Twisted Betrayal

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Twisted Betrayal Page 3

by Davis, Siobhan

  Air whooshes out of my mouth, and my shoulders slump in relief. I jump up, springing into action, using the pantyhose I stole from Miss Dunbar to tie his hands and feet to the four posts of the bed.

  It won’t hold him for long, but I had no rope, so I’m improvising. Besides, I don’t expect him to be conscious for at least three or four hours, which should give me enough of a head start.

  I briefly consider ripping his boxers off and leaving him naked, but that’d be overkill. They will fire him for sure when he’s discovered like this, and I’ve humiliated him enough. A momentary pang of guilt jumps up and slaps me until I remember he was the one keeping me in a drug-induced haze the first couple of weeks I was here, and all sympathy vanishes.

  Grabbing his cell, wallet, and security card from the inside of his jacket pocket, I cast one last glance at him over my shoulder before I creep out of my room.

  I tiptoe quietly down the hallways, pleased to see no flashing red lights on the cameras, confirming Wyatt did a stellar job disabling the security system. It was sheer luck that their IT guy is out of town at a party tonight, and it will take him several hours to make it back here to fix it. That should give me enough time to get away undetected.

  I check the time on Wyatt’s cell, and I have twenty minutes until the supply truck arrives. That should work. I push through the staff door, flying down the stairs, keeping my head down and focused as I descend four flights before reaching the basement level.

  Pressing Wyatt’s security card against the keypad at the door, I wait with bated breath, relieved when a tiny click resonates and the door unlocks, granting me exit. I poke my head out quickly, conducting a sweep of the place.

  It’s an underground parking lot, and it’s pretty deserted this time of night because all the daytime staff has gone home by now, and most residents don’t get visitors. Still, I flatten my back to the wall as I creep toward the exit ramp, my eyes darting in every direction as I watch for signs of life.

  I’m almost home free when the sounds of approaching voices send blood thrumming in my ears. I duck down behind the nearest car, praying to every deity known to mankind that they are not heading this way. My pulse pounds in my neck and my heart is beating so fast I fear I’m on the verge of a coronary. The voices halt near me, and I hold my breath, swallowing back bile, as I make all kinds of promises to a God I no longer believe in.

  The sound of retreating footsteps is music to my ears, and I slump to the ground, attempting to recalibrate my breathing. When the voices completely fade, I straighten up, scanning the space before I take off jogging toward the exit ramp.

  I stop when I reach the top, looking left and right, wondering which way is the fastest route to the service side entrance, when a hand wraps around my mouth from behind, and I’m pulled back against a warm chest.

  I lift my leg, ready to inflict some damage when his warm breath skates across my ear. “Don’t. It’s me, Abby.”


  “Charlie?” He lets me go, and I spin around, flinging my arms around his neck and clinging to him. “Oh my God. It’s so good to see you!” I admit, momentarily forgetting he’s on my shit list, because it is so good to see someone familiar.

  “Abby.” He circles his arms around my waist, hugging me close as he presses kisses to the top of my head. The smell of his cologne wraps around me, and the familiarity is comforting. “What the hell are you doing?” he asks, gripping my arms and scrutinizing my face with troubled eyes.

  “What does it look like?” I shuck out of his hold. “Getting the fuck out of this nuthouse.”

  “You can’t.” He shakes his head. “You need to go back to your room ASAP.”

  I narrow my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. “In case you don’t know, I’m fucking pissed at you, and I’m done taking orders.”

  “You’re pissed at me?” Shock splays across his face, his vibrant green eyes betraying his confusion, before realization dawns. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited before. Your asshole father wouldn’t let me until now.”

  That’s not what I was referencing. Doesn’t he get that I’m mad at pretty much everyone? And, if I am at Parkhurst, I will be plenty pissed that neither he nor Drew came to check on me. And until I know why my father has negotiated a new deal with the Barrons, I can’t trust Charlie, as much as it saddens me to admit that. “Were you in on it?” I level him with a penetrating stare. “The night of our engagement, you seemed to know what would happen. How is that?”

  He looks behind him briefly before reaching for my hand. I step back away from him. “I can explain but not here,” he says. “I’m with your father, and he thinks I came back to get my cell from the car. He didn’t spot you, but I did. But if I don’t show up soon, he’ll suspect something. You need to go back to your room and follow my lead.” He reaches for me again, and I take another step back.

  A pained look washes over his face. “Please, just trust me, Abby. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.”

  I snort. The number of times the men in my life have said that to me is laughable. I don’t trust any of them. Except for Xavier, because he’s the only one who hasn’t betrayed me or let me down. “Trust you? You let them ambush me twice that night!” I shriek, letting some of my pent-up rage loose. “Once with the engagement and second with the kidnapping.”

  “I tried to get you to safety!” he shouts. “Oscar was supposed to bring you to Xavier’s warehouse, and we would flee to Europe. I had it all set up.”

  “What?” I splutter.

  “Dad was helping. He wants to get you away from your father as much as I do, but everything turned to shit when Atticus Anderson and Wesley Marshall showed up, messing up our plans.”

  “Why would you do that for me?”

  He moves close, cupping my face. “Because we care about you, and we don’t want him hurting you any more than he already has.”

  I blink fast—surprised, overwhelmed, and confused at the news. Then his words properly register, and I press my chest into his, looking up at him with panicked eyes. “Please tell me Oscar’s all right?!”

  He glances nervously behind him. “I will fill you in on everyone, but you need to get back to your room now. Please, Abby. You’re going to ruin everything if you’re not there when we arrive.”

  “What do you mean?” Goose bumps sprout on my arms, and I shiver.

  “Dad and I have convinced your father to let you return to Rydeville. We’ve made a deal so you can live at our house, but if your father finds out you’re trying to escape, all deals will be off!” His tone is frantic, and little sweat beads dot his brow. Charlie is usually a very cool customer, which is how I know he’s telling me the truth. He’s genuinely panicked.

  I still don’t trust him one hundred percent, but my options are limited now they’re here. “Okay.” He grabs my hand, and we run back down the ramp into the parking garage, sprinting around the corner. “Oh, shit.” I slam to a halt, clasping a hand over my mouth in front of the staff entrance as it dawns on me. “Father can’t come to my room!” I blurt.

  He frowns. “Why not?”

  “Because I drugged a nurse, and he’s tied to my bed.”

  His eyes pop wide, and I can almost see the wheels churning in his mind. “I’ll handle it. I’ll make some excuse to come to your room first. Just go.” He pushes me at the door, and I use Wyatt’s card to gain access. “Stay safe,” he whispers before rushing off toward the elevator.

  I make it back to my room undetected, closing the door and racing to my bed to untie the bindings around Wyatt’s hands and feet. I’ve only gotten one off when there’s a knock at the door, and a little whimper flies out of my throat. Adrenaline courses through my veins, and I pray it’s Charlie and not my bastard father.

  “Abby. It’s me. Let me in!” Charlie says, and a relieved breath flees my mouth.

  I almost trip over my sneakers in my haste to get to the door, opening it and yanking him inside before anyone sees him. “
It’s only ever locked from the outside. How much time do we have?”

  “Knowing how impatient your father is, I’d say ten minutes. Tops.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That I wanted to talk to you first. I told him I’d get you onboard with the plan.”

  I scowl at him, and he raises his palms. “You want out of here, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but not if it means selling my soul to the devil.”

  “We’re well past that point,” he murmurs, tossing a look over my shoulder. “Fucking hell, Abby.”

  His lips twitch as he walks toward the bed, taking in the prone body spread-eagled on top of my comforter.

  “You untie his other foot while I get his hands,” I instruct, conscious of the ticking clock. I pull at the pantyhose around one wrist, ripping it with my bare hands.

  “What the fuck did you do to the poor guy?” There’s an edge to his voice that he’s trying to disguise.

  “I seduced him into coming here tonight with some booze. Then I drugged him with the pills I’m supposed to be taking until he passed out and I tied him up.”

  A muscle clenches in his jaw as he rips the binding from Wyatt’s foot. “Did you fuck him?”

  “What?” My eyes blink profusely.

  “Did he touch you?”

  “Who I fuck is none of your business. I don’t pry into shit you’ve done, and if I had to screw him to escape, I wouldn’t let you make me feel guilty.”

  “I don’t want to think of you having to do stuff like that.”

  “Have you forgotten the sick world we live in? You know as well as I do, that we do whatever we have to, to survive.”

  “I don’t want that for you. You deserve better.”

  This is a pointless argument, and we’re wasting time. “Not that I owe you an answer, but I didn’t fuck him. So drop it,” I say, dragging Wyatt’s body down the length of the bed.

  He sighs. “Sorry. I… This is a fucked-up situation.”

  I harrumph. “Tell me something I don’t know!” I roll my eyes. “We need to get him into the bathroom.”

  Charlie nods, lifting Wyatt over his shoulders with a grunt, and I push the bathroom door open for him. He throws him into the tub without ceremony, pulling the shower curtain around him. “Let’s hope your father doesn’t take a piss.”

  I scoff. “We need not worry about that. His lordship wouldn’t piss in a place like this. He’d rather give himself an infection holding it in.”

  Charlie chuckles, reeling me into his embrace. “Man, I’ve missed you.”

  I wriggle out of his hold, refusing to return the sentiment until I know more. “I need answers, Charlie, and until I have them, you’re still on my shit list.”

  He runs a hand through his jet-black hair, and a few loose strands fall over his forehead. “That’s fair. Who else is on that list?”

  “Who isn’t is an easier question to answer,” I droll, before remembering where we are and what’s about to go down. “Shit. He will be here any minute.”

  A surefire way to piss my father off is to appear unpresentable, and I’m a bit of a mess. I yank my top up, tossing it on the floor as I grab the hand towel, mopping the line of sweat trickling down between my boobs and along my spine. Next, I wet under my aching armpits and wash them quickly with soap. I glance at Charlie, and he’s rooted to the spot, his eyes glued to my enlarged chest.

  I flick water at him. “Earth to Charlie. Stop ogling my boobs, and grab a new top and pants from my closet. Quickly.” I shove at him, pulling him out of whatever trance he was in. He swings into action, running into my bedroom, as I drag a washcloth over my face and tuck stray strands of hair back into my ponytail.

  I’m standing in my underwear when Charlie returns with fresh clothes. “So, what are you supposed to be telling me?” I ask while shimmying into my clothes.

  He averts his gaze, staring at the floor. “It’s like I said before. You’re returning to Rydeville, resuming your studies at Rydeville High, living in our place, and, eh, the engagement is back on, and we’re getting married three days after graduation.”

  I figured as much, after what the bastard said, and because there’s no other way he would’ve agreed to it. “But it’s only fake, right?” I inquire, pulling the top down over my head. “We’re not going through with it.”

  Charlie’s eyes are like laser beams slicing a line through my chest when I poke my head out of the top.

  “Seriously?” I shoulder-check him as I push past him into the bedroom. “Can you focus on the important stuff instead of drooling?”

  “I’m sorry. I just. Wow. They’ve like doubled in size and…”

  “I hate them,” I spit. “So, if you want to piss me off more, keep staring at them.”

  The door opens that second, and the bastard stalks into the room with a smug grin on his face. He clamps a hand down on Charlie’s shoulder. “Liking the new and improved version?” he asks, confirming he was eavesdropping from outside. Thank fuck we were in the bathroom for the rest of our discussion so there’s no chance he overheard.

  The bastard’s eyes drop to my chest, and he licks his lips.

  I think I might puke.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more repulsed by him.

  A shiver works its way through me, and despair batters me on all sides as I contemplate how things could get worse.

  Charlie reels me into his arms, holding me tight to his chest, instinctively knowing I need it. “I love everything about Abby. There isn’t anything that needs improving.”

  My father laughs, slapping him on the shoulder again. “You should’ve been an actor, son. You’d clean up on awards night.”

  Charlie laughs, but it’s strained, and I know it’s just to appease my father.

  “Abigail.” I lift my head, fixing my father with a docile stare. “I presume Charlie has informed you of the plans.” I nod. “I’m only allowing this because the Barrons have agreed to accept responsibility for you and because the reports from the staff here have been glowing. I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.” His eyes flash darkly. “I had a feeling my letter would help with that.”

  My reaction is guttural and swift. My body locks up tight. My hands clench at my sides, and my nostrils flare. Rage thunders through me, and my eyes flash with hatred. Charlie tightens his hold on me, and that’s the only reason I’m not lunging for my father. “Stick with the plan,” he whispers in my ear while pressing a kiss to my temple. “Get yourself under control before he notices.”

  I count to ten in my head, caging the rage as I eyeball the bastard. “I will do what I’m told,” I lie, almost choking on the words.

  “Good.” The bastard pulls a box from his pocket. “This is yours, and I want you wearing it twenty-four seven.”

  Charlie takes it, releasing me from his embrace so he can slide the massive diamond on my engagement finger. He tilts my head up, kissing me softly.

  A look of amusement dances on the bastard’s face when we break apart. “We need to go, Charles. We can’t be late.”

  “I’m ready,” I say, desperate to get out of here. The bastard sends me a derogatory glance. “We have business to attend to. Charles will return on Sunday evening to collect you.”


  Charlie places his finger to my lips, halting my words. “I know, baby. I hate to leave you too.” His lips pull into an arrogant smile as he addresses my father. “Abby and I never had time to celebrate our engagement.” He waggles his brows, and a sour taste floods my mouth as I get what he’s insinuating. “I can check into my room later and head straight to the meeting.” He checks his watch. “There’s enough time.” He smirks, and I detest that look on him.

  The bastard chuckles, clamping a meaty hand on Charlie’s shoulder again. “That’s my boy.” He grins, and it’s downright evil. “Work her over good. She needs a hard fuck to keep her in line. Show her who’s boss.”

  “I fully intend to.” Charlie
grabs hold of my butt, hauling me into him and squeezing my ass cheeks.

  I bite back my retort, but as soon as the bastard is out of the room, I shove Charlie away. “Was that necessary?”

  “I’m sorry.” He reclaims the distance between us, gently stroking my face. “You know I’d never treat you like that. But this plan only works if your father believes I’m fully committed to doing things the elite way.”

  “Is this Parkhurst?” I ask.

  He nods. “I’ve never been in this building before. This is where they send family members in need of medical intervention.” Disgust appears on his face, and I’m glad to glimpse the real Charlie.

  “So those other buildings in the distance are the main compound? That’s where you’ve all been going?”

  He nods again but gives nothing else away.

  “You never answered me before,” I say, easing out of his hold and walking to the bed. I flop down on the mattress. All the adrenaline has fled my body, leaving me drained. My arms ache as I roll on my side, fighting a yawn.

  He lies down beside me, angling his head so we’re facing one another. “I know you need answers, but save them for the ride home because there isn’t enough time to explain it all now. I’ve convinced your father to let me drive you rather than taking the jet, so we can stay a night in a hotel and have some alone time.”

  I prop up on my elbows, narrowing my eyes suspiciously. “Why are you doing that?”

  He tucks my hair behind one ear, peering deep into my eyes. “To give us enough time to talk everything through. There’s so much you don’t know. So much I couldn’t tell you.”

  “But you’re going to now?”

  “Yes.” He leans in close, and my eyes pop wide as he brings his mouth closer to mine. At the last second, he veers left, planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “Okay, but I’m holding you to that. I won’t be kept in the dark any longer.”

  “Agreed.” He sits up, stalking into the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” I follow him, watching him peer out the window. The bathroom window doesn’t have bars on it, but that’s because the only way out is via a thirty-foot drop. I’d ruled it out as an escape route early on for that very reason.


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