Unexpected Consequences

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Unexpected Consequences Page 2

by Felicia Tatum

  I spoke loud enough for him to hear me. “Let’s go, Korah, dinner is waiting,”

  She giggled as we left. My only regret was I wished I could see the look on his face as he realized who he was speaking to moments before. Once we stepped outside, I pulled her to me, allowing her scent to sweep over me and calm me.

  “Korah, there wasn’t a girl last night.”

  She nodded against me. “I know. Cale’s told me about him.”

  “Cale? When did you speak to Cale?” I questioned. I hadn’t seen my friend since early yesterday evening.

  “This morning when I walked in on him and Leela in bed,” she admitted with a growing blush.

  I laughed heartily, imagining the horror she endured. “Were they in the middle…” I started, earning a smack on my upper chest.

  “No!” she exclaimed, her cheeks glowing brighter. “Ohmygosh, no. They were finished. But still naked and yeah…”

  We laughed together this time. Never did I think I would enjoy laughter so much. We talked on and off the whole way to breakfast, learning more about each other with every topic. She loved animals, hated onions, wanted to travel someday, and her dream was to write for a magazine.

  I wanted her to reach her goals more than I wanted to reach mine. What did that mean?

  “So, back to Cale,” I said, shifting the topic after we finished eating. “Did you see his junk?”

  She squealed, throwing her napkin at me before burying her face in her arms and laying them on the table. I heard her mumble. “Oh my God” a few times.

  “Is that a yes?” I asked with chuckle.

  She nodded once, lifting her face enough to say, “Only for a second.”

  I grinned widely, taking her hand in mine and pulling her up. “It’s ok. I won’t get jealous since you showed me a few times this morning you like my junk quite a bit.”

  The adorable blush I was seeing more and more arrived again. Narrowing her eyes, she replied, “Do you get jealous, Dane Davidson?”

  “Not usually, but I might if it concerns you,” I admitted.

  It was true. Korah Daniels turned my life upside down and I didn’t know anything about who I was anymore.

  Chapter Three-Korah

  The court date with Christopher was less than a week away. I dreaded it as much as I wanted it over with. The restraining order, hospital reports, and witness accounts were all in my lawyer’s hands, as well as mine and Dane’s statements. He had to be convicted and pay for what he did, I didn’t see any other choice. I wouldn’t be able to sleep without knowing he was locked away, getting help, or something.

  Dane and I were slowly, but surely, working through one issue at a time. He was a deeply complicated person, each layer of him that peeled away revealing a new and exciting detail. He was mysterious yet open, caring and gentle, but a strong protector when I needed him to be. Our relationship was still undefined, but I was seeing it wasn’t warranted. We cared for one another, immensely, and that really was all that mattered. Labels were just that; a meaningless word to describe a never-ending emotion that ran passionately through each of us.

  Jack was lying off the taunting after almost meeting me at the frat house, story I still giggled about when I thought of it. His shocked expression as he saw me, the utter stupidity as he told me about myself. A part of me wished we could have recorded it for Dane to watch over and over. His ecstatic delight in it was amusing to say the least.

  Leela and I began our self-defense classes two weeks ago. I’d found out a few things since beginning them. One, I wasn’t in very good shape and needed to start running or something. Two, I was much stronger than I ever imagined. Three, if Christopher ever snuck up on me again, I now knew how to get his ass off me.

  Each class grew my confidence and strength a little more. It was empowering to take control, refuse to be a victim anymore. I no longer hated Christopher, either. The more I thought of him, the more I felt sorry for him. It really was a shame he was so incredibly weak. He needed help more than he needed anything.

  I hoped he got it, as long as he stayed far away from me.

  “Korah,” Leela said as she stepped into the living area, hair wrapped in a towel. She scowled as she stared at me and said, “You aren’t ready.”

  I looked down, studying my yoga pants and tank top. “Yes I am.”

  “We’re going out with the boys, you need to wear something else. I mean, you look cute, but don’t you want to make Dane drool?”

  I gazed at her, not knowing whether to laugh or be angry. I chose the former. “Lee, we’re going to practice our self-defense moves. I think this is fine. I’m not getting dolled up to go sweat it all off.”

  She raised a brow, smirking. “Do you get dolled up for dates?”

  I nodded, not sure where she was going with this.

  “Well, don’t you usually end up sweating that off, too?” she quizzed, raising her brows up and down suggestively.

  I groaned, laughing loudly as I stood. “Whatever, Leela. I’m not getting changed. I want to make sure we’re actually learning something is all.”

  She sauntered off, telling me I would probably regret not utilizing my hot factor later on. She was crazy.

  Dane found me attractive at my worst. Hell, he told me I was the most beautiful girl when I had black handprints around my neck. He kissed my faint scar daily, the two inch white spot across my cheek a constant reminder of what I’d been through.

  Of what I’d survived.

  The memories tended to suck me in, drawing on my deepest worries and fears, reminding me I was still the same Korah. The one who was abused and broken, who allowed a man to hurt me without truly fighting back, but now I was fighter Korah, who didn’t allow anyone to have control, to hurt me that way. The memories wouldn’t win, I no longer allowed them to control me and make me feel less than I was.

  Leela sucked me out of my internal struggle when she bounced back in the room, hair curled and her face fully made up. She looked beautiful, but I knew her face would look messy by the time we were finished while mine would only be sweaty.

  Dane liked sweaty.

  “You ready?” she asked, checking herself once more in the mirror on the wall before turning to me expectantly. She tapped her foot, signaling she was through with waiting for me.

  I jumped up, saluting her with a mocking grin, and headed to the front door. “Let’s go, Lee. The boys are waiting.”


  The school gym wasn’t too crowded, but there were a lot of people on the floor, making me anxious about practicing. Consciously, I knew everyone would be worried about their own workouts, not paying attention to anything I did, because really, why would they? But a part of me still felt insecure about it. The small voice of low self-esteem echoed within my mind, telling me they would all watch and laugh as I failed over and over again as I attempted to protect myself.

  I really needed to knock that voice out.

  Leela and I stretched and worked our muscles as we waited for Dane and Cale to show up. Dane swore he was on the way, yet he wasn’t here. I should be annoyed, I wanted to be, but ultimately it wouldn’t do any good, so I dealt with it internally and moved on.

  We chatted and laughed as we burned our way through the warm up. Dane finally arrived, looking as sexy as ever in his sleeveless shirt and basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. My eyes settled on the dip that showed, imagining all the ways he used those hips. He cleared his throat, flashing me a seductive smirk when I regained my composure.

  “Miss me, Korah?” he chuckled.

  Pursing my lips, I glared at him. “No.”

  Leela giggled beside me, then slid her arm around Cale, greeting him with a kiss I was too young to witness. I felt my cheeks grow hot and cursed, knowing Dane would soon be making fun of me.

  He didn’t though, he wrapped me in his arms, sinking his lips to mine and assaulted my mouth with a passion rivaling our friends. Losing myself in his touch, as I usually did, I quickly forgot w
e were in public. All insecurities, worries, and doubts left my mind as Dane took over, his tongue doing things that should be illegal, leaving me dizzy and weak-kneed.

  Leela’s voice broke us apart, revealing an audience of a few people on the mat. Some snickered while others rolled their eyes. My whole body flushed, from my toes to my forehead, and I buried my face in Dane’s chest.

  “Let’s practice in the park,” Dane suggested, linking his fingers with mine.

  “Practice what, exactly?” I said coyly, giving him my most innocent gaze.

  He groaned, tightening his grip on me, and leaned to my ear. His hot breath tickled my sensitive skin, his teeth nibbling gently on my earlobe before whispering, “We’ll practice whatever you want later, baby. You look good enough to eat in those clothes.”

  Inhaling sharply, I allowed the intensity of his gaze and his words to wash over me, bathing me in Dane. He knew how to turn me on with a simple look, a word, a smile. He was too sexy for his own good and I was seeing why so many women had fallen for his charms in the past.

  And damn if I wasn’t lucky he kept coming back.

  We eventually made it to the park, finding a wide area allowing us plenty of room to move freely. Dane knew I was taking classes, but had yet to see the progress I’d made. My nerves were on edge worried about how he would perceive me. It was useless worrying, I knew, because he seemed to support anything I did.

  Such a new and unexpected experience.

  We watched as Leela kicked Cale’s ass, using the tricks we’d learned to flip him on his back more times than I could count. Dane laughed at his friend, goading him from the sideline, earning a smirk from me and Leela. He didn’t know I was learning faster than her. I would do the same, if not worse, when we had a go.

  When it was finally our turn, he smugly told me he would go easy on me, promising to help me learn more to protect myself. I went along with him, nodding as he spoke, but biting back my laughter. Leela didn’t, however, and I could hear her giggling loudly from her seat on the grass.

  “Don’t be too confident, Dane!” Cale called, shaking his head once again.

  Dane barely grabbed my arm before I had his locked behind his back, pulling with all my might, deriving a grunt to escape his throat. He glanced back at me, eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

  Letting go, I shrugged and smirked. “Told you I’d been practicing.”

  “That was sexy as hell, Korah, but I’m not going easy on you again.”


  He didn’t for the rest of the practice. I learned my money was going to good use each time I landed him on his back, each grumble he threw at me. Instantly I felt more confident, more in control. I felt powerful, something I’d never used to describe myself. The day was a success.

  And the best part was the way Dane ravaged my body when we got back to my apartment.

  Chapter Four-Dane

  Christopher’s smirk baited me from the time I walked in the courthouse. His beady eyes scoured over Korah, undressing her and probably harming her from across the room. My fists clenched immediately, anger flowing through me as the desire to throw him in front of the fastest moving bus ran through my mind.

  A calming hand landed on my bicep, her soft voice pulling me back. “Dane, please, don’t give him any thought. He decided to not press charges, but you never know what will happen while we’re here. He’s not worth it.” She pleaded with me, her eyes wide with fear, but something more. She was different, more confident. Where a shy, insecure girl once was, now a confident, kickass woman stood.

  The changes were subtle, each one appearing at random times, but together creating an even better Korah. The self-defense classes she’d been taking were magnificent on not on her mind, but her body, too. She was stronger, more flexible, and the imminent panic no longer clouded her every move.

  I nodded in response, but didn’t take my eye off him. He was constantly in my line of vision, each move he made I was aware of. Korah may feel more confident, but I’d be damned if I let him say or do anything to upset her.

  We took our seats, her uneasiness growing more apparent as each minute passed. It was a general court session, so we were in the room with many others. I could feel their eyes on me, on her, but I didn’t know if it was nerves or reality.

  Our hands were interlinked the entire time we waited for her case to be called, our sweaty, shaky palms oddly comforting each other. Christopher continued to watch her, his cocky sneer pissing me off more each moment. Leela slid in beside Korah, taking her free hand and whispered words of comfort.

  Finally, it was our turn. Korah and her lawyer sat on one side, Christopher and his on the other, and Leela and I were directly behind Korah, hands on her shoulders for comfort. Christopher had no one there to support him, which wasn’t surprising. My anxiety over it all grew as the session went on.

  The pictures, the reports, the testimonies were pretty much for nothing. Yes, he was convicted, but apparently domestic violence wasn’t a big deal to the courts. He got two years of probation and a week in jail, his time to be completed within the next month. Korah’s order of protection would be extended, but really, what did the judge think a piece of paper was going to do if he approached her? Give him a bad paper cut?

  My anger simmered as they wrapped up, the urge to stand and tell the judge how utterly stupid he was, was strong. I couldn’t get Korah in any more trouble, though, so I stayed seated. Leela felt the same, I could tell by the pursed lips and hate filled gaze she threw Christopher’s way.

  He, of course, was pleased. He probably got off on going to jail. He could hit people in there for fun.


  Korah and I bid Leela goodbye and headed to my vehicle. To our surprise, Christopher was waiting, a gleeful grin on his face. My heartbeat sped up, my fingers itching to knock him the hell out the closer we got. Korah tensed, but kept her head high. We stopped a few feet from him, a stare down in progress.

  “You’re not supposed to be near her,” I snarled.

  He shrugged, inching a step closer. “I don’t see anyone stopping me. Korah, I need to talk to you. You can’t be with this loser. You need to come back to me. I’ll forgive you for pressing charges, you’ll need to be punished, but we’ll forget all about it after.”

  I growled, the nerve of him surging my anger to the surface and moved to lunge at him, but Korah pulled me back. She gave me a pointed glare, and stepped forward.

  “Come here, Christopher,” she said. Her voice was laced with disdain as she spit the words at him.

  His feet moved and his eyes widened as she took him by surprise. Within seconds, she had his arm locked painfully behind his back, kicking his calves and bringing him to his knees. I turned, calling for a police officer I saw coming down the steps.

  He wouldn’t get away with this shit anymore.

  She pulled harder, causing him to yelp in pain. “You won’t hurt me ever again, Christopher,” she stated. Her voice was strong, angry. “I won’t ever come back to you and you will pay for this. You just broke your probation before it even started.”

  The officer came running over, another following closely behind. One took hold of Christopher, pulling him to his feet, and dragged him off, while the other asked what happened. He was in trouble this time, for breaking her order of protection. I prayed it was enough to get him as far away from her as possible.

  Once we were finally able to leave, we settled into the car, and she breathed a heavy sigh of relief. I took my hand in hers, caressing her silky skin with my thumb.

  “Korah, you were wonderful,” I told her.

  “He got away with it. They probably won’t even do anything about him breaking the order.” She slammed her head back, the frustration evident.

  “But he knows you can fight back now, it won’t be nearly as thrilling for him,” I stated. “He’s one who likes to prey on the weak. You are far from weak.”

  She turned to me, her bright eyes shining as she smil
ed. Her grin reached her eyes, her whole face glowing. “Thank you. I didn’t think of that.”

  I squeezed her hand before pulling away to start the engine. “I have an idea.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Let’s go on a date,” I suggested. I sounded calm and collected, but reality was my heart was about to fly out of my chest and my whole body was breaking out in a massive sweat. It was ridiculous, really, considering we hung out all the time and sexed each other up frequently. Going on a date was unfamiliar territory with us, but it was something I wanted to try. She deserved someone who would wine and dine her, woo her until she was weak in the knees.

  I wasn’t sure I could be that guy, but I was going to try.

  “That sounds fun. When do you want to go?”

  Attempting to hide the relieved sigh, I answered. “How about tonight? I’ll drop you off and then come back to get you at six, if that’s ok with you.”

  “That sounds wonderful, Dane. I need some distraction after the mess of today. What are we going to do?”

  I shook my head as I led the car out of the parking lot. “I’m not telling. I’m planning it. You’ll have fun, no worries.”

  She giggled and complied.

  The feelings consuming my heart and soul would be released tonight. She deserved to know the truth, no matter the outcome. She was the type of woman I’d always wanted but never thought I’d get. In all honesty, I may screw up tomorrow, but it was worth something to tell her how I felt.

  It was new territory for me. The four letter word so elusive I thought it to be fake.

  It wasn’t.

  It held me captive completely.


  After dropping Korah off at her place, I rushed home to shower and ready myself. Cale appeared not long after I arrived, questioning me about the court decision. He, too, was pissed at the outcome, but there was nothing we could do. His next words surprised me, in a good way.


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