety is coming from. But I’m being one hundred percent truthful when I tell you that there is nothing he can do to us, okay?”

  I take a few deep breaths.

  “Okay. Okay, you’re right.”

  “She is right, there is nothing that Alfred Laurier can do to any of us. And that right there calls for some drinks if you ask me!”

  “Fuck yeah!”

  A few minutes later, he comes back out with some glasses and the biggest bottle of whiskey I’ve ever seen.

  “I’ve been saving this for a special occasion, and I think it’s about as good a time as any to crack this baby open.”

  “Oooo, nice- let’s do it!” Samantha cheers.

  We celebrate our victory, and it really does feel like that- a celebration. I realize that my worries were all for nothing. And that’s not the only thing I realize.

  As the night goes on, and we sit on the back porch, babbling away, laughing and drinking- I see things for what they really are. I open my eyes to the fact that Samantha and Asher- they’re amazing people. And not only that- but they’re my people.

  They’re my people- and I love them with all of my heart. I wouldn’t exchange them for anything in this world. And I have to tell them this.

  “Can I have the floor for a minute?”

  “Why yes, you may.”

  “I just want to say that I love you both, so much. And no, this is not just the incredibly tasty whiskey talking. I really do love you guys. You’re my people, and I want to spend forever with you two,” I admit.

  Silence falls. For a moment, I’m scared I’ve jumped the gun.

  “I love you both as well. And I’m glad you admitted that, because I’ve wanted to, but I’ve just been so scared to. But I want to spend forever with you two as well and I don’t care what anyone thinks about that,” Asher says.

  We both look at Samantha, whose face is streaked with tears.

  “Awww, baby! Don’t cry!”

  The two of us go to her, wrapping her up in our arms.

  “I’m just so thankful for you guys. You have helped me not only really who I am, but what I truly want in life. So much of my life has been about getting back at my father. Defying him. And now that I’ve finally done that- now that I’ve finally gotten my revenge- I just want to move on with my life and be happy. And I just love you two so much. I don’t ever want to lose you guys,” she starts sobbing.

  “Baby- if there is one thing I know for sure- it’s that you won’t ever be losing us. You’ve got two soldiers by your side for life. We are not going anywhere.”

  “You promise?”

  Asher and I look at each other.

  “We promise.”

  The three of us share kisses all around, and it’s a truly wonderful moment.

  Next thing I know, we dive into an even deeper conversation.

  “I think that you and I should combine our ranches. We’re right next to each other anyway- we should just make it one big ranch. We can tear down our houses and just create one huge mansion in the middle, with all of our land surrounding it.”

  “Honestly? I think that’s an amazing idea. I mean- if we do that? We’ll have the biggest ranch in this entire area. We will be on top of this whole ranching game. We could even find a way to buy that orchard that separates our land, that way we can really just have one big empire!”

  “Oh my god, yes. This is like, my life dream right here. This is all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “What do you think, Samantha?”

  “I think this sounds fucking amazing! You should definitely do it. And I’ll help! I would love to learn more about ranching from you guys. I was never interested in it because of my father- but you two make it seem like so much fun. Like, it’s not work to you. It’s just your passion, and I love that.”

  “So you’ll live
here with us?”

  “Oh, absolutely! What did you think, I was going to move back to New York?”

  We shrug.

  “No, fuck that. It’s us now, and I’m here to stay.”

  Hearing her say that just makes me so incredibly happy. This really is a dream come true- and we have Samantha to thank for that. If it weren’t for her- well, none of this would be happening. And for that- I will always love her.



  This entire day has changed my life, in itself.

  A huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders now that my fathers secret is out. I’ve kept that shit inside for so long, that I almost forgot about it. But man, it feels fucking amazing to tell the truth.

  It’s all because of these two men, sitting on either side of me. They have changed me and helped me in ways that I didn’t even know I needed. And I owe them the entire world for it.

  I can’t even describe how amazing it feels that this entire thing worked out. I mean, to think where it all started- me coming back from New York City, my father creating a plan to lock me down- Asher and Liam reluctantly agreeing to take me out in exchange for some land.

  Then there was the greatest obstacle of all- the boys hating each other. Man, they really hated each other. And now look at them- talking like they’ve been lovers their whole lives. It truly amazes me.

  I can’t even imagine where I’d be without these two. Probably back in New York, still modeling for the same sleazy companies, hanging around the same city bimbos who think a line of cocaine is a proper breakfast. But most of all- alone.

  I would be alone. And lost. But instead, I feel more fulfilled with life than I ever have. I mean- obviously, I know that my hardships don’t end here.

  Of course, I will have to deal with whatever backlash my father throws my way. Half of my family will probably disown me for outing my father’s secret like that. The city will probably look down on my relationship.

  But you know what? None of that matters to me. None of it. Because I have Asher and Liam by my side- and that’s really all I need. The three of us will create a wonderful life together, and I’ll never want for anything.

  Suddenly, I feel the need to show these boys just how thankful I am for them and everything they’ve done for me.

  “What do you say we take this party inside?” I wink at them.

  “Ummm, I say fuck yeah!”

  “Let’s go, baby.”

  They help me up, and the three of us stumble inside to the bedroom. We’re all still pretty buzzed- but still sober enough to do our best work on each other.

  Within minutes, we’re all naked. I make to start sucking on their cocks- but they shake their heads at me. They seem to have come to some agreement that tonight is going to be about me.

  Now, I want to resist because I had this plan to show them a good time- but on the other hand, what kind of woman would say no to having two men pay their full attention to them during sex? Not many, that’s for sure. But mostly because most women will never get the chance to be in this kind of situation.

  I revel in the fact that I’m the lucky one as my two sexy men take their positions around me. Liam buries himself between my legs, already going to town. Asher begins kissing me slowly, before working his way down to my two huge breasts.

  “Mmmm, yess you’re both doing so good. Keep going holy fuck.”

  Liam licks my pussy up and down, before settling on my g-spot and keeping up a quick rhythm with his tongue. At the same time, he sticks two fingers inside of me, finding my inner g-spot and rubbing his fingers against it.

  While he works on my lower half, Asher has one of my nipples tightly between his front teeth, working them against it just the way he knows I like it. But he never leaves the other nipple vacant. He works it between his thumb and index finger, rubbing it back and forth, back and forth.

  It’s all too much for me to handle. I close my eyes, forgetting who is where- who is doing what, and where the fuck I am. All I know right now is pleasure, mixed with a teensy bit of pain. And holy fuck, it’s amazing.

  My back arches in pure ecstasy, feeling every single jolt of pleasure as I cum all over Liam’s mouth. And ever so slowly, I come back down to earth. My eyes flutter open, and my two men are staring at me with the brightest smiles, looking as if they just witnessed the greatest thing they’ve ever seen.

  “God, you orgasm so beautifully. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Liam says.

  Asher nods his head in agreement.

  “Now it’s your turn,” I tell them.

  I hop out of bed and turn to them.

  “Liam, I want you to get fuck me while I lay on my back in the bed. And Asher- I want you to fuck Liam from behind at the same time.”

  “Wait- like, you want him to fuck me in the ass?”


  They exchange a glance, and a smile creeps onto each of their faces. I knew they’d be down for this. I feel in my heart that this is the one final thing that needs to happen to make this love triangle whole.

  And so it begins. I lay down on my back, with just my legs hanging off the bed. Liam takes my legs and rests them up on his shoulders, while he slowly inserts himself into my pussy. Only, that wasn’t exactly what I wanted.

  “Hold on. I think you misunderstood. If you’re getting fucked in the ass- then I need to be getting fucked in the ass too,” I tell him.

  His mischievous smile returns, and he pulls himself out of my pussy, before plunging into my ass.

  “Hollly shit!” I shout.

  He pushes deep inside of me, slowly thrusting in and out. I motion for Asher to take his place behind Liam. He stands behind him, and begins kissing his back from the top all the way to the bottom.

  Liam goes still, temporarily halting his thrusting. Asher gets down on his knees, and his face disappears into Liam’s ass, licking him up and down, flicking his tongue up and down over his opening.

  Liam’s face twists, but not in pain. It’s a look of pleasure taking over, mixed with shock at how good it feels. Like he had no idea it could feel so good.

  Asher moves from his ass, down to his balls, sucking on them from behind. He swishes them around in his mouth, sucking hard and soft, hard, and soft. At the same time, he sticks one finger into his ass, then two.

  Liam grasps my legs, digging his fingers into my skin. His mouth gapes open, and his eyes drift to the ceiling. He is completely lost in another world right now, and I get to watch it with my very own eyes.

  Finally, Asher gets back up. He shoots me a quick wink, before inserting his huge cock into Liam’s ass. Liam holds onto me even tighter.

  “Oh my-” he loses his breath.

  “You like that?” Asher whispers right into his ear.

  “Yesss,” Liam moans.

  “You want me to keep going? Maybe speed up a little?”

  “Fuuuck yess. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can.”

  “Oooo, that hard? You sure about that?”

  “Yes!” he moans as Asher has already started speeding up.

  Liam begins fucking me again, and as Asher shoves himself into Liam- Liam shoves himself into me. It’s marvelous- watching Liam’s facial expressions and listening to his moans as he feels things he’s never felt before.

  Asher is enjoying it perhaps more than we are. He fucks Liam harder than he’s fucked even me, and something tells me that he’s been envisioning himself doing this for a very, very long time.

  “You like how I feel inside of you?” He taunts Liam.

  “Fu-u-uck ye-e-esss!” Liam screams.

  And finally, the three of us explode. We cum together, riding each wave with each other. It’s the most amazing experience I’ve ever had in my entire life.

  As the three of us collapse into bed, covered in each other’s cum, and drifting off into a sex coma- I think about how in love with these men I am. And I know that they are my future.

  I am absolutely sure that t
his is exactly where I am supposed to be. And I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.



  It’s true what they say: time goes by quickly when you are having fun. It’s going to be a year since Samantha, Liam and I have been together.

  It’s been the best year ever of my life. The three of us get along so well and we really have a great life. I’ve got to say that Samantha and Liam have turned out to be the loves of my life.

  After we went through the worst with Samantha’s dad, things got better when he left town. He definitely was a tough guy to deal with but clearly, he was no match for the three of us. Samantha managed to acquire her dad’s livestock. Liam and I were happy to combine her acquisition with our cattle.

  It’s a real chore to take care of all those cattle but Liam and I have been managing pretty well. We’ve even got Samantha out and about on the ranch working. She’s really cute trying to deal with the many trials and tribulations of owning so many cattle. Both Liam and I really enjoy her help.

  The absolute best part of everything is that we live together. We moved into my house because it was the biggest. Samantha took care of building on an addition for herself.

  We tease her that she has the biggest closet of anyone in the county. And she really does. Samantha could stock a store with all that she owns.

  Living with Liam has also been a big change. At first, Liam was staying at his own house but that wasn’t working out for us. We came to the decision that the three of us had to live under the same roof. I thought that would be difficult but the three of us got along pretty well, right from the start.

  Liam is our resident chef. Turns out he really likes to cook. Every day we have something new and delicious. Like tonight, Liam has made a rack of lamb for the first time and I’m excited to be trying out something new. We sit down to eat together but when Liam serves the lamb, Samantha excuses herself from the table and runs to the bathroom.

  “What’s wrong with Samantha?” I ask.


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