Heaven Sent.

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Heaven Sent. Page 13

by Heather Mar-Gerrison


  Troy was adorable. He looked a lot like my boyfriend but at the same time he was really different too.

  We chatted a little but then the ceremony started and everyone was pretty much silent at each of the awards were announced and the winners went up to collect their awards and make their speeches.

  Finally, it was supporting actor…

  “And the winner is…. Jason Flaherty for his role in Heaven Sent, as Sasha!”

  Gerard jumped up and lifted me off my feet with his hug. I laughed before he set me back down and I had to make my way to the stage on very wobbly legs.

  “Wow,” I said as I looked out over the sea of faces, “I don’t know what to say…”

  “Get your speech out of your pocket!” Jack shouted from the crowd, making me laugh. I nodded and pulled out the crumpled piece of paper from my pocket.

  I looked at it. I’d written it a while ago and the first people I’d thanked were my mom and dad. I hesitated. There was no way on this earth I was going to thank that bastard. But Mom? Hell, yeah. She’d come through for me – finally. I’d seen the pictures of my real dad and she’d been absolutely right – he looked just like me – down to the natural red curls and pouty mouth. It made me wonder just how straight he’d really been.

  “I’d like to start with thanking my mother.” I looked across and found her in the crowd, beaming at me with tears streaming down her face. The media were gonna love that, “We’ve had a few ups and downs this year but she really pulled through for me just recently and I couldn’t love her more.

  “I want to thank my co-star and partner,” Oh, yeah – I was going all out tonight. I just thought I’d drop that one in there and watch them all lap it up, “Gerard Sinclair is the best person I’ve ever worked with – hell, he’s the best person I’ve ever met.” The crowd erupted into applause and I had to stop for a moment. I smiled at him and winked before I carried on, “His talent and support has been awe-inspiring from our very first take and I honestly couldn’t have made Sasha as convincing as he was if he hadn’t had Gerard for his Henry.”

  There was a collective, “Aww,” from the crowd. I thanked a few other people, not least Carl Kyle for writing me the way he did – and for being on board with the plans for the sequel, which got another massive roar from the audience, making me laugh again. I said a few more words of thanks and then I was heading back to my beaming boyfriend. Gerard gathered me into his arms and kissed me in front of everyone. All the cameras of all of the paparazzi from all over the world were flashing like crazy. Everyone was going to know we were together by the morning – and I couldn’t have been happier about that.

  “This is the best coming-out party ever!” I laughed as I pulled away from him and gazed up into his face.

  He nodded, “I know, right.” He said, making me laugh for sounding so much like me.

  “I love you.” I said.

  Stroking my hair and kissing me on the end of my nose, he smiled, “I love you too.” He said, “I feel as if I couldn’t love you more – and yet I find that love you more each and every day.”

  I nodded, “Me too.” I said, “And it feels absolutely wonderful.”



  “So, will you all join me in giving a big hand to Mr Gerard Sinclair and Mr Jason Flaherty!”

  We entered the studio to rapturous applause. “Oh, my God, oh, my God, this film guys!” she crowed, “I absolutely love it and what an unprecedented success! Four Oscars!” She grinned at Jason. “So, Jason,” she asked, “How does it feel to win best supporting actor?”

  He chuckled, “It was amazing.” He said, “Absolutely surreal.”

  I grinned and squeezed his hand. I was so proud of Jason. He’d come out. He’d faced his bully of a father head on – and had come out of that particular encounter worse off, but in the long run, much better off, since his father was now locked up and he, his little sister, Bethany and his mother were free from the regime they’d been trapped in for years.

  Jason, of course, didn’t live with his mother and sister any longer. They’d sold the family home and his mom and sister lived around the corner from our apartment just outside of New York. His little sister (who was actually now in middle school and was totally finding first love with a young man called Adam) was really enjoying school and his mother had got a new job working for the school, but on another campus.

  Jason and I had the most amazing space that we called home. It was loft living and we loved it.

  “When did you realise that your friendship had developed into something more? Was it after Jason’s accident?”

  It was no accident but Jason was adamant that he didn’t want anyone to know that his father had run him over and then, not content with leaving him bleeding and broken on the road, had then tried to beat him to death.

  “Honestly?” Might as well put it out there now as be called a liar later… “It was pretty much the moment we met at the airport before filming even started.”

  Jason’s jaw dropped, which made me smile, “Seriously?” he squeaked, “I thought you hated me when we first met!”

  I touched his cheek and he actually nuzzled into my hand, just like he’d done on that first day of meeting each other too, even though we were on screen, “I could never hate you, baby.” I murmured, gazing into his bluer-than-blue eyes and forgetting the rest of the world existed as I did every time I looked into them. Of course, it was picked up on the mics and everyone in the audience gave a collective ‘aww’ which made me jump and had Sheila beaming at us, “Oh, my God. You two are just adorable.” She said.

  I grimaced slightly until Jason put his hand on my knee and squeezed. I looked up at him and he smiled at me, “It’s fine.” He whispered, “We are adorable.” He winked at me, making me smile, “We’re all over YouTube being adorable!”

  I had to laugh. “I guess we are.” I agreed, “I guess we are.”

  The End

  Prologue and Epilogue from the book, Heaven Sent, which the movie starring Gerard and Jason was based…


  I was looking down the well. I have no idea what I expected to find but I’d been there for hours.

  “What are you looking for?”

  I turned. The most beautiful, ethereal creature stood before me. His eyes were as blue as cornflowers. His lips so perfectly pink in his pale face.

  “I don’t know.” I said, my voice coming out raw and gravelly, “Who are you?”

  I hadn’t spoken to another human being in three years. Hadn’t wanted to but I was shocked at how bad I sounded.

  Not that it really mattered. I had no need for human contact. People just hurt other people. Like Josef…

  Josef had never loved me. The love had all been mine for him and it had been a possessive, ugly, painful love.

  Josef had simply been having fun. He’d used and abused me – and ultimately left me without a backward glance.

  I had never allowed anyone into my life again.

  Somehow, though, Sasha was here, extending the hand of friendship to me and actually drawing me out of myself and into him and I had absolutely no defence against his overwhelming appeal…


  “I’ve had a blast these past few days with you Henry – but I was sent here for you and we’ve run out of time. It’s time for you – for us – to go on, together of course.”

  I frowned, “Go on?”

  Sasha smiled and nodded, holding out his hand, “Take another look.” He said, nodding towards the well.

  I frowned and walked across to the well. I looked down, suddenly realising what I was going to find.

  There was my body, grotesquely swollen in the water and looking utterly repulsive. I felt very sorry for the poor bastards that would be sent to recover that. Had I fallen… or had I jumped. It didn’t matter anymore.

  “Ready?” Sasha called.

  I turned and nodded, “Ready.” I agreed.

He held his hand out to me, his beautiful smile lighting up the whole front yard.

  “What about the cat?” I asked worriedly, “Who’ll look after her?”

  Sasha smiled, “She’ll be taken care of by your neighbours. Come.” He took hold of my hand.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, hesitating.

  He nodded, “I would never lie to you, Henry.” He said, “Take my hand. It’s time.”

  I took a deep breath and nodded, placing my hand in his he smiled, “Close your eyes.” He said, “And hold on tight.”

  I held on and we stepped into eternity together...

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  Coming Soon

  A Whole New Series

  The Band

  When Danny met Horatio... (The Band #1)


  I wasn’t gay. That was my brother, Jules... step-brother actually so we didn’t even share DNA... I was the straight one of the family. I was normal.

  I never wanted to be like Julian. Jeez. He even had a poofter’s name. Julian – for fuck’s sake – his Mum must have known when she first laid eyes on him to call him that...

  But for all his gayness – Jules was, without any doubt whatsoever, comfortable in his skin. Something I was not – and I fucking hated him for it. Well, I didn’t really hate him... that’s a strong word and if I’m honest, I secretly admired him for being out and proud but I was never gonna let him know that. No. I preferred to chase girls with my mates and to take the piss out of guys like Jules, mercilessly. I wasn’t into gay-bashing or anything like that – but they were fair game for taking the piss out of and jeering at. They were bum-bandits or shit-stabbers – or turd-burglars – anything that we could piss ourselves laughing about – even if we did secretly wonder just what it would be like to feel another guy’s cock... Or maybe that was just me...

  But that was before I grew up... and grew a pair.

  I liked to think I’d matured since my school days. I was married now – newly married to my long-term girlfriend, Mara and we were happy... or at least she was happy when I was doing what she wanted. When I wasn’t – well, let’s say we had a volatile relationship.

  We’d moved into our own place and I’d joined to gym. There was a five-a-side football team that I’d been asked to join too – and that was where I’d met Horatio.

  I was completely intrigued with him from the moment we met.

  I didn’t think much about it to begin with. I was absolutely convinced I was straight. Hell, I’d been around Jules growing up and I was quite sure I was nothing like him. I loved sport. Jules didn’t. I wanted to be a mechanic – Jules loved hairdressing. I chased girls – he chased boys. We were nothing alike and I therefore assumed I was straight...

  And I was straight – until I met Horatio...

  Chapter I – After game drinks...


  I loved being in the band. I loved having mates that didn’t care that I fancied guys rather than girls – even if I had no romantic feelings for any of them – and I loved playing five-a-side football to escape them all and their artistic temperaments from time to time, too. I wasn’t your typical flamboyant, made up and sweet smelling twinky gay guy that everyone envisages when you mention that you’re gay. I was a regular guy, built like every other hairy-arsed bloke – I just happened to fancy other hairy-arsed blokes instead of women.

  And besides, you can’t spend every waking moment with your best mates – no matter how close you are...

  It was playing five-a-side football when I first met Danny. I couldn’t help noticing how pretty he was from the first time I ever laid eyes on him. We’d played the game and gone for a drink afterwards and I’d been the last to get to the bar due to Karl, our lead singer, calling me.

  I rocked up just in time for Jayson, a big, daft lad who was only really good enough to put in goal, to turn back from the bar to hand Danny his pint and he looked at me, “Oh Horatio!” he grinned, “There you are – usual?”

  I nodded, grinning, as Danny turned and I’m not gonna lie, my heart did a total flip-flop in my chest. Those eyes! Man, I didn’t think I’d ever get used to them...

  He had the bluest eyes ever – and the longest lashes. Fuck he was beautiful...

  Danny’s eyes widened slightly in recognition and he grinned, “Hey, man – I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.”

  I grinned back at him and raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t help the flirtatious chuckle that escaped against my will, “Really?” I drawled, “Want me to take something off?”

  He snorted into his drink and shook his head, “No, dude,” He said, “I’m good.”

  Jayson shook his head and disappeared off to join the others, leaving Danny still sat at the bar. He nodded to the barstool beside him, “Are you gonna sit down – or are you joining the others, too?”

  I blinked, “Aren’t you?”

  He shook his head and sighed, “I have to go in a minute – the wife’ll be waiting.”

  My jaw dropped as my heart plummeted, “Y-you’re married?” Well, that was a fucking disappointment.

  He nodded and held up his left hand where a fine gold band circled his third finger. I frowned at it. That wasn’t a wedding ring. If he was my husband I’d buy him a solid platinum ring that could be seen from space – well, okay, slight exaggeration – but it would a ring to be proud of – and I’d have one to match, too...

  Still, I was getting ahead of myself – we’d only just met and he was married and straight – and I was a flaky, butch but still gay-as-a-rainbow, wannabe pop-star...

  “Wow,” I murmured, “You don’t look old enough.” It was lame, but I had nothing else.

  He grinned, “Yeah, I guess we are pretty young – we’re both twenty.”

  I shook my head, “Jesus,” I replied with a sheepish grin, “I’m twenty-six and I’ve never once had any inclination to settle down.”

  He shrugged, “We’re all different, I guess – you’ve just not met the right one yet. That’s all.”

  We sat there in silence for a moment both of us lost in our own thoughts and drinking our beers. I was kind of pleased to see that he was drinking the same beer as mine. For some reason, I was really interested in finding out more about him. Sure, he was married and all – but that didn’t mean we couldn’t be friends... did it?

  Danny however, seemed to be desperate to finish his drink and to get going. He kept glancing at his watch and switching his phone on every couple of minutes to check the time.

  “Have you got to be somewhere?” I asked, “You’re like a cat on a hot tin roof.” I smiled at him.

  He stared back at me, his eyes on my mouth as I spoke and then they flickered back to my eyes. Wow, he was stunning... “I, uh, yeah – I’ve gotta go.” He nodded and stood up. Grabbing his sports bag he smiled apologetically at me and darted past.

  I grabbed his arm before he could disappear on me altogether, “You’ll come on Thursday, though, right?” I asked.

  He nodded, “Oh, uh, yeah – sure. See you then.”

  I let out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding, “Cool,” I said with a relieved smile, “I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter II – Fight for love...


  I pressed the button on the alarm fob of my car keys and climbed into the car. Throwing my bag onto the passenger seat, I crossed my arms over the steering wheel and rested my head on my arms, “Oh, God.” I muttered, “Why now?”

  It wasn’t that I hadn’t been attracted to guys before – I had. But I’d always thought that I was just admiring their physiques in an ‘I wish I looked like that’ kind of way. To realise that I’d actually fancied them all this time made me feel, first and foremost, kind of
ashamed of myself for giving my step-brother such a hard time – and horrified that it had taken me so damned long to realise what I was feeling. Lastly I felt stupid. I was married... to a girl. How the hell was I supposed to tell Mara?

  I started the car, still thinking about Horatio. God he was attractive. All muscle and tattoos and beautiful dark skin... But it was his kind, soft brown eyes that I really couldn’t get out of my mind. Mara never had kindness in her eyes – she was a beautiful woman, don’t get me wrong. And she had her good points. She was clever; she had a great job – allowing me to continue with my mechanics degree – and a great sense of humour. But she also had a temper on her that was fiery to say the least. She’d broken cups and plates by throwing them in a temper – narrowly missing me a couple of times and once or twice she had physically attacked me. She’d always been really apologetic and mortified with herself afterwards and always vowed never to do it again. Up to now it hadn’t recurred but to say I was wary about upsetting her was putting it mildly...

  I pulled up outside the house and pasted on my happy face. I stuck my key in the lock and opened the door. “Mara?”

  I let out a sigh of relief that she wasn’t home already and headed for the kitchen. If I got dinner started it was one less thing that she could have a go at me over.

  I wasn’t the best cook in the world but I made a decent enough lasagne so I got on with that. As I stirred in the tomatoes and added the puree, my mind drifted back to Horatio. What a fucking cool name...


  Fear clenched my stomach as I heard Mara’s key in the door. This was ridiculous. I wasn’t supposed to be afraid of my wife – but I couldn’t help it. If I was going to be completely honest, she scared the living shit out of me. I was never sure if she was going to be in a good mood – or if she was just gonna go bat-shit crazy on me...


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