My Salvation: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance

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My Salvation: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance Page 16

by Stella Brie

  The kiss. He was right. It set me on fire. His hard body pressed against mine for the first time. Every ounce of me alive, just for him, in that moment. Until I started thinking about the wonderful weekend I’d spent with Lev. The realization that Shaw’s kiss didn’t mean he had feelings for me had hit me like a sledgehammer, and I knew it was a mistake. A damn fine, luscious kiss that deceptively felt like anything but a mistake.

  What had spewed out of his mouth after that moment justified my concerns. And it was utter bullshit.

  When he grabbed my arm, I had a flashback to Collin, but thankfully Shaw released it as soon as I ordered. While I didn’t feel threatened by Shaw, tolerating it was a different matter. I would never let another man treat me like Collin, no matter the circumstance.

  Exhausted from this weekend, the cozy couch has made it impossible to keep my eyes open. Grabbing the throw, I turn on the TV for noise. As I’m drifting off into a nap, my phone pings.

  Lowell: How are you doing?

  Kate: I’m shocked and pissed off. I’m worn out though and might take a nap.

  Lowell: Wanted to let you know that Thayer woke up from his coma. We’re on the way to the hospital. We’ll talk later about Shaw. Sleep well, my dear. Let us know if you need anything.



  “What are you doing this weekend?” I ask Sarah.

  She turns and grins. “I’ve got a date. And not with a rancher or a cowboy. No boots. No hat. We’re going to the Montana Club. Sophistication city.”

  “Oooh, that’s a wonderful place. Lowell took me dancing there, and it was swanky. What are you wearing? How did you guys meet?”

  “A dark blue strapless midi, with a slit to here. It screams sexy sophistication.” She holds a hand at the very top of her thighs. “A friend introduced us. He’s an actor, and he’s on hiatus for the summer.”

  “An actor. Wow. Show me a pic.”

  Sarah brings up a pic on her phone, showing a blond man with movie star good looks. “He’s playing in this new mini-series on one of the premium channels. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m binging it this weekend.”

  “Lucky man meeting you. I can’t wait to hear all about this date.” Grinning, I waggle my eyebrows at her.

  “Fingers crossed. Seriously, he better not be a dud.” She frowns slightly before shrugging it off. “How’s Thayer? Have you gotten any more news from the guys?”

  “They’ve been up there all week. He drifted in and out the first few days, but they said he is fully awake and alert now. They are running tests on him to see how much feeling he has in his extremities and if he is experiencing any nerve damage. That’s about all I know right now.”

  “Are you doing anything this weekend? We could hang out Saturday night?”

  Hmm, Helena sounds good. “Tonight, I am going to Helena to see a movie. By myself. But let’s definitely get together on Saturday. Just text me. If plans change because of your new Romeo, let me know.”

  “It’s a date.” Looking at her watch, she hurries to grab her things. “Got to go. I need every minute to get to the level of sexy I want to achieve tonight. Text you later. Have fun tonight.”

  “You, too!”

  Locking up the practice, I grab my phone to look up movie times. If I leave in the next thirty minutes, I can grab a bite at Lev’s restaurant in Helena before the show starts. Rushing upstairs, I get ready, and I’m out the door with only a couple minutes to spare.

  Driving, even the short distance to Helena, gives me too much time to think. While I’ve gotten a few texts from Lowell and Lev this week, I hadn’t heard from Shaw. It was kind of surprising, actually, as I thought I’d get at least an apology, but it’s been crickets. I don’t know if that’s because of Thayer or not. They had all been helping him get on the road to recovery this week.

  Unfortunately, Lowell left last night to go to New York to see his editor, and Lev left this morning for a wine auction in Las Vegas. It’s the first weekend I’ve been entirely alone since the first few weeks here. They’ve changed my life so much with their presence that it feels like I’m missing a limb.

  After dinner, I head to the movie. Sitting down, I look around at all the people and realize I’m the only person sitting alone. This is what my life was like before them. How did I not realize how isolated I had let myself become? Shaking my head, I reach into the popcorn and let myself get caught up in the movie.

  On the way home, I hear my phone ping with a message, but I can’t look while I’m driving. A few minutes later, I’m glad I didn’t check, as a massive deer runs out into the road and slams into my vehicle. Spinning, the SUV hits the guardrail on the side of the road and flips several times before coming to a halt. Upside down when it stops, I’m hanging by my seatbelt.


  My shaky hands press against the pounding in my chest. I take a few minutes just to breathe and calm down, then my medical side kicks in to catalog my injuries. Broken left arm and head injury seem to be the worst of it, I think, but I’m stuck in the vehicle. Thankfully, I have vehicle accident service, and the voice on the speaker alerts me that emergency services are on their way.

  I must have slipped into unconsciousness, because I don’t recall anything else until I’m lying in the emergency room. They take my emergency contact info, and then they are wheeling me off to get X-rays. When I get back to the emergency room two hours later, Shaw is sitting in a chair beside the bed. Frowning, I look around for Lev and Lowell before realizing they are still out of town.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “When Lowell heard about the accident, he asked me to come get you. He can’t get a flight out until late tomorrow. Neither Lev nor Sarah are answering their phones right now.” His eyes are dark and intent as they rake over all my cuts and bruises. Lingering on the cast of my left arm for a second, he says nothing for a minute, then continues. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay and help.”

  I’m thankful he’s here and seems to have put aside his anger for now. Shoulders falling with relief, I ask him to step out so the nurse can help me back in bed. Once I’m bed, he sits with me until the doctor arrives.

  “You are a very lucky lady. Besides the usual cuts and bruises, you came out of this with a broken arm and a concussion. It could have been a lot worse.” Pausing, he shows me the X-rays because he knows I want to look for myself. “You will need someone to stay with you for the next forty-eight hours to wake you up periodically.”

  Looking over at Shaw, he’s frowning as he listens to the doctor. “Do I need to give her any medicine or an ice pack?”

  “I’ll prescribe some painkillers for the next couple of days.” Looking back at me, he continues. “Besides the head, you’ll be extremely sore. Take it easy for a few days. If you notice any unusual symptoms, contact me.” He hands Shaw my prescription. Turning to me, he holds my hand for a second. “No driving. I mean it. Take it easy. I hate treating doctors. You make the worst damn patients.”

  Smiling, I thank him for his excellent care. The nurse walks in with a wheelchair as he walks out. Moving the sheet, I get up and start getting dressed.

  “I’ll fill your prescription and then pull my truck around to the exit.” Shaw hurries out.

  About twenty minutes later, the nurse wheels me out the door just as a large green truck pulls up. Damn, it’s massive. As I think about the best way to get in it, Shaw comes around and lifts me up to the front seat. Setting me down, he pulls the seatbelt around me and tucks a blanket around my legs.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m taking you back to the ranch. It will be easier for me to watch over you; plus, Lowell and Lev will want to see you as soon as they get home.”

  Without replying, I lean my head back and close my eyes. Waking slightly when we get to the ranch, Shaw comes around and picks me up and carries me into the house. I don’t have enough energy to protest and lay my head on his chest.

  He smells incredible, I think drowsi
ly. Like man, wood, and a subtle spice.

  Sitting me down on the bed, he pulls out a T-shirt from his drawers and helps me change into it. Stripping me down to my bra, he puts on the shirt, then reaches under to unclasp and pull off my bra. Helping me lie down, he pulls off my shoes and pants and tucks me into bed. I’m asleep before he finishes.

  Two hours later, he wakes me up to take a painkiller, then I’m out again. He does this a couple more times during the night.

  In the morning, I wake to find him sleeping beside me, holding me tight. His big, warm body wrapped around me. He must have fallen asleep. Shifting, I try to move farther away, but his arms tighten like steel bands.

  “Shaw. Let me up. I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Waking immediately, he stands beside the bed and rubs his hand across his face. I feel myself blush as I notice his morning wood. Without saying a word, he reaches down and lifts me into his arms.

  “Whoa, I can walk.”

  He just keeps walking towards the bathroom. Setting me down, he points out the extra toothbrush under the sink and washcloths in case I want to freshen up. Closing the door, he tells me he will be waiting outside.

  Looking into the mirror, I see bruises forming on my face and arms. One big black mark is on my left shoulder, where the seatbelt had caught me. My left arm is throbbing from the break, and it’s about time for more painkillers. Hurrying, I finish up, open the door, and see Shaw leaning against the wall, waiting for me. Taking a second to look at him, I notice his wide shoulders, tapered lean waist, and thick thighs. And, of course, his thick cock still waving at me from his boxer briefs.

  He straightens, picks me up, and carries me back to bed. After giving me a painkiller, he slips into bed beside me and pulls me close. Stiffening, I lay there for a few minutes. His hard body is a reminder of just how close to naked he is right now. Feeling my tension, his hands rub up and down my back in a soothing manner. I am too exhausted to say anything. After finally relaxing, I’m out in just a few minutes.

  Waking a few hours later, I notice Shaw is gone and I’m alone. Easing my sore body into a sitting position, I look around the room.

  Hmmm, this must be Shaw’s room.

  The masculine tones of black and maroon suit him. It’s sparse, but that’s not surprising. Unlike Lev and Lowell’s room, he has two ginormous chairs instead of a couch, and an ottoman, in front of an imposing fireplace. I bet that’s a cozy reading spot in the winter. A glass of wine, and it would be heaven.

  He comes striding in as I’m thinking about that cozy chair. And he’s gotten dressed this time, which helps keep me from jumping his bones.

  “How are you feeling? Would you like to use the restroom? What about something to eat? I can make some breakfast for you.”

  Knowing I can’t leave yet, I agree to both. After carrying me to the restroom, he waits until I finish and takes me back to bed. Twenty minutes later, he comes back with scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon. Setting down the tray, he pours me a fresh glass of orange juice.

  “Wow, this looks incredible. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble. A piece of toast is usually breakfast for me.”

  “It’s no trouble.” He runs his hands through his hair. Sitting on the side of the bed, he gives me the bad news. “Lev and Lowell are both stuck. They’ve grounded flights in both cities due to storms. So, you’re stuck with me for today.”

  Great...wait. “I can call Sarah. She’s qualified to look after me. Then you can go back to whatever you were doing this weekend.”

  Instead of looking relieved, he frowns heavily. “If that’s what you want.”

  Picking up my phone, I call Sarah. She doesn’t answer, so I leave a message. “Hey Sarah, it’s Kate. I had a minor accident last night. I’m okay, but I have a slight concussion and need someone to stay with me. If you are free tonight, give me call. Thanks!”

  Shaw waits as I finish breakfast before handing me another two painkillers. Shifting slowly in the bed, I ease back down. The painkillers knock me out pretty quickly.

  I HEAR BEEPING AS I wake. Tubes and machines are scattered around me, giving essential fluids and readings. What? How did I end up in the hospital?

  Thinking back, I remember hearing gunshots and falling to the floor. Gasping, my hands flutter to my chest, which is wrapped tightly with bandages. “I’m alive.” Crying, I am thankful for just a second before I remember... “Collin.”

  Hitting the button for the nurse repeatedly, I’m crying as I think about the placements of the shots. As the nurse arrives, I grab her hand. “Did my husband survive?”

  As she gives me a sedative, the nurse reassures me that Collin is alive. Something in her voice tells me she is hiding something from me. My thoughts become foggy again as the sedative works its magic.

  “COLLIN!” TEARS STREAM down my face as a deep voice implores me to wake up.

  “Kate, Angel, wake up. It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  Slowly, I surface from the dream. Except it’s not a dream. It’s a memory. A memory of the exact moment I realized I survived the shooting. Tears stream down my face. It had been a long time since I had thought of that terrible time. It must have been the hospital visit that triggered it.

  Looking up, I see Shaw looking down at me as he strokes his hands over my body to soothe me. Sadness pulls at me as I look to him to help me recover my equilibrium. He grabs a tissue on the nightstand.

  Gently, he strokes it down the sides of my face, helping me mop up my tears. “You were crying in your sleep, yelling for someone called Collin?”

  Exhaling, I smooth my shaking hands over his chest as I gather my courage to say it out loud. “I think the hospital just triggered something. It’s the first time I’d been in one since the shooting. Collin was my husband.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, Angel. I’m here, and I’m not leaving. It’s OK.” He gathers me tightly in his arms, murmuring softly, as I cry myself back to sleep.

  Waking up later, I notice it’s early evening. Shaw comes in to check on me.

  “Good, you’re awake. Would you like to go downstairs and have dinner? Lev stores extra dinners in the freezer, or I can grill a steak for you.”

  My stomach growls. Blushing, I look up at him. “Mm, steak sounds delicious.” I scoot to the side of the bed, but he stops me.

  “Hold on.” Reaching down, he scoops me up and starts carrying me downstairs.

  “Shaw, I can walk. I feel fine now.”

  He glares at me. Making a sour face, I loop my arms around his neck and let him continue.

  Once downstairs, he deposits me on a chaise on the patio while he starts the grill. Looking up, I watch the stars pop out as the sky grows darker.

  “It’s so beautiful out here. I’ve never seen stars so bright as they are in Montana.”

  Glancing over, his eyes skim down his T-shirt to my bare legs. “It is beautiful out here, but let me get you a blanket.”

  Grabbing the throw from the sofa, he carefully covers my legs, tucking them in tight. Rolling my eyes, I give him a mock glare. He gives a loud laugh. Sitting up straighter, I stare at him in stunned silence. I don’t think I’d seen him laugh once around me. His whole face lights up, the semi-permanent scowl disappears, and he looks relaxed and happy for the first time.

  Noticing my staring, he quickly stops laughing. “What is it? Are you feeling OK?” He strides over to me.

  Putting my hands up in the air, I stop him. “I’m fine. I’ve just never seen you laugh, and I was enjoying it. Especially since I was the one who made you laugh.”

  Clearing his throat, it’s his turn to rolls his eyes at me before walking back over to the grill. In the window’s reflection in front of him, I see him smile.

  Once the steaks are ready, we sit down to dinner. Lifting my water glass, I toast Shaw. “Thank you for taking such excellent care of me. I know it wasn’t easy and you had to put things on hold for me, but I greatly appreciate it. I don’t have many people to help me when
I need it.”

  He opens his mouth to respond when we both hear shouting in the living room. Turning around, I see Lev calling for me. Waving, I let him know we are outside. As I wait for him to come to me, I look at Shaw and notice he is frowning again.



  Leaving Kate in Lev’s capable hands was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I thought I’d be relieved to go back to my normal weekend routine. Instead, I feel lost and unsettled, like I’m missing something. Buzzing on my phone brings me out of my introspection. It’s the city letting me know we can have Kate’s vehicle towed from the impound.

  Texting Lev, I let him know I’m going out for a while. Listing out Kate’s painkiller schedule, I tell him she’s due for her next round in about a half-hour. He replies that he’s good to take over her care. Lev was frantic while he waited for a flight. calling and texting every hour. Seeing his face when he arrived, I know he’s in deep with her. If I know him well, he’s already in love with her. I’d never seen him with anyone else like he is with Kate. Not even Nessa.

  Not that Lowell has been much better, but he keeps his emotions hidden. The fact that he got angry with me showed me more of his feelings than any words could have said. Lowell only feels deeply for those closest to him. Those who are a part of his family. He, too, had been blowing up my phone while he waited for his flight. The only reason it was quiet now was that he was in the air.

  I decide to go to the impound and look at Kate’s SUV to determine where we should have it towed. It’s the least I can do. The things Kate went through and all she lost from that one incident is heartbreaking. She is a remarkable woman with a steel spine under that beautiful exterior, to be standing after the hurricane that hit her life.


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