Blade on the Hunt

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Blade on the Hunt Page 4

by Lauren Dane

  She nodded back, paying him the same respect. “Yes, now is appropriate. With Rowan’s help we’ve been able to identify those who’ve been disciplined by The First.” Nadir handed a piece of paper over to Clive.

  Shock skittered along his spine as Clive read the same last name over and over. Lacoste. A line long powerful within the Nation. They’d held their territory without any trouble as far as Clive knew. If they’d done what The First had alleged—and Clive trusted his master on that—they wouldn’t have died easily. Or quickly.

  “We’ll need to get with Rowan and Hunter Corp on this new development.” Which would also give him a reason to speak with her quietly and privately. And hopefully without clothes.

  “She’s going to train with our weapons master for a bit.” Recht’s voice was smooth and quiet, but held a whip of command as he approached. Recht was the weapons master and had taught Rowan most of what she knew, so Clive could only cheer on the idea that she’d be able to take her aggressions out on Recht. By the time she came to Clive, they could get one another relaxed in other, less antagonistic ways.

  Still, Clive didn’t miss the other nuances of the situation. Recht made a claim on Rowan’s time. And issued a little bit of warning. It said they all needed to take care of Rowan and help her get through the end of what had been a really rough day.

  Rowan would never accept anything she considered pity or coddling. But in her own way, she’d understand this work out with her mentor and teacher was affection she could accept. Clive had no plans to miss taking in that spectacle.

  Clive loved to watch Rowan fight. Single-minded and bloodthirsty, she was more Vampire than most Vampires he knew.

  Fierce. Sexy. God above she was devastatingly alluring to him. Strong. Vicious. Intelligent. She understood strategy in ways it had taken him several hundred years of Scion training and an education at Oxford to gain.

  Before her, he’d always taken on lovers who were calm and elegant. Cultured. Women who loved the opera and had closetsful of expensive clothing. Manicured, plucked, well coiffed women.

  And then there’d been Rowan. Foul mouthed. Moody. Aggressive. Angry and resentful. And even then he’d wanted her. As he’d come to know her, he could add wary. At times totally unaware of her appeal. At other times, quite aware and she used it with such precision it made him hard just watching it.

  Loyal. Righteous. Beautiful. Singular.

  There was quite simply no one and nothing on Earth like her.

  Rowan. This woman he started off hating and now adored more than anything he’d ever dreamed he was capable of. And there she was, just a few feet away. She’d changed into her workout clothing and still looked as if she could kill with a fingertip. Magnificently vicious.

  Nadir’s amused expression told Clive he’d been woolgathering a little too long and had been obvious about his affections for Rowan. But here and with these Vampires it was safe. They wanted to protect Rowan too. They loved her and accepted her nature, appreciated it.

  “I’ll head to my rooms to change and clean up. I’ll see you both shortly, then.”

  They nodded crisply as he excused himself. He’d elected to fly with her from the States. He’d rested during part of it but he knew Rowan. She would not have rested. She’d have used the time to work. Think. Plan.

  He smiled as he entered his suites.

  Rowan would never, ever let go until she’d handled this business with Enyo. It wasn’t just the pain and recovery. It was that Enyo had bested Rowan. She’d attacked, would have killed Rowan had she not been interrupted. And escaped.

  Since that night Clive had nearly lost her, she’d been sidelined as she regained her strength. His prickly Rowan couldn’t let the imbalance between her and Enyo remain uncorrected.

  He fed quickly, checked in with Alice, his assistant, who assured him all was well and then headed to the practice space where Rowan was already stretching.

  Her hair had been pulled back from her face and the braided rope of crimson hung to her waist. She’d tuck it in to her collar once she started with Recht but for the moment it swung slightly as she moved in body hugging workout gear that showcased a powerful and toned form.

  He kept out of her vision but she would know every person in that room. Would know their footfalls, if they moved in anger or fear.

  Rowan was a sharp-edged weapon. He’d yet to have met any being more aware of her surroundings than she.

  Recht came out, his hair similarly pulled back from his face and wrapped into a neat bundle at the base of his skull. Smart, Rowan had no problem fighting hard and vicious. She’d pull hair out, poke an eye from a skull, kick the balls up into the lower intestine. Whatever she had to.

  A series of chimes sounded and Rowan and Recht squared off across from one another in the practice ring. Each bowed to the other, keeping gazes locked on one another.

  Clive heard her jaw click closed in his head when Recht announced broadswords. Given her overall mood and the day she’d already endured, Clive figured Recht wanted to get her tired, sweaty and sore enough that she could exorcise some of that mountain of emotion she buried so deeply within.

  “As you’re aware, you need my approval to sign off on this hunt. In order to do so, I need to be sure you’re fully recovered,” Recht said as he sauntered past, handing her a very fine replica of a broadsword Clive knew the other Vampire had used in the original war against the Hunter Corporation troops.

  For just a moment she let her defenses down. Rowan was tired. Exhaustion emanated from her in waves. She’d never have exposed that vulnerability to anyone else. Not even for a second. But she trusted everyone in that room knew she was the strongest, baddest bitch around.

  Clive smiled at that, having heard it in her voice as he thought it.

  A smile that faltered when he caught sight of Rowan’s valet, David, as he entered quietly. The young hunter clearly tried not to catch Rowan’s attention. But he was hers to protect and as he’d been there when Rowan had told David to remain in Las Vegas during this hunt, she would be doubly aware of his presence just then.

  She tucked her hair into her shirt and rolled her shoulders, loosening up. Her features had hardened into an utterly blank mask. The Rowan he’d first met.

  Clive knew she was already planning her next several moves. Recht had chosen a heavy weapon. To tire her while also reminding her she was more powerful then than she had been her entire life.

  When she’d been barely clinging to life after Enyo had attacked, Rowan had been given not only The First’s blood, but the blood of the other Scions and two of the Five. She hummed with a force-field like energy now. More powerful than he’d ever seen her.

  More than that, Clive had noted how much faster Rowan could call on Brigid. And how fast Brigid manifested herself if She felt the need. The loop between Vessel and Goddess seemed to have strengthened by leaps and bounds.

  He and the being of power who shared Rowan’s body had come to a wary truce and Clive was all right with that. If Brigid was on alert, it only served to keep Rowan safer.

  A hush brought total stillness over the area. Recht inclined his chin slightly and stepped into the practice space. Rowan echoed his movements and stepped in.

  “Has being back in your city of luxuries made you soft, little goddess?” Recht taunted.

  Rowan’s mask remained in place and suddenly she moved, faster than Clive had ever seen. Recht, startled, met her slices and her stabs.

  Clive couldn’t take his gaze from them. A master Vampire, one everyone he knew feared and respected, The First’s weapons master, locked in hammer and tongs battle with a human.

  A human who moved like a Vampire. Who moved as fast as an ancient. The light shone from her as she spun and had to lean back to avoid a strike that would have dislocated her jaw had Recht landed it.

  A be
ll sounded and they moved apart, never taking attention from the other. Neither looked more than moderately winded.

  There was no teasing when they went at it again. Rowan, instead of flagging after so much intense physical exertion, seemed to brighten and flex, grow more confident and steady.

  He loved to see her prowl around Recht, her gaze roving over him, assessing constantly. There was no fear there. Not that Recht would truly hurt her. But it was more than that, it was confidence.

  Rowan, with a snarl, chasing Recht across that floor, the thud, clank and clatter of the practice swords and the grunts and snarls of exertion as they went at one another without holding anything back was quite truly the most alluring thing he’d ever seen.

  His woman.

  His warrior.

  He wanted to make her his queen. Wanted to shower her in every pretty bauble and expensive fabric. But she was skittish and defensive, so he found her far more receptive to gems and couture if they came with a weapon.

  Sometimes she wore both—recently it had been a bladed sheath at her thigh and a long rope of rubies and diamonds around her neck—and nothing else. His favorite. And his alone. Because she gave herself to him. Because she made the choice to be with him.

  Pride roared through his system. She loved him. This creature like no other came to him, revealed herself, let herself be soft—just for him.

  Rowan filled him with greed. With pleasure and vexation. With respect and awe at her abilities. Rage too. No one could make him angry like she did. On purpose. To toy with him. But also, because to Vampires, that sort of snarling back and forth was foreplay.

  She incited him as another Vampire would and yet, she did it in a way no one else could have. And she did it knowing it made him even hotter for her. It was her way of preening for his attention. Which she always had.

  Whatever it was, he’d given up questioning why he liked it and loved it instead.

  After two more timed matches, Recht finally called things as finished before taking a long look from the tips of Rowan’s toes—which were bare because she preferred to work out that way—to her face.

  “Little goddess, look at you. Not soft at all. And very ready to get out on this hunt.”

  Her impassive mask broke away as she grinned, grabbing the towel Recht tossed her way and wiping her face with it.

  It buoyed Clive’s heart to see that expression. She’d needed the exertion definitely, but it was the job well done from her mentor and teacher that had been the salve she’d be healed by most.

  Warren pushed from the doorway where he’d been taking the whole scene in. Clive narrowed his gaze at the other Vampire.

  Clive knew Rowan. This moment she was sharing with Recht was important. Intimate. And she would see it as no one’s business but hers and Recht’s.

  Clive simply waited for Rowan to smack Warren’s nose. Which would be sexy and satisfying on many levels.

  * * *

  “You’ve recovered more than well.” Recht looked at her again, taking inventory and there was something satisfying with that. With the expression he wore, which was proud.

  “I’d already gotten faster, but the affects of the blood don’t seem to be wearing off. It’s been six weeks now and it feels more like...” Rowan paused trying to figure out how to say it, “ if I’m becoming more adept at managing it.” Like her new abilities were permanent and had been absorbed, just waiting for her to figure out how to use it all.

  Still, she’d been faster than she’d ever been before as they’d sparred. Rowan had let it happen. Maybe it was due to her exhaustion and dealing with Theo. She’d turned off everything but instinct. And the power had simply leapt to her will. She’d been overthinking and slowing herself down as a result.

  Warmth pooled in her belly. Brigid was pleased with that deduction.

  Rowan would talk to Clive about it once they were alone. About all of it. Theo, this power, the hunt. She’d gotten used to that. Bouncing ideas off him. He was brilliant and had plenty of life experience so it usually helped her out. And it was...nice.

  It would never be anything approaching normal. But she was a human, raised by The First Vampire, honed into a weapon by Hunter Corp. and fueled by the power and magic of the Goddess who lived within her. It wasn’t like Rowan ever expected normal.

  “Nicely done, Rowan.” Warren eased over the line and into the practice space and into her thoughts.

  “Is there a problem somewhere?” There had to be or he wouldn’t have interrupted like they were all down at their local gym having a wheat grass juice or whatever after they did their workout.

  “No. For now it seems quiet enough. I just happened by and stopped in to watch you work.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  He appeared confused by her question and then looked around the large room, lingering to her left for a few extra seconds.

  She knew Clive was there. He hadn’t moved from his place. Knowing she’d want this moment alone with Recht. Rowan bet he wore her favorite version of what she called his Lord of the Manor face. Arrogant and impassive. But he’d be thinking of fucking her. Which was next on her to do list, not dicking around with Warren and his compliments.

  “You’re impressive. Who wouldn’t want to watch?”

  Rowan only watched other people spar if she was trying to learn something from them, usually to find their weaknesses and strengths. Though she did watch Clive because he was ripply and sweaty and so vicious when he fought and it was such a contradiction to his normal calm demeanor.

  Hot as hell.

  Impatience rode her. “Okay then. Thanks.” She tamped down her normal impulse to be blunt enough to chase an annoyance away. Warren had been part of her life for as long as she could remember and he’d been an ally during the Treaty negotiations and had backed Theo solidly.

  He bowed and she managed not to blink at him again at how much deference he’d shown her. “Please keep me apprised of the situation with Hunter Corp and this operation.”

  Rowan nodded, all business. “I’m preparing a report with recommendations. I’ll get it to you and yours by the time you wake this evening.”

  “Will Clive be seeing it first?”

  “You presume too much, Scion.” She stood taller, letting some of her power unfurl between them. “You’ll see it when I want you to. If someone sees it before you, I have a reason for it and I may or may not feel compelled to explain myself.”

  He smiled and she found him pretty hot for yet another arrogant, bossy old Vampire who led with his years instead of his brain. Dark hair, a lot of it, made an artful tousle around his face, only highlighting blue eyes.

  Still, Vampires tended to be attractive so it wasn’t as if a pretty face was rare when surrounded by them.

  Plus, she already had an arrogant old Vampire who was magic in bed and she didn’t have to hide who she was with him. She’d put in so much time training him already that she really had zero interest in anyone else.

  And the not really small detail of being in love with said arrogant Vampire. Before she’d come back to the Keep her plans had been several hours of hot sex after consuming dumplings and pork products Dina would spoil her with.

  And yet, since the moment they’d arrived it had been one thing after the next getting between her and those plans. She hated that most of all.

  “Of course. My apologies if I offended. I’ll speak with you again this evening.” He stepped back and turned, leaving the room.

  Recht rolled his eyes and after he critiqued her form a while, took pity on her and dismissed her to get cleaned up and rest.

  “When I wake later today, we’ll speak.” Recht had her shoulders in his hands. He meant about Theo and she could only be relieved that she could rest a while before that conversation. “Until then, be assured things are
as under control as we can possibly make it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Go on. He’s been there waiting patiently. Even through all that with Farrelly.”


  Chapter Four

  She approached Clive, trying to pretend it was no big deal that he seemed to draw her to him. It was the only way to hold it all together because this thing between her and Clive was deep and scary and wonderful and she really liked it even though she knew she shouldn’t.

  “Someone must be tired.” One corner of his mouth slid up just a tiny bit.

  “Yes, well. Some people play video games where they have sword battles with Vampires. I live it. It’s better for my ass.”

  He looked around her body. “I certainly have no complaints about your arse. It’s a part of you I never tire of seeing.”

  “Unlike my mouth?”

  He stepped just a little bit closer, enough to send her body chemicals into a tizzy she wanted to blame on plane travel and physical exertion.

  “Hunter, I quite like your mouth. It’s so delightful it’s not hard to overlook your appalling vulgarity and inability to recognize authority.”

  She swallowed hard, that slow pulse of sexual chemistry filling her up. “You don’t overlook my vulgarity. You get off on it.” And he did. The breath she sucked in turned out to be full of him so it made her want him even more.

  “I never claimed it didn’t also add to your appeal. My cock loves a mouthy woman entirely capable, and frequently more than willing, of scuffling and brawling and really filthy talk during sex.”

  It was the step he took away—for just a moment—from the smooth and elegant Clive to be dirty because he liked it as much as she did, that got to her more than anything else. “I really can’t keep up with nearly five centuries of the game you bring.”


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