You're the One That I Want

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You're the One That I Want Page 29

by Giovanna Fletcher

  8. The Age of Miracles – Karen Thompson Walker

  The days are getting longer, bringing with them severe consequences and danger as people try to deal with the changes they bring. Such a simple idea, courageously told through the eyes of a young teenage girl.

  9. The Secret – Rhonda Bryne

  Years ago I was introduced to this book by a great friend and it totally changed my outlook on life. Instead of focusing on the negatives I’ve learnt to look at the positives. Needless to say, I feel a whole heap happier for doing so!

  10. The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas – Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter

  The inclusion of this book has nothing to do with one of its authors being my husband … Ha! Seriously, though – I’ve seen how much both guys have cracked up writing this set of books and, in turn, how much children have giggled their way through them. Books don’t have to contain millions of long words to be great – they just have to capture the imagination.

  Giovanna’s Top 10 Movies

  I know I’m going to kick myself for forgetting some classics, but these are the ones that came to the forefront of my mind. Do you promise not to judge me after you see my list of favourite films? Promise? Okay, here goes …

  The Notebook

  Need I say more? It’s the ultimate love story that gets me every time I watch it. I never get bored of Noah and Ali’s story. And that ending? Oh man …

  I Am Sam

  I don’t think this is really well known, but it’s been one of my favourites for over a decade. Sean Penn plays a father with a developmental disability that results in him battling for custody of his daughter (Dakota Fanning). Set to a Beatles soundtrack this film is touching, humorous and heartbreaking.

  Fifty First Dates

  I love this film! Mostly because I have a huge love of anything with Adam Sandler in it, but (along with the humour you’d expect) this one provides more innocence and romance.


  This was a difficult choice as I could’ve easily put Sleeping Beauty, Snow White or The Little Mermaid. All four are about growing up and feeling the need to belong … and finding your Prince Charming, of course. Surely every girl has one of these princess stories in her top ten?

  The Sound of Music

  This reminds me so much of my nan. It was one of her favourites and she got us all hooked on its charms. I loved the idea of being part of an all-singing, all-dancing family who roamed the hills in their floral outfits. I’m pretty sure our love of this film was what resulted in me, Giorgina and Mario continuously putting on shows for my nan. I’m guessing we weren’t as good as the Von Trapps, though – she was always asleep by the end of our performances.

  The Wizard of Oz

  Judy Garland is one of my all-time heroes and this has to be one of the best films ever made. Simple! I played Dorothy in my local drama group’s production of this when I was nine years old … the majority of things that have happened in my life since have snowballed from doing that show. To me, it’s a story about believing in yourself – not a bad lesson to learn.


  Another film from my childhood – but obviously far cooler than The Sound of Music – Grease taught me everything I needed to know about attitude and being cool. I had no attitude and I was not cool in the slightest, but that didn’t stop me thinking of myself as a Rizzo over a Sandy.

  Breakfast at Tiffany’s

  I first watched this film a few years ago (yes, I was late to the party), and was instantly mesmerized by Audrey Hepburn with her effortless poise and beauty! The film is romantically bonkers. It’s easy to see why this is such a classic and still highly thought of.

  Forrest Gump

  This film came out when I was nine years old. I can remember my parents going to see it at the cinema and them coming home and saying how much they enjoyed it. It was years before I was allowed to watch it myself, though. Forrest Gump contains so many beautiful morals and eye-opening thoughts, not least the comparison of life with a box of chocolates. The simplicity and innocence captures your heart from the first flight of that soft white feather to the last.


  I went to see this at the cinema when I was twelve years old with my best friend Sarah Tayler, our mums and siblings. It’s a flipping long film and all that water made me need a pee half-way through – but aaaaaaaah! It’s just so blooming romantic, heartbreaking and tragic.

  Giovanna’s Top 10 Songs

  Ha! Each of these categories is showing how much of a loser I am … But I’d gladly belt out any of these tunes in the shower!

  ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ – Judy Garland/Wizard of Oz

  This is my favourite song in the entire world. Ever. I walked down the aisle to it on my wedding day and it’s the song I’ve sung to my bump throughout my pregnancy. It holds so many happy memories for so many different reasons.

  ‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’ – Mama Cass

  When I started drama school we performed a play called Beautiful Thing, in which one of the characters was obsessed with Mama Cass – and so my own little obsession started.

  ‘Bubble Wrap’ – McFly

  I could actually add a whole heap of McFly songs here … in fact, this whole list could be comprised of songs that my talented husband has penned. All About You, Love is Easy, Corrupted, Lies … What geniuses those guys are! This song is just beautiful, though, and I love the idea of bubble-wrapping your fragile heart.

  ‘My Way’ – Frank Sinatra

  This song reminds me of going over to my Aunty Ann’s house and taking it in turns to go on the karaoke machine. When this song came on everyone would gather round and there’d be high-kicks galore.

  ‘I Want You (She’s so Heavy)’ – The Beatles

  I know, I know – with so much choice from the world’s most iconic band, why on earth have I gone for this one? Well, I became a bit obsessed with it at one point and would happily listen to it over and over again. It’s mean, moody and a tad sexy.

  ‘‘Til There Was You’ – The Beatles

  Well, it’s hardly surprising that I’ve got two songs from this band on the list – I couldn’t resist. This is a flipping awesome song about the world coming alive when falling in love – so romantic and very catchy.

  ‘Smile’ – Charlie Chapman

  If you read the lyrics to this song you’ll see that it’s fairly tragic and haunting with its ‘grin and bear it’ attitude – but, I love singing this one.

  ‘Moonriver’ – Audrey Hepburn

  There’s something terribly melancholic, yet hopeful about this song, and that’s why I love it. Plus Audrey sings it so beautifully in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  ‘Feeling Good’ – Nina Simone

  There are so many versions of this song, but Nina’s is simply the best with her soulful rendition.

  ‘Easy’ – The Commodores

  This is the first song I ever slow danced to with my husband and it was subsequently the first song at our wedding. It’s actually about giving up and leaving the one you love, but it took on a different meaning for us. Thankfully.

  Giovanna’s Top 10 Romantic Spots

  For this I’m going to add a few spots that’ll mean nothing to others, but a lot to me … but obviously there’ll be the standard romance-inducing settings too!


  There’s a reason why Paris is known as the most romantic spot in the world – and that’s because it unquestionably is! Everything is in walking distance and there’s nothing better than walking hand-in-hand with the one you love down those Parisian streets – stopping for macaroons or putting your padlock on the ‘Love Lock’ bridge.

  Sylvia Young Theatre School (the old building that’s now owned by someone else)

  This has to be on the list because I met my husband there fifteen years ago and it’s also where he proposed. You just never know when you’re going to meet the love of your life, or how things may pan out in your future …

p; One Marylebone, London

  This is where I got married, so I think it’s worthy of a place on this list as it holds a whole heap of magical, beautiful and romantic memories. If I could live one day over and over, it would have to be my wedding day!

  Jade Mountain, St Lucia

  This was one of our honeymoon destinations, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Full of wonder, luscious beauty and zen … I’d love to go back – maybe for our ten-year anniversary!

  Walt Disney World, Florida

  Yes, to some it might appear to be just a theme park, but really it’s so much more. It’s a place where magical dreams and imagination come alive. Plus, what’s more romantic than running around with your partner without a care in the world as you giddily smile at anyone who glances in your direction? This was the second stop on our honeymoon, and that’s basically what we did. ;-)

  The Maldives

  I’ve never been, but it’s somewhere I REALLY want to go one day. Just the thought of being somewhere so quiet and tranquil in a little hut over the water … ahh! Delicious!

  Byrant Park, New York City

  I actually discovered this wonderful little park on my own when my husband was off having a meeting, but I took him back there later on. It’s simply gorgeous with its outdoor library and copious amounts of places to eat and drink. A glorious setting for lovers or happy people!

  The cliffs next to Griffith Park, just north of Dee Why, Sydney, Australia

  I don’t know the actual name for this location – but short of giving you its co-ordinates, the above description is the best I can do. I spent five weeks in Australia at the start of 2008 and had a gorgeous picnic in the sunshine here (although we did get a puncture driving to it).

  The Ivy, London

  I just love this place so much… it’s where we tend to go every anniversary. We’re creatures of habit – once we know we like somewhere, we tend to stick to it!

  Venice, Italy

  I used to go to Venice all the time as a child. However, it’s not somewhere I’ve ever been as a couple. It’s quite similar to Paris in the sense that it’s all about walking down little streets, eating great food and drinking lovely wine. It sure sounds romantic!

  Giovanna’s Top 10 Things That Make Me Happy

  Aside from my husband, family and friends …


  Just like yawns spread, so do smiles. I can guarantee that if you smile at a stranger it’s highly likely that they’ll pass that smile on to someone else … how lovely.


  Not from strangers (that’s just weird), but there’s nothing better than a good old hug from a friend or Hey, maybe I’ll start up a hugging club … want to join?


  Any type of chocolate makes me happy; that is a simple fact that I cannot shake. But if I had to say one type in particular, I’d have to go with Ferrero Rocher – I find them highly addictive and regularly need to hide them from myself if they’re in the house. I’d actually go as far as to say that Ferrero Rocher is one of the best things about Christmas as we always have them in a big bowl in the centre of the coffee table … I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who munches through them!


  Ahhhhhh … Some might be dubious about the inclusion of hazelnut spread on this list – but it seriously makes me happy. I could eat it by the spoonful. That’s actually how I reward myself after a good day of writing – around four or five o’clock I head into the kitchen, deliriously salivating as I pull out a spoon and reach for my little jar of heaven. Ha!

  Elderly People

  Okay, this might sound like an odd thing to include, but there’s nothing lovelier than taking some time to talk to an elderly person. They’re more experienced in this game called life than the lot of us – and such conversations (which always seem to be naughtier than I’m expecting) always leave me with a smile on my face.


  Yes, from one extreme to the other. I love children. They’re so innocent, truthful and funny. If I’m at a wedding I’d much rather hang out with the children, pulling the craziest moves I can muster, than being all civilized with the adults.


  Music is so emotive and freeing – whether you’re bashing (some sort of) rhythm out on the drums or screaming along to your favourite band as you do the hovering. It’s fantastic. Obviously there are happy songs and sad songs, but bizarrely even the sad songs make me happy … funny how they do that. Sometimes wallowing in self-pity is actually quite nice. As long as it’s not a regular thing, of course!


  When people are sick and tired of you giving them hugs (it’s happened) you can always count on a feline friend to sacrifice themselves for your pleasure. Judging by their purring they get a lot out of it too!


  Whilst I believe that people should make the most of every moment and not be looking at life through a camera lens, capturing special moments is so wonderful. I have loads of photos around my home of my loved ones laughing and being silly – or places that hold a specific meaning. Catching glimpses of them really helps to brighten my day.


  From a very young age I’ve been happiest when my nose is buried in a big book. I love reading about people’s relationships, about their hopes and fears, their dreams and aspirations … books are wonderfully inspirational and I couldn’t imagine my life without them!

  I haven’t included cake … but I love cake. Cake makes me VERY happy. If a cake happens to be reading this, don’t you worry your fluffy little insides – I love you millions. My love for you knows no bounds. My love for you is limitless.

  AND SEEING TWO MAGPIES! This is something that makes me SUPER happy … seeing one just turns me into a crazy nutter.


  When I was four years old, all I ever wanted was to have a weeing Tiny Tears doll. I’d never been into dolls really, but when my best friend was given one for her birthday I decided that a doll that cries actual tears and wets itself was exactly what my life lacked. After hassling my parents for a few weeks they eventually caved in – although, if I’m honest, it captured my attention for about a week and then the poor thing was left in a puddle of her own mess (oops!). I have no idea what became of her, but I’m guessing my mum sold her at a car boot sale or something similar.

  When I was eight years old all I ever wanted was to appear on Live and Kicking and dance with Mr Blobby. There was something about that big dopey pink and yellow spotted blob that had me entranced for hours. Sadly, my desire never came true – but I still hold my Mr Blobby cuddly toy as one of my most treasured possessions and he happily accompanies me to bed every night (despite his missing eye).

  When I was ten years old all I ever wanted was to be a Spice Girl. I used to drive my mum and dad crazy, running around the house, shouting out the lyrics to Wannabe whilst performing a little dance routine I’d made up. I was constantly putting my hand on my hip and swinging it out to the side, making a peace sign with my other hand and shouting ‘Girl power!’ as loud as I could. I loved them so much that I even named my goldfish Ginger after Geri – my favourite Spice. I was devastated when she decided to leave. The Spice Girls with no Ginger just wasn’t the same, and so my passion to become one of them simply ended (after crying my eyes out for hours, of course).

  At some point that extrovert little girl who used to sing to anyone who would listen and dance without a care in the world, became painfully shy and bashful. I suddenly became less confident at school and around other people – preferring the company of a good book to an actual human. It’s bizarre how everything changed; at primary school I was the girl everyone wanted to befriend, but by secondary school I had become awkward and tried my best to avoid everyone. I hated attention, people asking me questions or putting me in the spotlight; I preferred to blend into the background unnoticed. I felt safer that way. On the odd occasion that anyone would attempt to hold eye contact with me I’d usually end up s
haking like a leaf or turning bright red, causing me to stare at the floor for the rest of the day. Actually, I did have one friend, Mary Lance, who was equally as socially inept as I was. I say we were friends – but in reality we hardly ever talked to each other, so I guess she was more like a silent partner. It was just nice to have someone by my side at lunchtimes or in class, someone who wouldn’t pry into my life. I think we took comfort in the fact that we weren’t alone.

  At the end of my A levels, when the rest of my year had either secured a place at university (Mary went off to study dentistry at Sheffield) or planned to take a gap year so that they could travel the world, I was still unsure of what I wanted from life. I decided to join those taking a gap year, although not to travel. Wandering aimlessly around the globe and experiencing what the world had to offer did have its appeal, but I just wasn’t quite ready to leave my home or my mum at that point. I was simply going to stay in my home village of Rosefont Hill, deep in the Kent countryside, and get a little job to tide me over until I decided what I wanted to do with my days.

  I started my job hunt by dropping off my CV in the village shops – there weren’t and aren’t that many to target. We have a bank, a library, a post office, Budgens, a florist, a few clothes shops, a hardware store, a café and a teashop … hardly the most riveting high street ever! The last place I entered was Tea-on-the-Hill, perched on the hill’s peak, with great views over the rest of the village.

  As I entered the teashop, my eyes wandered over the seven tables covered in mismatched floral print tablecloths, each surrounded by two or three chairs – all different shapes and designs. The cups, saucers and teapots being used by the customers were also contrasting in their patterns. Absolutely nothing matched, but bizarrely it all fitted together perfectly. The smell of freshly baked scones filled my nostrils and 1950s jazz played softly in the background. I was staring at a secret little den for women – why had I never been in here before?


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