Twin Tease_An MFM Menage Billionaire Step Romance

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Twin Tease_An MFM Menage Billionaire Step Romance Page 9

by Jess Bentley

  I feel that Chance knows I’m going to make her come. I can’t stop now. She’s too delicious. Prying her pussy lips open with my thumbs, I dive in with my tongue, spearing her hole with the tip then licking back up to trace circles around pretty, pink pearl. Over and over, in ornate curlicues, I work that path again and again until I feel her begin to clench. Then I just suck on her clit, holding it gently between my teeth while my tongue vibrates flat against it.

  Chelsea cries out, an animal moan that emanates from the depths of her chest. I feel it against my teeth. Chance and I hold her between us, suspended like an acrobat in a circus. She can’t escape now. Not ever.

  I lick her over and over, savoring every drop. When I open my eyes, Chance is grinning at me with her tit deep inside his mouth, filling his cheeks. He smiling somehow, and flips me a playful thumbs up.

  Finally she begins to relax again, and I feel the deep quake in her limbs, the bliss and exhaustion I know so well. That’s exactly where I wanted to bring her. What a good girl.

  Somehow I find myself next to her, with Chance on the other side. We both cradle her between us, brushing her hair back from her damp forehead, kissing the worry lines from between her eyebrows until she completely relaxes.

  It’s so good, I can almost forget about the throbbing hard-on in my trousers. I thought I could ignore it, but now I am not so sure.

  Chance glances at me too, shrugging helplessly. I know he said this was just for her, but…

  The blare from the baby monitor brings us all back to our senses. Chance rolls his eyes and glares at the ceiling. I silently pray that naptime isn’t over, that the kids will somehow miraculously fall back to sleep.

  I feel Chelsea become more alert, then watch her smile just a little bit. The baby monitor makes another noise of warning, and Chelsea yawns luxuriously, finally opening her eyes in sleepy slits.

  “That’s for me, I suppose?” she asks in a sultry voice that makes me want to say no.

  “I can get them," Chance offers.

  She pushes herself up to sitting, taking a moment to run her fingers over the outlines of my hard-on, as if to confirm what she already knew: I am ready to explode.

  “Deal is a deal,” she shrugs sweetly. “And besides, we have all the time in the world, don’t we?”

  Chapter 13


  The baby monitor squawks again, chilling the mood considerably. I arch my back and stretch, feeling like a lizard in the sun. A very happy lizard.

  Okay, that sounded weird.

  A voice comes through the baby monitor, a rising call that sounds a lot like “Daaaaaaddyyyyy.” Wriggling to the end of the giant sofa, I glance around for a robe or something, but there isn’t anything. I guess I’m just going to be parading around naked, so that’s that.

  I figured I could just jump in, but then I notice I am… well, sticky.

  “Actually… if one of you can go calm the troops,” I suggest, “I could jump in the shower and then maybe take them for a dip in the pool? Some outside time?”

  Chance raises his eyebrows. “Already? You sure you just want to jump in?”

  “That’s how I roll,” I shrug, raising my arms over my head and taking a long, powerful stretch. Jack’s eyes slide from my toes all the way up to my armpits, unabashed and bold.

  “I will only be a moment,” I assure Chance as I sashay toward the bathroom, feeling as at home as I can imagine.

  Okay, this bathroom is ridiculous. It’s paneled in Pierce Cedar, long planks like a Scandinavian fantasy. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors are placed along two walls. There’s a shower big enough for a rugby team and a sunken bathtub large enough for… Well, I guess we will have to see, won’t we?

  Somehow I guess the right combination of dials and knobs to get the shower going. There’s an awful lot of steam, which is all right, I guess. I must have activated some kind of steamy protocol. But all I really need to do is get clean and then get to the kids’ room.

  As I am washing the last traces of our encounter from my skin, flashes of it sparkle through my mind. Jack’s long tongue. Chance’s utter concentration as he examined every inch of me. The way they both went for the less obvious erogenous zones. Not just my nipples, but also the ticklish sides of my breasts. The hollows under my arms. The sweeping curve over my hip bones.

  Intriguing, I have to say. I wonder what other delights they plan on sharing with me.

  When I enter the boys’ room, my hair twisted on top of my head, a T-shirt over the bathing suit I threw on, I stop for just a second to watch. Chance leans on the corner of Matthew’s crib, pulling faces until Matthew giggles himself back to sitting. Ned bounces against the corner of his crib, eager to join in.

  It won’t be long until they’re both in toddler beds. They both stand with their heads just over the railings even now. Nothing’s going to hold these little guys back, I can tell.

  As soon as he spots me, Ned’s eyes widen in delight and he starts barking out happy noises. Chance grins at me over his shoulder.

  “Oh, looks like somebody is already smitten with you,” Chance smirks.

  “Yeah, I think I am quite smitten with him too,” I agree as I approach Ned carefully. He’s happy, but sometimes kids can get spooked if you barge into their space too quickly. He certainly seems welcoming so far and just beams at me as I get closer.

  “Hey, you guys want to go outside with me?” I ask in a hushed voice, measuring the level of their excitement.

  Matthew hauls himself back to standing and reaches out with a chubby little hand, his fingers opening and closing.

  “I will take that as a yes,” I remark.

  “Yeah, you guys are going to be okay,” Chance smiles as he walks to the side of the room and pulls open a drawer. “So, the guys usually share clothes. They’re basically the same size, so they each have favorites, but there’s not really any rules about who wears what.”

  “Got it.”

  “We’ve got tops and bottoms in these drawers over here. Nicer stuff is hung up, of course. Socks and undershirts… Diapers over there…”

  I hold up a hand.

  “You know what? Why don’t you just let me poke around? I’m sure I can find everything that I need.”

  His eyes widen slightly.

  “Are you sure? I mean… Just ask if you need anything, okay?”

  “Will do!” I answer smartly.

  Turning back toward Matthew, I waste a few seconds just marking time as Chance leaves the room. To be honest I don’t need him hovering over me. I will find anything I need, but these little fellas and I need a chance to sniff each other out. Pack mentality, you know. We need to figure out who’s who and what’s what.

  “We can handle this, don’t you guys think?” I ask them, nodding until they nod as well, catching onto my enthusiasm.

  After a quick change into big boy pants and waterproof swimmers, I poke around through cubbies and drawers until I find sunscreen, towels, and hats. There are sunglasses too, though I have never known a toddler who would keep sunglasses on for more than the length of time it took to lose them at the bottom of the pool. Still, it’s worth a try.

  Slathered in protective sunscreen and carrying our towels, we march through the great room single file, out toward the pool area. Chance and Jack pause, midsentence, to observe our progress. I give them a wink, silently letting them know everything is fine, no need to interfere, we are just going for a dip.

  Ned and Matthew listen really well, especially for their age. I wasn’t sure at first, because they don’t seem to be terribly verbal yet, but I know that around the age of two or three, some kids like to hold back. Sometimes it seems like they’re pretending they don’t know very much yet. They know an awful lot.

  But when I give Ned a towel and ask him to carry it for me, he wraps his chubby arms around it and dutifully delivers it to the chair on the far side of the pool. I noticed that they are careful to stay away from the brick border, which is great. They have defini
tely been trained about pool safety.

  We sit under the umbrella on the plush chaise lounges as I clip the flotation vests around their shoulders. With white sunscreen across the bridges of both their noses, they grin up at me, eager for what happens next.

  “You guys ready? You want to go swimming?”

  “Yeah!” they answer in unison.

  I hold out my hands, wiggling my fingers. “Okay… I want you guys to stay close, got it? I need you to show me what to do, okay? Don’t let go.”

  With serious expressions, they take my hands and begin to guide me toward the pool. I act like this is just a very serious obligation they have decided to undertake and allow them to escort me toward the ladder and stairs at the shallow end.

  Carefully we step in for the first stair. The pool is so big that the shallow end has six steps leading down. Nice and safe.

  The water is cool and refreshing, the top edge of it a bright line of coolness around my calves. It is almost too cold, but I can’t give up now.

  Ned and Matthew glance up at me, grinning, squinting into the sun every few moments as if to check up on me. I nod encouragingly. Finally we make it to the bottom of the pool. The kids are just tall enough to reach the bottom with their toes, but I am glad for the flotation vests. Still holding hands, I kneel down and get closer to eye level, tugging them across the water, dragging them back and forth while they giggle delightedly.

  The sun gleams off the surface of the pool, filling the air with sparkles and shards of light. We play and play for I don’t even know how long, getting to know each other, getting to trust each other.

  At some point, I look up toward the house, surprised to see Jack and Chance watching us. They have identical ear-to-ear grins, silently filling the sliding glass doorway with their arms crossed over their chests. Happy smiles. Proud smiles.

  My body twinges, and I think about inviting them in to join us. But not right now, I guess. I had just enough of a tease earlier today, and I would hate to be distracted at this moment. It will have to wait. Being in between them doesn’t leave any room to think about anything else. It’s good. So very good.

  But, damn, what have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 14


  Has it already been a week? How is that even possible?

  The small gym that we had built last year is right next to the pool area. With a wall of windows, I can see the whole patio as well as get a basic idea of what is going on in the great room from this vantage point. With my forearms on the front of the elliptical trainer, I stay focused on what’s going on out there.

  The first thing that she did when she got up was head to the pool for a dip. I think that she has done that every day. Even before coffee, Chelsea likes to take a quick swim. Twenty laps. I didn’t realize she was so athletic, but it makes sense. She has definitely shown a certain… stamina.

  Then she hurries back to her suite before getting the boys up. She always keeps the monitor with her just in case they are awake before she expects them.

  They play for a couple hours until lunch, usually some blocks, some coloring, some reading. Lots of songs and naming things. Lunch is healthy and hearty. Then they go for a nap.

  It’s perfect. I don’t have to worry about a thing.

  It’s like our lives were on pause, and then someone hit the play button again. She fit right in the middle. She does things I wouldn’t even have thought of. She’s been working on verbal skills with the boys and has already made dramatic progress. They are talking in whole sentences, like they must have already been thinking them and they just started popping out. It’s so weird. I was used to the baby talk thing, but apparently they are observant, avid thinkers.

  She claims that it’s all about expectation. Once she started setting the expectations that they would use complete sentences, including please and thank you in order to get the stuff they wanted, they just started doing it.

  Weird. I wonder why Maddie didn’t think of that?

  There is a clock in the corner of the room, a big red LED thing so that I don’t go over my time. If I don’t keep track, one hour will stretch into two. I’m already at forty-eight minutes, too bad.

  The door swings open and Jack enters, his eyes looking toward the pool. Apparently he has also noticed Chelsea’s routine.



  Jack settles into the rowing machine, flexing against the waterwheel until it starts going at a fast pace. He doesn’t really enjoy working out, so he sticks to the full-body experience instead of doing circuits, like I do. Both ways work. I am not going to judge him for that.

  Chelsea walks by the swimming pool, probably unable to see us because of the darkened glass. Her hair swings from a high ponytail and she holds a paperback book open in her left hand while she walks, barefoot, across the textured concrete.

  Her shorts are old-fashioned terrycloth, with white piping up the sides and a slit that flaps open with every step. Her tanned legs are sleek and muscular, but not thin. She’s nice and thick, sturdy.

  “I love it when she wears that little half top,” Jack mutters as he rows.

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Her tits are high, with nipples pointing about 15 degrees north of the horizon. The half top doesn’t even come close to the bottom curve of those gorgeous globes, but still, it seems like they might get exposed at any second. Anyway, I can’t help but think about just reaching up under her shirt and finding a breast right there, firm and ready, just like that.

  “I think she’s ready for us, don’t you?” Jack begins, squinting intensely through the glass as she finishes her walk and opens the door to the great room.

  “Actually… I wanted to talk to you about that,” I start, keeping my voice balanced.

  Thumbing the control panel for the elliptical, I turn it off and position myself on the squat rack instead. I don’t plan on doing any, but it’s a nice barricade while I get ready to say what I want to say next.

  “Chance, don’t start,” Jack cuts me off.

  Ignoring him, I just take another deep breath.

  “Look, she fits right in, don’t you think?” I ask. “We have it pretty good, right?”

  “It could be better,” he mutters. “A lot better, I bet.”

  “Sure, of course,” I agree strategically. “But maybe we should give it like six months? Make sure that this is a long-term thing? There are a lot of moving parts here.”

  Jack slows his rowing dramatically, coming to a stop and turning his head over his shoulder to glare at me.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me!”

  I edge back inside the squat rack a little bit. I did not expect him to love this idea. But she is just a little too good to risk.

  “If we fuck this up, it could be really uncomfortable for all of us,” I shrug, wiping the back of my neck with a towel.

  “If we don’t fuck her up, we could also lose her,” he points out.

  “I guess that is one way of putting it.”

  Jack stands out of the rowing machine, stomping over to the free weights and beginning some curls. He really has impressive biceps. He started those in middle school and I never bothered to catch up. Doesn’t matter. I can still kick his ass.

  “Chance, all I am saying is that we already talked about this. She already talked about it too.”

  “I just think we should wait a little while,” I shrug. “Is that so unreasonable? Just get into a real zone together? Really solid?”

  “And, what? Just tease her for a few months? Does that seem like something you would enjoy?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He curls the weights another four times before answering me.

  “If you were dating some girl and she just arbitrarily decided that you should wait another couple months, would that appeal to you? Or would you think that was kind of an obnoxious control freak thing to do? Especially if she told you she was ready? Seems
good to go? And she wanted to fuck you?”

  “This is not the same thing.”

  “No, it’s not the same thing. It’s double the same thing.”

  “Wow, you just never get tired of pointing that out, do you?” I sigh.

  “I never get tired of it. Not even a little bit,” he answers immediately. “And I’m not getting tired of her either. But I am getting ready to fuck her. You can come with me, or not. This isn’t middle school, Chance. We don’t have to play games!”

  “I’m not playing games either,” I mumble under my breath.

  There’s a soft tapping at the door and Chelsea leans in, her hair swinging from her ponytail. I can see her nipples are hard and ready already. They point out from under that white crop top.

  “Oh, hey, guys. Mind if I come in?”

  I shoot Jack a look of warning. I want to talk about this later.

  “Hey, Chelsea,” he starts. “Chance wants to know if we should not start fucking yet. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you want to wait another… What was it, Chance? A few months? Is that what you said?”

  Chelsea raises her eyebrows so high I can see her ponytail move. She pivots on her heels to face me and rocks back and forth with her hands on her hips.

  “You don’t want me here? Is that it?” she challenges.

  “What? No! That’s not what I—”

  “You’re a little too freaked out? Turning chicken?”

  “Chelsea, I just think that it’s a strange situation, right? So maybe we should—”

  “Actually, the strange part of the situation?” she interrupts. “You want to know what it is? It is that we have waited so long! If we were doing this the normal way, you guys would have popped my cherry when I was fifteen!”

  Jack bark-laughs into his shoulder, trying to conceal his face.

  “What are you talking about? How is that normal?”


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