Allow Me to Serve You [Dragon Hearts 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Allow Me to Serve You [Dragon Hearts 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 1

by Marcy Jacks

  Dragon Hearts 4

  Allow Me to Serve You

  Lord Dravick Grey is the dragon king of his nest, and desperately in love with the human servant who fills his wine goblets during dinner. Aaron is a favorite, and though he cannot make it known to anyone, even the man himself, that does not stop him from secretly meeting him again and again in his bed chambers for nights of pleasure.

  Though Dravick would love nothing more than to make his love for the man known, recent attacks and traitors within his nest make that impossible. If he were to announce his love for a human, the dragons under his command would rise up, and they would take their anger out on Aaron.

  He might be too late, however. Someone has learned the truth and has gone after Aaron in a bid to make him suffer for the crime of being with the king, and Dravick will make them suffer for it in return…

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 35,739 words


  Dragon Hearts 4

  Marcy Jacks



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove


  Copyright © 2015 by Marcy Jacks

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-035-0

  First E-book Publication: March 2015

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author


  Dragon Hearts 4


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  How would Novik take the news if he discovered it? Would the man be furious? Would he challenge Dravick? Not that Dravick cared about a challenge. He welcomed the idea of a good fight after his ass had been sitting on his throne for so damned long, but God, a good battle would do well to get his blood heated.

  The adrenaline of such a thing would, of course, go right to his cock, and then Dravick, the king of his nest of dragons, would be forced to seek out Aaron, a pitiful, worthless little human to bed him and sate his lust.

  But Aaron wasn’t pitiful, and he wasn’t worthless, though he was somewhat small. Humans, for the most part, did seem to grow that way. No, Aaron wasn’t worthless because Dravick fucking loved him. He loved the man with everything he had inside of him, and yet, if they made their secret love affair anything more than what it was, a secret affair, well, Dravick could already envision the blade of an angry dragon sliding across the man’s throat.

  Dravick’s eyes remained on Aaron as the man flitted around the table, a decanter in his hands, refilling wine goblets, and then taking away dirty plates.

  Working, like a servant, and receiving no thanks from any of Dravick’s men whom he served so well.

  Dravick wanted to box all their ears for the offence. The very least they could do was look at Aaron as he served them. Whenever they wished for their goblets to be refilled, they merely set them aside and waited for the servant boy to notice. The same went for their empty plates. When the warriors finished with their meals, they either reached out and grabbed more meat, bread, or other food items from the larger plates in the middle of the table, or they set them aside and waited for someone to take them away.

  Were they even aware that today it was Aaron who served them? With the way they did not look at him, it could have been anyone. There were more servants who worked the tables, after all, but Aaron was a favorite of Dravick’s. He preferred having the man nearby.

  At least that way, Dravick could keep the man in his sights for part of the day.

  It helped when they could not spend their nights together.

  “What do you think?” Novik asked.

  Dravick blinked, shaking his head slightly at the question. “I’m sorry. I was miles away. What was that?”

  He received a few good-natured chuckles for that.

  Aaron’s beautiful blue eyes flicked up, worried, but then he quickly looked back down at what he was doing. Refilling Tatsu’s wine glass without overfilling or spilling. Then he moved on.

  Novik’s smile did not reach his eyes, nor was it a happy thing. “I was thinking we could make another round over the mountain terrain today. Perhaps Kraigan is closer than we think he is.”

  Now Dravick felt like nothing less than a worm. His cousin and the man he trusted with leading his warriors assumed that Dravick was lost in thought about Kraigan. One of his warriors who had y
et to return from a previous mission.

  That mission had been to find and retrieve a captured human.

  Lightning had returned with Blue, a young half-breed with blue hair, eyes, and even fingernails. They were sitting next to each other.

  Blue kept his head down and ate little. The man wasn’t just a former servant. He was a also a former slave, and the idea of eating at such a large table with a vast assortment of good foods in front of him was still very clearly new to him. There wasn’t much on his plate, though he did still seem to be enjoying the selection, and he was one of the few people at the table who smiled when Aaron approached and said please and thank you, treating Aaron as though he was still a person, even though he was a servant.

  Adam, Novik’s mate, was also at the table, though a little green around the gills and also not eating much.

  The man had a condition that Dravick was not entirely certain had been explained to him yet.

  Novik knew about it, and so did most of the warriors at this table, but until Dravick had it confirmed that Adam knew what was the matter with him, he decided he would keep his mouth shut.

  Besides, Dravick liked Adam. He was also one of the few who smiled, softly being polite and saying thank you when Aaron brought him more plain, unbuttered bread to chew on and settle his stomach.

  Everyone sitting at this table was here because they were worried for Kraigan. Javik ate his fill, but that seemed to be more in an effort to obtain as much energy as he could for when he went out on another long search.

  “What say you, cousin?” Novik asked. The man did not want to leave his mate’s side again, but he was clearly eager to find his friend. Whether it was dead or alive, all the men here wished to bring Kraigan home.

  Considering Kraigan had gone off in search of Jason, Adam’s best friend, it might explain a little more why Adam wasn’t feeling so well. Perhaps his condition had nothing to do with it.

  Dravick’s eyes moved back up to Aaron. He watched the lithe blond move about, and as much as Dravick loved Kraigan, he loved Aaron more. That should not have been possible, but it was, and his distractions were not helping him to perform his duties.

  To help with that, Dravick imagined that it was Aaron who had been taken, and his heart hammered. His guts and belly sank in as he sucked back a sharp breath. He would move mountains to keep Aaron safe.

  “Do whatever you need to do to bring him back. It’s been two days now,” Dravick said. “The safe houses have been searched, and I’m tired of waiting. If all of you feel the need to go out at the same time even—”

  Novik shook his head, unwilling to go against his duty to his king and leave the nest with absolutely no protection at all.

  Dravick ignored him. “Do what you all have to do to bring him—them,” he said, looking to Adam, who did not look back, “home.”

  Tatsu nodded approvingly, large arms crossed over his chest. “I’ll go out first,” he said. “I can see well in the dark.”

  “I’ll take the next shift,” Javik said. “Athy can wait until I come home, but until I do, Novik, would you or Lightning watch after her?”

  Both men nodded.

  Dravick was fascinated as he watched his warriors prepare, making schedules now that would ensure the safety of the ones they loved.

  Dravick hadn’t even known that Javik, another relative, had even shown an interest in the red-haired woman. When had that happened? And why were so many of his warriors taking human mates? Well, Adam and Blue were half dragon, which would bring them some protection in the future, but not much.

  Athy, however, was a human woman, and Novik had not known that Adam had dragon blood in him when he’d taken the man as his mate.

  He looked to Aaron, who put the many plates and empty gravy boats and bowls onto a trolley before walking out.

  If Dravick wanted to have a human for a mate, even as king, he wouldn’t be able to stop his people from rebelling, from killing Aaron, or making the man wish he was dead, and yet now more than ever, as Dravick realized so many of his warriors were finding their happiness, he wanted one night to be happy as well.

  * * * *

  After the meal, when Tatsu took the first shift to search—despite Dravick’s insistence that none of the warriors needed such a thing anymore—Dravick damn near dragged his feet to his rooms. He wanted a hot bath, a long, leisurely fuck, and his bed.

  More than that, he wanted Aaron.

  If he could not leave his nest and search as well, like a real man should for a friend, then, at the very least, he could take his mind off of his troubles with a warm body.

  He already knew that Aaron would be waiting for him inside of Dravick’s room before he inserted his key and opened the door.

  Aaron had his own key, after all.

  Dravick’s heart melted at the sight of the man. It was not a good way of putting it, but it was the only word he could use to describe the sensation, and even that was nowhere near powerful enough to convey how he felt.

  Aaron always knew when Dravick was upset, or when he was needed. The man had an uncanny ability to foresee Dravick’s wants and needs, and he met them seemingly with ease.

  “You’re here,” Dravick said, smiling and closing the door, quickly so that no one would see Aaron if they happened to be walking by.

  That was unlikely. Aaron was careful whenever he arrived, and since he was a servant, if anyone did happen to catch him coming and going into Dravick’s room, then it would be assumed that he was there to clean up after a messy, spoiled king.

  Should anyone think anything other than that, it was the story Dravick decided he would be telling.

  Also, Aaron was standing far enough away from the door that anyone walking by would have to stick their head inside of Dravick’s room in order to see him.

  That would never happen.

  Aaron shifted from one foot to the other. His shoes were small, thin, and old leather. The man had once complained to him that his work required him to stand for long periods of time, which hurt his feet.

  Dravick still had the new leather boots he’d purchased for Aaron in his chest at the foot of his bed. He’d been unable to give them to Aaron because of the last time they had parted ways.

  It hadn’t been so long ago when Aaron had attempted to walk away, but unable to stay away, he had returned.

  Also, it did not seem correct to be giving gifts when one of Dravick’s warriors was missing.

  Dravick would save the shoes for later. A special occasion.

  “You looked...I’m not sure, but I thought perhaps you might need someone here for you. I wanted to be the one.”

  Aaron’s back straightened ever so slightly when those words left his mouth. His eyes bore into Dravick’s, almost like a challenge.

  Dravick couldn’t help but smile as he stepped forward. “Were you fearful I would choose someone else to come to me?”

  Aaron tensed, and he shook his head.

  “Be honest,” Dravick said, so close now that the heat of Aaron’s body flushed against his own, and he could see the reflection of himself in those deep blue eyes.

  He loved these blue eyes, so much that his heart ached at the sight of them every morning at the breakfast table, knowing he had not seen them that morning in his bed.

  Aaron turned his eyes away quickly. “I...I did worry,” he said, nodding finally. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. He barely glanced up at Dravick, though his shy nature, coming out now the way it was, did warm Dravick’s heart.

  The man was simply...cute? Why was there no masculine word for that? Was it because it was not a masculine word? That needed to change.

  “I know that we haven’t touched each other since the last time I came here and that we’ve not set down any rules for each other.”

  “Nor do we need any,” Dravick said, body clenching at the thought.

  Aaron’s eyes turned up to him quickly, and the hope there nearly crushed him because Dravick had to clarify his meaning. “When you
are in these rooms with me, you need no rules. You are mine, and if you want to come to my bed, then I will welcome it.”

  The hope was gone, but now it had been replaced with the quickly stuttering pulse at the man’s neck, and clear lust Dravick could see in the way Aaron’s bit his lips together, wetting them in that way that he did, and the way his eyes never left Dravick’s.

  Aaron reached his hands up, hesitated, and then put them on the back of Dravick’s neck. “I want to be here for you. If you’re hurting, and you want me, then I’m here for you.”

  But Dravick was tired of people being there for him. He was tired of being cared for as though he was made of glass. He was a king, dammit, and he was as able-bodied as any of his warriors. He trained and sparred with them, like any king should, but was forbidden from fighting alongside them or for searching for a friend with them because of his status. A status he didn’t even much like, especially because it meant he could not keep the one person he wanted more than all of the fine possessions in his life.

  He said none of those things. He would never say them to Aaron. This was Dravick’s burden to bear, and if Aaron wanted to show some of that in the best way he knew how, then who was Dravick to deny him?

  He leaned down and covered Aaron’s mouth with his, warms lips coming together, mouths immediately opening, and Dravick was the first to release a soft moan as he was finally given the one thing he needed after so much of this.

  The man he loved was in his arms, and at least for tonight, Dravick could pretend that he was not a king.

  Chapter Two


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