Dawn- Dragon's Honor

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Dawn- Dragon's Honor Page 11

by D. R. Rosier

He frowned, “And you just made this right on the spot?”

  I shrugged, “It would take much longer if it was something new, but I started learning the spells on that necklace before I could walk.”

  He nodded thoughtfully.

  I waited a few seconds, no one had anything else to say so I opened a world gate and stepped through and wound up in Aphrodite. I should have taken care of this when I moved. I deconstructed the stability spell and then took a portal to my condo. I went into the master bath and considered what to do. I wanted to be able to world travel, but I didn’t want another open all the time connection.

  Perhaps I was learning to be just a little paranoid.

  I took out another gold piece and embraced my magic. This took a little thought, I didn’t use all the enchantments for communications, and I modified some. Then I set the stability spell on it and tied it all together. I then put the gold piece behind the mirror. Basically it used the same concept as the communication spell, but only my necklace would contact the gold piece in my bathroom. Once I was connected I could flip the stability spell on, even from off world, then I could gate home to my condo, and then with another thought turn off the stability spell.

  I was very confident it would work, but even if it didn’t I knew where the permanent openings were as well. I briefly wondered how they would decide, would they barter for my help? Should I accept if they did? I was tired though, I looked at the clock and that whole thing had just been a half hour. I judged over three hours sleep would definitely help so stripped down and slid between the sheets as I set a wakeup spell. I was out when my head hit the pillow…

  The restaurant she picked was a fairly upscale place. Between that and knowing what she was wearing I dressed somewhat conservatively. Sometimes just a hint of sex appeal worked better and it was smarter to fit in with the professional lunch crowd.

  She was already seated, I could feel her aura as soon as I stepped in the restaurant and made my way in that direction. When I saw her I wondered again how a woman dressed so dowdily could be so damn sexy and hot. Maybe it was the magic and her aura, and the body my succubus senses could detect under the ill fitted clothing.

  I smiled when she looked up and our eyes met, her eyes lit up and she smiled back. It was the first time I’d seen her smile, up until now it had either been anger or confusion in her countenance. It was beautiful.

  “You look great,” she commented as I sat down.

  I replied, “You as well.”

  She gave me a skeptical look and I added, “No matter how hard you try and hide it.”

  The first few minutes we did the basic break the ice questions and put in orders for steak and a loaded baked potato. I told her about the volunteer healing and learned a few things about her.

  She was the accountant for a small law firm, her job basically was to audit and verify the billing and accounts payable departments. She also helped to dig into cases with dubious financial records.

  I grinned, “So how did you get into that?”

  I was curious how a beautiful shifter became an… accountant.

  She sighed and turned away, but turned back after a few seconds and it came out of her like an avalanche. I don’t know why, maybe she sensed our magical and aural chemistry as well, or maybe she’d been desperate to unburden herself for years, but didn’t trust anyone magical and couldn’t tell the normal humans without earning a death sentence.

  I certainly wasn’t expecting it based on what I thought had been an innocuous teasing question.

  “I’m only half you know. My mother was human… you know how brutal shifters can be? Especially males? Once I was born she didn’t last long. So there I was, being raised by a pack who despised me for only being half of what they were. It was stupid of course, since Shifter DNA is very dominant, I might as well be full.”

  She made a face, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to quite say all that, but the point is I was always good at math, I actually became the pack bookkeeper at the tender age of twelve. I didn’t mind, I loved the numbers, they always made sense, and it got me away from the rest of them. Oh, they weren’t that bad, I wasn’t beaten or anything, just… looked down on.

  “Anyway, when I turned thirteen the alpha decided it was time for me to have a mate. I disagreed, which is about as useful as disagreeing with gravity. Rather than allow it I took off, lived on my own. I don’t think he’s still actively hunting me, it’s been thirteen years now, half my life since I left. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelers out, or he won’t come after me if someone else tells him where I am.”

  She shrugged and actually winced a little, “And you didn’t need to know all that on a first date, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t even answer the question. Math right? So I half answered it. Skip the five years after running, the rest is that when I turned eighteen I took the GED, got into college and double majored in accounting and theoretical mathematics. Absolutely nothing alike, but both structured math. If you want a second date maybe I’ll fill in the missing parts.”

  All I could really do was just acknowledge that I listened, what do you say to something like that? She sure as hell wouldn’t want my pity, and she didn’t look all too sure about why she’d told me all that in the first place. I couldn’t even offer her a commiserating story, my life had some bumps, but nothing like the mountains in hers.

  I was saved by the food, it didn’t take long for the silence to get back to a more comfortable level while we were eating.

  She asked, “So, why me? I mean, why did you approach me?”

  I didn’t sense any self esteem issues, all I felt from her was curiosity.

  “Chemistry. It just seems right to me on a magic, aura and base physical attraction… I thought that was good enough to see if it can go anywhere.”

  She nodded, “I think I agree. I can’t believe I told you all that shit. There is something there. Unfortunately I have to go back to work after lunch so we’ll have to wait to explore it.”

  It was stupid of me, but I felt like this was going too fast. Sure, shifters were earthy and very open sexually, and I was a sex demon. Neither of us would be exactly shy about jumping into the sack. Regardless, it felt strange. It wasn’t until I realized I wanted to explore more than just her body that I figured it out. Sure, it was way too early to tell, but it had the potential to be more. Once I figured that out I wasn’t so tentative about the rest.

  I said in casual invitation, “So stop by my apartment when you get off work. I don’t work until late tonight, I’m sure we can… explore this connection.”

  She agreed and we continued eating, staying with lighter subjects for the rest of the meal. There’d been enough heavy subjects for one meal…

  Chapter 15

  I’d chatted with Rafe on and off during the afternoon. He said to have fun tonight but that he’d want to see me tomorrow. I also gave a few thoughts to Trent and the date we were going on Saturday. I realized I was now juggling three people, it felt pretty good actually. Rafe was familiar with the polyamory concept, in fact that was pretty much all dragons, that was their thing with multiple mates. I knew I’d have to broach the topic with the others if things advanced far enough.

  I still hadn’t heard back from my family on any plans, or heard any complaints about what happened this morning. Tanner hadn’t gotten back to me either. To be fair it had only been a little over nine hours since we talked. I just wasn’t sure why it was such a huge decision, although, I knew nothing of their politics.

  All the details of my life that I was worrying over flew as soon as I felt her aura, just moments before she knocked. I opened the door and invited Danielle in with a smile. She’d obviously gone home first, her hair was a little damp, and she had on a pair of jean shorts and a tight t-shirt. I couldn’t believe the difference it made, I’d seen succubae that were less attractive and sexy.

  “Drink?” I asked, still ogling just a bit.

  I could feel the sexual tension, it was strong in the
air. She just turned to me and shook her head slightly, her eyes locked on mine.

  “Maybe later,” she said in both a statement, and bold invitation.

  My magic caressed hers, and hers rubbed up against mine as she stepped closer. We may have had a lot to talk about, but that would have to wait. A tingle of pleasure shot down my spine as we touched, and I moaned a little into her mouth when our lips met for the first time. My body was completely pliant under her touch as I melted against tight body, our breasts mashed together and I felt my nipples grow hard.

  She half moaned half growled in demand as her tongue licked my lips, seeking entrance. Our hands wandered each other’s bodies as our kiss found a common rhythm. Her lips were so soft, silken and pliant. We started to pull at and undo our clothing, I was almost with a desperate drive to feel our bodies come together without anything in the way.

  Succubus magic can be strong, it can be subtle as well, but right now I wasn’t using any, it was all just us. She nipped my lip and then started kissing her way down my neck. We broke apart reluctantly, both breathing hard, I could feel her lust and desire and everything in me wanted to fulfill it.

  I muttered breathily, “Bedroom,” as I pulled the shirt over her head.

  She returned the favor, her nails teasing my flesh as she ran them up my torso. We turned and made for the bedroom, the rest of our clothes leaving a trail to my bed. I pulled her into another kiss, then pushed her lightly back on the bed. I slowly crawled up her body, kissing her flesh on the way but skipping the good spots, for now.

  She said breathily, “God you smell good, we just met and your scent tells me your mine.”

  A thrill went through me at the words, she’d sounded both excited and a little confused. I had no explanation for it, I just knew I felt the same about her and told her so. A part of me hoped we would be compatible in other ways, it would be a crime to waste this much chemistry on just a fling.

  I stopped at her breasts, they were better than I’d been imagining. They were soft yet firm enough to not sag, a large C cup without blemish, pink areolas and hard nipples that I took into my mouth. I sucked a little harder and bit down lightly, causing her to gasp and arch her back. My hand found its way between her legs and I started to explore her with light touches of my fingertips. My other hand found her other breast and started to tease the underside and circle her nipple.

  She was so wet, but then, so was I. I couldn’t help myself as I ground my honey pot against her thigh, leaving a trail of liquid pleasure on her smooth skin. The vibration of my moan against the soft nubile flesh of her breast drew out another gasp of pleasure.

  She grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up forcefully and claimed my lips, her other hand caressing down my body and between my legs. We kissed hungrily but explored each other’s silken folds slowly and gently. At least at first.

  She mewled with need into my mouth and I slid two fingers between her folds and curved my fingers, searching for that special spot with my fingertips. When I found it I also thumbed her clit lightly and she cried out in pleasure.

  My body arched and I pushed against her hand, her fingers finding all the good spots. We were both breathing heavily and lost in the pleasure we were sharing as we slowly rode each other’s hands on our way to bliss. It felt so damn good, and I shivered at the thought of how good her tongue would feel. Her body was so responsive to my touch, and I hadn’t even used a trickle of sex magic… yet. Later, this was too good to rush.

  It happened like a shot of lightning, unexpectedly our rapture overtook both of us by surprise. My body locked up as explosive waves of pleasure inundated me, I could feel her core tighten around my fingers as mine squeezed hers.

  When we came down we were still kissing, already rising to our next orgasm.

  She whispered longingly, “God you smell amazing, I need to taste you.”

  She used her shifter strength and flipped me off of her, over onto my back, then turned her body and straddled my head in one smooth movement. Her glistening heat was so close, and she lowered it teasingly toward my lips. Her long hair started to tickle my inner thigh as she lowered her face between my legs. The anticipation was driving me crazy.

  “Danielle,” I whispered softly, needily.

  I couldn’t wait any longer and lifted my head, and licked between her soft folds. I moaned softly and flicked her clit with my tongue while reaching around with my hands to caress, squeeze and lightly dig my nails into her shapely ass cheeks.

  Her body was perfect, and I did hear her scream my name that evening, a number of times. We couldn’t seem to get enough of each other, changing positions, and dominance, after each orgasm. At some point we raided the toy drawer on the side of my bed. The most satisfying thing about it was I hardly used any magic, just a touch or two to extend our orgasms and to make sure I fed her energy back after taking it. Taking energy during orgasm wasn’t something I could completely control really. I could claim a torrent, or a small stream of life force, but I couldn’t prevent it all together.

  No, the effect she had on me, and I had on her, was all just what we were.

  It was about four hours later, ten or so, when we finally got those drinks. We were in bed, half sitting and laying against each other.

  She asked still a little breathless, “What was that? To tell you the truth, I’ve always been a little bi. Shifters aren’t shy that way, but I’ve always preferred men. But… you’re like my version of crack.”

  I blew out a breath.

  “The feeling is mutual. I’m not really sure exactly why, but I have a theory.”

  She raised an eyebrow, “Do tell?”

  I started to tell her a little bit about my last two weeks, specifically about Rafe, and our mating bond. How dragons can identify the people that are compatible for mating for them, that they belong to, and they to them.

  She crinkled her nose a little, “So you think… what exactly?”

  I shrugged, “I think if we had met before, we might have just been attracted to each other, perhaps not as obviously. Given time we would have found out our chemistry worked well together. I don’t think the magic in me from Rafe influenced me in any way, it just allowed me to see the potential between us in a more obvious way. I don’t think it had anything to do with our compatibility in bed and the last four hours.”

  I sighed, “Did that make sense, it’s more a magic of recognition, rather than anything else.”

  She took a drink, her other hand absently running circles with her fingertips along my leg and waist. It felt really good so I returned the favor. I was gratified she didn’t seem put off by anything I told her, she was thoughtful, warm, very satisfied sexually, and happy to be with me.

  She asked me questions then, and I found myself telling her about my family and how I grew up. Time flew quickly and before I knew it, I had to go. Sure, I was a volunteer, but the work was important to me, we had plenty of time in the future to talk and… other things.

  We did talk polyamory, no surprises there as a shifter. She wanted to meet Rafe, and possibly Trent if that went anywhere. We made no solid plans, but tentatively we talked about doing something Sunday. Rafe had me tomorrow, and I had a date with Trent on Saturday, which I wasn’t sure what we were doing yet.

  We didn’t really talk about expectations as far as between the two of us. To tell the truth I was a little terrified by mine, I already couldn’t imagine not having Danielle around. She was mine damn it. She didn’t bring it up either. I wasn’t in love with her, or anything ridiculous like that. We really were just getting started. It’s just her presence was so… comfortable, it felt like home.

  She joined me in the shower, which wound up taking longer than I expected, in a good way. I got dressed in my dress down clothes, which she found very humorous. She didn’t think I hid my beauty worth a damn either. I kissed her goodnight after walking her back to her apartment, she needed sleep for work in the morning. It had gotten a little late, so I opened a portal to t
he alley by the clinic and stepped through…

  Chapter 16

  I wasn’t at work very long when I was contacted.


  “Am,” I responded through the necklace.

  Amber sent, “You did good this morning, I know we haven’t gotten back to you. We want to stay out of it as best we can, especially dragon world. No good can come of us doing anything on their turf. Not to say we don’t have other things cooking, but we don’t need you to do anything there. Outside of Rafe I mean.”

  Her mind voice held an edge of salacious humor.

  “Anyway,” she continued, “If Tanner contacts you for something, that’s fine, just not anything that will impact the balance of the war. So by all means, help them with healing, and the fields, just not defensive magics. I think you made the right call by just coming clean. Their society is different from ours, obviously doing that on our world is usually a mistake. Their world seems more… open. Every town literally an extended family, other towns more distant relatives. If you’d lied, when they found out it would be so much worse.”

  To be honest I hadn’t thought all that through, it had just felt wrong to me to hide it. I felt a little useless being kept in the dark but I’d do what they asked. I’d really screwed up after all.

  Amber must have picked up on some of that, because she sent, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, I’m the suspicious one, Cass wouldn’t have dug deep enough to find out the truth either. Mom too come to that, it’s me and grams that are the paranoid ones. Plus, being Rafe’s mate may be a bigger plus than is apparent right now. So even just chilling your helping. Just umm, don’t lie to Tanner, but on the other hand don’t volunteer that part. Not sure how they would react.”

  I snorted, “Yes, I was planning to keep that one to myself.”

  Amber chuckled, “Alright, sorry. Keep us informed on that stuff and I’ll see you soon.”

  Trent wouldn’t tell me what he had in mind for our date, just that I should dress casual. Which didn’t actually help much but I could work with it. It was slow for most of the night, until it wasn’t. People started trickling in with twisted ankles, broken bones, impact trauma and lacerations. It wasn’t until the third patient I found out it was a bar fight of all things.


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