Her Forever Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 4)

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Her Forever Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 4) Page 15

by Donna Michaels

  Cole’s secretary would be in there with fresh, steaming brews in under a minute. The woman was efficient with a capital whip.

  “No.” His buddy chuckled. “I’m not the one with a problem. You are.” Cole pointed at him. “You are in denial, my friend. All it’s going to take is some cowboy sniffing around Shayla and you’re going to go into stupid mode. Testosterone is going to take over and you’re going to want to toss her over your shoulder and cart her off to your cave so she’ll only have sex with you. It happens to all of us, buddy. I’m just trying to warn you.”

  Kevin leaned around his laptop and hit the intercom switch on the desk phone. “Stella, can you bring in some coffee? Better make that the whole pot. Bossman is operating on only half his brain cells today.” He released the switch and sat back, holding Cole’s amused stare as the secretary acknowledged the request.

  Going all caveman because of Shayla.


  The woman was free to do whatever and whoever she wanted.

  His gut unexpectedly knotted. Probably because he’d skipped breakfast that morning. He’d had Shayla instead. Heat skittered down his spine. And she’d tasted better than any damn omelet.

  Stella walked in carrying a tray with two mugs and a pot of coffee and set it on the desk between him and his boss. “Here you go, Mr. McCall.” The older woman glanced at Kevin and nodded. “Mr. Smiley.” Then pivoted on her heels and strode from the room.

  What was with everyone and his smile? He poured two mugs, adding milk and sugar to his coffee. Didn’t they have something better to do than contemplate his happiness? He always smiled. It meant nothing.

  Cole lifted his mug and stared at him through the steam. “One week.”

  Saturday, Shayla was sitting next to her daughter on the couch, fiddling with her Rubick’s cube while Amelia watched a Disney DVD of Cody’s, when her boss sent her a text asking if they could Skype. Setting her puzzle aside, she smiled, happy for contact from the outside world. Grown up contact. She was beginning to hear animals sing in her sleep. Three days of doing nothing but watch children’s shows was taking its toll. She grabbed her laptop and set up in the kitchen, far enough away to hear her boss, yet close enough to keep an eye on her daughter.

  “I’m really sorry to make you work today, Shayla,” Brandi exclaimed, thirty-minutes later, after outlining two out of three new jobs. Her boss sat in her cottage kitchen where they normally held their morning meetings, only this time, a webcam centered the pretty woman in the middle of Shayla’s computer. “But, as you can see, since I signed up three jobs this week, I’m in desperate need of organization.”

  Secretly envious of her friend’s gorgeous sun-kissed wavy brown hair, big brown eyes and traffic-stopping curves, Shayla smiled and waved a dismissive hand at the camera on top of her laptop. “No worries.”

  Oblivious as to her appeal to the opposite sex, Brandi was more focused on her fight with hypothyroidism and constant battle with weight. Not that guys cared. No. Her boss’ fiancé was living proof. Kade was completely besotted with the beauty and her Marilyn Monroe-like figure. It was sweet.

  Heck, there were times Shayla felt invisible standing next to the woman. Construction workers tripped over their tongues when Brandi was around. Sure, a few heads turned her way, just not at the volume of her voluptuous friend. Shayla was more like a toothpick with mosquito bites. Okay, that was an exaggeration. She had an hour glass figure with a healthy C cup, but there were times she felt flat next to Brandi. Thankfully, the woman wasn’t a bitch or Shayla just might have to hate her.

  “I feel bad,” her boss was saying.

  “It’s fine. Really,” she reassured. “I’m grateful. Believe me, I was going stir crazy here.”

  Keeping busy was key. No time to dwell on the possibility of her dad showing up in Harland County, or here. Or going after Caitlin. Work was a welcomed distraction.

  Otherwise, she’d be forced to think about her other problem. Kevin. And his sexy body and sinfully delicious lovemaking that would end when she left Houston.

  Lyle or Kevin. Both dangerous subjects for two very different reasons.

  Since that incredible night on the chaise, she’d taken to sleeping in the Casanova’s bed. Her body was achingly in tune with the man. It was weird. She could sense his whereabouts in the room without the aid of sight. And the minute he was close, her need for the guy increased tenfold and she couldn’t keep her hands off him. And if by some miracle she did, then he was all over her as if he couldn’t get enough.

  Cripes. By the amount of sex they’d been having the past few days, you’d think they would’ve gotten each other out of their systems. Nope. They were like cats in heat. She feared her body was going to become dependent on the cowboy. Not good. In fact, it was bad. Very bad. Every damn night, her intentions of sleeping in the room with Amelia would fly out the window with one touch, one glance, one single syllable. She was such a nymph when it came to that cowboy. It ticked her off.

  “Well, I can understand you needing to keep busy. I really hate that you and your sister have to go through this, Shayla.” Brandi sighed, concern etched in her face. “How’s Caitlin? Do you want Kade to fetch her?”

  She shook her head. “No, I talk to her daily, and just checked with her an hour ago. Things have been good all week. Normal. No strange occurrences, so she wants to stay put.”

  Brandi nodded. “If you change your mind and want her picked up, you know Kade will be there in a flash.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled, trying not to open that box of worry.

  Her sister was fine.

  She was fine.

  Everything was fine.

  “And your GED classes? What did the center have to say?”

  Brandi was the only other one beside Caitlin who knew about the classes because Shayla had needed the time off in the mornings to attend Monday through Friday for two weeks. Her boss, as always, was a huge supporter and promised to keep it quiet.

  “I called the center on Wednesday and explained I had an out-of-town emergency,” she replied, having tried to keep her excuse to them as truthful as possible. “They were very understanding.” Thank God. “I’m enrolled in the next set of classes that start two weeks from now.”

  Surely Kade would give them the okay to go back by then. Shayla was sick over the fact she’d come so close to her diploma. So damn close. Her father always found a way to interfere. Ruin her joy. Kill her dreams. She’d be damned if she allowed him take this one away from her too.

  “Oh, that’s super, honey. I’m so glad. I know how much it means to you.”

  “Thanks.” She shrugged, and wanting to get off the subject of Shayla, she turned the conversation back to work. “So, you told me about the McCaffrey addition and The Creamery’s expansion. What’s the third project you have on your plate now?”

  “That would be the humane stables.”

  Shayla blinked. “What humane stables?”

  “Kade’s, on Shadow Rock Ranch.” Brandi smiled, a beautiful, thousand watt smile, and a sheen of tears appeared in her eyes. “It’s been his dream. You know how good he is with the abused and neglected horses.”

  Shayla nodded. She sure did. The man was a natural. She’d seen some ‘before and after’ photos of a few of his charges, courtesy of Connor’s phone. The big cowboy said everyone in the county knew his friend was the go-to man if there was an animal in need. People should be added to that mix. And she was one of them. The National Guardsman helped anyone who needed helping. No questions asked. He’d certainly taken her under his wing.

  “What a wonderful project.” Her throat burned with emotion. “There’s going to be a lot of happy horses.”

  Brandi nodded, a single tear running down her face. “I know. And animals. We’re going to build one stable, and remodel the existing one that’s off on its own.. One for the horses, the other for dogs, cats, goats, cows…whatever needs shelter and healing. Kade has already talked to the humane society to
see what was needed, and the local vet is on board. Based on their information, I’ve already come up with a preliminary plan. I’ll email it to you now.”

  And for the next two hours, they mapped out a pecking order, and who and what was needed for all three jobs. After disconnecting from their session, Shayla worked on her lists for each project as Amelia colored next to her in a book Kevin bought at Sea World. Her daughter had been excited to find a goggy and was coloring it special for daddy.

  A frustrated sigh escaped her lips. No matter how many times she corrected Amelia, she couldn’t get the bugger to call him Kevin/Kebie anymore. Suppressing her irritation, she focused on the welcomed boatload of work her boss just unloaded. Since it was the weekend, and she couldn’t contact the people and county offices needed to get any of the balls rolling, her ‘to do’ list for Monday morning was quite extensive.

  “Hello, honey. I’m home,” Kevin called out with a grin as he walked in the door.

  “Daddy!” Amelia scrambled from her seat and ran to the grinning cowboy who scooped her daughter up in his arms.

  Arms her body had no trouble recalling how warm and welcoming they were or how strong as he leaned over her thrusting…

  Shaking her head to dispel the memory, she ignored her tingling parts and smiled at the man she planned on resisting that night. Starting now. She was not going to get up, under any circumstances, until her list was complete.

  “How was your day, dear?” she volleyed back, remaining in her seat, staring at him from across the room.

  “Better now,” he replied, dropping his coat and briefcase on the couch before he kissed her daughter’s head. “How about you, pumpkin? Did you have a good day?”

  Amelia’s laughter filled the penthouse and Shayla’s heart swelled at the sound. There was nothing better in life than to see and hear her daughter happy.

  “Horsie,” Ameila cried, pushing to get out of Kevin’s arms.

  She glanced at the picture her daughter had been coloring. It was the penguin, not a horse, so she had no idea what the little girl wanted.

  “You have a one track mind. Wonder who you take after?” Kevin set her daughter down and glanced directly at Shayla, gaze wickedly sinful.

  Heat skittered down her body to pool low in her belly. Stupid body.

  “Okay, we’ll play horsie for just a little bit,” he said, sitting on the couch. “But then we have to be quiet so mommy can finish working before dinner arrives.”

  Dinner? What dinner? And what exactly was horsie?

  “’Kay,” Amelia said, climbing on Kevin’s shin, big smile on her face. “Horsie.”

  The cowboy held her daughter’s hands and began to lift his leg up and down. Her daughter giggled, and laughed and cackled. And whenever the cowboy stopped, the demanding toddler cried for more. Watching the two interact did funny things to her heart. It swelled so much it hurt to breath, and her stupid eyes burned.

  Shayla had to swallow and blink a few times in order to focus on her list. Yes, much better to tune them out. Safer. Because in a few short days, Kevin wouldn’t be living under the same roof or walking in at suppertime with smiles and kisses for Amelia to count on. Let her daughter enjoy the cowboy now, while she concentrated on working to keep that roof over their heads.

  Fifteen minutes later, she closed her laptop and sighed, proud of herself for tuning everyone out long enough to finish her work. She glanced into the living room, shocked to find her daughter settled on the couch, clutching her goggy while watching some kind of educational program on TV—and Kevin setting her Rubick’s cube back on the coffee table.



  Each colored side friggin’ matching.

  “Hey.” She shot to her feet, then rushed forward, pulse hammering in her head. “What did you do?” She swiped the puzzle from the table and stared at the perfect cube for a moment before transferring her gaze to the frowning cowboy.

  “I finished it for you. Why?” He rose to his feet and lightly touched her cheek with the back of his hand. “Was I not supposed to?”

  No. He wasn’t, and she’d tell him, just as soon her stupid body gave back control of her vocal cords. Those fingers caressing her face were soft and gentle, kind of like the expression in his blue eyes. Darn him. How was she supposed to stay mad at him when he was being sweet?

  “I…” She cleared her throat. “I’ve been working on it for months now. Helps me relieve stress. But, it’s okay. I can start over.”

  Yeah, big wuss when it came to him. That was not at all what she’d planned to say. And when a smile consumed his face, her whole thought pattern disintegrated into a warm haze.

  “No problem, darlin’,” he said, easing the cube from her fist, then turned it this way and that, and before she knew it, he handed her the cube exactly as she had left it that morning.

  Shayla blinked at the puzzle, then glanced at him, shaking her head as if that would make things clearer. “How did you do that?”

  His grin broadened as he shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s a gift. I see a flowchart or pattern clear as day.”

  “Really?” She shoved the cube into his chest. “Do it again. Show me.”

  “Sure.” He took the cube, turned it this way and that, and in less than a minute he solved the puzzle.


  She grabbed the cube, turned it over twenty times then shoved it back into his chest and smiled.

  Without a word, just his sexy lopsided grin, the cowboy solved the cube yet again. For five whole minutes, Shayla messed the puzzle and Kevin solved. In total and complete awe of the man, she was only just starting to realize the cowboy’s true brilliance.

  He twisted the puzzle back to how he’d found it, then set the cube on the table. “You know,” he said, stepping right into her personal space, mischief twitching his dimples to life. “I can’t help but feel I’m being taken advantage of here. Shouldn’t I get some kind of reward?”

  “Reward?” She played dumb, fingering his collar while his hands trailed down her arms to settle deliciously on her hips.

  “Yeah, darlin’. Even circus animals get treats after their performances.”

  She laughed. “So, if I throw you a fish, you’ll catch it in your mouth?”

  “Absolutely. And clap, too.” His gaze sparkled with mirth, and something far hotter, as he drew her hips close.

  “Well, then.” She wrapped her hand around his tie and winked. “I guess I do have a little something for you.”

  And because she was such a Kevin nymph, she tugged his mouth right down on hers.

  He was addicted to Shayla.

  Kevin could deny it all he wanted to Cole, but the honest truth was evident as the gorgeous redhead in his bed. Sure, he could talk a good game. Convince just about anyone to do anything, but at the end of the day, trying to convince himself he’d rather lay on the couch with Amelia asleep in his arms than join her naked…wet momma in the shower, he had some hard truths to face.

  He loved his time with Amelia, coloring, watching TV, holding the little pumpkin while she slept in his arms. She’d ridden her horsie right into his heart. He was going to miss her once they were back in Harland County. So, the fact he’d eagerly tucked the little angel in her crib so he could race to be with her momma when he knew their time together was quickly coming to an end, only proved how strong a pull the attraction was between him and Shayla.

  The single mother gripped his attention, captivated his thoughts and tantalized his body. Yeah, he was addicted to Shayla.

  Addicted to her mouth-watering curves, wicked lips, decadent taste, sinful touch, uninhibited and insatiable hunger. He stifled a groan and tried to talk his heating body out of needing the woman again. They’d just had incredible against the wall shower sex. His legs were still trying to find their bones, and yet he was quickly recovering for another round.

  So? What the hell was wrong with that?

  He should take whatever the woman wanted to give. And,
oh hell yeah, she was very, very giving. And demanding. Heaven help him, the combination rocked his world.

  As if of its own accord, his hand snaked under the covers to gently glide down her bare back, drawing circle after circle across her supple flesh. God, she was silky smooth and so damn soft.

  “Mmm…” she uttered into the mattress before scooting close to toss a leg over him and burrow into his side.

  The feel of her generous breasts mashed against him and wet heat between her legs curving around his hip had his dick twitching to life. He curled a palm around her sweet ass and forced his other to remain on the hand she used to stroke his chest. Keep it simple. Keep it safe.

  “You’re nice and warm.” She snuggled closer, causing his eyes to cross.

  Safe. Keeping it safe.

  He lifted her wrist and kissed her tattoo. She stared up at him, mass of emotions fluttering through her eyes.

  Don’t do it. Don’t ask.

  “For your mom?”

  Damn mouth wasn’t good at following orders.


  A one word answer. Good. The woman didn’t want to answer any more than he wanted to know. And he didn’t want to know, because knowing made sex personal. Which would be a mistake. A stupid one. Why ruin a good thing? They had four days of raw, passionate, crazy sex without hardly any words involved.

  Don’t mess it the fuck up.

  It was still walk-away-able.

  “Your mom liked dragonflies?”

  Duct tape. Where the hell was the duct tape? He needed a big ass piece for his big mouth. Or maybe he could put it over hers should she feel inclined to answer. But this was Shayla. Surely, she’d tell him to mind his own damn business. Yeah, any second now. Any second now she was going to shut him down hard.

  He held his breath, partly in anticipation, but mostly so he didn’t ask another damn question.

  “Yes. My mom used to say they were resilient and represented hope.”

  A bubble of some sort rippled through Kevin’s chest, causing his heart to catch. Lack of oxygen, no doubt. He released his breath, kissed her palm, then set her hand back on his pecs.


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