Her Forever Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 4)

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Her Forever Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 4) Page 18

by Donna Michaels

Whether she stayed in Houston or went back to Harland County, she and her daughter were in danger. Still, she had to make a decision. Immediately.

  Go back to Harland County and keep looking over her shoulder, risking being found by her father. Or stay in Houston, live with Kevin. Sleep with Kevin. Have crazy monkey sex with Kevin. Risk her daughter becoming even more attached to Kevin.

  “So, what’s it going to be?” Kade asked again.

  The choice was actually very simple. She had to do what was best for Amelia.

  She straightened her spine and met the cowboy’s troubled blue eyes. “We’re coming back to Harland County.”

  “Okay, give me a shout when you’re clo—”

  Kevin swiped the phone from her ear, deep frown creasing his brow. “Kade, what’s going on? Is it safe or not?” he asked, striding a few feet away.

  No sense in getting angry, or trying to regain custody of her phone. The cowboy was just concerned. He was a good friend.

  She stood and faced Cole. “Kade said there haven’t been any signs of my dad. It’s up to me whether to wait longer.” Shayla glanced at her daughter who set her cup on the chair and climbed down to run to Kevin and wrap her arms around his legs. “It’s time to go back.”

  “If you want to go back tonight, I’ll take you,” Cole said, regaining her attention. “Kevin has to stay and take the information our marketing team is gathering from their meeting right now, and give a presentation to stock holders in the morning. But you’re more than welcome to stay and wait to drive back with him tomorrow. It’s up to you.”

  A big, friggin’ invisible elephant seemed to have parked its butt on her chest. Breathing was a chore. Thinking was even harder. Shayla rubbed the ache, watching the cowboy approach with her daughter smiling in his arms.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Wednesday evening, Kevin pulled up at Shadow Rock, noting Brandi’s crew had broken ground on Kade’s animal sanctuary that day. Silent equipment dotted the far landscape where the new stable would stand. With a plan to remodel the existing sanctuary stable, his cousin wanted to add a new one to shelter non-equine breeds.

  Kade was a saint.

  His cousin was certainly a savior to many neglected horses in the past. Now, Sgt. Saint was spreading out to help dogs, cats, pigs, cows…flying monkeys, unicorns, whatever needed rescuing. And Kevin had gladly signed on to lend a hand. He hated to see anyone, or anything unhappy.

  Dalton DNA.

  The sun was setting as he got out of his truck and the construction crew slid into theirs to leave for the day. It wasn’t all that late, but until the spring, daylight ended early. He walked around several cars, including Shayla’s SUV. His pulse picked up speed. He hadn’t seen the woman since she left McCall Enterprises Sunday afternoon.

  Foolishly assuming she’d wait a day and go back with him Monday, he’d felt a sucker-punch to the gut when she drove back with Cole instead. Determined to brush it off, he’d arrived at the penthouse Sunday night to find it spotless. Quiet. Empty. No sign that the single mother who’d willingly and thoroughly shared her body with him all week, or her little angel who swiftly wormed her way into his heart, had ever been present.

  Weird. He’d never minded the quiet solitude before, he’d actually welcomed it, took pains to maintain his privacy at the penthouse. He never brought a woman there, preferring to go to a hotel or their place. It was of his experience that a woman favored having sex in her own bed, anyway. So why he’d suddenly found the silence deafening, and the place cold, made no sense. Even sleeping, which was never a problem before, turned into a chore. He’d been restless and tossed all night. After a few hours, he got up and tried playing video games, then writing code. Nothing helped. Still restless. It was crazy. Lonely.

  And that’s when he’d realized the problem. His body was going through withdrawal. Having had incredible marathons of sex with the tantalizing redhead, he’d suddenly gone cold turkey. His favorite body part had gotten use to being used. Rising to the redhead’s demands. But, there were other women out there, and last night, he’d headed to a bar for some fun. His snort blew away with the wind. Waste of time. This weekend, though, he was going to get back into the swing of things and return to the field, instead of isolating himself with just one.

  Feeling better, he entered the ranch and snuck down to his room to shower and change before supper. It was a jeans and T-shirt kind of evening. Besides, he’d distinctively heard Amelia in the kitchen. The desire to rush in there and see the little pumpkin had been strong. Too strong. So strong he’d forced his feet in the opposite direction.

  She’s not your daughter, he reminded himself as he entered his room. Stay away. Keep it simple.

  Thirty minutes later, dressed in his favorite jeans, old boots and worn-out college T-shirt, he slipped on a gray flannel shirt calculating he’d stalled long enough. Shayla should’ve had enough time to finish work, grab her kid and leave.

  His heart grew heavy. Tough. They were back in Harland County. Back to normal. Time his heart got over it. Damn thing wasn’t supposed to be involved, anyhow.

  Pushing through the kitchen door, he entered with a smile on his face, ready to bullshit his way through another supper of well-meaning, but getting-damned-annoying questions.

  Work was fine.

  He was fine.

  Everything was fine.

  Two nights of it was enough. Today had better be different. And it was. He’d immediately sensed it. Yep. The addition of Connor, Kerri, Brandi, and of course, Shayla sitting at the table with Amelia on her lap was definitely a different Shadow Rock occurrence.


  Since several gazes were on him, it was too late to retreat. He’d just have to up the bullshit factor and pretend things were peachy.

  And that pissed him off more.

  Things should be just fine. He never had a problem with seeing a lover in a non-lover environment. Eating with Shayla should be no different.

  Except it was.

  The redheaded temptress was in his home. His other private domain that had always been lover-free.

  Of course she’d be welcomed at Shadow Rock. The woman had been at the ranch plenty of times before they’d become lovers. He was an idiot. He should’ve taken that into account before he’d taken her to bed. Seeing a former lover in a grocery store was a hell of a lot different than running into her at his house, on his property, in his fucking kitchen.

  And did she have to look so damn good? Auburn hair all lose and wavy around her pretty face, showcasing the deep, mesmerizing blue of her eyes. His body was acting strange, with a weird fluttering going on.

  Ah, hell, he needed a damn time out.

  Apparently, a few days away weren’t enough. At least the temptress hadn’t shown up at Mrs. Avery’s last night, claiming Amelia had the sniffles. His gaze settled on the little girl too busy slapping the table to notice him. She appeared fine. A miraculous recovery.

  Whatever the case, he had been relieved. His body was still too in tuned to the single mother. As if to confirm that hypothesis, damn awareness suddenly skittered down his spine while his blood turned up the volume in his ears.

  “Hey, Kevin. Have a seat. We saved you some pot roast,” his sister Jen said, motioning to a vacant chair, surprisingly not next to Shayla.

  Maybe fate was on his side.

  “I’m sure Connor and Kade will move over so you can squeeze in.”

  Or laughing her ass off.

  Play it cool. Keep it simple.

  “Great. Thanks,” he replied, smile still in place.

  “Daddy!” Amelia scrambled from her mother and barreled right to him.

  A thrill he refused to dissect raced through his veins. He knew he should probably correct the little darlin’, but his heart always belayed the order.

  “I didn’t know Ukewl Kevin was Amelia’s daddy,” his nephew Cody said, amazement coating his high-pitched tone.

  “He’s not, honey,�
� Shayla quickly responded.

  Ignoring the myriad of shocked faces, he bent to scoop up the little angel and held her close. “Hey, pumpkin.” He received a combination of butterfly and sloppy kisses while her momma went on to explain why the little girl showered him with the endearment. Kevin never took offense. The title was an honor. Although, he understood Shayla’s concern.

  He was not Amelia’s dad.

  He had no right to her.

  And no real role in her future.

  What he did have was a heart slowly warming for the first time in days. Always the one to bring other’s pleasure, Kevin found it strange to have the tables turned. The little pumpkin made him smile. Made him happy. Made him feel alive.

  So did her momma.

  Damn. Where the hell had that thought come from?

  Didn’t matter, it was true. The thought was unwelcomed until he got his routine back on track. Started dating again. Last night’s fiasco with the redhead from a local honky tonk didn’t count. Disgust soured his palate. He hadn’t been ready, was all. The mood wasn’t there. The attraction wasn’t there. His head hadn’t been in it. Either of them.


  No life. Not a spark.

  Limp city.

  “Sorry,” Shayla said, gaze apologetic as she approached to remove her daughter from his grasp.

  And oh, look at that. Spring city. Damn dick sprang to life now. All systems go. His favorite body part was pumping up good and thick the longer she stood there brushing against him.

  “Daddy,” Amelia cried, clinging to him, crying, on the verge of one of her tantrums.

  “It’s okay,” he told the frustrated redhead, shifting the little pumpkin in his arms. “I got her.” Then, without waiting for a reply, he turned and walked straight to his chair and sat down, all eyes still on him. “Looks like you made some progress today,” he said to Brandi, and the conversation about the new stable lasted clean through dessert.

  “Damn, Kerri,” Kade said, digging into his second strawberry shortcake. “Nobody makes a strawberry taste better than you. Unless I’m sharing it with Brandi.”

  A blush seeped into Kerri’s face, matching the designer’s, as she smiled at the happy couple. “Thanks.”

  “Everything my wife makes is delicious,” Connor stated, reaching for her hand to bring to his mouth.

  Strawberry sharing…

  Kevin’s body heated just thinking about the strawberry he’d shared with Shayla last year.

  Their first kiss.

  Delicious. Decadent. Damn near perfect. Shayla and strawberries went well together. He’d eaten several off her delectable body last week. Covered her sexy freckles with Redi whip and slowly licked them clean.

  Heat skittered down his spine. Not exactly appropriate considering the woman’s daughter was in his arms. Pushing images of sex with Shayla out of his mind, Kevin kept his mouth shut, his gaze downcast and let the others dominate the conversation. And before he knew it, dessert was done, the table was cleared and Cody approached.

  “Come on, Amelia,” his nephew said. “Let’s go play.”

  She smiled. “’Kay.” Then scooted off Kevin’s lap. “Play.”

  “Yeah, maybe wiff the bwocks this time,” the four-year-old said, holding Amelia’s hand as they rushed from the room.

  “Well, if I know my son, that means everything that’s on the coffee table is going to hit the floor. I’d better make sure he doesn’t break anything,” Jen said, getting up from the table.

  “I’ll help,” Shayla offered.

  No surprise. The redhead was good at running. That wasn’t fair. He grimaced inwardly at his meanness. Damn woman was smart, though. She knew when to leave to avoid confrontations.

  Why was he complaining? He didn’t want her near. She made things throb.

  “I’ll watch,” Kerri said.

  “Me, too,” Brandi added, and soon only the men were left in the room.

  His brother-in-law rose to his feet. “And I have paperwork waiting for me.” Brock nodded at them before exiting out the back door.

  “Well now,” Connor said, getting up, but he didn’t leave, he headed to the fridge to grab three beers. “At least the tension has subsided. I was plumb afraid to breathe there for a while.” Moose tossed a beer to Kade, then set one down in front of him before retaking his seat. “You look like you need that.”

  JD would’ve been better, but he popped the cap and took a long pull. The ice-cold brew slid down his throat in a welcomed chug.

  “Well?” Connor stared at him.

  Kevin glanced from Moose to Kade then back again. “Well what?”

  “Is there something you want to tell us, Daddy?” McJollyRancher sat back in his chair and laughed.

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “Shayla already explained all that to you, Moose. Sorry if she used big words.”

  The giant chuckled while Kade sat back and drank his beer. Watching. Quietly. Damn. Sgt. Observation was in the house. Which meant trouble. When his cousin was in the all-seeing/all-knowing mode, no one was safe. He’d much rather deal with McQuestions on his right.

  Kevin wasn’t stupid. He glanced away, drank his beer, biding his time until he could leave without appearing to run.

  “Nearly a week together,” Connor continued, shaking his head. “You were brave, man. I would’ve never been able to do that in the early days with Kerri. No way could I have kept my hands off her.”

  “He didn’t,” Kade stated, gaze glued to Kevin’s, direct. Spot on.


  “Ah, hell, Kevin.” Moose set his bottle on the table with a thud. “What’d you go and do that for? Now you’re screwed.”

  Kevin snorted. “Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  The big cowboy nodded and lifted his beer in a toast. “Ain’t that always the case?”

  “You couldn’t just leave her be?” Kade shook his head, disappointment clouding his gaze.

  “I hate to break this to you, cuz, but it was mutual, you know,” he defended, but declined to mention it was actually Shayla who had initiated sex the first time. She’d propositioned him. Not that it had taken much. In fact, it had taken very little—the fact she’d had very little on under her robe.

  He downed the rest of his beer then got up and grabbed another. Definitely a multiple kind of night. Ah, hell. Stupid word choice.

  “You’re right,” his cousin said. “And I wouldn’t have been able to last cooped up with Brandi like that, either. I’d just hoped you were stronger.”

  “Nope. Human like the rest of you,” he said, dropping back into his chair.

  “Then let me guess…” Connor leaned forward. “You probably agreed to a friends having sex thing.”

  “Yeah, with no relationship,” his cousin added.

  Kevin pulled the bottle from his mouth and shook his head. “Not exactly. Ours was a Houston thing.”

  Moose frowned. Must’ve been an adult word in there the big guy hadn’t understood. Kevin glanced at Kade. Damn, his cousin was frowning, too.

  “We agreed to have sex only while we were in Houston,” he clarified before he tipped back his beer, feeling a little better at having explained his dilemma.

  “Well, hell.”


  He held up his bottle in mock salute to their responses. “Exactly.”

  “So, when are you going back?”


  “If you two can only have sex in Houston, when are you going back?” Connor asked.

  Kevin laughed. “We’re not, you idiot.”

  “Oh, so you’re just not going to have sex anymore.”

  “What? No. I mean, yes…I mean no.” He shot to his feet, a fierce restlessness rushing through him.

  “Ah shit,” Moose grumbled. “Kade, your cousin is going through withdrawals.”

  “Yeah, but as soon as I figure out how to fix things, I’ll be fine.”

  “Fix what things?”

  “My body.”
  “What the hell’s wrong with your body?”

  “She broke it.”

  Moose pounded on his chest as he choked on his beer. “She broke your body?”

  “Yeah. It doesn’t work anymore. Nada. Zip. Not even a twitch,” he stated, pointing to his crotch.

  McGiant turned a little green as reluctance dulled his eyes. “Do I want to know how you know this?”

  “I was out with this smokin’ hot redhead last night—”

  “You mean Shayla?” Connor interrupted.

  “No, a dental hygienist at a honky tonk in Galveston.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Nothing. Not a damn thing, that’s just it.” Shoving a hand through his hair, Kevin blew out a breath in an attempt to relieve the pressure in his chest. “We were dancing, having a great time, when she pushed me against the wall and kissed me long and deep.”

  “And nothing happened,” Kade said.

  “Exactly.” Kevin slapped the counter. “Nothing. No spark, no twinge. The one-eyed monster is on strike. No lead in the pipe. Limp biscuits ‘r’ us. But oh…” He reeled back, lifting his hands. “One little look from Shayla, one innocent brush of the hand and bammo. Hello Houston we now have liftoff. All systems are a go-go!”

  The guys just stared at him. And blinked. Smiling. Dammit. It wasn’t funny.

  He dropped back down in the chair with a curse. “It’s not right. It’s like she rewrote…” pausing, he sat up straight and blinked at the two chuckleheads. “Son-of-a-bitch. She did. Somehow she rewired my libido so it only responds to her touch.”

  “Sorry, cuz.” Kade chuckled. “You know that’s not possible.”

  “Sure it is. I’m living proof. It’s like a signature on a gun. You program it only to fire with a certain palm print around the handle.”

  “Oh.” Connor nodded. “So, your limp biscuit will only work if Shayla’s palm—”

  “I think we get the picture,” Kade interrupted.

  “Yes.” McGiant nodded. “Kevin here has entered the girl vortex.”

  His cousin grunted, tipping his beer.

  “Exactly my problem,” Kevin agreed. “Now there’s no movement below the belt unless I’m near Shayla’s vortex.”


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