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Embraced Page 4

by E. C. Land

  Badger, I’ve learned over the past months, has a bit of a temper and right now he’s damn lucky I love my cousin to put up with his shit. Doing my best to hide my annoyance, I inform him and his brothers I have my private jet ready to leave tonight as I already intended to head to Ireland. I also state I have room for him to bring five extra men with him.

  Time seemed to drag on slowly as we boarded the plane hours later. When we landed in Ireland, I decided now was the time to give them the rest of the information. After receiving a text from Kenyon, one of my men I’d sent here a week ago, letting me know he’d spotted the man I figured would show up here. I knew I needed to tell them. The fury rolling off all of them as I mentioned Miguel’s name being instantaneous.

  I’ve had my men look into the members of the club and knew two of these men here wouldn’t take my last bit of information well. I gave them everything I knew, from the rumors to the confirmation from my father of the relationship between Kayne and Miguel.

  From this point, we formed our plans in order to get Jordan back.

  After deciding the best course of action should be us hitting them quick and fast, we make our way for Kean and Kayne’s home.

  With Kenyon driving in front with Mitch and myself in the SUV, we ram through the gate a moment before he slams on the brakes in front of the house.

  I stayed outside with Mitch and Kenyon while Badger and his brothers head for the house after most of the men are taken out. I knew they’d find Jordan inside and end Kayne. My main focus now needed to be on Kean. He’s the key to me being able to end the contract of marriage.

  Unfortunately, I find Kean missing and this is disappointing as I knew I’d have to speak with Tomás face to face and finally meet my soon-to-be wife. So far, the only good thing to happen is Badger getting Jordan back.

  Now, after calling Tomás and letting him know I’d be at his home within the hour needing to speak with him, I sit impatiently as Kenyon drives through the gate to the Boss’ home.

  “You ready for this?” Mitch asks from his seat next to me.

  “Fuck no, this is the last thing I want to do,” I mutter. Still I know to keep the beautiful mismatched eyed woman away from Kean, I must uphold my end of the contract to keep her from his reach.

  “I understand but it’s the right thing for now, once we deal with Kean the issue of marriage can be annulled, right?” Mitch states. I know he’s right but something about the idea of annulling a marriage doesn’t sit right with me. Just the image of my mismatched eyed beauty hasn’t set well with me from the moment I first saw her picture.

  Nodding, I keep my eyes focused on the dark surroundings of the house. As we begin to approach the home, I notice movement on the side of the large house. Someone was halfway up the side of the house.

  “Stop the car, Kenyon,” I order and put my hand on the door handle.

  Climbing out of the car quietly, I leave the door open as to not make any noise and make my way toward the figure who was climbing down a trellis.

  The closer I get, I realize it’s a woman and upon further visual I find it funny that this woman is the one from the picture I have of my fiancée. Staying far enough into the shadows, she doesn’t see me right away and I wait patiently for her to make her way to the ground safely. My dick becomes instantly hard as I take in the exquisite body that matches her image, making her exotic to me. Tits that would fill my hands when I cup them and an ass I could hold onto as I slide in from behind her.

  Fuck, this isn’t good. My reaction to seeing her for the first time isn’t what I expected it to be. Yeah, her pictures have had my attention, but they didn’t do what seeing her in person has done to me.

  Pulse racing, my hand twitches to touch her as she finally makes it to the bottom. What is she trying to do? Escape? Maybe? The thought of her doing that for some reason bothers me more than I thought it should.

  The moment she turns her head in my direction, being in the shadows she’s unable to see me yet; however, I can see her clearly. Seeing an expression of pure achievement across her face, I realize the picture I have of Bridget doesn’t do her justice. Not in the slightest. The way her eyes light up at doing something as preposterous as climbing down a trellis.

  Something inside me awakens and a part of me snaps out of denial and I know without a doubt I can’t let this woman escape my hold.

  She’s to be mine. Has been for years and now it’s time I claim her as such.

  No other woman has ever made my pulse race at first sight. Picture not included. As the saying goes, a picture can speak a million words, yet nothing compares to seeing firsthand.

  I step out of the shadows making my presence known.

  “Going somewhere, mo chuisle?” I ask, using the Irish term for my pulse because in all honesty from this moment on that’s exactly what she is, mo chuisle.

  “Ahh, yes I am, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be heading that way,” she utters, glancing away from my direction.

  Wanting her eyes on me, I uncross my arms and take a step toward her. Standing this close to her I can feel the heat radiating from her body. “Be as it may, mo chuisle, I don’t think I can let you do that.”

  “Why’s that?” she asks breathlessly. My dick throbs behind the zipper of my jeans wanting inside what he knows is mine.


  I need to get him under control, but something about this woman speaks to me in a way no other ever has. I wrap my arms around her body, pulling her tight into my arms, and answer her question.

  “Because, my beautiful Bridget, I’m not about to let my fiancée escape from me before I even get to taste her luscious lips,” I murmur the words as I lower my head and claim her luscious, kissable mouth.

  Chapter 6


  No, this can’t be possible. This man standing in front of me cannot be Dean. There’s no way, he’s supposed to be an ogre with warts, a potbelly, and a humpback. Not some godlike looking man with dark hair and beard trimmed close to his face covering what could only be described as a chiseled jaw.

  “Now, shall I show you back inside, or are you going to climb back up the trellis?” Dean asks, a grin sliding into place on his beautiful face after giving me the first kiss.

  My first kiss.


  A kiss worthy of blowing my mind. However, I can’t allow it to interfere with my plans in leaving. No matter how good-looking Dean really is.

  “Umm, no, I don’t think so. I’ll just be heading that way,” I murmur, pointing toward the gate.

  Turning to see where I was pointing, Dean shakes his head when he faces me again.

  “Sorry, mo chuisle, I’m not about to let you leave,” he says, the grin leaving his face and his expression turning serious.

  Dammit, I can already see it, he’s one of those overbearing men who are used to having things their way.

  Great, just flipping great. I am not about to let him keep me from leaving. I’ve made it this far.

  “Yes, I am. Now please move. I’m sure you don’t want this ridiculous shamble of a marriage any more than I do. So, I’m doing us both a favor,” I state, holding my head up high. Though I must admit it’s hard not to gape at this man. He’s so beautiful.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” With his grin back in place, Dean takes a step back only to bend at the waist and lift me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. I only know this is what it’s called from the books I’ve read.

  Crap. Crap. Crap.

  Fuck mo shaol.

  This cannot be happening.

  “Put me down you . . . you big brute,” I scream, hitting him on his ass as I kicked my legs, hoping to make him set me on my feet.

  “Quit fighting, mo chuisle,” he orders with a smack to my ass.

  “You did not just smack me,” I screech and try even harder to escape his hold on me.

  “Told you to quit fighting me, Bridget,” he says, smacking my ass once again. This time with a firmer touc
h causing me to go still. It also caused a sensation in me I’d never felt before.

  Soon as Dean steps into the house, he sets me on my feet.

  Pushing my hair out of my face, I give him my best glare. “How dare you? You have no right to smack me, let alone carry me around like some brute carting off its next meal,” I scream, feeling my face growing red.

  Okay, so not only can I be dramatic, I have a temper from hell.

  “Considering you’re to be my wife, I have every right to do with you as I please.” Dean smirks, his head tilted down until he’s nearly touching my forehead with his.

  Ugh, I want to smack that grin right off his face. Narrowing my eyes, I open my mouth to speak yet my da’s approach interrupts me.

  “What is going on in here?” he demands.

  Whipping my head around to face my da, knowing I’m sure to be in trouble with him when he finds out what I did. Right this minute I don’t care. However, before I can speak, Dean beats me to it.

  “I found my bride-to-be outside alone in the dark and offered to escort her back inside,” Dean says, pulling me into his side.

  “Bridget, you know better than to go outside at this time of night let alone without protection on you,” Da reprimands before turning his attention toward Dean. “I suppose you won’t need that introduction to my daughter now that you’ve met her. How about you and I head into my study while Bridget heads back to her room.”

  “Sounds good, however, if you don’t mind, I’ll have Kenyon posted outside her door. This will give me peace of mind since she is soon to be my wife,” Dean says nonchalantly, and I notice a man step forward out of the corner of my eye.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I yell. He is not about to put some man on my door. A man I don’t even know.

  “Of course, you can never be too careful. I’d been the same way with her mam,” Da states at the same time.

  “Good, I’ll see you later, mo chuisle,” Dean murmurs, planting a kiss on my cheek.

  Clenching my teeth to stop myself from saying anything else, I stomp away making my exit as loud as I can.

  “I apologize for Bridget’s behavior. You see she can be somewhat dramatic at times,” Da chuckles.


  Thank you, Da, for thinking my yelling is being dramatic.

  Making it to my room, I slam the door not caring at this point what any of them think. Moving to my window, I cross my arms over my chest as I contemplate if I’d be able to make a break for it again.

  “I suggest you not attempt going out the window again,” Dean’s voice startles me. I thought he was going to my da’s study. How did I not hear him come up behind me so quickly?

  “What are you doing in here? I didn’t invite you,” I seethe, turning away from said window and crossing my arms over my chest. Dean’s eyes go straight to my chest and he looks amused.

  “I decided to make sure you knew not to try escaping through the window again. If you do, there will be repercussions for your actions,” he states, making his way across the room to stand in front of me.

  “You can’t stop me,” I declare.

  “That’s where you would be wrong, sweetness. I can and will do anything in my power to keep you safe. Even if that means tying you to this bed in order to keep you from doing something as obscene as escape a home you’re safe within,” he says, nodding toward my bed.

  Oh god, just the thought sends a sensation through my body.

  “You like the thought of being tied to the bed. I can see it in your face, mo chuisle,” Dean murmurs, liftin’ my chin until I meet his gaze. “I look forward to tying you to our bed once we’re married, now be a good girl. You don’t want me to have to tie you to this one because I’ll tell you now it won’t be for pleasure and your ass will hurt from the spanking it will receive.”

  With those words spoken, Dean gives me yet another mind-blowing kiss leaving me wanting more.

  As he leaves the room, I hear him ordering Kenyon to stay with me at all times.

  Narrowing my eyes, I’m tempted to follow after him to give him a piece of my mind.

  What right does he have to think he can not only order someone to watch me like a child but to threaten me with a spanking and tying me to the bed?

  Oh, but the thought of being tied to that man’s bed letting him have his way with me does something to my body. Something I’ve never experienced before besides when I touched myself.

  No, don’t think about it. It can’t happen. I swore I’d get away from this life and take my sister with me.

  Shaking my head, I bury the thoughts of Dean in the back of my head.

  I can’t allow myself to want him. I won’t do it.

  Chapter 7


  Fuckin’ hell, I didn’t expect to have the reaction I did to my soon-to-be wife. Readjusting myself, I can’t help but visualize Bridget lying in the center of her bed, tied up for me to do as I please. My dick throbs at the idea. Damn, I can’t wait to make that vision come to life, her arms stretched tight above her head as I shower her body with attention.

  With the way Bridget stomps away, I decide to have another word with her. I follow her up to her room after asking Tomás’ for his permission for a moment to speak with his daughter. He agreed and told me to meet him in his office. Also warned me again about her being dramatic. I couldn’t care less for the dramatics, though I won’t tolerate it in front of anyone once we’re married. In private she can be as over the top as she wants to be. It just means I get to fuck her senseless. However, that isn’t what I wanted to say to her. No, I wanted to make sure Bridget knew what the repercussions would be if she tried to do something as foolish as to attempt escaping again.

  I hadn’t meant to come out of Bridget’s room with a hard dick and thoughts of tying her to a bed in order to have my wicked way with her. Worse, it doesn’t seem to want to go down as I make my way back downstairs to Tomás’ office.

  “Try thinking of something besides your fiancée and that thing might go away,” Mitch mutters the moment I’m within close proximity that no one else could hear him.

  Shooting him a glare, I adjusted myself once more while doing as he suggests. It’s not an easy feat, but I manage to get my dick under control by the time I make it to Tomás’ office. Tomás is standing by the window in almost the same manner I’d found Bridget in.

  I suppose, in this case, it’s like father, like daughter, where normally it would be like father, like son. I bet they even have the same temperament. I’ve heard the stories of how Tomás MacDermott gained his rank as the Boss of all of the Irish Mafia. He’s ruthless in the way he handles business, yet he’s gentle if not firm with his daughters.

  “I assume there won’t be a problem with the contract,” Tomás says, turning to face me after Mitch closes the door encasing us all in the room.

  Sighing, I meet Tomás’ gaze head-on. I won’t lie to the man. “I’ll be honest, when I arrived in Ireland, I intended to try and convince you to break the contract. I didn’t think I was ready, nor did I want to be married. I knew you wouldn’t be pleased with breaking the contract. When you first told me about Kean wanting your daughter, I thought of using that as leverage to get out of it.” I shake my head at how much of an imbecile I am to not want to marry the beauty who I’ve claimed as mine.

  “What’s changed your mind?” Tomás asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe it’s when I saw Bridget climbing down the trellis or when I noticed the fight in her eyes as I told her she wasn’t leaving. But what I do know is she’s to be mine as long as you still allow it and I’ll do everything in my power to protect her. Especially right now with Kean missing.” I say, anger building inside me as thoughts of the man getting ahold of Bridget the way his son did my cousin.

  “Are you the reason Kean and his son didn’t show this afternoon at my request?” Tomás’ eyes narrow as he asks this.

  “Unfortunately, to my dismay, I’m not
the reason. Though I won’t say I wish I were. With that said, I do have every intention of killing Kean when I find him. His son, Kayne, is already dead for what he did to my cousin at the hands of her ol’ man and when Miguel and Kean are both found I will take them both out,” I say, holding his gaze letting him know I won’t back down from this.

  What feels like long minutes later Tomás finally nods. “Good, I’d merely wanted the both of them to meet with me earlier today as I’d intended to teach them a lesson they’d never forget. No one threatens my business without the proper repercussions. Nor does one threaten to kidnap my iníon all because I refuse to end a contract that was done the day after her birth to the man I knew without a doubt would keep her safe,” he states.

  Damn, I hadn’t realized this contract was done so long ago. I knew it was done when I’d been a kid but not twenty years ago.

  Nodding, I wait for him to speak again.

  “Our families have always been close, though never by blood but mere friendship. Your da and I have been friends since birth, even with an ocean between the two of us, we still speak on a daily basis. When you were born, we decided if I were to have a girl, she would be yours.” Bewildered by his words, I’m barely able to keep my jaw from dropping.

  Fuckin’ hell, this woman was destined to be mine before she was even born. I’m having a hard time coming to terms with this along with the realization I will soon be calling Bridget my wife.

  “Now, I know from the information I’ve gathered on both Kean and Kayne Bryne why I’d intended to kill them both, tell me your reasons for doing so. What does this have to do with your cousin?” he demands as he sits at his desk, switching from the father to businessman.


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