The Alphas of the Seven Galaxies

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The Alphas of the Seven Galaxies Page 18

by Sloane Meyers

  His tongue danced with hers, running along her teeth and the roof of her mouth while his hands gripped the small of her back and pressed her body against his. His rock hard erection pushed against the softness of her stomach, and Nova let out a soft moan thinking of what was coming. Her whole body buzzed with anticipation, but Daxar took his sweet time.

  Every second that he dragged this out was sweet torture. The pressure within Nova’s core grew to an almost unbearable level. The fire within her blazed, and the trembling in her hands had become so great that she had to grip the back of his shoulders tightly just to steady herself. Eventually he moved his lips to her breasts, taking her hard nipples and sucking them into his mouth, running his tongue over the nubs, and then nibbling gently with his teeth. Nova threw her head back and moaned as tingling heat filled her breasts and radiated to every part of her body. The water splashed across her face, its soft caress only adding to the cocktail of sensations she was already feeling.

  And then, Daxar decided he’d had enough of fooling around. He pulled his mouth away from her nipples, and reached under Nova’s ass to slide her up so that her soft entrance was even with his thick dick. He let out a low, hungry growl, a sound Nova was coming to know well. He made that sound when he wanted to assert his authority and claim her as his own. Mine, the growl said.

  Yours, Nova’s heart responded. And somehow, he seemed to hear the words spoken by her heart.

  He slid into her in the next instant, filling her completely. His thick, ridged shaft pushed against her inner walls, and Nova gasped. Even though this wasn’t the first time she’d felt him, she still felt just as shocked at how large he was. His stiff ridges rubbed against her most sensitive skin, and all she could do was hold on to him for dear life, moaning loudly as the electric, tingling pressure within her continued to build.

  He never slowed down, thrusting hard and fast deep inside of her. Her desire had made her as wet inside as the water that surrounded her. Daxar slid easily back and forth, claiming her with every powerful push of his hips. It didn’t take long for him to bring Nova to the edge. She held on as long as she could, wanting to drag out the moment forever. But in the end, she was at his mercy, and with his next thrust into her, she tumbled over that edge.

  She threw back her head again, letting the waterfall pelt her in the face as her release came. She moaned as her core clenched up, and then her inner muscles began to spasm. Wave after wave of sweet passion rushed over her, and she knew nothing in that moment except the pure ecstasy of her big blue alien being inside of her.

  He followed right behind her, letting out another loud growl just before he came into her. Nova could feel each pulse of his dick as it pushed out against her, almost in perfect timing with each spasm of her own release. For a delicious eternity, they clung to each other there under the waterfall and let the raw, sweet power of their love consume them.

  Eventually, Daxar pulled out and pulled her away from the waterfall. They swam back to shore, and lay together on the grass with their fingers intertwined, drying off in the warmth of Zocrone’s sun as it shone through the glass city dome.

  When the sun finally started fading into a starry night sky, Daxar sat up and smiled down at Nova. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, his blue, sculpted body seeming to glow in that ethereal light between day and night.

  “You know, it’s funny,” he said. “I was always so afraid of outsiders. But you don’t feel like an outsider at all. You feel like someone I’ve known my whole life. I thought I was brave before, but you’ve taught me what it really means to be brave: to let go of my past, and to open Zocrone up to the possibilities of progress.”

  Nova sat up and leaned her head against his. “Well, you’ve taught me to be brave enough to believe that I could belong somewhere. Truly belong. So I guess we’re even.”

  Daxar leaned down to kiss her. “I guess we are. And you will always belong right here in my arms.”

  And then they were off again, losing themselves in each other’s bodies. Bodies that were so different, and yet somehow fit perfectly together.

  Nova grinned as Daxar rolled her onto her back. That damn basestos job had turned out to be the best smuggling job she ever took.


  Chapter One

  Maisie Scotts glanced up from the spaceship’s engine at the sound of someone yelling her name.

  “Maisie! Maisie we need your help!”

  Ashariz, the Zocronian man who owned the spaceship repair shop where Maisie sometimes worked, was running toward her with a look of wild terror in his eyes. Something must be very wrong. Even if Maisie hadn’t been able to see the alarm on Ashariz’s face, the fact that he’d actually called her Maisie gave her a hint that he wasn’t in his normal good mood. Ever since Ashariz had discovered that mechanics back on Earth were often referred to as “grease monkeys,” he’d taken to calling Maisie by the term. Or, if he was in an especially cheesy mood, he’d call her “Grease Maisie.” Unfortunately, the nickname had caught on, and now Maisie’s entire crew had taken to calling her Grease Maisie. She tried not to let them see how much the name annoyed her, because the more they thought they were irritating her, the more they would tease her.

  There was no teasing now, however. Ashariz’s face had turned from deep blue to pale blue, and his eyes looked unusually wide.

  “Ash! What’s wrong?”

  “Distress call from one of the Zekkardite Rovers. Something’s wrong with the engine, and the thing is stranded halfway between here and the mines. There’s a big storm coming through that’s spawned a super-tornado and if the rover doesn’t get fixed soon, a huge load of Zekkardite might be blown away by the super-tornado!”

  Maisie frowned. “Okay. Losing a bunch of Zekkardite would be bad, but it’s not the end of the world. This planet has a lot more of it to mine.”

  Ashariz looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “Are you crazy? It’s not the Zekkardite itself we’re worried about. It’s the city dome!”

  Maisie set down the wrench she’d been holding and wiped her hands on her dark blue mechanic’s coveralls. “I’m lost. How does a lost load of Zekkardite have anything to do with the city dome?”

  “Zekkardite is heavy. Really freaking heavy. But a super-tornado is strong enough to pick it up and throw it around. If enough of it gets pelted into the city dome at a high enough speed, it could severely damage the dome.” Ashariz’s eyes had grown so wide that they looked like they might pop right out of his head.

  Maisie frowned. “Oh. I guess that would be a problem.” The planet of Zocrone itself was completely inhospitable to life, so the entire Zocronian population lived inside a giant, climate-controlled glass dome. The dome was incredibly sturdy, and Maisie knew the Zocronians had the ability to lock off large sections of the city in the event that one section was damaged. A break in one section of the dome would be bad, but it wasn’t like it would be the complete end of life on Zocrone.

  Nevertheless, Ashariz was freaking out. “A problem? More like a catastrophe!”

  “Right. Of course,” Maisie said, still not convinced. “But I’m not sure panicking about it is all that helpful. Surely, this can’t be the first time a threat like this has popped up. There must be some sort of emergency response plan in place?”

  Ashariz sighed dramatically. “How are you always so calm?”

  “Dunno. I’ve faced a lot of near-death emergencies in my time. After a while it takes a lot to shock you. Besides, what good would it do to freak out? Either the emergency response plan your people have will work, or it won’t. There’s not a whole lot I can do to change that either way.” Maisie shrugged, and went to pick up her wrench again, but Ashariz wasn’t done freaking out.

  “Um, there is a lot you can do.”

  Maisie looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. “Like what?”

  “Like, head out to the rover and attempt to fix it so it can haul the Zekkardite in before the super-tornado gets here

  Maisie laughed. “Yeah, right. I’m sure that Chief Daxar really wants a flight mechanic out there to work on a rover in an emergency. A human flight mechanic, no less. I work on spaceships. Rovers aren’t exactly my area of expertise.”

  Ashariz only stared at her, until understanding finally dawned on Maisie.

  “Oh. You weren’t kidding.”

  “No, I wasn’t kidding. Chief Daxar personally requested that you go out to the rover to fix it. He said you’re the best mechanic in town.”

  Maisie felt her cheeks heating up with embarrassment the way they always did whenever someone praised her mechanical abilities. Sure, she was good at what she did. But she repaired spaceships, not rovers. And besides, she highly doubted she was the best in all of Zocrone. Surely, there was someone else here better able to take on an emergency repair when the safety of the entire city was at stake. “He can’t be serious.”

  “I am,” another male voice said, joining the conversation. Maisie looked up to see that the voice belonged to none other than Chief Daxar himself, who had just entered the repair bay with a team of Zocronian soldiers by his side.

  “Chief!” Maisie squeaked out. She cleared her throat, trying to cover over how pathetic her voice had sounded. She couldn’t help it if she got flustered anytime someone of power was in the room. One would think she’d be used to Daxar by now, since he was dating one of Maisie’s best friends, Nova Wolke. But no. Maisie still turned into a bundle of nerves any time he was around.

  If Daxar noticed how flustered she was, however, he didn’t show it. Instead, he gestured toward the soldiers. “These guys are about to take a rescue rover out to evacuate the mining crew from the damaged rover. I’d like you to go with them and see if you can fix the damaged rover so we can get it back into the city dome before the worst of the storm hits.”

  “But Chief—”

  Daxar held up a hand to stop her from protesting. “Maisie, you’re the best. I’ve seen your work. We’ve all seen your work. If anyone can fix this rover and fix it quickly, it’s you. And I’m not the only one who thinks that. Jarmuk is out on that rover, and he personally requested that you be the one sent out to fix it.”

  “Jarmuk requested me?”

  “Yes. Now come on, enough talk. Let’s get you to the rescue rover. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  Maisie hesitated only a moment longer. She still didn’t think she was the best choice for this job, but if the Chief and Jarmuk both wanted her out there, then what the hell. She did have experience fixing engines while wearing a survival suit in the middle of Zocrone’s harsh atmosphere. She’d had to fix her own crew’s spaceship that way just a few weeks ago after they crash landed outside of Zocrone’s city dome. Besides, what Ashariz had said was true. She was indeed calmer than anyone else in emergency situations. And when you’re under time pressure to fix an engine and save a planet, calmness can count for a lot.

  “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  Ashariz let out a whoop, as though he was somehow personally responsible for Maisie being selected as the heroine of the day. Maisie resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she gave him a small wave and then followed the soldiers out of the room.

  “This way, Ms. Scotts,” the leader said in Universal. “That storm’s coming in fast, and we don’t have a lot of time.”

  Maisie nodded. “Please, just call me Maisie.”

  The leader nodded, but didn’t say anything further. Instead, he broke off in a run toward the western corner of Zocrone’s industrial sector, where all the military rovers were kept. Maisie followed him, thankful that she ran every day for exercise and was able to keep up reasonably well. The military rovers weren’t far, but these guys were going fast.

  Chief Daxar didn’t even try to keep up with them. Instead, he yelled after them wishing them good luck, and then took off in the other direction. Maisie figured he was heading back toward city headquarters to monitor the situation.

  Hopefully, once she got her hands on the rover’s engine, the situation would be under control. But nothing was ever guaranteed in the midst of Zocrone’s storms, and despite her resolve to be calm, Maisie couldn’t quite keep a nervous lump from forming in her throat as she climbed into the rescue rover and started donning her survival suit. Everyone viewed her as smart and talented, but if she messed up this repair, they would all know she was an imposter.

  Of course, if she messed up this repair and the city dome was damaged, there might not be anyone left on Zocrone to berate her for being an imposter. At least there was that.

  Here goes nothing. She took in a deep breath as the rescue rover entered the airlock chamber in preparation for leaving Zocrone’s city dome. Outside, the storm was already raging worse than anything Maisie had ever seen, and she’d seen some pretty bad storms. Before settling down in Zocrone, she’d worked as part of a smuggling crew, traveling across the Seven Galaxies in a cargo ship through often questionable weather. But the storms here on Zocrone were infamous, and this one looked like it might be trying to set a record, even for Zocrone.

  Still, Maisie did her best to stay calm. All she could do was her best. So far her best had always somehow been enough to get her through.

  She just hoped that lucky streak didn’t end today.

  Chapter Two

  “I see the rescue rover’s lights up ahead!”

  Jarmuk Kader looked in the direction the young Zocronian miner had just pointed, and was relieved to see that indeed, lights from two rescue rovers were just visible on the horizon.

  “Thank Jupiter. It’s about sludging time.” Jarmuk hadn’t wanted to admit to the crew of miners on board how nervous he had been, but he’d started to wonder there for a few minutes whether the rescue crews were actually coming. He knew Daxar would do everything possible to save him and the other men out here, but this storm was progressing so quickly that even the rescue rovers might not have been able to make it out of the city dome. They’d done it, though, and Jarmuk found himself breathing a little easier. “Everyone, finish putting your survival suits on.”

  The men all had on the main portions of their suits, just in case a quick exit from the damaged rover had been necessary. But they still needed to put on helmets and gloves and ensure that their oxygen tanks were connected.

  “We’re being hailed,” the young miner said, pausing in the middle of putting on his helmet to peer down at the control console in front of him, which was now blinking red with an incoming call.

  “Well, answer them, of course!” Jarmuk was losing patience. Normally, he was about as easygoing as could be, but right now he’d had about all he could take of the miner manning the console. The kid was a good driver, but horrible at making decisions. Jarmuk had tried to give him a little grace, considering the entire crew was in a life or death situation and was understandably stressed out. But, seriously, these guys needed to step up their game. It’s like they’d never practiced emergency protocol before.

  “Rover 2793 this is Military Rover Z549. We are here to rescue your crew. Please advise whether there are any injuries on board.”

  The miner at the console looked back at Jarmuk, waiting for directions on what to say. “Oh, sludge it. Move over and I’ll talk to them directly. You just concentrate on putting on your survival suit.”

  The nervous young miner gladly scurried away from the console to make room for Jarmuk. A massive gust of wind shook the rover just as Jarmuk sat down, and Jarmuk glanced uneasily at the section of the console that reported back information about the Zekkardite load on the rover’s trailer. Thankfully, no Zekkardite had been blown off in that last gust.

  But Jarmuk knew it was only a matter of time. Daxar was going to have to order emergency evacuation to the very center of the city dome in an attempt to keep the Zocronian people from losing their lives if the outside dome was damaged by flying Zekkardite.

  Not if. When. With a storm like the one coming, there’s no way that stuff isn’t gonna be flying around soon. An
d when it starts flying, there’s bound to be damage to the city dome. When the problem with the rover first became evident, Jarmuk had asked for a tow. But the tow trucks could not run in this kind of weather. Now, Jarmuk was just glad that his mining crew was getting out of this damaged rover and into the city dome before the worst of the storm hit. At least inside the city, they would have a chance.

  “Military Rover, this is Rover 2793. Jarmuk Kader here. We have twenty men on board, no injuries. I’ve got them all in survival suits, ready for a quick exit.”

  “Jarmuk, good to hear your voice. We’re opening our back airlock right now, as is our sister rover. We can cycle four men through each airlock at a time, so we should be able to get everyone into the rescue rovers in a few cycles. Go ahead and send your men out as quickly as you can.”

  “Will do. Our airlock holds ten men so we can cycle out in two passes. The first group is heading out now. And thank you. I’m glad to see you boys out here.”

  “Happy to help. Just following orders, as usual. Be advised, we have a mechanic on board who is going to attempt to fix the damaged rover and drive it back. She won’t be needing access to your airlock right away, though. She’s assured us that she can get started on repairs right away if you just release the safety lock on your rover’s engine cover.

  Jarmuk’s eyes widened in surprise. “Dax sent Maisie?”

  “Yes, Maisie. That’s who you requested, isn’t it?”

  “Well, yeah. But I requested her like an hour ago. I would have thought it was too late to worry about attempting repairs at this point. This storm is out of control.”

  “Apparently not. She’s here, and she’s going to make an attempt to fix the rover. If she’s successful in time to get safely back to the city, she’ll drive it back.”

  Jarmuk could hardly believe what he was hearing. The storm’s winds were gusting horribly. One more huge gust and Maisie could be blown away. How she thought she was actually going to work on the engine in such conditions was beyond him. He frowned. “And if she’s not successful?”


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