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Embraced Page 7

by E. C. Land

  “Family of O’Connell?” I lift my head off my knees and stand.

  Before my da would allow me to leave the hotel room, he had the place checked for Kean and someone bring me a bag of clothes to put on. Now dressed in a hoodie and leggings, I face the doctor coming our way and pray for good news.

  “How is my son?” Dean’s father asks.

  “Your son is going to be okay. After making sure no damage had been done to anything vital, we were able to stitch him up. He’s awake and asking for his wife.” My eyes widen at the fact he’s asking for me.

  “Um, are . . . you sure?” I stammer.

  “Yes, Mr. O’Connell is quite insistent that he sees you,” the doctor informs me.

  “Go to your husband, iníon,” my da says, urging me with a nudge to my lower back.

  Nodding, I follow the doctor through the doors to the back and down a hallway. At a closed door, he stops and opens it. I step inside the room and he closes the door behind me.

  My eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

  “Bridget,” Dean calls my name but I don’t think he even knows I’m here, considering his hand is wrapped in the hair of another woman as she goes down on him.

  The woman moans around him and he grunts and holds her head still.

  “Can I help you?” the woman says with a smirk on her face as she lifts her head and wipes her mouth.

  Dean’s eyes turn and focus on me then on the soith who just finished sucking his dick. “What the fuck? Jewel?”

  “What the fuck indeed! Your doctor comes out there to let us all know you’re alive and asking for me. Did you want me to see you cheating on me? Is that it?” I snap, tears welling in my eyes. I’d only just given him my virginity mere hours ago and this is what happens.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you could never satisfy a man like this one here.” The woman Dean called Jewel smirks. “You see, I’ve been takin’ Dean’s cock for a long time and I’m not giving it up,” she declares and runs her fingers across her lips.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” Dean snarls at the same time I shake my head and turn to leave the room, not wanting to hear another word he says. He can have his bréagán. “Don’t you walk out that door, Bridget,” he says, using a commanding tone of voice with me.

  “You can’t stop me,” I state and open the door to leave the room. I’m stopped from leaving the room as Mitch is standing there. He takes one look at me then glances in the room behind me, his eyes narrowing.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here, Jewel? Better yet, how the fuck did you get in here?” he demands, pushing me back into the room and closing the door.

  “I followed you and Dean here and when I saw him being loaded into the ambulance I came here.” She then shows off her scrubs and giggles. “Don’t I look hot in this outfit?”

  Nausea rolls in my stomach and I turn away wanting to leave, but I’m stopped by Mitch who’s blocking the door.

  “No, you stupid bitch,” Mitch sneers. “You came all the way from North Carolina, followed us here for what?”

  “Jewel, you better get the fuck away from me before I kill you. I’ve never killed a woman but at this moment, I want to snap your fuckin’ neck then wash my dick to get the feel of your mouth off of me.” Dean sounds furious and not in a good way either.

  “But you’ve never had a problem with me putting my mouth around your dick before,” Jewel whines.

  “Bitch, I swear to God if you don’t shut the hell up and get out of here now, I’ll put a bullet in your head,” Mitch snaps, taking a step forward and pushing me backward and closer to Dean.

  When he has me close enough to my husband, I flinch at the feel of Dean’s hand wrapping around my wrist from behind.

  “You wouldn’t kill me,” Jewel protests. “I’m one of the best dancers at Sinner’s Cove.”

  “Not anymore you’re not,” Dean declares, tugging on my wrist. This movement causes me to topple backward and I fall onto the hospital bed. If he didn’t release my wrist and grab my waist when he did, I could have hurt him.

  “What are you doing?” I hiss and try to get up but he keeps me locked to him. Even hurt, Dean is stronger than I am.

  “I’m in fuckin’ pain right now, coming out of a drugged stupor from whatever the fuck they gave me. Not letting you storm out of here after seeing something I couldn’t control. Shit, I thought it had been your fuckin’ mouth on me once I realized it wasn’t a motherfuckin’ dream. Now sit here and behave,” Dean growls.

  “What’s going on in here?” my da demands. He must have grown tired of waiting. Being a man of power, he’s not one to wait for answers or to see someone is safe himself. Dean’s father is standing next to mine glowering at Jewel.

  “Someone want to explain why there is a bréagán in my son’s room?” he snaps.

  “I’m not a whore,” Jewel says snidely, stomping her foot. “I’m Dean’s woman.”

  “The hell you are,” Dean snarls and tightens his hold on me to keep me from moving off the bed. “Someone get this cunt out of my room.”

  “My pleasure,” Mitch grumbles and makes his way across the room. He roughly grabs hold of Jewel’s arm and drags her out of the room. The woman protests and whines the entire time.

  The door closes behind them and Dean slumps back into the bed with a groan of pain.

  “Will you let go of me now?” I demand. I can’t get the vision of Jewel’s mouth going down on Dean and his groans of pleasure out of my head.

  “No, mo chuisle, I won’t,” he mutters.

  “You want to explain what’s happened here? And why that woman was in here?” Da remarks.

  “That woman,” I sneer, stiffening in Dean’s embrace when he squeezes my waist. “That bréagán was in here giving my husband a blowjob when I walked in.”

  “What?” Dean’s father roars. “Son, I suggest you explain this. The doctor stated you were awake and asking for your wife.”

  “Da, I woke up to a mouth around my dick and my cum spurting out of it. I don’t remember shit all about it,” Dean sneers. “What doctor said this?”

  “Excuse me? Why are you all in my patient’s room?” a man’s voice comes from the entrance to the room. “You all aren’t supposed to be in here. This is a recovery room,” he announces.

  This man isn’t the same one who came out to get me the first time.

  Meaning the man who stated he’d been my husband’s doctor wasn’t. I can only assume he was paid off by the bitch who’d been in here. She wanted me to walk in to find her going down on Dean.

  Nausea rolls within my stomach. I clasp my hand over my mouth and yank out of Dean’s grasp in order to get to the trash can in time to throw up. I hear Dean’s curses and my da’s as he comes over and runs his hand over my back.

  Why would she do that?

  Is she insane?

  “Call Mitch, Da, and tell him to take Jewel somewhere and hold her,” Dean snarls.

  “Miss, are you okay?” the man who announced Dean being his patient asks.

  “She’ll be okay. It’s been a day for her,” my da states, running his hands soothingly along my back.

  “I understand.” He nods and then goes on to speak. “I’m Dr. Kelly. I’m the one who worked on Mr. O’Connell. Now can someone please tell me what you all are doing in this room? My patient lost a lot of blood and needs his rest.”

  “Dr. Kelly,” I murmur his name, finding I’m happy to know the name of the doctor who saved Dean’s life as the other man didn’t introduce himself.

  “Mo chuisle, come here,” Dean commands gently.

  I shake my head and close my eyes. “You need your rest as Dr. Kelly has stated,” I whisper.

  “Bridget, get over here,” he demands, not leaving room for argument.

  Sighing, I step up to the side of the bed and meet his gaze. Tears welling in my eyes.

  Dean reaches out and takes my hand. “Sweetness, don’t cry,” he states quietly.

  Shaking my head, I
let out a shuddered breath.

  I can’t help but cry even more.

  “Mr. O’Connell, I need for everyone to leave the room,” Dr. Kelly states.

  “No offense, Doc, but I only just married my wife hours ago and I’m not letting her out of my sight,” Dean announces.

  “Good man,” Da chuckles.

  “She can stay but everyone else needs to step out of the room. When you are in a regular room they can see you,” Dr. Kelly announces.

  “How about you get my discharge papers together and they can take me home?” Dean suggests.

  “Dean,” I murmur in protest.

  “No, mo chuisle, I want to get out of here. I’ll recuperate at the hotel if need be or wherever, but come tomorrow, we’re on the jet going home,” Dean declares, and I want to protest more than anything right about now. However, I can see the look in his eyes stating he won’t take no for an answer. It’s his way or no way at this point. So, I nod my head in understanding.

  “Sir, I highly advise against it until you are healed enough,” Dr. Kelly protests.

  “And no offense, Doc, you’re not the one who’s been stabbed by a madman who is insistent on killing you in order to get your wife. Now get my discharge papers and I’ll make sure my cousin, who is a nurse, can help me out until I get home. But have no doubt I’ll be leaving as soon as fuckin’ possible,” Dean growls.

  “Son, are you sure?” his father asks.

  “Yes, I’m more than sure about this. With us here in Ireland, we’re sitting ducks for Kean to find Bridget and try to take her from me. I want her on my turf where I can have more of my men keeping an eye on things.” I open my mouth to argue but keep my mouth shut for the time being. Dean isn’t going to listen to me and it’s clear he’s not about to let me leave his sight anytime soon.

  I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.

  Chapter 13


  It’s been two days since landing back in the States and I’m furious as to how everything went down after the wedding.

  Bridget, who I’ve only sunk my dick in once, tenses at my touch now. If I didn’t threaten to pick her up and put her in our bed at night she’d try sleeping elsewhere. Only at night do I get my soft woman to hold.

  I know she’s hurting right now because of what that stupid whore did. She’s upset and thinks I knew who it’d been suckin’ me off. But I’d stated the truth, I didn’t realize who it was until my cum came spurting out and she’d drank it down her throat.

  Fuckin’ hell.

  I’d seen the hurt in her eyes when I’d come to. How in such a short amount of time she could come to mean so much to me? And I know I mean the same to her. I can see it when she thinks I’m not looking.

  Today I’m taking her with me to Sinner’s Cove. I’m interested to see her reaction. I’ve yet to tell her about all the businesses I own. It would mean the two of us have to have a conversation.

  I need to make things right with her and I’m not sure how. Bridget is an emotional freight train. I have come to realize her father wasn’t lying about her being dramatic. I’ve also learned there are ways to play on her dramatics to get my way. Such as her sleeping next to me at night. She’d argued I’d rip my stitches out if I did what I wasn’t supposed to be doing. So I’d informed my wife if she didn’t sleep in my bed every night, she’d find herself hoisted into my arms and carried into our room.

  Sighing, I lift my coffee cup off the counter in front of me and take a sip. Dressed in charcoal gray slacks and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows and the top two buttons left undone, I’m ready for the day. Even if it’s gonna be a long one.

  The paperwork isn’t going to do itself nor will seeing to what the women have done. According to an email I received too late, it stated Jewel didn’t show up to work and that Ember is acting out stating I’d taken the bitch with me. Kit-Kat also informed me she’s not paid enough for dealing with the headaches I left her with. With me gone, it seems the women who work for me decided to act accordingly, thinking they’d get away with it.

  Not happening.

  I’ll be informing them of this upon their arrival. I’d scheduled a meeting an hour before opening for them to come in and receive their tongue lashing.

  Bridget’s footsteps draw me out of my thoughts of my to-do list and I glance in her direction and smile when she steps into the kitchen.

  “Morning, mo chuisle,” I murmur as I have every morning in hopes to get her to speak. This is part of her dramatics, she doesn’t talk to me unless I do something she thinks will cause my injury to open.

  My wife gives me a quick glance and turns away from me to grab the kettle I’d bought for her since she prefers tea to coffee.

  I give her an appraised look of approval as I take in her appearance. Red silk nightie that comes only to right under her ass. The curves of her tits are visible for me to see. I even got a glimpse at her hardened nipples pressing into the soft material.

  My dick twitches wanting her to give him attention.

  Enough with this game of hers. It wasn’t my fuckin’ fault the stupid bitch gave me head when I was out of it due to meds they’d given me.

  I place my coffee mug down on the counter and move to the other side of the kitchen to step up behind her. Bridget stiffens as I press my front to her back and place my hands on her stomach holding her to me. I roam my hands over the silk of her nightie, one of them slides up to cup one of her breasts while the other goes south hitting her bare thigh. I don’t miss the shiver that she gives me.

  “Dean,” she murmurs my name breathlessly as my hand on her thigh slides up to cup her in the one place I’m dying to be in again. After the doctor let me out of the hospital I agreed to stay a few days at Tomás’ home before we got on the plane to come home. I didn’t like not having her during this time. But I’ve given it to her to get over what happened.

  Sliding my fingers through her folds, I groan at how wet she is for me. “Fuck, sweetness, you’re already soaked.”

  Bridget doesn’t say a word as I continue to play with her pussy. Her hips start to move of their own accord and my dick throbs wanting to sink into her. Tweaking her nipple with my other hand, I release my grasp of her nipple and open the front of my pants. Sliding the material down slightly, my dick springs out, aiming in the direction of her ass.

  I pull my hand from between her legs and step back enough to turn my wife in my arms. Soon as she’s facing me, I lift her onto the counter and order her to wrap her legs around my waist. At the same time, I slide into her heated core with a slow thrust. Bridget is still extremely tight due to me only taking her the one time.

  “Fuck, mo chuisle. You feel so fuckin’ good,” I groan and lean my head forward to capture her mouth with mine for a heated kiss. I thrust my tongue into her mouth as she moans into mine.

  Damn, I love this shit. Bridget wraps her arms around my neck and hangs on while I move inside her with deep thrusts. Sinking all the way in with each movement.

  Bridget’s fingers score into my shoulders as she rips her mouth from mine and unravels around me. She cries out my name urging me on and I quicken my thrusts as her walls tighten around me inviting me to come deep inside her with my own release.

  With a grunt, I still inside her spurting my cum deep into her core.

  I recapture my wife’s mouth, sliding my hand into her hair to hold her to me as I show her my claim on her body.

  I’m not done with her. Needing more than she’s given me already, I release her hair and slide both hands to her ass to hold her to me while I carry her to the dining room table. I break our kiss and pull the nightie from Bridget’s body. Tossing the fabric to the side, I get my first glimpse of her since the day I married her.

  “Fuckin’ beautiful, sweetness,” I murmur and glide my still hardened shaft inside her sheath. “I know I need to get to work but I can’t. Not until I have you once more. Then maybe while we’re at the club I’ll have to take you
again. Shit, mo chuisle, I don’t think I can get enough of you,” I announce, keeping a slow, steady rhythm.

  Bridget seems enthralled with what I’m doing to her body and I take my time this time around lavishing her body, sucking her nipples into my mouth, and teasing her clit. When she erupts around my dick, my wife screams my name and I plunge deep inside her and come harder than I think I ever have before in my life.

  Chapter 14


  Sitting on the couch in Dean’s office, I glance up from my e-reader to peer at my husband. I’m not sure how I should be feeling right now but seeing him focused on his work is different. Over the past several days it’s been the two of us. Yes, he dealt with things on the phone but never had he been this in tune with his work.

  Then this morning, which I didn’t intend to happen, I felt myself cracking. He’d given me more than one mind-blowing orgasm that, in the end, made me want to open up to him again with how tender he’d been. I told myself each day since we left the hospital, I wouldn’t allow him to have my body. Not after what that woman did. I get he wasn’t himself and everything else due to the surgery and coming out of it. Still, it hurts to have seen him coming in that woman’s mouth.

  Unfortunately, Dean caught on early to this and has been playing unfair. At night his hand always seems to move down to my apex where he toys with me even in his sleep. This has left me needy every time.

  God knows I’m an idiot for allowing myself this morning. He took me against the counter and then again on the table we’d eaten together at. I can still feel him inside me from the way he consumed me and I’m dying for more.

  After, Dean carried me up the stairs, stripped out of his clothes he’d been dressed in for the day, and took me again in the shower. Oh, that had been interesting as he took me pressed against the tile wall.

  Once we finished our shower, he told me to get dressed and he redressed in a fresh pair of slacks and a bright blue dress shirt that he rolled the sleeves up on. I ended up putting on a black off the shoulder sweater and jeans that I matched with a pair of calf boots.


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