After I Fall (Immortal Billionaires Book 1)

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After I Fall (Immortal Billionaires Book 1) Page 8

by Melissa Sercia

  “Just more of the same. Don’t worry, girl. It will be fun. He has a guest house that we all crash in and we usually get the leftover caviar and champagne. We have our own party after the suits go to sleep.” The excitement in his voice was palpable.

  “Okay…I guess I don’t have a choice. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

  Max made an exaggerated kissy noise into the phone that made me lurch back. “Sorry, I’ve been drinking. All right, girl, sweet dreams. And we are still doing brunch on Sunday. It’s my favorite meal of the day. Byeee.” He hung up laughing.

  The cab driver cleared his throat. “Pardon me, Miss, but I couldn’t help but overhear you. A word of advice. If you are working one of Ozi’s parties…keep your head down and be discreet. Some of the most high profile people in the city will be there doing things that they aren’t going to want anyone else to know about.”

  I swallowed hard. I nodded and looked out the window, avoiding the driver’s inquisitive eyes on me in the mirror. What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

  The answering machine was blinking like a beacon in the dark. I locked the door behind me, kicked off my shoes and went straight for the wine cabinet. After pouring a large glass of Bordeaux and slicing up a few of the artisan cheeses that were in the fridge, I leaned up against the wall and hit the message button. I still couldn’t believe that Piper had an actual answering machine. And I was from Maplewood, the smallest town on the planet. Even we had moved on from those.

  “You have two messages,” the automated voice stated.

  “Piper, it’s Harley. I have that info you asked for. You’re probably half way to someplace crazy like the Bermuda triangle by now, so I’ll try you on your burner. If you’re checking remotely, delete this message.”

  So that was weird. Piper has a burner phone? And who the heck is Harley?

  Next message.

  “Hey, Raven! I hope you are settling in and you have everything you need. Sorry again about running off on you but I’m swamped with work. Give me a call when you get a chance. I left a different number in the junk drawer. Talk to ya soon!”

  That must be the burner phone number. Maybe I’ve watched too many spy movies, but I thought only secret agents and criminals needed one of those. I was seriously starting to question my life choices as I guzzled my wine like it was water. Even though Piper was from Maplewood, I really knew nothing about her. Now she was getting cryptic messages and asking me to call her on a burner phone? Then there was the fact that I worked for one of the most powerful men in New York City who threw spur of the moment parties and expected his staff to be at his beck and call. For fuck’s sake, even the cab driver knew who he was.

  I poured another glass of wine and rifled through the kitchen drawers, looking for the one that Piper considered junk. It wasn’t hard to find. All the other drawers were empty except the one with the plastic ware. For as much money as she’d put into this place, I was getting the impression that she didn’t spend much time here. The number was on a yellow sticky note that I had to peel off a buy one get one free pizza coupon.

  I dialed the number hesitantly and Piper picked up on the third ring. “Hi, Raven! Thanks for calling me back. How’s everything going?”

  “Uh, how did you know it was me?” I chuckled.

  “Oh, you’re the only one who has this number. Everything okay?” She sounded concerned.

  “Yeah everything is fine. You had a message from someone named Harley. She said something about calling you on a burner? Are you okay?”

  Piper let out a nervous laugh. “Don’t worry about me, Raven. I have multiple phones for work. Harley just likes to be dramatic. So tell me everything! Did you find a job? Are you settling into the apartment all right?”

  Where do I even begin? I didn’t know Piper well enough to open up, but I was staying at her place. “I’m working at Dolce Sale. It’s been good. The owner is a bit unusual. He’s got us working some party at his upstate house tomorrow night. But he’s giving me an opportunity to train as a cook in the kitchen so I can’t complain. And I love your apartment, Piper. I feel really comfortable here.”

  There was a moment of silence and I thought the call had dropped. “Piper?”

  “Uh, yeah, I’m still here… So you’re working for Ozi?”

  My stomach dropped. There was an uncertainty in her voice that wasn’t there before. “Do you know him?” I asked.

  “Not personally, but I know what he does. Raven…just be careful around him. He’s a powerful man who’s used to getting what he wants. Don’t let him take advantage of you.”

  Did he have a reputation for sleeping with his staff? Why would she warn me about him? “What do you know about him, Piper?”

  Another long pause. “I gotta go, Raven. Just please keep your guard up around him. That’s all I can say for now.”

  She hung up before I could respond. I almost got the impression that someone was next to her. Someone she didn’t want listening to our conversation. Between the burner phones, the fancy apartment, and now the warning about Ozi, I was beginning to wonder just what kind of world Piper lived in.

  As I tucked myself into bed, I replayed our conversation over again in my head. There was something dangerous about Ozi, but that could just be the billionaire vibe he gave off. Either way, I couldn’t stop thinking about him and our kiss. But the way he showed up at my apartment without asking, the way he pinned me against the wall with that feral look in his eyes, it made me shiver with both fear and excitement. No man had ever pushed my buttons like that before. As I drifted off to sleep, his parting words echoed through the stillness of the room…

  I will break you.

  We brought out the good linens, the expensive china, and the real crystal. The back yard was tented and lined with paper lanterns and white twinkle lights. This party had to be spectacular. All of my associates would be attending as well as potential investors.

  Raven would be here too… I felt this need to impress her. To show her what my money could provide. Though, I had never met a woman less impressed by wealth than her. It was refreshing, but that still didn’t stop me from wanting to try. However, I made myself scarce when Enzo showed up with the vans. Something about the thought of her was dangerous. Camille was back in town, lurking, and Raven was an innocent woman with no idea what kind of monster I really was.

  “Mr. Ozi, Mr. Cassius is waiting for you in the study,” my doorman stated.

  Ah Cassius. Nothing like an introverted werewolf to dampen my mood with talk of numbers and eternal doom.

  I snatched a bottle of whiskey from the cellar first and then made my way to the study. “Please tell me you’ve fixed our little hacker problem,” I said as I entered.

  Cassius sat on the edge of my desk, drink already in hand. “I’ve never seen anything like it. I have my best people working on it and we cannot circumvent this guy.” His long sandy blond hair was tied up into a top knot on his head.

  I loosened my tie and sank into one of the leather chairs. “For fuck’s sake, Cassius, we need to figure this out, or close that account.”

  “We can’t close it. There are too many moving parts. Too many threads. For now, all I can do is counter block and redirect.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about but that sounds like it will have to do for now.” I hated talking about these things. Cassius was the brains behind our operation, Lux was the muscle, and I was the pretty face with the charming accent that our investors loved to party with. We balanced each other well. There was one other member once. But we don’t talk about him anymore. He couldn’t handle the life and went rogue. That was a long time ago.

  “So is that pretty girl from the Met going to be here tonight?” Cassius smirked.

  “You mean my employee? Yes, she’s working the party tonight.” I did my best to downplay it.

  “I know you too well, brother. She means more to you than that. I think it’s about time that a woman got under your skin for more than fiv
e minutes.”

  Oh I definitely want her under me. “Don’t get your dick hard, Cassius. Maybe if you actually used it for fucking once in a while, you wouldn’t be so obsessed with my sex life.”

  He pinched his brows together into a scowl. “Fuck you. You know I can’t.”

  “You can’t, or you won’t? It’s been five years since she… Look, all I’m saying is that you should consider finding a new mate. It’s in your nature. If you wait too long, you are going to hurt someone or yourself.” Werewolves who were mated were less feral and more controlled. Cassius had been single for a long time and as collected as he seemed, he was a wild animal simmering, just waiting to lose his shit.

  Cassius snickered. “Aw, Ozi, you worried about me?”

  “Every fucking full moon I worry about you.”

  The corner of his lips turned down. “I’m fine, Ozi. What you should worry about is Camille and keeping her away from Raven. If she detects even the slightest interest on your part, she’ll use her to torture you.”

  The twinge in my gut told me he was right but compartmentalizing the two was no easy task. I wanted Raven in my bed. I also wanted her to remain unharmed. How was I supposed to reconcile both?

  “Enough talk. I don’t need to be in a foul mood at my own party. Just forget about all that for tonight. Have a few drinks, mingle, and try to enjoy yourself for once. All work and no play makes for a very dull wolf.” I slipped out the door before he had a chance to continue wallowing.

  The Dolce Sale staff was bustling about but I had yet to lay eyes on Raven. I scanned the rooms as I made my way through the house. I figured she’d be in the kitchen but when I approached the door, I knew she clearly was not. Judging by the conversation two of the girls were having about Raven, she was nowhere near the kitchen. I lingered in the doorway to eavesdrop.

  “What’s up with country girl? She’s so weird,” one of the girls said.

  “Right? She obviously knows food and wine but she’s so socially awkward. Have you seen her at a table? She looks like a robot who can’t process human emotion.” The other girl giggled.

  “Yeah until she waited on Ozi. Did you see how flustered she got? I thought the poor girl was going to drop the wine in his lap.”

  “Poor country girl.”

  They both laughed.

  These fucking idiots. I charged in. “Am I paying you two to gossip?”

  They stared at me dumbfounded, their cheeks reddening.

  “Well? Do you think you’re better than her? Do you think your clothes and your connections make you better than her? Please enlighten me.” I was fuming.

  The taller blond girl, Tori, stammered first, “Um, we’re sorry Mr. Fabiano. We didn’t mean to—”

  “Let me make myself clear. If I catch you two talking shit about Raven again, I will fire both of you and make sure neither of you work in any decent restaurant ever again. And stop calling her country girl. It’s condescending and frankly shows your ignorance. And ladies, ignorance is not attractive.” I wanted to slice open their necks and drain them dry. I wanted to see them whimper and plead for their lives while their blood pooled onto my Italian tiled floor.

  Tori looked down as she shoved her hands into her apron pockets. “Of course. I am so sorry. It will never happen again.”

  I didn’t even realize I was clenching my fists until the other girl’s gaze landed on them. “Good. Now get back to work.”

  I stormed out, leaving the two girls standing in my kitchen in a state of shock. I was furious. The thought of anyone harming Raven made me want to break a window. Unfortunately, I may have just made things worse for her.

  This house was like a maze. Why did one man need so many rooms? Enzo tasked me with fetching more wine from the cellar but his directions were less than helpful. Go down the stairs he’d said. Only problem was there were three different staircases. I assumed they all led to the same place but who knew how many rooms would be down there. If it were anything like the main level, it would be another sprawl of endless doors and corridors.

  The stairs were steep and the lighting was muted. Great. I wouldn’t put it past me to trip and fall. I ran my hand along the brick wall as I winded down. The bricks were cool and musty under my sweaty palms.

  At the ground level, as I suspected, a long corridor full of multiple door options presented itself to me. I tried the first two but they were locked. Shit. They were going to send a search party after me if I didn’t bring this wine back soon. I turned another doorknob and it opened. I peered in and spotted some oak barrels. This must’ve been it. I stepped in hesitantly, unsure. The temperature dropped about twenty degrees.

  It was a spacious room but if there was wine in here, it must have been hidden because I couldn’t see a bottle in sight. I circled around, confused. What was the purpose of this room? Against the wall there was one of those coolers that looked like you would store ice cream in. I went over and flinched as I looked down into it. It was filled with IV bags…bags filled with blood. A chill raced up my spine and the hairs prickled on the back of my neck.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  I spun around and came face to face with Ozi. I froze.

  “Raven, I asked you a question. Answer me.” His voice was gruff and his eyes wild.

  “I—um…I was looking for the wine cellar. I got lost.” I didn’t dare ask him what he was doing with all that blood.

  His eyes hardened. “You’re not supposed to be down here. No one is. This room is off limits.”

  “I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I’ll go.” I stepped around him and proceeded to the door when he caught my wrist.

  “You can’t tell anyone about what you saw down here.” His grip tightened when I didn’t immediately respond.

  I hated secrets. I stepped toward him with a fury. “I was sent to get wine. It’s not my fault Enzo gave me bad directions. If you don’t want anyone seeing you have a blood fetish, then you should keep this door locked.”

  He grabbed my chin. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. And this is my house. I shouldn’t have to lock doors.”

  I stuck out my lower lip and glared at him in defiance. “Your house until you decide to throw a party for half of Manhattan. Don’t be angry with me just because you fucked up.”

  “Watch your tone with me, Raven. I’m still your boss.” He walked me backward until I was up against the wall. With my wrist still in his grasp, he pinned it over my head.

  My heart raced. His face was so close to mine and as much as I wanted to slap him, I also wanted to drown in his lips. “Fine, I’ll keep your weird little secret, but don’t you dare threaten me.”

  He smirked. “You’re feisty tonight, Raven. I think this is the most fire I’ve ever seen from you. I like it. Relax, I’m not threatening you. I’m asking you nicely to please keep what you saw to yourself.” He loosened his grip on my wrist and I snatched it down away from him.

  “Tell me why you have them. Are you sick or something?” Maybe he needed transfusions?

  Ozi looked away, his smile fading. “Not exactly. Depends on how you look at it, I guess. I can’t tell you anything more. Not at this time.”

  “You don’t trust me,” I stammered, breathless.

  “I don’t trust anyone.”

  “Well, that’s why you are alone.” I couldn’t tell if he was going to fly into a rage or burst out laughing.

  He stepped forward again, pressing into me with his body, his hands against the wall, boxing me in. “I’m not alone right now.”

  There was something so wrong about this but I couldn’t tear myself away. His brown eyes gazed into mine and my breath caught in my throat. He was so damn sexy. I never knew that men like him even existed—seductive, powerful, captivating.

  “I should get back up with the wine before Enzo has a heart attack.” I fixated on his lips. Hungered for them.

  “You are right where you are supposed to be.” Without warning, his lips crashed into mine.

  I sucked in a breath at the contact, melting. If desire could be tasted, it would taste like him. I kissed him back, hard. Like it was the last kiss I was ever going to have. He squeezed my hips and I let out a whimper. His mouth was hot like fire and his tongue danced around mine, sending tingles down my legs.

  I was getting lost, swept away. His kisses deepened as he wrapped his arms around my waist, locking me inside his embrace. I ran my fingers through his wavy hair, weaving them in and out. It was silky and smelled like roses and tobacco.

  “I could take you right here in this room. On the cold cement floor,” he whispered between kisses. “Or up against this wall…on the stairs…I want to bend you over that barrel and fuck you until your heart explodes.”

  And in the dark, damp cellar of blood and danger…I wanted to let him.

  Her beautiful brown eyes widened. Her pulse quickened at my touch. I didn’t have to slip my hands between her legs to know she was dripping wet. I could smell it on her. But she stiffened. Pulled away.

  “I—I can’t,” Raven mumbled.

  I backed away with a smirk. “Because I’m your boss? Fine, then I’ll fire you.”

  Her eyelids fluttered up at me. “It’s not just that… I’m not ready to be with another man yet.”

  “At some point, Raven, you are going to have to allow yourself to feel pleasure again.” I brushed a fallen strand of hair out of her eyes and she quivered.

  “I know,” she whispered. “It’s just hard…”

  I started toward her again, but she fled. Her tiny frame bounced up the stairs without a glance back.

  I waited a few minutes before leaving and locking the door behind me. I couldn’t risk anyone else finding my stash and asking questions. I wasn’t usually this careless, but with everything going on with Camille, the hacker, and Raven…I was highly distracted these days. I believed Raven would keep my secret but it wouldn’t be long before she started asking more questions and I wasn’t ready to answer them with the truth. Raven wasn’t like the rest, but I thought that about Camille at one time too. I still wasn’t sure I could trust her with my secrets. If I showed her who I really was and she rejected me…I don’t think my heart could handle it.


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