Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2)

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Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2) Page 31

by Toni Aleo

  My eyes stay on her face, and I wait.

  People come and go. Shea pulls up a chair and sits across from me with Posey’s other hand in his. Elli and Shelli have taken up positions on the couch, both on their computers. Unfortunately, Aiden had to head back to the rink for the game. No one even asked me if I was going. I’m just glad we’re all on the same page. I don’t plan on moving from this spot. I reach up, moving a piece of hair out of her face, and when I cup her cheek, she suddenly leans into my hand.

  The overwhelming joy that takes over has tears burning my eyes.

  Slowly, her senses come to life, and her eyes flutter open. I breaks into a grin, wanting the first thing she sees to be positive. When her blue gaze meets mine, everything inside me breaks, and tears run down my face. In a shaky voice, I whisper, “Hey there, lovely.”

  Her brow furrows. “What happened to your mouth?”

  I chuckle, standing up and leaning closer to her. “It doesn’t matter. I can still kiss you.”

  I press my lips to hers then, and she kisses me back lightly. Her eyes meet mine, and still, her brow is scrunched up. “Did my dad hit you?”

  I grin. “He did.”

  She shakes her head. Her voice is so husky. It’s super sexy, which I know is wrong of me to think since she’s obviously in pain, but it is. “Sorry. I knew it would be that or a heart attack.”

  Shea laughs. “Baby, it was both.”

  She looks at her dad, and even though everyone is trying to love on her, my hand stays wrapped around hers.

  I could’ve let go, but she didn’t.

  So, I don’t.

  I never will.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Shelli leans on my bed and gives me her “for real, for real” look. It always cracks me up since her eyes get so big and her brows basically touch her hairline. “You remember that time Dad got super mad at that Reba concert when that guy pushed you? It was like that, but times five hundred. I was worried for Boon’s safety.”

  I scoff, shaking my head. “I can’t believe he hit him.”

  “It all happened so fast, and Dad was so upset. Boon was too. It was awful.” She leans on her hand. “Good thing is, they’re talking. I never thought they’d go get coffee together.”

  A small smile pulls at my lips. Neither one of them has left my side. I feel like it’s a game of who will get up first. I’m pretty sure I heard my dad ask for a bedpan to piss in. I might have been high on drugs—they’ve got me pretty doped up—but I’m convinced I did. I’m in a lot of pain, but I get to go home today, which is exciting. Apparently it isn’t just hotel beds that give me anxiety; it’s all beds that aren’t mine. I’m ready to be in my bed.

  I stroke my hand over my stomach and cringe a bit. I am still struggling with what happened. I haven’t been able to talk to Boon about it since my dad has been up our asses, and I hate that I don’t know what he is thinking. I never meant for this to happen; we’ve been pretty safe, but apparently not that safe. All I know is that I’m not upset I was pregnant. I’m upset I lost it, and I’m worried he may be upset I was pregnant.

  I never knew, though. It isn’t like I have a consistent period, but it’s taking everything in me not to blame myself for this. I’m pretty sure I had a drink here and there, and it scares me that I caused this. But from what I’ve read on Google, though, it wasn’t my fault. It just happens, but I’m still scared of what Boon is thinking.

  He’s been absolutely wonderful. Hasn’t left my side and has been so over-the-top protective. He is always asking questions. Eyeing the nurses like a hawk as if he knows what is going on, and it’s almost comical. He’s helped change my pads, and somehow, he has a constant supply of them. He steals them off carts for when we get home. He says he doesn’t know where to get diaper-size pads, and I don’t either.

  He got on to one nurse when she brought me cookies. Apparently, he’s the carb nazi now too. My mom is very proud. He’s been reading up on my thyroid disease and is convinced that dieting with me will help with those extra five pounds he’s carrying. He has been supportive, funny, and kind. So damn kind.

  I’ve completely and entirely fallen for him all over again.

  “I didn’t even know Coach Williamson was still coaching.”

  Shelli and I look toward the door as my dad and Boon come back in. Aiden had dropped off Boon’s bag before the team left for Minnesota. I assumed Boon would have gone with the team, but apparently I don’t know my boyfriend well. He told my mom to fine him his whole salary, that he’s not leaving me. I wanted to fight him on it, but I knew there was no point. He’s as stubborn as I am.

  Boon nods. “I mean, he was ten years ago. I don’t know about now.”

  “That’s crazy. He was my coach when I was on travel.”

  They share a grin, and then Boon looks at me, that sparkle in his eyes. “Man, someone is wide-eyed and ready to go.”

  I beam. “I so am.”

  He pulls his hand out from behind his back to reveal a huge vase full of flowers. He walks over to my little tray table, setting them down. “They reminded me of you.”

  “You’re too good to me.”

  He winks as he sits down in the chair he made a nurse bring him. He kicks up his feet and then takes my hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “Feeling like I’m ready to go.”

  “Me too,” he says, threading our fingers together. Our eyes meet. I want so desperately to be alone with him. My family has been in and out, the team came to see me, but it hasn’t been just us. “Did you call Ally?”

  I nod. “Yes, she’s worried, but I convinced her I’m fine.”

  “Good. She’s been blowing up my phone.”

  He then glances around as my dad sits in a chair beside Shelli. They both look at us, and Boon grins at me as an awkward silence falls over the room. If my mom were here, she’d be able to read the situation, but maybe I need to be blunt about it. I’ve been so worried about hurting my dad’s feelings. I know he is upset I was pregnant, so I’ve been patient, but I need to be alone with Boon.

  I glance back over at my dad. “Can y’all give us a few minutes?”

  Dad pulls his brows together. “Why?”

  “Because I want to talk to my boyfriend—alone, Dad.”

  He makes a face. “I guess you caught on to my hovering.”

  “Oh, Dad, I caught on a while back. I was being nice,” I say as he squeezes my hand. “I don’t want you swinging on my boyfriend anymore, and believe me, I’ve told him to swing back.”

  Boon’s eyes widen. “But I won’t,” he says quickly.

  I roll my eyes as my dad laughs. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

  I give him a dirty look. “I’m twenty-one. I’ve got this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “That’s what my driver’s license says.”

  “That might be a mistake,” he says with a grin before he heads out, Shelli on his tail.

  She waves to me but then stops at the door. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  I send her a soft smile, and she heads out of the room.

  Once the door closes, I take ahold of Boon’s shirt, pulling him to me. His mouth crashes into mine, and everything I’ve been craving is there for the taking. His tongue sweeps across mine as my hand slides into his hair, and he grasps my neck. Our kisses are desperate and perfect. I’ve missed them greatly. When he pulls back for air, my lips curve as our eyes meet.


  “Hey,” I say breathlessly. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” he whispers, moving his bottom lip against mine. “Funny to miss someone who is legit two feet from me.”

  “We live a hard life, Hoenes.”

  “So damn hard,” he agrees, kissing me once more. When we part, his eyes search mine, and I sigh.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “I think we need to.”

  “I didn’t know.”

I didn’t,” he says as he sits on the side of my bed, and to me, he almost looks relieved. “I thought we used enough protection.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? This wasn’t your fault,” he says, eyeing me.

  “I know, but I may have missed my birth control some once we stopped using condoms. I’m really bad with it, especially on the road. I have so—”

  “Wait,” he says, holding up his hand and narrowing his eyes. “Are you apologizing for getting pregnant?”

  I swallow hard, my eyes locked with his. “Yeah. I mean, we haven’t even been together that long, and it’s a huge commitment—”

  “One I would a hundred percent take as long as it’s with you.”

  Everything inside me turns to goo. “Really?”

  “Oh yeah, baby,” he says, taking my balled-up hand and kissing it. “I don’t know if we’d have been ready, but I would have loved to find out. With you. Only you. No one else.”

  I beam. “Thanks for reiterating that.”

  “I felt I needed to. I didn’t want you getting the wrong idea.” He kisses my fist, running his hand over my wrist as his hazel gaze holds mine. Tenderness and admiration swirl in his eyes, making me breathless. “I want all the commitments with you.”

  “You do?”

  “Every single one,” he said, unfolding my index finger and kissing it. “A lease commitment.” I grin as he holds up my middle finger, licking the tip before biting it softly. My breath catches as he says, “Of course, sex-with-you-only commitment.” I giggle as he pulls out my pinkie, wiggling it. “A dog or cat commitment would be nice.”

  I nod. “It wouldn’t be terrible.”

  He pulls out my thumb, rubbing it with his. “A baby commitment.”

  I swear, my heart stops. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” he agrees, slowly unbending my ring finger. “But the commitment I most want—need, really—is the forever one. That one will be easy.”

  “It would be.”


  “Like eating marshmallows.”

  He winks. “In a closet with chocolate.”

  My heart soars. “I don’t have to hide you in the closet.”

  “Nope. Everyone knows. I didn’t even have to order shirts.”

  I take in a deep, shaky breath. “Reactions?”

  He beams. “They’re happy for us, and Jakob said he always knew something was up.”

  “So, we didn’t hide it well?” I ask with my face scrunched up.

  “I think it’s like a fire—we just let it spread. I don’t think you can contain that.”

  Tears well up in my eyes. “I love you, Boon.”

  He leans in, pressing his nose to mine. “Posey Rose Adler, I can’t even tell you how I could ever have thought I was in love before you. This love we have, it’s mind-blowing. It’s you and me against the world, and it’s pretty damn obvious the only person on this earth I’m supposed to love is you.”

  “I feel completely the same.”

  “Good. Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Nope, you’re my safe place.”

  “And you’re mine,” he declares, wrapping his arm around my neck so that he’s where he belongs. So close, I breathe his air and he breathes mine. “I’ve got you forever, Adler.”

  “Right back atcha, Hoenes.”

  He touches my nose with his, and I gaze into his eyes, knowing I am fully in love with him. Only him and no one else. He’s right, and I feel the same. I feel like I didn’t even know what love was before him. Being in love with him is special. It’s amazing. It gives me that feeling of being on the power play and catching the puck mid-ice before rushing the goal on a breakaway.

  He’s my power play goal.

  My parents insisted on driving us to my apartment from the airport. The whole way, I’ve been annoyed since I know this means they’ll be coming up and fussing over me until I scream. I appreciate the love and fussing, but I just want to be alone. With Boon. It’s looking like that won’t happen.

  I was so excited to get back home, but I didn’t realize that home meant they would be there too. I’m actually surprised they’re not making me go back to their house. I probably shouldn’t say that out loud; I feel like that’s giving them ammo they don’t know they have.

  When we pull up, I groan inwardly as Boon and Dad get out to carry our bags. Mom helps me out, but when we come around the car, Boon meets us. He takes my hand and then swiftly picks me up in his arms. “You okay?”

  I nod, even though it did hurt like mad. “Fine.”

  “I would have helped her up,” Mom says, and Dad hands our bags to Boon.

  “Boon has it.”

  I feel my eyes widen as I whip my head to my father.

  He leans in, kissing my head. “Call us if you need us.”

  Mom leans in next. “Please take it easy.” She kisses me and then sets Boon with a look. “You sure you have this?”

  “Very sure.”

  She doesn’t want to leave me, I can see it in her eyes, but she nods. “Okay, please call.”

  “We will,” Boon answers, and I smile.

  “I love you, Mom. Thank you. Love you, Dad!”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna go get some meds for my angina,” he calls as he gets back in the car and grins.

  Mom squeezes my wrist before she turns to get in the front seat.

  “Well, shit. I didn’t think that was going to work,” he says as they drive off.


  He meets my gaze. “I told him that they have to give me a chance to take care of you to prove I’m gonna be able to do it the rest of my life.”

  Oh, the butterflies are going crazy in my chest. “I love you.”

  He winks. “I know.”

  He carries me up to my apartment with ease. He throws the bags down to unlock the door and then kicks them in before kicking the door shut. When I see the flowers on the counter, I beam at him. “More flowers?”

  He walks us over to the counter. I reach for the card, and I’m surprised by who they’re from.


  I’m glad you’re all right. I know my boy would be lost without you. I look forward to our next dinner together. Best wishes on a fast recovery.


  Tina Hoenes

  I look at Boon, and he grins back at me. “That’s nice.”

  “She’s been worried, texting to see how you are daily.”

  “Did you tell her we were coming home?”

  “Yeah, that’s why she sent the flowers. I had the manager let the delivery guy in.” I set down the card, and he kisses my jaw. “Where do you wanna go?”

  My arms tighten around his neck. “Here. Only here.”

  “Where?” he asks, his brows touching.

  “In your arms.”

  The brightest grin takes over his face before he kisses my nose. “I can do that.”

  “I figured you could.”

  He then carries me back to the bedroom and toes out of his shoes as I kick mine off. He lays us down together so we don’t break apart, and I cuddle deep beside him. I close my eyes as I bring my knees up into his stomach and my chest. It doesn’t hurt as bad when I do this. It actually feels good. “I just want you to hold me.”

  He doesn’t have to agree with me verbally for me to know that’s all he wants too. His actions speak louder than all the words in the world. Boon holds me closer, his lips moving along my temple and forehead in such a mesmerizing way. Before I know it, I pass out. I guess the plane ride took more out of me than I originally suspected.

  When I wake up, it’s dark and Boon isn’t beside me.


  He appears in the doorway. He pushes up the dimmer a bit so it doesn’t blind me before approaching the bed. “Hey. Nice nap?”

  “Yeah,” I say groggily. “I’m starving.”

  “Good. I made dinner.”

  My lips twitch. “You cooked?”

He nods. “Yup. Do we need to change your pad?”

  I know it’s insane to think you can fall for someone over and over again, but I do when he does things like this for me.

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. Come on.”

  He helps me change. I thought since I’m not so drugged up anymore, I’d be embarrassed, but I’m not. He’s so encouraging, making it seem like it’s not a big deal. When we’re done, the way he carefully helps me up, lifting me into his arms, makes me feel like a damn queen and he’s my knight in shining armor. He carries me down the hall, and I lean into him. “I can walk.”

  He scoffs. “Shh. If you keep saying that, I can’t use this excuse to carry you so your body stays pressed to mine.”

  I take him by the chin and turn his head to meet my gaze. “You don’t need an excuse.”

  His eyes darken as he presses his lips to mine. We kiss like it’s the first time, and my heart feels like it is. If this is what I have to look forward to, I don’t know if I can wait. When I pull back, I go to look in his eyes, but something catches my attention. I turn my head to find that my whole living room is illuminated by candles.

  “Oh, Boon.”

  He grins. “You haven’t even seen the best part.”

  We enter the living room, and on the floor between the bar and the living room is a pillow fort. Like, a legit pillow fort that you make when you’re five. “I know it’s going to suck to get off the floor, so if you don’t want to, we can sleep out here.” He slowly lowers me to the floor. “I wanted to do something to make you smile.”

  Tears are burning my eye sockets. “Not cry, though, right?”

  “Nope. I’ve cried enough for both of us,” he says with a wink before he gets up and grabs two plates. Shelli had said he was a blubbering mess, but I almost didn’t believe her. When he hands me my plate, he’s grinning, so damn proud of himself. “So, I made gluten-free waffles with bacon and eggs and fruit. Gluten is bad for your thyroid.”

  “Okay, now I’m gonna cry.”

  “Why? I love you. I want to make things good for you!”

  “No, you’re taking away the gluten,” I tease, and he laughs.

  “I won’t eat it either,” he says, sitting down beside me. “Marshmallows don’t have gluten, by the way.”


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