Three Steps to Hell

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Three Steps to Hell Page 10

by Mike Holman

  “Time for a sandwich Tom.”

  Jenny retrieved some sandwiches carefully wrapped in foil, from the picnic basket. Misty pricked up her ears at the sound of the rustle of the foil, sat up and looked at Jenny with sad hopeful eyes.

  “No Misty not for you I’m afraid, lie down.”

  Misty reluctantly lay back down, sighed and rested her chin on her front paws, her eyes glued to the movement of the food in case a piece of sandwich should happen to fall on to the ground sheet. Her eyes rarely left the food for a second.

  Tom and Jenny got into a deep and meaningful discussion about the state of the country and the problem with today’s youths, after which both laid on their backs, became quiet and Tom dropped off to sleep for a while. After some time both started to feel chilly, the sun had disappeared behind some clouds and the wind had picked up a little. They packed up, gave Misty a bit of a walk and returned to the car. They’d both had a really lovely afternoon and arrived back in Tom’s drive at about 6 o’clock. Tom switched off the engine.

  “Thanks Tom, I really enjoyed myself.”

  “Hey, you did it all, preparing the food and everything, I should be thanking you.”

  “There’s loads of wine left Tom, how about you coming in to mine and finishing if off with me now the driving is over.”

  “Great, I’ll just feed Misty and settle her then I’ll pop round.”

  Both went into their respective homes.

  Once indoors Jenny went upstairs to the bathroom to check her make-up and hair, sprayed some perfume and returned downstairs to tidy the lounge.

  About 10 minutes later Tom arrived and both sat on Jenny’s sofa listening to some old 70’s hits on the radio and enjoying a glass or two of a fine fruity red Tempranillo. Whether it was the wine or the day as a whole, Jenny finally plucked up some courage, placed her hand on Tom’s leg and started to slowly caress the inside of his thigh.

  Tom was shocked and for once completely speechless. However, he didn’t want to speak because he was enjoying the sensation immensely and had stirrings that he hadn’t felt for some time. Jenny’s hand was slowly working its way nearer his groin when she turned, leant across him and kissed him firmly on the lips.

  Much to her surprise Tom responded and for several minutes they had a passionate embrace. As Tom kissed her Jenny felt so warmed and full. Suddenly Tom stopped and said, “Jen, we need to talk about this.”

  “No we don’t, don’t spoil it Tom, I have wanted you for so long but have been too frightened to say how I feel. You are a gorgeous warm-hearted man, handsome, kind, intelligent and very sexy. Please don’t stop.”

  “But we have been such close friends for so many years and I don’t want anything to spoil that friendship.”

  Jenny was amazed that she had managed to find the confidence to get this far. In for a penny, in for a pound, she thought. She kissed Tom again and tried with one hand to unbuckle Tom’s belt, which was proving more difficult that she had anticipated. She felt Tom responding, his hand unbuttoning her blouse and caressing her breast.

  Again he suddenly stopped.

  “No Jen, this is all too fast and unexpected, I don’t want us to both regret this.”

  Jenny thought to herself, shut up Tom and just get on with it.

  Jenny didn’t want Tom to think of her badly so she moved away slightly and sat quietly next to him.

  “Sorry Tom. I know I’m making a fool of myself, I know you don’t fancy me.”

  “You’re a fine elegant and wonderful woman Jenny.”

  “But you just don’t fancy me,” she interjected.

  “Let’s just take this slowly Jenny, I was enjoying that just as much as you.”

  In honesty this whole scenario had quite shocked Tom. He was flattered to discover how she felt and to his surprise had enjoyed what had just happened more than Jenny had realised. In fact he was already starting to regret that he had called a stop to it.

  “I’m just a bit confused, this has all taken me by surprise Jen but I’m really flattered.”

  Jenny was now feeling embarrassed, got up and disappeared into the kitchen changing the subject completely by saying,

  “I’ll put the kettle on Tom, I was hoping you would come back so I made a pie this morning. I’ll put it in the oven to warm up. You will share it with me won’t you?”

  “Yes I’d love to.”

  The rest of the evening went without event both enjoying a little more wine and in Tom’s case an abundance of homemade pie.

  Tom helped with the washing and clearing up and then said,

  “I must get back now Jen, thanks for a really lovely time.”

  They walked towards the front door and faced each other.

  “Tom, I’m really sorry about earlier.”

  Tom put his hand to her lips and said “Hush you certainly don’t need to apologise.”

  Then to Jenny’s amazement he put his arms around her, put his lips to hers and gave her the most heavenly kiss goodnight that she had ever experienced. She felt like she was floating.

  “Wow,” she said when Tom stopped.

  Tom turned, opened the door, turned to her again and smiled,

  “Sweet dreams and don’t worry I loved every moment.”

  “Sweet dreams to you too Tom, that was wonderful,” she replied.

  As soon as he got indoors Tom sat down to reflect on the day’s events. Wow, he thought to himself, I didn’t expect that. Tom had never really fancied Jenny but was amazed at how warm and passionate the embraces were and what a great kisser she was. For once he was starting to have carnal thoughts about his long-term friend and neighbour and regretted not going further. Jenny also sat in her lounge but in a bit of a panic, because she thought she may have made a complete fool of herself, but that last kiss goodnight which was totally at Tom’s instigation, had brought a big smile to her face. Perhaps there’s a chance after all she thought. She hoped that their next encounter might lead to something even more heavenly.


  Tom had spent a majority of his morning in a dismal grey and stale interview room interviewing a local low life about a series of house burglaries in Brampton. He had just charged, fingerprinted and photographed the prisoner and left him with the Custody Sergeant to be bailed to the local Magistrates Court.

  Now in his office, he was trying to catch up with one of his many supervisory roles, checking the court files submitted by his Detectives before they went off to the Admin Support Unit for full Court preparation.

  There was a knock on his door, which then opened.

  “Sargie, how are you?”

  “Hi Sweetface, what you up to?”

  “Ooh, ducking and diving, trying to keep out of trouble, you know me.”

  Tom laughed

  “Are we going to have a pint after work today Sarge?”

  “Yes, great Dave, about 6.30ish at the pub next door.”

  “Okey dokey. I have just been talking to a couple of the Uniform lads downstairs Tom. Do you remember that incident with the motorbike a few days ago when we were on our way back from East Point?”


  “Well, yesterday the fire brigade were called to a motorcycle on fire the other side of the town near the British Legion Hall, Uniform attended as well and recovered what was left to the compound. I had a look at it and although badly damaged, by the position of the bent up number plate at the back and its general appearance I reckon it may be the same one!”

  “Possibly nicked, dumped and torched then,” replied Tom.

  “I matched the engine and chassis numbers to a bike with a registered owner in Glasgow. It’s not shown on PNC (Police National Computer) as stolen. Uniform are getting some checks done, I’ll let you know the outcome.”

  “Thanks Dave”

  “Have we had any positive responses or sightings of Colin Peterson after all the circulations you did Sarge?”

  “No Dave, nothing of any relevance, I can’t believe his car hasn�
��t been sighted. I phoned Maria Peterson this morning and she hasn’t any update at all. Very strange.”

  “And how was your fantasy woman today Sarge?”

  “Very funny, go and get on with some work, I’ll see you in the pub later.”

  “Do you want me to call and see Wayne Evans to see if he would be willing to help us a little with the identity of these two bikers Sarge?”

  “By all means Dave, but all you’ll get will be a torrent of abuse off that arsehole.”

  “I’ll use my best Detective skills.”

  “God help us, don’t bother going then.”

  “But I learnt everything I know from you Sarge.”

  Tom shouted, “Bugger off Sweetface and shut the door after you.”

  Dave Sweeting left Tom to his paperwork.

  In the middle of the afternoon Tom received an interesting call from London’s Metropolitan Police. NCP car parks had reported an Aston Martin motor car left in one of their Heathrow short term car parks for several days now. Six hours was the maximum allowed in this car park. Despite the now abundant parking tickets on it, it had not moved which had seemed odd to one of the parking attendants bearing in mind the value of such a special motor car, although it was apparently locked up and fully secure. A check by the local police had brought up Tom’s circulation on it. He asked them to leave it where it was until he could ascertain whether there were any spare keys but to clamp it so it couldn’t go anywhere. He also discovered that there was CCTV within the car park and asked that the relevant film footage be retained.

  Tom considered phoning Maria Peterson about the spare key but then thought he would take a drive over and surprise her to see her reaction to the news. He booked out in the duty book, picked a set of CID car keys off the key rack and left for East Point. He had a leisurely drive there fantasising about the gorgeous Maria Peterson. If only Jenny Ryan had the same stunning classical beauty and immense sex appeal of Maria, Tom thought. How come it’s always plain Janes who take an interest in me? Just looking at Maria makes me go weak inside. Why can’t I find a woman like her to spend the rest of my life with?

  On arriving at Colmar Grounds he pressed the intercom.

  “Is that you Jackie?”


  “It’s Detective Sergeant Lancaster.”

  “Come in, I’ll open the front door and tell Mrs Peterson you’re here.”

  “Thank you Jackie.”

  Tom drove through the electric gates, down the drive and parked on the gravel near the front door. Once at the door Tom was again shown into the kitchen.

  “What no Jasper today?” quipped Tom.

  “No, you’re safe today, he’s out in the garden somewhere, Mrs Peterson will be over from her office in a few minutes.”

  “Shall I go over there?”

  “No, she was most adamant that I should make you a coffee here and she would be over in a minute.”

  Tom and Jackie passed the time of day. Tom heard the handle of the back door and in walked Maria Peterson.

  “Sergeant Lancaster what a pleasant surprise, I hope you have good news for me about Colin.”

  “Please call me Tom.”

  As she walked towards the kitchen table Tom was once again totally knocked out by her staggering beauty and immense style. She was wearing a pencil skirt, stilettos and dark stockings or tights. Tom liked to imagine that they were stockings. She had the most amazingly beautiful slim ankles, the walk of a goddess and her hair! Well, this time she was wearing her hair down. It was incredible, so long, dark, shiny and full of body with gentle curls. Another elegantly tailored blouse, once again showing her very ample cleavage proudly to all who cared to look. To kiss this woman would be more exciting than winning eight million on the lottery, Tom mused.

  “The Metropolitan Police have found his car Mrs Peterson.”

  “Great, is he okay, where is he?” she excitedly replied.

  “No, no, sorry Mrs Peterson, just the car not Colin.”

  Maria sank down into one of the chairs at the kitchen table, put her head in her hands and said,

  “Oh no Tom, is it bad news you’re trying to tell me?”

  “Well I don’t know Maria all we have found is the car, it was at Heathrow Airport in a short term NCP car park. A parking attendant brought it to the attention of the police after it had been there for several days contrary to parking regulations. I’ve asked them to clamp it so it can’t go anywhere and they’re retrieving CCTV footage for me for when it was parked. I came over to see if you have spare keys for it because it’s all locked up.”

  “Where do you think he’s gone Tom, does this mean he caught a plane?”

  “I’ve no idea what it means yet Maria, but I intend to find out.”

  “I’ll see if I can find his spare keys, has Jackie offered you a coffee?”

  “No, but I’d love one.”

  Maria Peterson told Jackie to make coffee and disappeared further into the house. She re-appeared about 10 minutes later with a spare set of keys for the Aston Martin.

  “Sorry for the delay Tom, they were in our key cabinet over in my office, so what do we do next?”

  “I will get the Met Scenes of Crime Officers to examine the car and get one of my men to drive it back to Brampton Police Station. If Mr Peterson returns for his car he may well think it’s been stolen and then hopefully contact the police so that we can determine that he is okay.”

  “Oh, I do hope everything’s all right with him, but why would he go away like this and not tell me where nor contact me or any of his business associates Tom?”

  “I’ve no idea.”

  “Did he use his mobile much Mrs Peterson?”

  “Tom, please please call me Maria, there’s no need to be so formal.”

  “Okay Maria, thank you.”

  “In answer to your question Tom, yes he was always talking on the damn thing why?”

  “I’ve had all his personal financial arrangements flagged including his credit cards, mobile phone etc. There has been no activity on anything not even his mobile which frankly doesn’t look good Maria.”

  “Oh Tom, I’m so worried about him, none of this makes any sense, something awful must have happened to him.”

  Maria was finding it difficult to muster a tear in her eye but she managed it and luckily Tom hadn’t noticed her acting difficulties.

  Tom put his hand across the table and placed it on top of one of hers.

  “Please Maria, I promise I will do everything I can to find him, yes it is very worrying, but let’s hope he’s okay and there is some logical explanation at the end of the day.”

  Wow, thought Tom, her hand felt so good, warm and so soft. She had the most beautiful slender fingers and elegantly manicured hands. Was there any part of this woman that wasn’t perfect he thought to himself.

  He reluctantly removed his hand.

  “I know you’ll do your best Tom, but I am so worried and I do miss him so. It’s the not knowing that’s so awful.”

  “Now, how about letting me check the other office, you were reluctant to let me do so on my last visit.”

  “Tom, there is no need and it would be too disruptive. It’s a busy day today. I assure you nothing there could help you at all as it’s my office really. Colin had little to do with that area of our business. He was predominately interested in properties and antiques. The shipping, transport and house clearance business is run by myself and my manager.”

  “Well could I speak to your manager?”

  “I have already quizzed him Tom. He has no idea where Colin was going. Colin rarely shared much with him as they didn’t always see eye to eye. Today is not a good day, next time you visit I will bring him up to the house so you can meet and talk to him.”

  “Okay Maria, I won’t trouble you any more today. Anyway I need to get these keys back so that I can make the arrangements for your husband’s car to be collected. Can I just ask what your manager’s name is?”

��Rashid Pavrek.”

  “And his address?”

  “He lives here Tom. We have two cottages half way up the drive.”

  “Oh yes, I saw them. Looks like they are being renovated.”

  “Yes they are, it’s a bit of a mess up there at the moment but it’s free accommodation for Rashid and it helps me if he’s nearby so that he can keep his finger on the pulse and keep the business running efficiently. Transport is a difficult business, there are always problems with road and shipping delays so the hours can be long for him. He’s a good loyal employee though and I pay him well.”

  Maria started walking out into the hall towards the front door to show Tom out.

  “Right Tom, thanks for coming over, let me know as soon as there is any more news please.”

  “Will do Maria, you have my mobile number. If you hear anything at all let me know won’t you.”

  “Of course Tom.”

  Tom walked to his car and drove up the drive past the two cottages towards the main gates. He wanted to drive directly alongside the cottages but access to them was not via the same drive. They were separated from the drive by green areas and a hedgerow and had their own gated access which was exclusively via the old farm track that passed directly in front of the barns and old farm buildings where Maria had her offices. He didn’t want to upset Maria by snooping unnecessarily.

  Tom left Colmar Grounds and travelled back to the office. He used his personal radio to contact Dave Sweeting to meet him back at the office.

  Tom still couldn’t help having lustful thoughts about Maria. When she had started to shed a tear he had wanted to put an arm around her and comfort her but knew that would have been totally inappropriate.

  Once back in the office he sat with Dave Sweeting and explained about the discovery of Colin Peterson’s car. He handed him the keys and told him he wanted him to go to Heathrow the following morning to meet a Met Officer and their Scenes of Crime Officer, to supervise a full examination of the vehicle and contents and to liaise with NCP to get hold of the CCTV footage for the day it was parked.

  “Then Sweetface….”

  Dave Sweeting’s eyes lit up because he knew what Tom was about to say.


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