Blood Slave (Warring Hearts Book 1)

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Blood Slave (Warring Hearts Book 1) Page 6

by Adrianne Kane

  Curiosity got the better of me and I couldn’t hold back.

  “So,” I said softly, anger still tainting my words, “did you sleep with someone last night?”

  His brow raised in curiosity. “Sleep with someone?”

  I nodded bashfully. “Did you… have sex… with someone? Another woman?”

  I tried to hide my jealousy at the fact that he could have dozens of other women stashed somewhere in this house, but I faltered and I knew it showed. Not that it had to be obvious to him, he’d just be able to read my mind and know anyway.

  He shook his head in disappointment and released an agitated sigh. “We are far from other people. Miles away from any civilization.” He sat back in his chair, his fingers interlacing as though he was prepping for an interrogation. “You are also the only guest in my home.”

  My heart fluttered and I could feel my cheeks begin to burn red. So, I was the only one?

  Irritability cloaked his face. Now what had I done?

  “You are not to become possessive of me. I own you, not the other way around.”

  Now I was becoming irritated.

  Furious over his reminder, my mouth ran away from me.

  “I’m well-aware. In case it seemed to have fled your mind, you had quite the forceful way of proving it last night.”

  A dark smirk stretched across his lips “My dear, that was only the beginning...” Hooded eyes raked over my body, sending shivers across every inch of me. “I have many more things planned to remind you that I own you.”

  My inner thighs tingled and my mouth ran dry out of curiosity.

  “I want you to remove those panties.” His voice was suddenly low and husky.

  My first instinct was to refuse, rebel against his demands. But the mix of fear of getting another punishment and excitement blossoming between my legs forced me to obey.

  I slowly hooked my thumbs into the band of my thong, taking gentle care as I slid them down as to not rub against the welts. Once to the back of my knees, I let gravity do the work and the fell around my ankles.

  Taking a tentative step forward, I left the lace number in a pile on the floor as I watched for his reaction.

  His expression had shifted to that of dark desire, all trace of humor fleeing him.

  “Lean over the bed,” he demanded, his eyes glued to my southern region.

  I hesitated. The fear of him paddling me again sprung to life in my chest. But I hadn’t disobeyed or angered him, so he wouldn’t do that again, would he?

  Going off faith that he wouldn’t hurt me, I slowly did as commanded and spread my upper body across the bed, leaving my ass in the air, presented to him.

  I curled my arms up to either side of my torso, my fists clenched, causing my nails to nervously dig into my palms as I awaited possible punishment. Time seemed to have stopped around me, suffocating me in anticipation as I waited for his next command.

  Just as I was about to ask him what I should do, I felt his hands tightly grip my hips and forcefully tug me backwards as his tongue traced my tender flesh, causing me to gasp in both shock and surprising pleasure.

  He was licking my ass.

  At first I was uncomfortable; having someone of the opposite sex face so close to such a private area was putting me on edge. But as he continued to slowly drag his tongue across my tender cheeks, leaving a cool trail wherever he licked, the more the pain from the night before faded.

  He traced down to the base of my ass, so close to my aching mound I could feel his hot breath brusquely gliding across my puffy lips.

  Instinctively, my hips raised towards his mouth every time his lips threatened to grace my womanhood, aching for his mouth to close around it and taste its sweet juices. But every time, he would flee back and glide his tongue across another area.

  He was taunting me. Trying to get me worked up, hot and bothered. And it was working.

  What I wouldn’t give for him to taste me in that moment. The desire was driving me crazy, and moans escaped my own lips in frustration.

  I felt his grip leave my hips and then nothing. Cool air surrounded me as I felt his presence leave my body behind.

  Shocked, I flipped myself over to sit on the edge of the bed. I clutched my knees together tightly in hopes to hide my arousal. I could feel my juices beginning to trickle down my inner thigh, leaving it slick as they rubbed against each other.

  “You’re leaving?” I breathed, trying to hide my sexual frustration.

  His hand was already on the door handle.


  I waited for him to elaborate as to why, but instead he opened the door and began to step out.

  “Wait!” I yelled after him in desperation.

  My face flushed. I couldn’t let him know he was leaving me frustrated.

  Stopping in the doorway, he turned to look at me, the dark desire still lingering in his eyes. Part of me wanted to beg him to stay, but I couldn’t get myself to say the words.

  “I-I’m really bored locked up in here all alone,” I managed, my fingers nervously digging at the mattress beneath me. I could only imagine the puddle I was making.

  “Do y-you think I could get something to entertain me? To pass the time? Maybe I could get my e-reader back?”

  He offered me a smirk. “I will consider it.” He gestured towards the table where the tray of food still sat “Eat. I will be back later.”

  And with that, he was gone, door latched and locked behind him.

  I flopped back onto the bed, letting out an exaggerated sigh as my pent up frustrations began to fade.

  I considered relieving myself once I knew he was in bed for the night, the images of his mouth so close to my mound stirring up a new wave of arousal.

  Standing, I shook my arms in attempt to shake off my strange desires and decided it was time to eat. My stomach growled in approval as I sat at the desk to dig into the steaming meal.

  Chapter 8

  Julian had brought me a massive cheeseburger loaded with the works. Lettuce, tomato, and pickles were adorned with a flavorful, savory sauce with a side of French fries in a large metal wire cone. He’d even added a bowl of fruit salad with a sweet cream drizzled on top that I decided to save for dessert.

  I was in heaven.

  My taste buds were exploding with all the different flavors, moans of bliss slipping past my lips with every mouthful. I wondered if the food was really just that delicious, or if its taste was elevated from my lack of food intake over the last few weeks.

  Either way, I didn’t care. It was too good to continue questioning. But I did find myself wondering where Julian learned to cook so well. Even the presentation was a delight. For something you could get slapped together at a fast food drive-thru, he really took to time to make it beautiful. Even the delicate square china it was all presented on was exquisite.

  After I had polished off every last bite, I sat back in the wooden chair, the same one Julian practically used as a throne when he visited, and patted my little protruding belly. It felt like decades since I had eaten, and now I had gorged myself and turned into a walking balloon.

  Even sleep threatened me now that I was full. But I couldn’t allow myself to sleep. Julian said he would come back today and I hated waking up to find him there in his corner, watching me. Though I was finding myself increasingly physically attracted to him, his behavior still tended to creep me out.

  A burp rumbled up out of my chest and I realized I should probably brush my teeth before he came back. The last thing I needed was to be embarrassed by something as common as a little bit of bad breath.

  Once in the bathroom, I grabbed my pink toothbrush next to the tube of spearmint toothpaste and a bottle of mouthwash of the same flavor.

  As thoughtful as it was for him to provide all of the essentials one would need for good hygiene, assuming pink was always a good choice for a woman pricked me the wrong way. But considering he’d just given me the best burger I had ever tasted, I let it slide.

bsp; I brushed my teeth, making sure to get each tooth thoroughly, and then rinsed my mouth with the minty liquid.

  Glancing in the mirror, I had hoped to find that I was still somewhat presentable, but my luck wouldn’t let me be that fortunate. My hair stuck out in every direction and the bags under my eyes made me cringe.

  How long had I looked like this?!

  I quickly combed down my wavy locks, easing the frizz and making them at least appear uniform.

  Curiosity arose when I thought about applying some makeup. Would he be thoughtful enough to supply at least a little foundation to try and cover up the dark circles that hugged my eyes?

  As I poked through the toiletries once more, my thoughts were answered. There in a beautiful silver box with delicate floral engravings was a small green tube of black mascara, an array of different shades of lipstick and lip gloss, a compact blush and eye shadow kit, and a small powder foundation that matched my light skin tone perfectly. There was even an entire set of makeup brushes. Everything I could possibly need was all right there in the little metal box.

  I quickly concealed the bags under my eyes and touched up my little blemishes before putting on a light layer of eye shadow and mascara. I even decided to dab on a little bit of blush and a red-tinted, strawberry-flavored lip gloss to give my face more life, something I was sure had been lacking these past few weeks.

  Embarrassment threatened to overcome me when I thought of what I must have looked like in front of Julian. Weak, tired, and drained from the roller coaster of emotions I had found myself trapped on, I was sure I appeared to be as much of a mess as I felt.

  A final glance in the mirror and I smiled, pleased with the outcome. For once since I had been locked in here, I looked energized. I was curious to know if Julian would even notice.

  And like clockwork, I heard the lock to the room click over.

  Think of the devil.

  I stepped out into the bedroom just as Julian was closing the door behind him. He turned and froze as his gaze drifted over me, a pleasant smile gracing his full lips.

  “You look well, dear.” His eyes were soft, like they had been just the other day, and I could tell he was being sincere.

  My cheeks flushed and my gaze found the ground in front of me. “Thank you,” I bashfully replied.

  It wasn’t often that Julian would actually compliment me on anything, and when he did, it made my heart soar a little higher.

  “Come.” He motioned me closer. “There are some things I would like to do tonight.”

  His words made my mind race with wonder at the possibilities he might be thinking of. Without any release from our previous encounter, my mind instantly went to the more erotic possibilities. With that fresh in my mind, I didn’t hesitate to go to him. I stopped a few feet away, my body humming with anticipation on what he may have planned.

  With a dark smirk, he held a finger up to keep me in place as he strode over to the wardrobe and opened the double doors. He pulled out a long, red slender rod with a triangle of black leather fastened to its tip and leather straps wound around its hilt.

  My heart sank. “What is that?” I questioned, my brows furrowing in confusion.

  “This,” he held the rod up, displaying it across both of his hands, “is a riding crop.”

  I had seen them before. “Aren’t those for racing horses?” I had an idea of where this was going, but I was hoping I was wrong.

  His lips twisted into a wicked grin. “Not always. It is actually used quite widely for disciplining one’s beast while training.”

  There it was. My fears confirmed. And did he just refer to me as a beast?

  “Training? What kind of training?”

  He playfully swatted the leather piece in the palm of his hand.

  “I’m glad you asked.”

  I wasn’t.

  “Tonight, you are going to learn some basic kneeling positions,” he stated authoritatively. “You are to take these positions whenever I command, without protest.”

  Raising a challenging brow at me, he smirked. “Is that understood?”

  With a glare, I nodded. If I didn’t want him to use that or something worse on me, I didn’t have much of a choice. No matter how demeaning it was.

  “Good,” he said. He ran his fingers through his sandy locks as he positioned himself in front of me, causing his muscular arms to bulge against the charcoal button down that strained against his sculpted frame.

  “The first one is traditional, the most widely used stance and fairly easy to master. It is simply known as ‘kneel’.”

  Using the riding crop, he pointed down to the floor. “First, get onto your knees and spread them open.”

  I let out a shaky breath and followed his orders. The cold wooden floor made my thighs prickle with goosebumps.

  He swiftly swatted my inner thigh as he slowly circled me, causing me to yelp aloud. My anger threatened to resurface. How I ever wanted this man’s mouth on me was beyond me.


  I spread my knees further apart and sat back on my heels. A cold breeze wafted between my legs and across my mound and I realized I never put my panties back on. I tried to ignore it and hide my embarrassment, but I could feel my cheeks growing hotter.

  “Good,” Julian praised. “Now fold your arms behind your back and grab onto the opposite elbow.”

  I followed through easily enough, yet he still swatted the side of my ass with the leather patch.

  “Sit up straight, shoulders back.”

  As I forced my shoulder blades together, my breasts jutted out in front of me.

  Julian licked his lips as he continued to circle me in slow strides.

  “Very good,” he said dragging the small bit of leather across my breasts, causing my whole body to shudder as they grazed my pert nipples. “This is the position I will have you take most often. Whenever I say ‘kneel,’ you will assume this position at my side quickly and precisely. No exceptions.”

  I managed a nod. My voice was trapped in my chest, my nerves straining my throat so tightly I almost couldn’t breathe.

  “The next position is also fairly simple. It is a stance I will allow you to assume if and when I’m feeling gracious.” He stopped right in front of me and pointed to my legs. “You will sit back, legs crossing in front of you with one leg tucked into the inside of the other, and your hands will be placed full palm onto the ground.”

  I did as I was instructed again as he continued to slowly pace around me. Tucking one leg against the other, I created a hole where my hands found the ground, palms pressed to it as he described, which forced my breasts to be tightly pressed together, presenting themselves to him.

  But again, he swatted the side of my ass, causing me to flinch.

  “Back straight.”

  I quickly fixed my posture and he offered me a pleased smile.

  “Very good.” Again, he dragged the leather tip across my hard nipples, sending chills across my body. Why was this training session turning me on again?

  I prayed my southern region kept it together better than the rest of my body as to not make a mess on the shiny wooden floor in this position.

  “This position you will assume only when I tell you to ‘rest’ in my presence. Only when I tell you.”

  As degrading as this stance was, it was much more comfortable then the last. And I was sure it would be more comfortable the any other he would have me learn to do.

  “And the last one for today, we will simply call ‘bow.’ This one will be more uncomfortable… for you, anyway.” His dark eyes sparked with mischievous intentions.

  He continued to pace past me. Stopping behind my back, he leaned in, his lips grazing my ear and his breath tickling my neck. His voice was low as he spoke. “This last position, your head will be turned to the side and pressed to the ground, your arms will be placed on either side of your head, and you will be on your knees as to present yourself to me.”

  I choked on the lump that formed in
my throat.

  “I’m sorry, present myself to you?” I gawked at him. He didn’t honestly expect me to sit there with my ass in his face whenever he told me to, did he?

  “That is exactly what I expect from you. Maybe not in such graphic terms, but that is the idea.”

  God damn him for reading my mind!

  “And what is this position supposed to be used for?!” I didn’t care much for the other two positions, or why I would have to do them. I figured it was simply a form of submission. But if this last one was anything, it was purely for humiliation.

  “The bowing position is for whatever I feel like. Whether it be to simply look at you, as a form of punishment, or easy access. And you are to preform it immediately following the command,” he explained.

  Before I could get another word in edgewise, he brought the riding crop down across my inner thigh again, harder than before, sending stinging shock waves rippling through the tender area.

  “Without question,” he reminded me in a deep growl. I bit my lip to suppress any snide remarks and began to move into position.

  I pushed myself onto my knees and hesitantly bent forward, laying my head onto the ground and my arms on either side like instructed.

  Another strike to my backside, right where my welts had been, had tears stinging my eyes. I fought them back as I tried to ease myself into the position.

  “Sway your back,” he demanded. “This way your ass will protrude out better and ultimately be more comfortable to you in the long run.”

  I pushed my spine towards the floor, causing my backside to jut out into the open air, opening up and exposing every bit of my womanhood to him.

  A muffled growl rumbled from his chest.

  “Perfect,” he purred and gently slid the leather tip up my slit, teasing me ever so slightly as he strode by. I trembled as anticipation grew. As much as I hated him, I wanted him just as badly.

  He gently tapped the cheek of my ass with the tip of the riding crop and motioned for me to stand, a pleased smile stretching over his indulgent lips.

  What I wouldn’t give to sink my teeth into his fleshy, plump bottom lip right now.


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