We Belong Together: A BBW Second Chance Romance

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We Belong Together: A BBW Second Chance Romance Page 12

by Weston Parker

  I picked up the phone and smiled down at her. "He deserves a daddy, Niki, and you deserve a good man.

  She shrugged and kept her head down, chin to her chest. "I'm not sure that's in the cards for us."

  "Why? That makes no sense to me." I tapped the phone as if I could reach out and touch her. "Hey. Look at me."

  She glanced up. "Because. I'm a stripper in New York." She laughed sardonically. "I'm not a prime candidate for winning over a man, and even if I were, there's no way in hell he's taking me home to meet his momma."

  "Then quit. You're brilliant and capable of-"

  "Okay. Back to you." She smiled and lifted one eyebrow, challenging me. "I'm good where I am, but you... you need a breakthrough with Danny. I think tonight should definitely be the night."

  "What night?" I put the phone back down and picked up a tube of lipstick. She wasn't going to give up stripping until some strong, handsome guy made her. Then she might figure out another path for her life. Maybe. Doubtful.

  "The night you give up the old V-card, and I want to hear every wicked hot detail when it's over." Her voice grew sexy.

  I tried to talk while putting on my lipstick, which didn't go well at all. "I'm pretty sure losing your virginity is only hot to the guy taking it. From what I've heard it's painful and gross."

  "The first few minutes are, but you'll move past that. With the experience Danny McAdams has? Oh man, you're most likely in for a treat."

  "You're too much." I leaned over and smiled down at her as my hair curtained around my face. A knock at the door caused me to jump. "Shit. He's early."

  "Good! Have fun and just go with whatever feels right, but please, for God sakes, don't get in a fight and walk away from each other again. This is date night. Make it a good one!"

  I smiled. "Okay. Love you. I'll call tomorrow."

  "With dirty details?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Sure. Bye!"

  A giggle rolled around in my chest as I half-walked, half-skipped to the front door. Danny was my high school sweetheart, the boy that got away. The very idea of having a real chance with him left me wanting to throw my arms out and spin in a circle. Love was powerful. Scarily so.

  "You're early." I pulled the door open and moved back. My heart leaped in my chest at the sight of him. Dark jeans and boots, a black button-down shirt and an expression that told me that tonight was, in fact, the night.

  "I would have come this morning if I thought you'd let me." He handed me a bouquet of red, yellow and white roses. "For you."

  "Wow." I took them and moved them toward my face as I breathed in deeply. "Do you always try and outdo the boy before you?"

  He laughed and walked into the house. "I usually pretend like there was no boy before me."

  It was my turn to laugh. I turned and walked to the kitchen. "Hey, how is your dad doing? Did you get to see him today?" I put the roses in a vase and stepped back to admire them.

  "I did. He's doing okay." He moved up behind me in the kitchen and slid his hand down my arms as he pressed his chest to my back. "You know he's as stubborn-"

  "As a mule. I know. My dad was too." I pressed against him and closed my eyes. "Are we staying together tonight?"

  He leaned down and moved my hair off my shoulder before kissing the side of my neck. "I want to. That's completely up to you."

  I nodded. "I should get some clothes to sleep over in."

  "You don't need clothes." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and gripped my breasts with one of his hands. "I sleep naked. You should too."

  I laughed softly. "We need to go, or we're going to end up sleeping over here instead."

  "Somehow I'm not thinking that's a bad idea." He moved back, and I turned and slid my hands up his strong chest.

  "Where's Lyndsay tonight?" I was worried about staying over if the little girl was there. I didn't want to give her the wrong impression as my first impression with her.

  "She's with my mom and dad. I thought she'd be with us, but dad refuses to go to the heart doc." He cupped the top of my ass and pulled me closer. "Let's try and get through dinner and then go back to my place for the night."

  "Or we could change into t-shirts and jeans and have dinner at your place instead." I lifted to my toes, wanting to taste his lips.

  He didn't hesitate, but moved in and kissed me with a passion I'd grown used to doing without. I moaned and opened up for him as one naughty fantasy after the next rolled through my mind's eye.

  "God, you're hot." I pulled back and licked my lips. "I don't think I could sit through dinner across the table from you and actually have a decent conversation."

  He laughed. "Fine. Let's grab some stuff to make dinner at the grocery store and spend the night doing whatever the fuck we wanna do."

  I nodded and pulled out of his arms. "Alright. Anything in particular you want?" I picked up my purse and walked to the door, suddenly worried that he might have the bike.

  "You namely, but whatever else we have is good to me." He pointed to the bedroom as I glanced back. "Jeans and a t-shirt woman. I have the bike with me."

  I smiled and handed him my purse. "Hold that."

  He rolled his eyes. "Domesticating me already, I see."

  "Never. I like you wild and unruly. Just make sure it's only with me." I walked to the back as his voice carried down the hall with me.

  "That's not something you have to worry about, Ter. You're the only woman I want. It's just a struggle to make sure I don't let the caveman side of me out where you're concerned."

  I realized his voice wasn't getting any softer. He was following me back to the bedroom.

  "I like the caveman." I turned to face him and unzipped my dress. "What are you doing?"

  "Watching you. Like I always have." He leaned against the door frame, my purse dangling from his fingers.

  It was hard to believe the moment was real. I'd yearned for our friendship and so much more since the moment I lost all of it. How stupid we were to let each other go all those years before. What we had was intense and felt so fucking right it almost stole my breath.

  "Don't blink." I offered him a sexy smile. "You might miss something."

  "Don't worry. I won't." He ran his hand down his chest as I pulled my dress from the front of my body. The white lace panties and bra I had on didn't leave anything to the imagination.

  "You like it?" I ran my hands down my sides, feeling far more beautiful than I did self-conscious in front of him, and that was because of him. He never failed to tell me how beautiful I was when we were younger and all the other guys wanted models. He didn't. He wanted me. Thick hips, big thighs, and breasts I thought were too small.

  "It?" He brushed his hand over the growing bulge at the front of his jeans. "You? Fuck yes. You're beyond sexy, Ter. Turn around and let’s see my ass."

  I chuckled and turned, glancing over my shoulder. The G-string was probably lost somewhere in my ass, but it didn't matter. As long as he was turned on, that's all I cared about.

  "Goddammit, woman."

  I yelped as he crashed into me, picking me up and pressing me onto the bed. His big, hard body pressed against the back of mine, and his hands were everywhere. A whimper left me as he pushed up on one arm and ran his fingers over the front of my throat, holding me softly, but reminding me just how dominant he was.

  The press of his erected cock against the center of my ass had me wanting to roll my hips, but he was too strong, too big for me to gain any traction.

  "Dinner?" I whispered roughly.

  "Not a fucking chance."

  Tonight was the night, and I was more than ready.

  Chapter 23


  She felt so far beyond good beneath me. I wanted to take things slow for her first time, but there was no way to force myself into obedience. Something wild and unrestrained pulsed deep inside of me. It was something I'd never experienced before, and something told me that I wouldn't ever again.

  "You know how long I've wa
ited to feel your body against mine, Terra? How many nights I've fucked myself thinking about you?" I tightened my hold on her throat and pulled a little.

  She whimpered, the sound delicious. To have such a strong woman trapped beneath me, yearning for me to make her mine was heady. "As long as I've waited?"

  "Exactly." I kissed the side of her face and moved off the bed. "Turn over and watch me."

  "Be careful with me tonight." She rolled onto her back and crab-crawled up the bed. The movement made the top of her ample breasts jiggle, and my cock twitched with anticipation.

  "I'm gonna try, baby girl." I unbuttoned my shirt slowly as I watched her. "Slip your hand in your panties and fuck yourself a little for me. Get your body primed for what's about to happen. I'm a big guy. Your first time would be a tight fit with a smaller man. Open yourself up for me."

  Her eyes widened a little, but the naughty girl from my teenage years quickly took the reins. "I should tell you no."

  "But you won't." I pulled my shirt off my arms and reached for the button on my jeans, pausing. "Will you?"

  "No. I won't." She slid her hand down into her see through panties and arched her back as a moan ripped through the room around us. I almost felt outta my league, but there was no way in hell I was letting her know that. Tonight was about her feeling safe and loved enough to explore herself and every inch of me. It's a night I'd dreamt about since I watched her walk out of my life. I wasn't missing a second of it.

  "Press a finger into that wet, tight pussy for me, Terra." I licked my lips and unbuttoned my jeans as desire built up in the center of my stomach. Delicious waves of pleasure rolled through the center of my body, teasing my cock and stroking my balls from the inside. I'd have to come before making love to her, which wasn't going to be hard to do.

  "So good," she whined and lifted her hips as her hand pumped in a fast, hard fashion. She had punished her sweet little slit many times from what I could tell. I prayed I would get to see it over and over again as we grew old together.

  "I can smell your arousal, angel. You're getting close."

  "Yeah. I want it so bad." She lifted one of her legs in the air, giving me a good view of the bottom of her ass.

  "Roll onto your knees with your face on the bed, but don't stop fucking yourself, Ter. Long, deep strokes. Slip in two fingers for me. Stretch your pussy open. Make room for this huge cock, baby." I pulled my jeans over my hips and crawled up on the bed as she rolled over and continued to work herself. The view was spectacular, like my own personal porn. The one girl I always wanted to brand with my hands, my teeth, my cock was half-naked and writhing on the bed as she worked herself closer and closer to orgasm.

  She cried out, and the sound of her sloppy wet fingers pushing deep inside of her caused me to almost lose my load.

  "Fuck, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen." I ran my hands over the thick curves of her ass before snapping her G-string in several places. She yelped, but continued to bob her ass up and down, three of her fingers disappearing into her pretty pink hole.

  "Taste me," she whispered roughly as her hips pulled forward. Her movements had my balls clenched tight and my dick leaking precum. She’d milk the shit out of me like she had in the shower the weekend before. Anticipation was sure to kill me if she didn't.

  "You read my mind." I moved down and ran my tongue over the bottom of her pussy, licking her fingers as she pulled them out again and again. The musky taste of her filled my mouth, and I wanted more. I groaned and ran my tongue up the back of her ass, taking my time to tease the tight entrance that knew my cock well and would come to love it more and more over time.

  She cried out again and jerked forward. "Too much, Danny."

  "Not nearly enough." I leaned in and rolled my tongue along her ass, sucking and kissing her most sensitive spots as her fingers pumped her heat. I reached around her leg and pressed one of my fingers to her clit as I continued my assault on her sweet ass.

  She jerked up and screamed my name as she bucked against my fingers. Her change in position forced her to press both hands to the bed. "Please fuck me," she cried out.

  "Soon, baby." I kept a hand on her clit but used my free one to take up her task of working her entrance open. Pressing two thick fingers inside of her was all she needed. "Come for me, Ter. Let that naughty bitch that used to suck on my sack in the back of the movie theater come to life."

  She cried out, her moans so goddamn sexy I thought I might explode without being touched. She'd been so wild when we were kids, so ready to experiment with me and anything I wanted to do.

  "I want her for a little while tonight." I leaned down and pressed my mouth back against her ass as I worked her through two more orgasms, each more intense than the last.

  "Stop. Please." She pulled from me and clamped her legs tightly as she dropped to the bed.

  I moved back and licked at my fingers before rolling her over and spreading her perfect legs. "I will in a minute, baby. Let me have what you're offering."

  She whimpered, but reached down and gripped the back of my hair as I lapped at her swollen pink lips, drinking in her come and cleaning her up good.

  "I want you inside of me, Danny." She tugged at my hair, and I glanced up.

  "You sure?" I moved off the bed and pulled her down with me as I took my cock in my hand. I could barely fit my fingers around the big bastard. He was primed and ready for a long night of slick soft skin milking him to release the goods. "You want this big dick inside of you, Ter? That naughty girl's been craving it for a long fucking time, hasn't she?" I locked eyes with her to force her to talk to me. She needed to stay in the moment and live the memory with me. I brushed the head of my cock down her lips and dipped in a little.

  She groaned and arched her back, forcing herself to take my head. "I want you so fucking bad. I always have."

  "It's gonna hurt a little, angel. Grip the sheets and know that I would never do anything you didn't want."

  "But you'd do everything to me I wanted done?" She locked gazes with me, and the depth of her desire for carnality became so fucking apparent.

  "Of course, I would. You might be a strong woman that everyone respects outside of this bedroom." I pressed forward, putting another inch inside of her. "But in here? With me? You're my toy."

  "And you're mine." She gripped the bottom of the bed and pulled down, taking half my dick inside of her tight body.

  I gripped her thighs and cried out alongside her. "Fuck, Ter. Give me some warning."

  She panted, and her eyes grew wide. From the pale color of her skin, I could tell she was hurting. I pulled out and moved up on the bed. "Hold onto my neck, baby. I'll take good care of you. Just don't force yourself on my cock, okay? That'll hurt you this time."

  She nodded as tears filled her eyes. "Okay. I'm sorry."

  The docile creature beneath me had all my protective instincts roaring to life. I laid down and cradled her body in my arms before pressing back inside of her. I kissed her softly, loving the passion in her moans and whimpers.

  "Relax and breath while I make you mine." I pressed in a little more, her pussy so fucking tight it stole my breath. "That's it. Just relax and let me in. It's me, Ter. You want me here with you, right?"

  "So bad." She pulled me down for another long kiss. Somewhere in the middle of our tongue battling for dominance, she released herself over to me. I pressed forward and hit home, stealing her first time and coveting it as mine.

  It always had been anyway. I'd just failed to claim it before.

  Chapter 24


  "You ready for tonight?" Gary patted my back as I stood beside the field. I needed to find my center, and standing on the crimson dirt of my father's favorite field usually helped.

  "Of course." I smiled over at our catcher. "Are you?"

  "I live for this stuff." Gary smiled and nodded. "It's going to be damn weird not coming here every day pretty soon."

  "Retirement is going to be good to you though."
I reached out and brushed something off his uniform. "How is the rest of the team doing? Everyone got their head in the game or do we have some jitters going on down there?" I motioned toward the locker room.

  "No, we've done this a few times before." He winked and turned to jog out to home plate. "This one is for your dad tonight."

  "He'll love that," I called after him and watched as several other players jogged out on the field.

  Danny was the last to leave the dugout. He winked at me but didn't say anything.

  "Good luck," I called after him as worry crowded my thoughts. We'd been seeing each other for about two weeks at that point, but hadn't said anything to the team. He'd been preoccupied with his dad and Lyndsay, which was fine by me, but it made getting together a lot harder than I wanted it to be. His mood slid down into a rather rough place over the last few days, but it was once again because of his dad.

  I knew the feeling myself. My father meant the world to me.

  "And still does," I mumbled and walked toward the stands. Oakland was just arriving, and their players were filling up the dugout on the other side of the stadium, leaving me to feel a little off. Having been the GM for them for quite a few years, I forced myself to stop. I needed to go speak to their coaches and some of the players. It would be insanely rude not to.

  "Where are you going?" Danny called out across the field as I walked behind Gary over to Oakland's side of the field.

  "Just to say hi." I smiled and kept going, ignoring the look of disapproval on Danny's handsome face.

  "Terra!" One of the younger guys on the team barreled out of the bullpen and picked me up in a bear hug.

  "Hey, Vince. How are you?" I laughed and pushed at his chest. "Put me down. I'm supposed to be all dignified now."

  A group of them surrounded me, and something about it felt like coming home. It wasn't that I didn't love the team behind me or Washington State, but Oakland provided a safe-harbor when I needed one most. It was something I couldn't ignore.


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