Her Forever Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 4)

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Her Forever Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 4) Page 24

by Donna Michaels

  “I just got out of one,” she said, shuddering, spark of heat returning to her gaze.

  “But not with me.”

  An hour later, after giving the woman back scratching, body rubbing and more kisses, Kevin was driving them to the Masters’ to pick up Amelia. He missed the little pumpkin and hoped Shayla would let him put her daughter to sleep that night. Reading to Amelia, rocking her in the chair, tucking her into her bed with her goggy, their time together was unbelievably special to him.

  “Thanks, Kevin,” Shayla said, causing him to turn to her.

  “For what?”

  “For taking good care of me.” Her grin was both sweet and wicked and had his blood heating in seconds.

  He cocked his head and grinned. “You do have one of those incredibly satisfied expressions on your face.”

  It was true. Her mouth was relaxed, face was flushed, gaze was lazy and warm.

  “So do you, cowboy.”

  Kevin glanced in the rearview mirror and laughed. “You’re right. I do. Because I am satisfied. Big time.” He reached for her hand and squeezed. “Thank you, Shayla, for taking care of me, too.”

  She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say more. Possibly open up. His heart rocked in his chest. But they arrived at the Masters’ to find Mr. and Mrs. McCall getting out of their car. Whatever Shayla had been about to say remained a secret.

  “You’re welcome,” she said instead, squeezing his hand back in response.

  With the older couple smiling from the driveway, he nodded to them before turning to Shayla. “I’d prefer you to thank me later,” he said, then slipped out of the truck and walked around to meet her at the passenger door. “You’re supposed to let me open it for you.”

  “Sorry.” Her face flushed, turning her eyes a brilliant blue. “I keep forgetting.”

  He smiled, saddened and strangely warmed by the knowledge he was the first guy to ever open doors for the beautiful woman. “No worries, darlin’. You’ll remember eventually.”

  “Nice job, son,” Mr. McCall said, nodding approval.

  Mrs. McCall reached up to pat his face. “You were always a gentleman, Kevin.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, grabbing Shayla’s hand to hold tight as they followed the older couple inside.

  “Mommy! Daddy!” Amelia ran across the great room the second she’d spotted them.

  Still holding Shayla’s hand, he scooped down and lifted her daughter up with the other. “Hi, pumpkin.

  “Hi, Shayla. Hi, Kevin. Nice to see you back,” Mr. Masters said, getting up off the floor where he’d been sitting building a very impression house of blocks.

  “I thought you were due in tomorrow. What a nice surprise,” Mrs. Masters added, lifting up on tip-toe to kiss his cheek.

  “One of the lecturers got sick, so they cut it a day early.” Thank God. He wouldn’t have lasted through another boring lecture without hanging himself with his tie.

  “I’m glad,” Shayla said, surprising him by showing her feelings in front of others. Then she blushed. “Not that the guy got sick. I mean, I’m glad that you’re back early.”

  God, she was adorable.

  “Thank you.” He leaned over and kissed the freckle on her nose. So adorable.

  “Daddy.” The little girl in his arms grabbed his face and gave him the butterfly kisses he’d missed all week long.

  “What are you going to do about Amelia’s second birthday? It’s in two weeks, right?” Mrs. McCall asked, smiling sweetly at the little girl in his arms.

  She was going to be two already? Why didn’t he know this? He was seeing her mom. His chest tightened with some unknown emotion. They were in a relationship. Some of these things he should know. Kevin glanced from daughter to mother who lifted her gaze to him and smiled.

  “Actually, last night, Cody happened to generously offer to have it at his house.” Shayla informed, turning her attention to the others. “So, as soon as he gives me more details, I shall pass them along. But thank you so much for asking.”

  The other couples laughed.

  “That Cody is a pickle.” Mr. McCall chuckled.

  “You’ve no idea,” he said, finding it hard not to smile. His almost five-year-old nephew was a treat. “Takes after his Uncle Kade.”

  Mrs. McCall shook her head and waved a hand at him. “Ah, I’d say he’s more like you.”

  True. At times. The little boy was mischievous like him, but also kindhearted like Kade.

  “We’d better let you go,” Mrs. Masters said, carrying Amelia’s diaper bag as she walked with them toward the door. “You have a busy two weeks between the big Dance-a-Thon next Saturday and then Amelia’s party the following week.”

  “Yes, I can’t believe it’s almost here,” Shayla replied, squeezing his hand.

  He glanced down at her and smiled. Hard to believe the event that pulled them together back in January was nearly upon them. “I look forward to winning with you.”

  The redhead leaned into him, body warm and soft. “Me, too, cowboy. The others don’t stand a chance.”

  Hell, he didn’t stand a chance. Not of keeping his heart safe from her. She already ruled it. Owned it. And he was all right with that.

  He just wondered if he owned any piece of hers at all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  All those weeks of practicing had paid off.

  Shayla couldn’t believe it. More than half-way through the Dance-a-Thon and she wasn’t the least bit tired. Her gaze raked over her partner, smiling as they quick-stepped around the floor. Nope. He wasn’t tired either.

  Held in a college gymnasium the next town over, the thirty-six hour Dance-a-Thon had over a hundred couples representing many wonderful charities. Each couple had to raise an entrance fee that was automatically catalogued for their charity. McCall Enterprises sponsored four couples, her and Kevin, Jordan and Cole, Kerri and Connor and Brandi and Kade, paying their entrance fees, matching the fee each hour the couple stayed on the floor. The Foster Children’s Charity was going to benefit whether any of the couples won or not.

  If the contestants weren’t dancing, they had to stand, but with the amount of wonderful food the Texas-Republic had donated, bottomless cups of sweet tea, coffee and water, they were set.

  “How are you feeling?” Kevin asked as they slow danced to a George Straight song.

  She lifted her head and smiled. “Great, although, alone, with you, naked would be better.”

  His gaze darkened and jaw flexed with his groan. “You are killing me. You know we still have ten more hours to go, even if we’re the only ones left.”

  She nodded, recalling the rules that were read to everyone before the first song was played and the large digital stop watch began running, displaying the time in red numbers. The winning couple both had to be standing/dancing the full thirty-six hours, and in the event of a tie, the clock would keep running. Special prizes would be awarded to couples who showed skill and perseverance. They had both.

  “I know,” she replied. “I’m hoping it’ll be the incentive to keep you going.”

  He pulled her close, smiling sexy and naughty, ramping her pulse to full throttle in the middle of the crowd. “How about I write a check to the charity and we go find the nearest hotel?”

  Shayla laughed, enjoying the dancing. Enjoying the man. She was lighthearted and happy, a feeling she often felt over the whole six weeks she’d been in a relationship with the handsome man. He didn’t push, but he supported. Didn’t dig, but he listened. Didn’t dictate, but he followed, except for sex, he did take lead a lot. Mostly because she enjoyed whatever he dished.

  “I love the idea, but I don’t think Mrs. Avery would.” She nodded toward their die-hard instructor, reclining in a lounge chair the woman brought, propped with a pillow and covered with a blanket.

  “Killjoy,” he muttered, but his gaze held too much mirth to be taken serious. “But Kade and Cole got to leave. It’s not fair.”

  She chuckled, pattin
g his shoulder. “They left because both the sheriff and deputy got a call.”

  “They probably bribed someone to call so they could leave.” He snorted.

  “Connor doesn’t seem to have a problem dancing with Kerri. Don’t you want to dance with me?”

  “You know I love to dance with you,” he said, twirling her around as a waltz began to play. “You also know what happened after practices when we got back to your apartment, or almost back.”

  And just like that, she was wet. Dammit. Rigorous practices always led to hot, fast, vigorous sex with the incorrigible man. He deliberately mentioned them.

  “Hey, I know,” he continued to tease, holding her in the closed position they knew so well. “What if we had sex up against the wall in the bathroom?”

  Her heart rocked in her chest while liquid heat pooled low in her belly.

  “If we’re still standing, we won’t get disqualified, right?”

  She laughed. “I’m not sure, but we could get arrested for indecent exposure.”


  Shayla was still smiling over the conversation and Kevin’s fun-loving nature when the clock signaled they’d danced for over thirty-four and a half hours. Limbs were aching and heavy, but her spirit was still high, thanks to her wonderful, funny partner.

  “Well, we’re down to just one other couple now,” Kevin said as the third remaining couple stumbled off the floor to sit down, near Mrs. Avery.

  The woman gave them a thumbs up.

  “It was a good night.”

  “I agree.” She squeezed his hand. “Thanks for making it fun.”

  “Any time, darlin’.”

  Suppressing a yawn, she fought to think of something, anything to keep her mind going. “I’m surprised Kerri and Connor had lasted thirty hours,” she said. “And they didn’t even practice.”

  “That you know of,” her partner said. “McMoose is very competitive. I wouldn’t put it past him to have worked in a few sessions with Kerri the past few weeks.”

  Shayla smiled. Totally seeing the big cowboy doing just that to prepare. “Well, it paid off. They raised some great funds tonight…today. Whatever it is.”

  With no windows to look outside, she wasn’t sure.

  “It’s six-thirty Sunday evening, my little sleepy head.” He led her to a dessert table. “You won’t fall down if I let go of you, will you?”

  She laughed. “No, I’m not that tired.”

  “Okay, then will you hold me so I don’t fall down?” he asked with a grin, before letting her go to fill up two coffees with lots of sugar, no cream, to keep them going.

  They had just finished their coffee and dessert when the McCalls and Masters walked in and gathered by Mrs. Avery. Shayla glanced around. There were a lot of people in the building again. Not on the dance floor, but crowding the other areas, waiting to see who would win.

  Her and Kevin.

  When a Charlie Daniels song came on, one she’d enjoyed hearing Brandi play many times, Shayla grabbed her partner’s hand. “Let’s take ‘em.”

  Heat sparked in his eyes and a deep grin spread across his face. “You got it, darlin’.”

  Forty-seven minutes later, as they danced to one of her favorite ZZ Top songs, it became obvious they had when the female from the other couple slid to the floor. Automatically disqualifying them.

  Cheers went up around the room. Connor’s hoots and Cole’s hollers echoed the crowd.

  Kevin picked her up and twirled her around. “We did it,” he said, tone happy and sure. “It’s ours to lose now, and darlin’, that isn’t going to happen.”

  “Folks, settle down. Settle down,” the announcer said, trying to quiet the crowd and keep people from rushing the floor. “We only have one couple, you’re right, but they still have,”

  the man paused to glance at the clock, “Forty-three minutes to go. Let’s give them some space and cheer them on!”

  Two waltzes, a tango, jitterbug, a rock ballad, a polka and an Irish jig later, Shayla had her second wind and enjoyed creating some fancy moves with her partner as they danced to an Usher tune. Damn, she loved how her cowboy moved. Heat rushed through her veins and she danced around the guy very close. His moves inspired a need best left for privacy.

  Or that bathroom, up against the wall scenario.

  “Darlin’, if you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m going to blow our winning in the final minutes just to get inside you.”

  Her intake of breath was lost to the cheering around them. “Then stop dancing so sexy.”

  A lop-sided grin tugged his lips. “I can’t. Don’t know any other way.”

  With a little less than eight minutes left, the crowd went wild when their Garth Brooks song came on. Everyone was on their feet, clapping, whistling, cheering. Shayla exchanged an excited glance with Kevin.

  “Well, darlin’, what do you say we give them what they want?”

  Feeding off the adrenaline of the crowd, Shayla danced her heart out, and feet off, and even had enough to see her through the final, appropriate song about champions by Queen.

  They won. They did it.

  And an hour later, after several awards, a big postcard check to the charity head, photos and congratulations from a teary-eyed, grateful Mrs. Avery and all her quilting buddies, their friends and relatives and complete strangers, Shayla was ready to drop. But she sucked it up and managed to walk to Kevin’s truck without assistant.

  “Well, darlin’ I think we earned a sleep in tomorrow,” he said, starting his truck.

  “I agree.” She yawned. “It was nice of your sister to take Amelia tonight for a sleepover with Cody.”

  He nodded and pulled onto the road, his hand reaching for her thigh. “Yes, because we have one final dance of the night to do to take care of my damn two-day hard on.”

  Friday afternoon, Amelia’s birthday party/barbecue was in full swing at Shadow Rock Ranch. With unseasonably warm temperatures, Cody’s request for an outdoor party was granted and Shayla was happy to see the little boy enjoying the party as much as the guest of honor.

  “Thank you so much, Cody, for helping me throw Amelia such a great party,” she told the little boy.

  His chest puffed out and shoulders straightened. “You’re welcome. My pleasure,” he said with a finger to the tiny black Stetson on his head.

  Fighting a grin, she nodded and moved on before her amusement won out.

  “You look absolutely beautiful today, Shayla,” Kevin said, sneaking up from behind to pull her in close and kiss her neck. “What are my chances of getting you alone to stargaze in my truck later?”

  She turned sideways to grin at him. “Is that what they call it now?”

  He chuckled. “No, but sometimes it does lead to that.”

  “Does it? I wouldn’t know. I’ve never stargazed.”

  Kevin stilled, then twisted her around to face him. “That’s not right. We’re going to amend that later.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and her heart beats increased when his hands slid to her hips. “I look forward to stargazing with you.” Leaning in, she kissed him, lingering, enjoying the freedom of not having to worry about offending the others with a public display of affection. Jordan, Kerri, Brandi and Jen all kissed their men plenty of times today. Even the older McCalls and Masters stole a few kisses.

  “Mommy, daddy,” Amelia chanted, squeezing her way between their legs.

  She broke the kiss and laughed with Kevin who bent to lift her daughter.

  “What do you want, birthday girl?” he asked, fixing Amelia’s frilly, purple dress he’d bought.

  How the heck he knew what size to buy, was a mystery. But the man was spot on.

  “Horsie,” her daughter yelled, pushing to get down, but not before grabbing Kevin’s hand. “Horsie!”

  Amelia led him to the nearest chair, right between Connor and Cole, and was straddling his leg before he’d even had the chance to fully sit. Shayla bit her lip, but her chuc
kle must’ve escaped because he glanced up and narrowed his eyes.

  “Laugh it up. You’re the one who’ll have to rub my knee later.”

  As serious as possible, Shayla nodded and held his gaze. “No problem. I like rubbing you.”

  The McCall brother’s snorted, while Kevin stilled and his mouth fell open.

  “That’s a good look on you,” she said.

  Two for two. She was on a roll.

  His opened mouth turned into a lopsided grin as he continued Amelia’s horsie ride. “Just remember what they say about payback, Shayla. I’m going to take care of you real good.”

  Tipping her head, she ignored the snickering brothers watching them like a tennis match and concentrated on Kevin. “I’m counting on it, cowboy.”

  Sparring was fun. The cowboy challenged, and she said and did some pretty daring things. Relaxing a little more every day, she was opening up, and he seemed to like it. She’d exchanged birthdates, favorite foods, colors, and had a heated discussion about basketball teams, which led to a heated discussion of another kind. A smile tugged her lips at the memory. Damn, her man sure could discuss.

  Desire glittered in his gaze, along with something more. Her pulse kicked up. She liked the something more. He made her feel things, and not just physical things or needs with her body, but heart needs and wants. The man had touched her everywhere, and in many ways, and her heart was not excluded.

  Kevin Dalton was the only one with a key card to her heart. The only one with complete access. So, it was time. Later on, when they were stargazing, she had some truths to share with him.

  With one last glance, she turned to find Jordan smiling behind her. Shayla lifted her chin. “Did that about cover it?”

  The woman nodded. “Yep. I’d say so. Come on. Brandi, Jen and Kerri are doing jello shots. I think it’s time we joined them.”

  For the next hour, she had a lime and raspberry jello shot and two hallowed out strawberries, rimmed with salt that Kerri filled with a margarita jello mixture. A third one would’ve been much welcomed, but Shayla didn’t want to be too tipsy for her stargazing adventure with Kevin. Wouldn’t do for the stars to be spinning overhead. That’d only make her sick, and she wanted to have a heart to heart with him, preferably not from the ground.


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