Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2)

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Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2) Page 27

by Toni Aleo

  Nico scoffs. “You’d actually have to be able to score to do that. We all know you don’t have the stick—on or off the ice.”

  Wes holds out his hands. “There are three of us, dude. Come on.”

  Nico just laughs. “Bring it, you toddlers.”

  Toddlers? I can’t help it; I laugh.

  Aiden’s crazed gaze meets mine. “Why are you laughing?”

  “He called us toddlers. It’s a pathetic comeback and kind of funny. Ignore his punk ass,” I urge, pushing Aiden back. “Score on him. Many times. Please.”

  Nico’s laughter only pisses Aiden off more. “You know, you should hate him too.”

  I perk a brow. “I mean, he called me a toddler, but—”

  “He almost slept with her.”

  Wait. What? “Huh? When?”

  “Back at her cousin’s wedding. Shelli stopped it, though.”

  I ignore the rage that is bubbling through my body. If I remember correctly, that wedding was last fall. Way before me. Way before us.

  Still, the jealousy is real.

  “It doesn’t matter. That was months ago. I’m not gonna kick his ass for that.”

  Aiden scoffs. “Then kick his ass because he’s a cum dumpster!”

  Wes and I laugh as we push our friend off the ice. I may not kick Nico’s ass, but I’ll sure as hell ask Posey about it.

  Not that it really matters, but I still want to know.

  We beat the IceCats in a nine-round shootout after a no-scoring game.

  It was actually Wes who scored on Nico, winning the game for us. Somehow, Aiden kept it classy when he jumped over the boards to congratulate our best friend. I’m pretty sure he wanted to drop his gloves and start doing the “Gangnam Style” dance when Nico skated by him. He somehow restrained himself, but he did do it in the locker room. With Wes.

  It was quite a show.

  They wanted me to join, but I was already on my way out when a text came through that my girlfriend would be waiting for me in the tub.

  Posey naked in a tub, or doing the Gangnam Style with the guys?

  I always choose Posey.

  I park beside her car and head up the stairs to her place. Once at her door, I find her key on my key ring and unlock her door. When I enter, I can hear the spa tub going with country music playing in her room. I lock the door as I set my keys, wallet, and phone on the bar. I head down the hall, calling out, “Lucy, I’m home.”

  Her laughter makes me smile. I peel off my jacket, laying it on her bed before looking into the bathroom to find her lusciously naked and sudded up. Her hair, which is a lighter auburn in the bathroom light, is up in a high bun, and she sets me with a look.

  “Really? Five-hole? You clearly had him blocker side.”

  I knew she was going to give me shit for my shootout miss. As I untuck my shirt, I say, “I wasn’t confident in it. I thought you said he was weak five-hole.”

  “He is. He knows that, everyone knows that, so it only works on the power play—one-on-one, blocker side.”

  I give her a dry look. “Well, you dropped the puck on that one, Coach.”

  She sighs, watching as I undress. “Fine, I guess I can make it up to you.”

  “Damn right,” I tease as I walk fully naked into the bathroom. I already showered, but soaking in her hot-as-hell water with her naked is a perfect reason to get wet again. I stop at the toilet to take a whiz. “Tell me about your doctor’s appointment.”

  She groans loudly. “Complete clusterfuck. They’ve decided I have an infection.”

  I glance over to her. “Herpes?”


  I wiggle my cock clean before flushing the toilet and washing my hands. “I figured it was that.”

  She nods as she drinks me in. “Can you wipe your dick before you get in the tub?”

  I make a face. “It’s clean!”

  “It has pee on the tip!”

  I roll my eyes, grabbing a hand towel.

  “No! That’s my good hand towel.”

  “For real, Posey? They’re all good!” I yell back, and she glares.

  I bend down, using her pants as she screeches, “No!”

  “They’re dirty. There is nacho cheese all over them!”

  “You’re disgusting,” she accuses, and I laugh.

  “Keep playing. I’m gonna rub the tip of my dick all over you.”

  Her lips curve as I get into the tub with her, sliding behind her so she can lean on me. I wrap my arms around her stomach, her breasts resting on my forearms as I kiss her hair. “We sound like an old married couple.”

  I grin against her hair. “Is that how married couples sound?”

  She nods, angling her head so she can look up into my face. A little sympathy is in her eyes, but I don’t take offense. I never saw a real couple growing up. I saw men coming in and out of the house. No one ever stayed longer than a week. “Oh God, yes. My mom and dad argue about the silliest stuff. The ongoing argument right now is the carbs. Dad is dying.”

  I kiss her jaw, leaning my nose against her cheek.

  “They got into it once because my dad wanted to wrap our Christmas presents in our favorite cartoons, but Mom freaked out because it didn’t match the holiday décor. He won, but only ’cause Mom let him.”

  She smiles, and I feel breathless. “That’s funny.”

  “They are ridiculous, but we really sound like them. How’d that happen?”

  I don’t know, but I love it. “Probably came with the love territory.”

  “Ha, you’re probably right,” she says softly, sliding her hand up and along my face. She runs her fingers through the hair on my jaw, and I nibble at her fingers.

  “An infection?” I ask, and she groans loudly.

  “Yes, they don’t know what kind, so I’m on antibiotics. And if that doesn’t clear it up, then we’ll do blood work. I hate when this happens.”

  “It happens often?”

  “Sometimes. Especially if I’m not taking care of myself in the sense of working out and eating right. I’ve had an abundance of cookies lately.”

  “They make you happy,” I counter, and she grins.

  “But they make me sick too,” she says sadly. “I’ll be okay. I’ll clean up my eating and figure out when I can work out.”

  “We can run around downtown in the mornings.”

  “Yeah,” she agrees and then exhales. “I hate running.”

  “I hate running in the cold, but I’ll do it with you.”

  She kisses my nose. “You’re too good to me, Boon.”

  I squeeze her a little tighter, and everything inside me wants to physically fight this infection. I know that’s a silly thought and unrealistic, but I don’t want her sick.

  “I really don’t want to go on this road trip.”

  “The bed bugs won’t make this worse.”

  She gives me a look. “What if they’re the ones that caused it?”

  I snort as I reach for the shampoo. I know it’s hair-washing day. She has it on a schedule, which I never knew girls did. Julia sure didn’t. But apparently Posey does it this way so her hair doesn’t fall out. With her weak thyroid, she tends to lose a lot of hair. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I washed her hair last week and so much of it came out in my hands. I’d also never washed a girl’s hair before, but I really like it.

  “Get your mom to book you a penthouse or something.”

  She scoffs. “Wouldn’t that be feeding into your mom’s notion that we’re made of money? ‘Oh, poor little rich girl is scared of bed bugs. Let’s get her a penthouse.’”

  I shrug as I squirt the shampoo into my hand. “If it helps you sleep, who cares what she thinks?”

  She doesn’t answer me, and then she sits up so I can start to wash her hair. “So, you’re not upset with me, right?”

  “Not at all. I talked to my mom, though. I think it’s all a big misunderstanding. I asked her to call you.”

  I notice the tension in her s
houlders then. “I hate that it all played out like it did. I really wanted her to like me.”

  I kiss her shoulder. “Wasn’t it you who said it didn’t matter who liked whom, as long as we love each other?”

  She looks back at me. She has soap on her nose and a gleam in her eye. “I did say that.”

  “Then it sounds good to me.”

  “But it’s always been you and her—”

  “And now, it’s me and you,” I declare, running my fingers along her scalp. “It’ll all work out. I love you, and I know my mom will come around.”

  She doesn’t say anything. After rinsing out her hair, I start to put in the conditioner, and she turns to look at me. I try to ignore her ass rubbing against my cock, especially with the seriousness in her eyes, but man it’s hard. Literally. “I don’t want you to resent me if she doesn’t.”

  “Won’t happen,” I say simply, wiping some of the soap off her face. “I’m confident she’ll come around, and if she doesn’t, oh well. You’re it for me, Posey. I found my person. I can’t ignore that.”

  She blinks and then nods. “Agreed.”

  I pinch her chin. “Don’t worry.”


  “I love you,” I say, poking her nose, and she grins.

  “I love you,” she says back, but instead of poking my nose, she grips my balls. I about fly out of the bath, my eyes widening as I’m met with her laughter. Instead of getting freaky like I’d rather she did, she continues to laugh as she leans into me, wrapping her arms around my neck and nestling her head under my chin.

  “So rude.”

  “Was it, though? It was funny.”

  Which reminds me. “Nico Merryweather called us toddlers.”

  She snorts. “Not the finest taunt, I feel.”

  “Right? Aiden didn’t think it was funny.”

  She sighs dramatically. “He’s so ridiculous when it comes to Nico. Shelli wasn’t even any kind of into him. They were just fucking.”

  “That’s what I heard, but he doesn’t like the guy.” I run my hands down her arms before cupping her breasts. “Aiden tried to get me to kick Nico’s ass.”

  She cocks her head. “How?”

  “Said that you two almost hooked up.”

  She turns fully in the bath. “Aiden is such a jackass. It wasn’t like that at all.”

  “It wasn’t?” I ask, and she tips her head.

  “Okay, so I tried to fuck him.”

  My eyes widen. “Oh, wow. Crazy turn of events here.”

  She holds up her palms to me. “I was super drunk and devastated that my dad sent Maxim away. I felt like a loser and thought that maybe he didn’t want me because I was a virgin. So I thought, throw the card away, and boom, he’ll want me. It didn’t work out. I almost drowned instead.”

  “Almost drowned?”

  “I fell in the ocean, and Shelli left me there.”

  I sputter with laughter. “She didn’t.”

  “She did. I question why I’m her maid of honor.”

  I laugh, but then I furrow my brow. “Maxim knew you were a virgin?”

  Gone is her laughter, replaced by a really shy demeanor. “Yeah, I told him one night in the hope he would take the damn thing. But he just said, ‘Oh, someone special will take it.’” She then looks up, pointing at me. “Hey, he was right.”

  I scoff. “Don’t kiss my ass.”

  “What? It was way before you.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean I’m not jealous of both of them.”

  I don’t even know why I am jealous. Those dudes mean nothing; she was put on this earth for me. But I don’t like the thought of both those losers having the opportunity to be her first time. I know good and well they wouldn’t have taken care of her. No, that was my job. I was put on this earth to show her what it is like to be thoroughly loved by a real man. I want to teach her everything. I want to be all her firsts and all her lasts. No one will take that joy, that gift from me.

  It’s mine.

  She’s mine.

  She gives me a deadpan look. “Please. I could see either of them tomorrow and be completely unfazed. Remember just a few seconds ago when you said I was your person?” She points to herself. “Same thing here. I couldn’t have asked for a better guy to skate into my life and throw me offside.”

  I’m impressed. “Good hockey reference.”

  “Right? I was proud of that.” She beams at me, and my heart soars.

  “I love how you smile.”

  Her grin grows. “You’re my dude. My only dude.” She cups my face, squishing my lips so they pucker. “I love only you, Boon Zachariah Hoenes.”

  As I gaze into her eyes, I know her words are true, and I feel as if nothing can touch me. I’m loved by the most incredibly gorgeous woman on this earth, and she’s all mine. Yeah, we sound like an old married couple because that’s where we’re heading. I don’t know when, but it’s going to happen. I can feel it. She presses her lips to mine, and I wrap my arms around her, lifting her so we’re out of the water. She screeches but laughs at the same time. That is, until I bend her over the side of the tub.

  Once I’m done with her, there’s one hell of a mess, but it is totally worth it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Boon: I love you.

  My heart soars as I lean on the counter, gazing at my screen.

  Me: I love you.

  Boon: I miss you.

  I beam.

  Me: I miss you.

  Boon: How’s the penthouse?

  I look around the penthouse my mom booked us for the first stop of our five-day road trip. I took Boon’s advice and told her I wasn’t sleeping well. My mom, being the amazing mom she is, wanted me to feel better, so she suggested reserving the penthouse since she knew it would be top-of-the-line clean. Boon was right, and I do feel a little better about sleeping here. But I can’t shake his mom’s words. I can’t obsess over them, though, not with how run-down I’m still feeling. I’m unsure why. I got my meds fixed and I’ve started them, but I still don’t feel right.

  Me: It’s nice.

  Boon: That’s cool. Did my mom text you?

  I roll my eyes. I’m not trying to be an asshole, but his mom’s apology didn’t seem genuine to me. Maybe I was raised differently, but I feel you should call to apologize, not text. Also, I don’t know if I want to forgive her. Her accusations were hurtful, and while, yes, they pushed me to profess my love for Boon, her behavior was uncalled-for.

  Me: She did.

  Boon: I don’t know. I’m really upset by it all. But would you be willing to give her another chance?

  I don’t want to.

  Me: I will, for you.

  Boon: You’re the best, Posey.

  Me: I know.

  He sends me a winky face as Shelli sits down in front of me with a bowl of fruit.

  Boon: I’ll see you at dinner?

  Me: Yeah, I’m trying to fight off this headache.

  Boon: Get some rest. Skip if you need to.

  Me: Will do.

  I lay down my phone and exhale, rubbing my temples. I’m pretty sure I’m getting a headache from the altitude here in Colorado. I don’t know if it’s because the last time I was here, I was rejected, but I hate being in this damn city. I just want to go back home.

  “You okay?” Shelli asks, and I nod.

  “Yeah, just feeling a little shitty.”

  Concern fills her features. “I thought you got your meds changed?”

  “I did, but I still feel off.”

  “Maybe you should skip dinner?”

  I shrug. “Maybe. I don’t know yet.” I take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I feel stressed, and I hate that feeling. I know it has a lot to do with how everything went down with Boon’s mom. I usually don’t care if someone doesn’t like me, but it’s my boyfriend’s mom. I don’t want her to hate me, but I also refuse to be a pushover. I will try again, for him, but after that, if she’s still an
asshole, then it is what it is. She can hate me all she wants. As long as Boon loves me, I’m good. “Can I ask you something?”

  Why did I say that?

  Shelli looks up from her bowl. “Sure.”

  “Has a boyfriend’s mom ever not liked you?”

  She puckers her lips, thinking. “No, everyone has always loved me.”

  Of course they have. I don’t know why I even asked her.

  “The only one who has ever really mattered is Fallon, and she loves me.”

  I groan loudly. “You were the wrong person to ask.”

  “Why, what happened? Did Boon’s mom not like you?”

  “Shh!” I hiss, and we both look toward my mom’s room before meeting each other’s gaze. “I don’t think so. She was awful to me the other night.”

  That protective look comes over her face. Before she can answer, though, my mom asks, “Who was awful to you?”

  We both look at her as she walks over to the counter, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

  “No one,” I reply, and she raises a brow as she comes to stand beside me.

  “Posey Rose, stop lying to me,” she demands, but then her eyes soften. “Are you okay? You look a little pale.”

  I wave her off. “I have a headache. I took some aspirin.”

  Mom nods slowly, her eyes searching mine before she repeats, “Who was awful to you?”

  She and Shelli both look at me, and I feel like I’m being ganged up on. I need some advice on this, though, so instead of shutting down, I say, “I went to dinner with my boyfriend and his mom the other night, and she wasn’t nice to me.”

  Shelli’s eyes narrow as my mom says, “Why not? You’re a doll.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. She said that he needed to stay in his lane, that I was too rich for him, that my family would never accept him, and that I didn’t feel for him what he felt for me.”

  “What a bitch!” Shelli says, but Mom presses her hand on Shelli’s to calm her down.

  Mom may seem calm, but I know she isn’t. “What brought all this on?”

  “I have no clue,” I admit. “She was firing questions at me left and right, and I answered very respectfully. But it seemed as if everything I said wasn’t good enough. That I wasn’t good enough. I overheard her saying he needed to stay in his lane, and I got irate. He is perfect for me. Really, he is, and I told her that. I told her she didn’t get to question us or question how I feel because we know how we feel about each other. He got so upset, hollered at her, and we left midway through dinner.”


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