Twisted Betrayal

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Twisted Betrayal Page 7

by Davis, Siobhan

“It’s tequila,” I deadpan, stretching my arms up over my head and standing.

  “What the ever-loving fuck are you doing now?” He averts his eyes to avoid staring at my semi-naked body.

  “Going to the bathroom to pee.” I glare at him. “That okay with you?”

  He pulls something out of a bag. “Put that on before Joaquin creams his pants.”

  I smirk, making a meal out of slipping the oversized T-shirt down over my head.

  “You will give me gray hairs,” Rick mutters, staring at the ceiling as if looking for divine inspiration.

  “Hey, Joaquin.” I smile flirtatiously at him as I walk past, sashaying my hips on purpose. His brown eyes are heated as they latch onto my body, and he’s doing fuck all to hide the fact he’s shamelessly ogling my tits. I think it’s fair to say Rick and Kai’s interventions have had less success with their other brother.

  I listen to Rick berating Joaquin from behind the closed bathroom door, chuckling to myself.

  I can have lots of fun with this.

  Payback is a bitch, Kaiden Anderson.

  “How much of this did he drink?” Rick asks when I return to the bedroom. Joaquin isn’t around, so Rick must have sent him to his room with his tail between his legs.

  I flop down on the edge of the bed, stretching my bare legs out. “Pretty much all of it.”

  “Fucking hell.” He rubs the back of his neck repeatedly.

  “I could hardly drink it now, could I?” I arch a brow.

  “That’s what I thought, but there were two glasses.”

  “I had to pretend to drink it or he’d never have tried it.”

  Rick sends daggers at me. “You deliberately seduced him under false pretenses?” I shrug, not confirming or denying it. “Why would you drag him into this?” He claws a hand through his hair, looking like he wants to throttle me again.

  “Oh, chill out. It was only a bit of fun. Harley needs to let loose now and then. You two might think you’re protecting him, but he’s got to live his life.”

  “That is not your decision to make,” Rick says through gritted teeth. “Harley’s only fifteen, and he’s a good kid with great grades and a bright future. Kai and I have spared him the shit we had to put up with, and I’m sure as fuck not going to let you use him to get back at Kai, if that’s what you’re up to.”

  Guilt threatens to breach the surface, but I swallow back my discomfort. It’s not like I did anything. Sure, he’ll probably have the hangover from hell tomorrow, and it will piss Kai off, but I didn’t touch him, even if that’s what I want them to believe. “It just happened, okay? You need to relax. Or get laid.”

  “Let me guess?” He smirks. “You’re offering?” He shamelessly skims my body, and that rubs me up the wrong way.

  “I’m not a slut, and I resent the insinuation! Until I met your asshole of a brother, I was a virgin, and he’s the only guy I’ve had sex with.”

  “Now you’re saying you didn’t fuck Harley?”

  I sit up on my knees, my eyes blazing with indignation. “I never said I did. You’re the one jumping to conclusions.”

  “Because you got my little brother drunk and climbed into bed with him.”

  “We fooled around a bit before he passed out,” I lie, because I want Kai to hear about this, “but that’s not the same as fucking him.”

  “Sucks to be you, little bro,” Joaquin whispers to his sleeping brother, quietly chuckling. I hadn’t heard him return. “Thanks for taking the heat off me, Abby. I owe you.”

  Rick and I both scowl at him, but I don’t dignify his comment with a response.

  Frowning at the mattress strewn across the floor at Joaquin’s feet, I ask, “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll sleep there,” Rick says. “You.” He points at the empty bed he’s supposed to be sleeping in. “Get your annoying ass in there.”

  I can’t resist winding him up a little more. “You shouldn’t have to sleep on the floor. You can stay in here to babysit Harley, and I’ll sleep in the other room with Joaquin.” I give him my best “butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth” expression.

  “I’m down with that plan,” Joaquin says, shooting me a naughty wink.

  Rick growls, shaking his head. “This will be a long-ass couple days.”

  Things are tense in the car the following day, and Harley can’t even look me in the eye. I feel shitty, but I can’t back out now. And it’s not just because I want to piss Kai off. I need to hide the truth, or it’s all for nothing. If Rick discovers Harley passed out, he’ll quiz me about what I was up to, and I can’t have anyone finding the cell and ruining my chance at escape. I don’t know what Kai plans to do with me once we reach our destination, but I plan on spending minimal time in his presence.

  We find another motel Monday night, and this time, Rick secures separate rooms, keeping me well away from his little brothers, and he doesn’t let me out of his sight.

  We set out early Tuesday morning, and by six p.m., we cross the state border into Connecticut.

  A half hour later, Rick takes the exit for Mistbury, a small town with a population of three thousand one hundred and six, according to the sign we pass. I keep my eyes peeled, checking for landmarks and mentally mapping the route in case Xavier needs details.

  We drive through the small town, out past the main residential area, into a more remote part. It’s so pretty out here. The narrow roads are edged by thick shrubbery and dense woodland, and the few properties we pass are extravagant and well-maintained. Majestic trees, sporting amber-colored leaves, sway in the breeze, and I can almost hear them whispering in greeting as we glide past.

  Rick maneuvers the SUV up a bumpy dirt track, and I grip the handrail on the side of the door as I’m jostled from side to side. I press my nose to the glass as we drive for miles, with no land or people in sight. Rick slows at large double gates, tapping in a code on the keypad. I can’t decipher the numbers he’s inputting, but I’m on high alert, surreptitiously scanning the surroundings for anything that might help Xavier. I strain my neck as far as it will go, but I can’t see much over the large wooden gates and the massive, high wall that stretches on either side, securely enclosing the property. Barbed wire runs the length of the wall on top with mounted cameras at regular intervals.

  “What is this place?” I ask, growing uneasy.

  “It belongs to a friend of mine from college,” Rick says, as the gates open and he moves the car forward.

  “They’re big on security, huh?”

  “They have reason to be,” he cryptically replies, as I whip my head around, drinking in the massive landscaped grounds which seem to go on forever. The gates automatically close behind us as we drive up a wider, smoother driveway lined by a row of tall trees.

  “I can’t believe you’re hiding out in Connecticut. Isn’t it a little risky to stay this close to home?”

  “That’s the beauty of it,” Rick says. “They won’t expect us to hide right under their noses.”

  I nod, because it makes sense. It’s sneaky, and I love it.

  When we round the next bend, a few buildings come into view in the near distance. I lean forward in my seat, poking my head through the gap in the front seats, as I lock eyes on the beautiful wooden cabin. “Wow. It’s beautiful.”

  The house is gigantic. Out front, the façade is a mix of wood and decorative cream stone with a triangular-peaked roof. A similar structure looms over it at the rear with two large windows built into the alcoves, but the roof on either side is rectangular. An elevated, railed deck spans the width on both sides. The right-hand part of the house has small windows, but the left-hand side has floor-to-ceiling windows that I imagine let in plenty of light.

  “Wait until you see the inside.” Rick veers right just before we come to the cabin, heading toward the cluster of smaller buildings. “My friend’s mom is an interior designer, and she designed everything. It’s spectacular.”

  “I wish it was summer,” Joaquin says, “so we go
t to use the lake.”

  As Rick pulls the car into one of the side buildings—which is actually a six-car garage—I can just about make out the large lake in the background, the water glistening eerily under the cover of nightfall. I can visualize how incredible it’d be hanging out here in the summer, and whoever owns this has found a little piece of heaven on Earth.

  Rick parks the car, and we climb out. Butterflies scatter in my chest, and bile floods my mouth at the thought of my imminent reunion with Kai. The guys grab their bags from the trunk and start walking toward the open doors.

  “Hang on! I left my bag in the back seat.” I yank the door open, bending over the seat so they can’t see as I remove the cell and switch it on. Then I stuff it back in the pocket of my jeans, pull my sweater down over it, and grab the plastic bag containing my measly possessions.

  I wipe my sweaty palms down the front of my jeans as we walk, barely feeling the bitterly cold wind swirling around me.

  “Here.” Rick removes his jacket, draping it around my shoulders as we walk the short distance from the garage to the cabin. “I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, and you can get everything you need.”

  I arch a brow. “How long are we staying here?”


  That surprises me. “What about school?”

  “You’re worried about school?” He shoves his hands deep into his pockets, as he pins me with an inquisitive look.

  I shrug. “You can’t keep me prisoner here indefinitely,” I say, watching with my mouth in my throat as the door to the cabin opens.

  “You’re not a prisoner, Abby. Kai wants to keep you both safe.”

  “And if I want to leave, he’ll let me?” My heart is pounding behind my rib cage as a familiar tall, dark-haired form steps out onto the front porch.

  “You’ll need to discuss that with him,” Rick says, a smirk spreading across his mouth as he spots his brother.

  My feet slam to a halt of their own accord at the bottom of the steps, and I lift my eyes, instantly meeting his. Pain slams into me, almost knocking all the air out of my lungs.

  It’s been five weeks since I last saw him, and the time apart hasn’t eliminated the connection between us. I feel it in the prickles on the back of my neck. In the rampant throbbing of my pulse. In the instant ache between my thighs. My entire body tingles as every molecule recognizes his presence, and the craving is almost like a high, urging me to run into his arms and never let go.

  His gorgeous dark eyes drill into me, invading all my senses as he peruses my body from head to toe. Danger seeps from his pores, mingling with relief, frustration, anger, and something darker and more intense. His eyes are on fire. Part lust. Part residual hate. And it shouldn’t turn me on.

  But it does.

  I wet my dry lips, ungluing my tongue from the roof of my mouth as I steel my spine in readiness.

  My body is screaming at my head as a violent inner battle starts up.

  The attraction between us has always been off the charts, making it difficult to stay away from him even when he was tormenting me. But anger is a storm that’s mushroomed into a tornado over the weeks of our separation, and the need for vengeance is stronger.

  He will pay for all the lies, the secrets, and the ultimate betrayal.

  Rick, Harley, and Joaquin greet their brother, and he hugs them one by one, but his eyes remain locked on mine the entire time, as we battle it out with silent deadly looks. Rick whispers something in his ear, and he nods curtly, never taking his eyes off me.

  I force my legs to move, and blood thrums in my veins with each step I take that brings me closer to him.

  Rick glances at me briefly before following Joaquin and Harley into the house, leaving us alone.

  I plant my sneakered feet on the porch, sidestepping Kai so he’s forced to turn around.

  We face off, and tension bleeds into the air.

  The woodsy, citrusy sent of his cologne wafts around me, testing my self-control, but I stand firm, narrowing my eyes as I glare at him, purposely ignoring how fuckable he looks in the dark jeans hugging his slim hips and muscular thighs and the tight-fitting gray Henley that clings to his biceps and chiseled abs. The top is unbuttoned, offering a glimpse of the chest tattoo I’ve admired at close quarters. The growth on his chin and cheeks is thicker than usual, but his hair looks recently cut, the sides shorn close enough to highlight the skull tattoo I adore.

  Kai is devastatingly gorgeous.

  There’s no doubt about it.

  And the dark glimmer of hate still lingering in his eyes only adds to the appeal. My body strains toward him, pleading with me to touch him. And the craving is almost uncontrollable.

  My heart aches because there was a time I allowed myself to hope.

  To think I might have someone worth fighting for.

  I allowed myself to fall, and despite what he’s done, those feelings are still there, bottled up inside me.

  But I fucking hate him too, and I make sure he reads that in my eyes.

  I’m vaguely aware of our audience, whispering in hushed voices at the back of the hallway as his brothers watch our silent face-off.

  Kai’s eyes drift lower, latching onto my enlarged chest before wandering lower to my flat stomach.

  Pain slams into me again, and I hope I have the strength to do this. Subconsciously, I flatten my palm over my stomach, and his eyes burn with undisguised rage as he’s dazzled by the giant diamond on my ring finger.

  I momentarily gloat, thinking of all the ways I can use Charlie against him.

  His head jerks up, and he takes a step closer.

  I stand my ground, tilting my chin up defiantly and piercing him with a venomous stare.

  He closes the gap between us, pressing his body against mine as he glares at my mouth. Adrenaline courses through my veins, and my heart is hammering against my rib cage. Our eyes enter a battle again, and his nostrils flare as he trails his fingers up my arm, along my collarbone, and over my neck before gripping my chin.

  I keep the same hateful expression on my face as he tips my chin up, staring at me with a mixture of desire and frustration. “I can’t decide if I want to kiss you or kill you,” he admits, his voice bordering on a growl, sending shivers tiptoeing up my spine.

  “That’s not a dilemma I’d struggle with,” I coolly reply.

  “And why is that?” he replies in an equally cool tone, but the way his body is locked up tight gives the game away. His hand continues to grip my chin, but I don’t struggle.

  I flash him a malicious smile. “Because I know my mind, and killing you trumps kissing you every time.”


  “It’s cute how you lie to yourself, but I know the truth,” Kai says, and I pull away, fighting the urge to wipe that smug smile off his face. “Your body betrays you every single time.” He sweeps his heated gaze over me again, before settling on my lips. “You’re begging to be kissed.” He presses his hot, arrogant mouth to my ear. “Screaming to be fucked.”

  Conceited asshole. So much for his supposed concern for me.

  “You’re full of shit, because I loathe you.” I roll the word around my tongue, piercing him with a scathing look. “You’ve fed me a pack of lies, and I’ll never forgive you for it!”

  Something close to remorse briefly flashes across his face. “You haven’t exactly been wholly truthful now either, have you?” He crosses his arms, daring me to challenge him.

  My jaw hangs open for a moment. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I roar, shoving at his immovable chest.

  “You’re every bit as deceitful as me. What else do you think this thing is between us?” He smirks as he points between us, and it enrages me. I lash out without thought, slapping him viciously across the face.

  His cheek reddens, and he grits his teeth, looking like he wants to bash my head against the wall. Or maybe choke all the air from my lungs.

  “Kai.” Rick steps in between us. “Abby needs to eat and res
t up, or have you forgotten she’s pregnant with your baby?”

  Kai steps back, forcibly calming himself down. “I’ve hardly forgotten, Rick.” He drills a pointed look at his brother. “And butt out. This is between me and her.”

  “I’m glad to see you haven’t changed one bit. You’re still a raging, fucking asshole.”

  “You’re no saint yourself.”

  “What the fuck have I done?”

  “You concealed the pregnancy and your engagement,” he hisses. “And you fucking ran!”

  I step up to him, poking my finger in his chest. “I ran because you hid the documents stolen from the safe and you wouldn’t tell me why! And I didn’t know about the engagement! I told you my father had kidnapped me and locked me in my room. I was completely in the dark when you grabbed me into the bathroom before the party.”

  “And the baby? How long had you kept that a secret from me?”

  “I only discovered it the day after I left you. I’d gone to the doctors to renew the prescription for my pill. She always runs regular tests, including a blood draw, a urine sample, a Pap smear, and a pelvic exam before writing a new script.” My chest heaves. “The urine sample confirmed my pregnancy, and I was so shocked I stumbled out of her office barely paying attention to my surroundings, and that’s how my father’s men could sneak up on me.”

  I snap out of my melancholy, prodding my finger repeatedly in his chest. “So, I didn’t lie. Not like you,” I snarl, brushing past him.

  “It doesn’t mean you’re fucking innocent. You’ve done things you’re not proud of too.”

  I slam to a halt and spin around. “God, you really are an asshole. You can’t just apologize. You have to throw shade and try to downplay your despicable actions.”

  “I’ve never hidden my asshole side. You know that more than anyone.”

  His flippant attitude annoys me, but I’m done with this convo. “Please don’t change on my account, because it helps me hold on to my anger.” I step back toward the door as I speak. “And if you think you’re keeping me here, you’ve another think coming, because once I get answers, I’m going back home. To. My. Fiancé.” I waggle the fingers on my left hand.


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