Dawn- Dragon's Honor

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by D. R. Rosier

  Dawn: Dragon’s honor

  Ashley’s Daughters Book 1

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2015. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy title:

  Book Description


  Ashley’s Daughters is a trilogy, one book dedicated to each daughter. This first book is about the eldest daughter, Dawn. This trilogy happens in the same universe as Jezebel’s Tale and Ashley’s Tale, starting about twenty seven years after Demon’s world: Ashley’s Tale Book 2 ends. Does this mean you need to have read the previous two multi-book stories? No, not at all, this trilogy will stand on its own.

  In some ways the world is completely different now, but of course, some things never change. I hope you enjoy the book, and please take a moment to review it on Amazon and/or Goodreads after you finish.

  Chapter 1

  I could hear the muffled beat of the music get louder and looked up from my work. I wasn’t aggravated by the door opening, rather I welcomed the interruption. Ordering supplies and running payroll for the club was one of my least favorite things, although a necessary evil. Honestly it wasn’t such a high price to pay for the obvious benefits.

  I smiled when Lily came in despite her looking a little frazzled, my eyes flickered to the clock and I was surprised to see it was already after eleven. I should have been done with this and on the floor an hour ago.

  Lily had long raven black hair, although it was hard to tell tonight as she had it up. She had deep blue eyes, pouty lips, and looked gorgeous in a short black skirt, tight red blouse, and four inch heels. She was four inches taller than me at five foot eight. She’d been my best friend and roommate in college, now she was my business partner, and more. She was also a succubus. I was… more complicated than that.

  I said apologetically, “I’m almost done, do you need me now? I suppose I can finish up when we close?”

  Lily shook her head, “I don’t know if there is anything you can do Dawn, those protestors are back.”

  I sighed. For almost fifty years now the humans have known of the other races. Well, all but one. Angels, Demons, Elves, and Witches were all known. Witches are actually local to this dimension however, and they didn’t know about the shifters yet. None of the other races were stupid enough to out them to the humans.

  It’s been long established the races are merely alternate lines of evolution, not beings from heaven or hell, not defined by simple good and evil. Yet, there are those humans on the fringe who would happily kill Lily for being an evil demon. As for me, I’m an abomination that shouldn’t exist in their eyes, a blending of three species.

  I wasn’t bitter about it, I was just a realist. I never expected much tolerance from people, and it was always a nice surprise on those rare occasions when I caught a glimpse of it.

  Of course, even the humans that know better, which is most of them, contain a certain percentage that would like to see us gone. Never mind that the races have been here mixing with humans for thousands of years. It was just the way it was, human nature. Fear and prejudice doesn’t lend itself to logic. Things have been getting worse lately though, it’d been over twenty five years since the Earth had been saved from invasion by the witches blocking our dimension from invaders.

  Not surprisingly, after that happened, everyone, or mostly everyone, got along for a few years. But human’, and non-human’ nature will reassert itself once the gratitude and relief die down. The saying what have you done for me lately sums it up very well. It’s just how it is.

  Of course, in my case it wasn’t just the humans. There were racial purists in all the races.

  “Are they blocking the entrance or stopping people?”

  Lily shook her head no but shrugged. I understood what she meant, it would be intimidating to some and hurt our business anyway. No one appreciates being yelled at or judged, even if it’s ridiculous. However, if they weren’t blocking the building calling the police wouldn’t help. Honestly, it might not help even if they were…

  I was the eldest child in my family. My grandmother and mother were… quite famous in some circles, and infamous in others. Some were grateful for their accomplishments, others weren’t. I’d decided a long time ago to go my own way and not follow in my mother’s footsteps and avoid law enforcement. I wasn’t callous toward others, and if put in a situation to help I would probably step up, but I had no desire to work for the government and put my life on the line for a thankless job.

  Lily and I had come up with a business plan in our junior year of college, both of us studying to get our business degrees six years ago. Club Aphrodite had grown from a simple concept to what it was today. The building was located northwest of Chicago. There were two separate buildings right next to each other; one had the bars and dance floors. The other portion was a private sex club, not exclusive per say, but they did need to sign an agreement and be screened before becoming a member. Even guests were required to sign a waiver.

  Swingers, multiple partners, monogamists, all were welcome. There was also a dungeon for people that liked it that way. There were rooms for voyeurs and exhibitionists, as well as private rooms. The only thing forbidden was anything that led to permanent harm and every participant needed to consent.

  It was the perfect business for Lily and I to run, a veritable feeding ground for a succubus and a part succubus. It was easy, and safe for everyone else, for me to satisfy my needs this way by simply skimming the sexual energy of our patrons. We even had our own apartments on the top floor to keep down expenses. Succubae tended to work in the sex industry in some way, exotic dancers, call girls, and others. The club seemed to be a perfect solution, and of course it was a lot of fun, but it didn’t do any good if no one could get in.

  It was the latter part of the business, the sex club that was being protested. It was inevitable, in today’s age most humans weren’t as caught up in the drama that surrounded sex as in the past. With angels, free health care via healing, VD was a thing of the past. Add to that the technology, or magic, to assure no pregnancies, and sex had become mostly risk free.

  I say mostly because sex is tied up with emotion. I tried to be responsible. Married men, or women, weren’t my thing unless of course the spouse was complicit. Even then, I didn’t make it a habit sleeping around all that much, that was what the club was for, plenty of energy to keep my inner succubus happy. Beyond that, for my physical needs I had Lily and Tony. They were both close friends I cared for.

  I loved them both of course, but I wasn’t in love with them. If that makes sense. I was hoping for more than just friends with benefits someday, but I wasn’t in a rush. Life was good.

  Aphrodite was a place people could come to enjoy themselves, their partner, partners, or even to hook up
randomly with another guest or guests. Needless to say, along with the humans that accepted and enjoyed themselves there were others who did not, be it religion or some other reason they had to want to object.

  I shrugged and kissed Lily’s cheek, “Slow tonight then?”

  Lily shrugged, “On this side yes, the club is doing well.”

  I opened up part of my mental shielding and felt twenty one people below me through their lust and desire. My mother was both succubus and witch, and I’m also half angel from my father Tom. I tended to keep my other senses blocked most of the time. As a witch I could detect the full range of emotions, and even pick up thoughts under certain circumstances.

  It wasn’t really out of respect for their privacy, it was just tiring to filter it all, and for the most part people weren’t that interesting. Plus I could freak people out if I wasn’t paying attention and answered to their surface thoughts rather than what they actually spoke.

  “My turn for next door?” I asked, making a face.

  She snickered and kissed me, I melted against her body and moaned lightly into her mouth. Feeling all that lust from the patrons certainly had an effect on me. Add that to the delicious feeling of our sexual energy reaching out to each other it turned me on even more. It was who we were. Reluctantly I pulled back and started to head for the door, our magic grudgingly parting as I moved away.

  Lily pinched me, one guess where, and said, “Have fun. You may have the better deal anyway if those assholes don’t go home.”

  I winked and headed down the stairs. She had a good point, there may not have been sex going on in the dance club side, outside some random bathroom sex anyway. But the lust from all the people dancing and gyrating as men and women jockeyed for who they were going home with did generate energy. Not nearly as much energy as real sex per person, but there was a lot more of it with hundreds of people present.

  Still… It was the difference between drinking a vat of broth and savoring a nice juicy steak.

  I walked out the front door and felt pretty hot and bothered. It was always part of being a succubus, we may have fed from the people around us but we were surely just as effected as they were. I would need Lily, or Tony if he was free tonight, or even all three of us as an outlet. The only way I can explain it so a normal person would understand, it’s like foreplay all night, after being so worked up I’d need to take someone to bed.

  It’s not bad though, it’s just who I am.

  Chapter 2

  I walked out the front door and turned to go to the other entrance. There was some code requiring that the two businesses couldn’t be connected internally even if they were right next to each other. I hid a smirk when I felt half the protesters check me out, no doubt it would make some of them angry and they’d blame it on me.

  After all it must be my unholy influence on them as a succubus for them to feel lust, they’re just good people. I shook my head, it was ridiculous of course, such feelings were natural. Truthfully I felt kind of sorry for them.

  One of them yelled, “Does your mother know where you are?”

  I giggled, couldn’t help it, although I’m usually not a giggler.

  I replied over my shoulder as I walked toward the door, “Of course, my grandmother too.”

  After all, they were my investors. I didn’t bother to mention that they both still did exotic dancing on the side.

  I sighed when the same voice called me an unimaginative name. I should have kept my mouth shut, responding to their presence only emboldened them. I smiled and nodded at the people in line who looked my way, I didn’t really know them but some of them knew I was one of the owners.

  “Miss Price,” the bouncer at the door opened it for me.

  “Hi George,” I replied with a soft smile as I walked inside.

  Ignoring the booth I went through the door marked for employees and headed up the stairs. There were a couple of offices up on the second floor, there was also a large two way mirror along the hall that ran the length of the club. It wasn’t quite packed out there but it was close. I closed my eyes and released multiple tendrils of my succubus magic.

  I started to run them through the crowd taking a small amount of life energy from each of the patrons through their lust and desire. Some of the more rabid groups believe succubae feed off souls, nothing could be further from the truth. The soul is what fueled the life energy to the body, any energy I took would be replaced during sleep.

  The soul was truly infinite, and quite safe from me.

  Of course, there was a danger, but one we didn’t overly advertise. The body needed life energy to live, to keep the soul connected. It was possible to drain a person so much their soul would become detached, but it wouldn’t hurt the soul, or prevent it from moving on to the next stage of life. It’s not something I’ve ever done, and hope to never do so.

  As I finished collecting enough energy to last me I focused on recharging my jewelry, the diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires on my assorted earrings, necklace, and bracelet. This ability was a part of my witch heritage. Precious stones, or anything with a crystalline structure, could hold spells or merely hold raw life energy. I had a few spells on me constantly at my mother’s insistence and I happened to agree with her. They would protect me from physical harm in case I was caught unaware.

  My breathing was a little ragged and I felt my core clench and grow moist. This was one of the drawbacks of feeding and taking care of my physical needs separately, I was always aroused and ready for sex by the end of the night, so much so that it became difficult to control myself. Still, it was worth it in my eyes to have a relationship with the people I slept with. It’s also why most succubae were call girls or flat out street walkers, feeding during sex left off any such difficulties, but it also meant I wouldn’t be able to stick with one or two lovers.

  I had no hang-ups with the industry, I just wanted more.

  I was fortunate Lily felt the same way. Tony was human, worked as a bartender on this side of the club. I smiled, he’d be an idiot to turn away the both of us, but I had no doubt he stuck around for more than the sex. That probably sounds naïve, but I do know it, I can feel it.

  I looked down at the bar area and took him in, my nipples tightening almost painfully. Tony was tall, well, for me he was. He was about six feet in height, short blond hair, and light blue eyes that made me breathless.

  Shit, he was alone. He looked confident and in control, but I could tell he was a little overwhelmed. Why didn’t Lily tell me we were short a person? I looked around quickly finding our barmaids, and was glad to see they were there. I walked over to the office and looked at the schedule. Julia was supposed to be on tonight, but obviously hadn’t shown up.

  I looked down at myself, I wasn’t exactly dressed for comfort in my little black dress and four inch heels. I looked really good, but it wasn’t what I’d have chosen to work the bar. These were my owner mingling and welcoming our patrons clothes. I considered running back next door to change fast, but Tony was looking a little frazzled and decided not to take the time.

  I looked straight ahead in the mirror and saw the familiar features, I looked a lot like my mother, and grandmother. The same light blonde hair and bright green eyes looked back at me. There were only a few differences in my face, and of course I was a whole two inches taller than my mother’s short five foot two.

  I walked into the office and grabbed a hair clip and put my hair up before heading downstairs, where I made my way to the bar. I pushed down my pheromones and managed to get there mostly unmolested and only having turned down three dances. When I got behind the bar I resisted the momentary urge to tackle Tony and just gave him a smile before I started taking orders.

  I’d filled in at the bar plenty of times, it was important to me to be able to do any of the jobs in my own business. Despite my needs, it didn’t slow me down. A succubus, was in a way a perfect host in every way, anticipating the needs of the people around me. I was more than that of course, but
witches and angels had a good eye for details as well.

  Chapter 3

  The night went well and I had a lot of fun serving drinks and flirting with the men, and some of the women, as the night went on. It was quite late, after two am, when I felt the strange aura. All races have an aura, a flavor that my magic could taste. Angels, demons, elves, witches, and shifters. But I’d never felt an aura like this before. It was reminiscent of a shifter aura, but that simply didn’t do it justice. It was bigger, stronger.

  I looked out over the floor and scanned the crowd until I saw the source. It was still crowded but I could see the man giving off the aura, mostly because he was at least seven feet tall. I don’t know if he felt my eyes, but I only stared for a moment before he turned and looked directly into my eyes. There was a wildness there that stole my breath. Not evil, or malicious, simply untamed.

  He was young, my age, yet had short spiky silver hair. His eyes were a stormy gray. I saw them widen shortly after our eyes met and felt a wave of lust and need so strong that it made the rest of the crowd’s lust seem like the ocean gently lapping at my feet compared to his tsunami.

  My eyes closed as if in self defense and I reached out and grabbed the counter, my legs grew weak and I barely suppressed the gasp of pleasure trying to escape my mouth. As a succubus I’d always felt in control, I was the predator regardless of the fact my prey never minded. Right now though, it took all my self control to pull in my succubus magic tightly within my body. I felt more in control now, but I had the urge to open myself back up and go to him.

  What the hell was he?

  It wasn’t love at first sight, I didn’t believe in that nonsense. Lust at first sight is a different story however. I couldn’t help but wonder what the rest of him looked like.

  It took an effort to keep my eyes away from his and I took a deep breath. It took me a moment to get my bearings, and I didn’t dare take another peak as I got back to work. Yet, I could feel the strength of his aura and magic as he moved across the floor to sit at one of the tables.


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