Children of the Apocalypse: Mega Boxed Set

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Children of the Apocalypse: Mega Boxed Set Page 50

by Baileigh Higgins

  “Why on earth not?”

  “Because I wanted to be strong enough to do this.” Breytenbach straightened up, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her, smothering her protestations. After a few seconds, he lifted his head. “Any more questions?”

  Julianne shook her head, struck mute.

  “Good.” He grinned at the gathering. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag.”

  Max snorted. “Oh, come on. We all knew it was just a matter of time.”

  Surrounded by chuckles and well-wishers, the couple kissed once more. Ronnie clapped Breytenbach on the shoulder. “Glad to see you’re okay, buddy.”

  “Me too,” Breytenbach replied then raised a sardonic eyebrow. “Been keeping my seat warm, have you? Not getting too comfortable?”

  Ronnie grinned before he drew himself up and saluted smartly. “Not a chance, Captain. Not a chance.”

  Chapter 20 - Lisa

  Lisa stood sentinel on the wall with a metal spear gripped firmly in her right hand. A small pistol rode on her hip, balanced by a machete on the other. Her eyes drifted over the bare landscape surrounding the camp, searching for signs of life. Or unlife as she liked to call it. Today, there was nothing. All was calm.

  In the distance, figures moved about as they worked on the outer fence and gates, improving on the hasty repairs of the previous day. She’d heard there was talk of digging the moat deeper and wider. That posed a problem for the gate, though. How would their vehicles get across? Lisa imagined an old-fashioned drawbridge spanning the length and snorted with suppressed laughter.

  She patrolled the edge of the wall without cease. It wasn’t her turn to stand guard, but she did it anyway. It beat any other job she could think of and got her away from all the inquisitive eyes and sympathetic smiles. Even after all these months, people still felt sorry for her. I wish they’d forget. I wish they’d let me move on.

  She thought of Michelle. The younger girl was still traumatized, shying away from men and jumping at the slightest noise, while Lisa wanted nothing more than to forget. Forget and fight. I’ll kill the next man who lays his hands on me.

  The period of brutalization and rape she underwent before Morgan saved her was something that changed Lisa forever. But unlike Michelle, it made her stronger. Or so she told herself every day until the nightmares ripped her apart at night and tore her soul in two.


  A voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned, recognizing Julianne’s petite form. The older woman hurried toward the wall, and alarm bells tinkled in Lisa’s brain. Something’s up.


  Julianne climbed the ladder, a sense of urgency in her movements. A coil of tension unfurled in Lisa’s stomach as she waited. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.

  “Hey, Lisa. I thought I might find you here.”

  “Something the matter?” Lisa noted the host of conflicting emotions chasing each other across Julianne’s face. A peculiar mix of worry, anger, and elation seemed to have hold of the other woman.

  “You could say that,” Julianne gasped, a little out of breath after her rush across the grounds. “How do you feel about a job? An important one.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Lisa stood stock still while Julianne filled her in, telling her all about Ke Tau and his gang, the ambush that nearly cost Ronnie and his team their lives and finally, Kabelo. A tight knot of cold rage formed during the tale, solidifying into a ball of ice by the time Julianne finished.

  “I’ll kill him, the little shit. Where is he?”

  “That’s the thing. You can’t kill him.”

  “Why not? Has nobody else got the guts to do it?”

  “Elise argued against it and managed to convince everyone to give him a chance.”

  “What?” Disbelief coursed through Lisa’s veins, followed by a sense of betrayal. Elise stood against it? Even though she knew what he was?

  “Yes, she did.”

  “He’s a rapist and a murderer. He deserves to die,” Lisa said, pressing her lips together. “How could she do that? She knows…she was there when Michelle and me…I can’t believe this.”

  Julianne shifted from one foot to the other and looked uncomfortable. “I’m sure she doesn’t mean it like that.”

  “Then how does she mean it? Has she even thought about what this might do to Michelle?” Lisa’s cheeks burned with anger at the thought of the younger girl’s reaction to Kabelo.

  “You have to understand; she’s biased. This boy is just a kid about the same age as her son.” Julianne shook her head. “She’s wrong. He can’t be trusted, but she can’t see him as anything but a child.”

  “Has she forgotten Tommy? He was a kid too, not even finished with High School, and look what he did to us.”

  Julianne winced at this reference to the sadistic Tommy who’d murdered Jacques by shoving a newly turned zombie onto him. Lisa had told them about the teen and his brutal ways.

  “I know, trust me I know.” Julianne raised her hands in a placating manner. “I like this just as little as you do. If I had my way, he’d be tossed to the infected.”

  “Why listen to Elise?”

  “Because she made a strong argument, and people respect her opinion.”

  “Fuck that.” Naked rage quivered in Lisa’s breast, spilling over into her voice.

  “Look, I’m sorry. For now, it’s been decided to keep him captive until after the attack. Then the final decision will be made.”

  “What are you doing here then?”

  “I want you to guard him, Lisa. You’re the only one I trust to do it.” Julianne hesitated before continuing. “And if we’re lucky, he will do something to prove he is what we think he is. If that happens, Elise won’t have a say anymore.”

  Lisa studied Julianne’s face. “You’re serious about this? You don’t feel like Elise does?”

  Julianne’s typically lovely features hardened into an iron mask, her eyes glittering like diamond chips. “I made the mistake of trusting someone once. It cost me my daughter. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  Lisa remembered the day Angie had betrayed them all, revealing herself to be the snake in their Eden. Not only had she killed Morgan, but admitted to Armand’s death too.

  It was a bitter shock to everyone, most of all Julianne. The fallout has yet to settle, evidenced in Ben’s haunted eyes, the faraway look that entered Julianne’s eyes when she thought of that day, and Logan’s absence.

  “All right. I’ll do it. I’ll watch the little fucker, and I swear to God if he makes so much as one wrong move I’ll gut him like a fish.”

  “I’m counting on it.” Julianne turned to walk away but paused with a smile on her lips. “Oh, I almost forgot. Not everything that happened today was bad. Breytenbach’s awake.”

  “For real?” Lisa asked. “Judging by the blush staining your cheeks, the reunion must have been a happy one.”

  Julianne grinned, her cheeks the color of ripe tomatoes. “You got that right.”

  “I’m happy for you. You deserve it, and Breytenbach’s a good man.”

  Julianne left as quickly as she came, and Lisa thought of her new job. Her mood soured, and bile pushed up her esophagus. She waited for a few minutes, gathering up the shreds of her self-control. Get hold of yourself. You can do this.

  When she felt more like herself again, she climbed off the wall and made her way to the Casspir where Lenka waited with the captive. His hulking form materialized long before she spotted the shivering Kabelo, huddled on the ground.

  She paused a few feet away, studying him. Tears shimmered in his eyes and snot cut runnels down his chin. With a shiver of disgust, she turned away. “For fuck’s sake, clean yourself up before you make me sorry for not killing you now.”

  Lenka grunted in amusement before he barked something to the sniveling boy. Kabelo wiped his face on his shirt leaving long streaks of silver mucus on it.

  Lisa threw her hands in the ai
r. “Oh, come on. You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m going to be stuck with this?”

  “Have fun.” Lenka flashed her a rare smile and wandered off.

  She turned her attention back to her prisoner, taking in his torn, dirty clothes and disheveled state. Her nose wrinkled when she caught a whiff of stale sweat and cheap tobacco. “When’s the last time you had a bath? You stink.”

  “Me good boy. Not kill. Not hurt. Me good,” he said in reply, throwing himself at her feet.

  “Shit, don’t you understand me?” she asked, backing away from his clutching hands. A blank stare and more pleas answered her question. “English?”

  A simple shake of the head followed. Lisa wracked her brain for the few words of Sotho she remembered from school but came up empty. Not that he’d be likely to speak that either. Probably Fanagalo like most miners or Portuguese as he was from Mozambique. “Damn.”

  “Come on. We might as well get you cleaned up.” She crooked a finger at him, the other hand resting on her pistol as a warning.

  He took her meaning and got up with the eagerness of a puppy. She pointed the way to the communal bathrooms and nudged him in the back with her spear. “Go on.”

  He shuffled off, and they made their way to the main buildings. Outside the bathrooms, she encountered Max.

  “Hey, Lisa. I see Julianne found you.” His voice held an unspoken question as his eyes shifted from her to Kabelo.

  “It’s fine, Max. I’ll watch him, but if you ask me, it shouldn’t even be necessary. He should’ve been executed like the criminal he is.”

  “I understand how you feel, Lisa, but―”

  “Really? Are you honestly gonna go there? You have no bloody clue how I feel. None of you do.“

  Max paused with a pained expression on his face. “I shouldn’t have said that sorry. You and Michelle―”

  “And stop comparing me to Michelle, for fuck’s sake. I’m not her. She’s a sweet girl, and I’m sorry for her, but that’s not me. I don’t want your pity.” Lisa fixed Max with a fierce look. “I’m a fighter, Max. Not a victim. Get used to it.”

  Max now wore a hunted look, like a mouse cornered by a cat. He raised his hands to fend off her attack. “I get it. I do. I’ll stop treating you like that if you want.”

  Lisa felt her anger drain away. “Just stop treating me like glass, okay? You and everybody else.”

  “Noted.” Max pointed at Kabelo and changed the subject. “Need any help?”

  “I do. He stinks. Take him inside and get him cleaned up while I fetch him some clothes.” Her lips twisted. “No way is he going around with me like that.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of it.” Max directed the prisoner to the nearest shower.

  Lisa watched them go inside and marched off to find clean garments, muttering under her breath. “Damn murdering son of a bitch can feel lucky he’s getting free food, clothes, and a wash. More than he deserves.”

  Along the way, she encountered Elise who wore a worried frown. “Lisa, can I talk to you for a second?”

  “What do you want, Elise?”

  Elise blanched, backing up a step. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry―”

  “Sorry for what, Elise? Saving that murdering piece of shit’s life or endangering us all with your misplaced compassion?”

  “He’s just a kid, Lisa. He deserves a chance.”

  Lisa pointed a furious finger at the other woman. “He deserves nothing, and I swear on my life. I’ll kill him if he so much as looks at me wrong.”

  Leaving a stuttering Elise in her wake, Lisa marched off to the storeroom where she rummaged around for clothes that she thought would fit. Her entire body quivered with impotent rage. She slammed her fist into the wall, scarcely feeling the pain in her knuckles. Hot tears burned her eyes, but she dashed them away. “I’m not crying again. Never again.”

  Half an hour later, she was presented with a scrubbed up prisoner compliments of an apologetic Max. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks, Max. Sorry about earlier.” She’d calmed down enough to feel a little guilt over her outburst.

  “No need to apologize. You had every right.” Max hovered for a moment. “Would you perhaps like to join Breytenbach’s group? He’s been talking about training recruits for his team.”

  “Yeah? You’re serious?” Excitement at the prospect filled her. For a moment, she even forgot all about Kabelo.

  “I’m serious. Breytenbach’s group is the best, and they could use new blood. Maybe when all of this is over, we can arrange it. Would you like that?”

  “Of course, I mean, assuming we make it through this.”

  “Oh, we will. Trust me.”

  Lisa stared at Max’s retreating form and wondered how he could speak with such confidence. From what Julianne had told her they were facing the fight of their lives. She squared her shoulders. I’ll be there every step of the way. I’ll prove to everyone I’m a fighter.

  She turned her eyes to Kabelo and motioned him toward the common room. “Time to eat.”

  When he didn’t move, she mimed eating movements with her hand and pointed at the cafeteria. He caught the gist, and his pace picked up, eagerness suffusing his face.

  Inside the common room, lunch was in full swing. The buzz of chatter surrounded them. Silence fell when they walked in, and wondering eyes fixed on her and Kabelo. She ignored the curious stares and chose a table. “Sit.”

  Already the news had spread regarding Ke Tau and his gang. None of the stares directed at Kabelo were friendly, and the boy squirmed beneath their collective scrutiny. Lisa felt a hint of satisfaction at the evidence of his discomfort and allowed herself a small smile.

  She saw Elise serving food behind the bay marines, and their eyes met for a brief moment. Lisa turned away from the woman’s disapproving stare. Don’t give me that look.

  A brooding Ben brought over two plates, concern lining his aged face. “You okay, Lisa?”

  “I’m fine, Ben. Just keeping an eye on our new guest here.” Liking for Ben softened her voice, causing her to smooth over the sharp edges of her anger. For him, she felt nothing but respect and sorrow. He’d lost too much ever to be the same again.

  “Have you heard about Breytenbach?” Ben asked.

  “Julianne told me. It’s pretty good news.” She looked around. “Where is he?”

  “At the clinic. He’s still weak, and Jonathan wants to keep an eye on him.”

  “Okay. That’s good.” Lisa thought for a moment. “Any word on Dr. Lange?”

  “He’s helping out in the clinic. The man seems to have shaken off the loss of his lab. Word has it he’s trying to jot down his old work from memory. That bodyguard of his, Michael, carried over a whole armful of notebooks and pens yesterday.”

  “More power to him. Hope he succeeds. We could all use a vaccine or something.”

  “It would make life easier,” Ben agreed. “Anyway. See you, Lisa. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Will do, Ben. Thanks.”

  He nodded and walked away, and she turned to her food, picking up her fork. Today it was rice and beans, not her favorite but filling enough. She dug in, her stomach growling in anticipation. The boy watched her for a few seconds until she motioned to his plate. “Go on. Eat.”

  His fearful expression abated, and he scooped up a portion with his fingers, shoving it into his mouth. Lisa watched in horror as he shoveled it in, grains of rice falling from his lips to the table.

  “Oh, hell no,” Lisa cried, causing him to freeze. His eyes rolled in terror, showing the whites. She felt a twinge of guilt and modulated her tone. Picking up his fork, she held it to him. “Here, use this.”

  He stared at the implement with uncertainty and reached out a hesitant hand. With slow, deliberate movements, she showed him how to eat. After a moment, he copied her. It was frustrating to watch him. More food ended up on the floor than in his mouth, but eventually, he got the hang of it.

  “Man, didn’t you learn table m
anners as a kid?” she asked, shuddering as he chewed with his mouth open.

  Until Lisa remembered where he was from. It was likely his education had fallen by the wayside because of circumstance. A surge of sympathy filled her, one she crushed with ruthless determination. Don’t feel sorry for him. Remember what he’s done.

  Despite her resolution, a seed of doubt had been sown, and she found herself wondering what sort of life he’d lived. Lisa made a mental note to find Lenka after lunch as he was the only one who seemed able to talk to Kabelo. Though he’ll probably scare the living crap out of him again.

  Swallowing her food, she regarded Kabelo. “What am I going to do with you?”

  Chapter 21 - Ronnie

  Ronnie shifted. His legs had gone numb from holding the same position for too long. With one hand, he rubbed his eyes and positioned the binoculars. Through the magnifying glass, he watched the old Inn. It was nothing like he remembered.

  A few weeks back he’d been in the vicinity looking for supplies. It had been nothing but an abandoned relic filled with the walking corpses of former guests and staff. A place to be avoided.

  “See anything?” Mike asked.

  “Oh, I see plenty. Just not enough yet.”

  A fence resembling an iron hedgehog bristling with steel spikes had been erected around the premises. From a set of fortified gates, men came and went constantly. All were armed, carrying knives, machetes, and automatic rifles.

  After two days, Ronnie had yet to settle on an approximate tally. It was hard to tell with so much coming and going. The building itself remained a mystery. Its windows were shuttered with corrugated iron plates bolted to the walls, and the main doors were never left unguarded.

  For a block in each direction, the infected had been wiped out. Body parts were stuck to sharpened sticks, serving as a warning to the living and dead alike. A few had been lashed to lamp poles, their decayed mouths gnashing, and their groans carrying on the wind. Barricades blocked the roads leading in and out while the surrounding shops and businesses had been pillaged.


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