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Axe: Devils Reapers MC (Book 1)

Page 5

by Ruby Carter

  I grab her chin again and tilt her head up to look at me.

  "Dani, we can take this at your pace, babes...Whatever you want, however slow. What d’ya say?"

  Her blush deepens again before she answers. Jesus I could get used to seeing that on a daily basis…"Ermmm, I can’t, Axe. I... I…"

  "You nothing, babes. She would love to, Axey boy. What time are you picking her up from hers tonight?” Zara butts in and answers for Dani, and to be honest, I am very grateful, as there was going to be more back and forth until she said yes. I wouldn’t have left here until I got a yes.

  “Zara! For god’s sake! I was gonna say I can’t as I …”

  “You what, Dan? You are washing your hair? Or doing your laundry? You need to do this, ok? For yourself, remember. Like Axey boy said, he wants to take you on a date, not a night between the sheets. He just wants to take you out get to know you better.” Zara tells Dani with determination.

  “You, Axey boy, pick up Dani tonight. So she can’t talk herself out of it.” Zara is a cheeky bitch but I wouldn’t tell her I like her. She’s helping me with Dani and she seems to be “Team Axe & Dani”. Even if I find her calling me ‘Axey boy’ fuckin’ annoying as hell!

  Dani looks up at me, unsure what was written all over her face. She’s twisting her hands together and starts rubbing the inside of her right wrist over her tattoo. It must be a nervous habit. While she’s doing it, she’s tilting her head to the side. Then she nods her head slightly.

  “O...ok Axe.”

  “Ok, sweetness? What are you saying ok to?” I say with a lopsided smile and a cheeky wink at Zara, who is staring at the left of me. I am being a dick, as I want her to say the words to me. Plus she’s flushed pink again and that excites me more.

  “Ok, Axe. I will go on a date with you. No sex. Behave, ok? Maybe ermm pick me up at my apartment, around 7pm? Can we go for something to eat?” She asks me this time with only slight hesitation in her voice. She gives me a small smile.


  My face spreads into a huge smile, teeth showing, and I am pretty sure I can see her pupils dilate. She exhales deeply from just looking at me. ”Definitely, Dani. I will be there. Just write down your address and give me your number, sweetness,” I say as I hand her my mobile for her to put all the details in.

  “Ohh yeah, ok. Here you go, Axe. What shall I wear? Where are we going after we grab something to eat?” She’s gazing at me like I am a puzzle, but the thing is she is too to me. I never take girls out on dates. I’m just fuck ‘em and leave ’em sorta bloke. Just want a woman to get my rocks off, that’s how I have always been. Go with the first club whore to fuck or suck my dick. But with Dani, there is something about her that draws me in to her and makes me want to know more about her.

  "Wear something you’re comfortable in, babes. I am not taking you on my Harley …yet. I'll pick you up in my truck, ok?" I grab her small, perfect hand in mine and the contrast is quite stark. My big dark tanned to her small, peachy pink fingers. "I'll one ring you so you have my number, sweetness. I gotta go, babes. Ok I'll see you tonight."

  I put my hand behind the back of her neck with my fingers entwined in her long, dark, thick hair, pulling her flush with my body. My dick starts to wake up. I lean down slowly so she knows what’s gonna happen. I see her take a sharp breath in. I press my lips against her full, juicy lips and can taste raspberry. DAMN IT!

  She opens her mouth slightly as I nibble her bottom lip and slowly tangle my tongue with her soft and delicate one. I can feel my cock growing harder and pressing on my zipper. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I need to stop but I don’t think I can. She just feels so good, so perfect.

  Dani is the one who pulls away, face flushed, lips swollen and wet from our kiss. She looks fucking beautiful.

  “I better go sweetcheeks. See ya at yours at 7pm, ok?” She is breathing heavy and rubbing her wrist again.

  “Yeah you will, Axe.” She says, all breathy and sexy as fuck, then looks up at me through her eyelashes and her eyes are as wide as saucers. FUCK, I wish I could take her here, now, over that fucking table behind her. She is absolutely stunning and she doesn’t even realize. But I know she isn’t like other women. She is something special and I need to take my time and not rush it with her.

  Later, around 7:30pm…

  Fuck! Fuck! I am running late to pick up Dani. I had been talking to the President of The Scorpions, Dog, about the hit on the clubhouse and the talk about the drugs running through the town. But he swears on his patch and presidency he had nothing to do with either, and for some stupid reason, I believe him and I don’t know why either. I always go with what my gut says and I can usually tell by looking into someone’s eyes.

  He swears he doesn’t know anything about the hit made on the clubhouse, but he suspects there is a traitor in his club and he thinks it’s his own V.P, which is his cousin, Spider. The drug running through the town he reckons are all talks but I informed him that these are from another chapter of my club. We have a past history with The Scorpions, from club to club, but we have just been keeping out of each other’s way since Dog and I took over each club.

  I press call to Dani’s number while I’m driving to her apartment block. Ring ring ring …It just keeps ringing and goes to voicemail. Fuck, she’s probably pissed at me that I’m late. I leave her a voicemail to apologize and tell her that I will see her soon as I pull up to the junction of traffic lights on Main Street. I dropped her a text Me: “Hey, sweetness. So sorry, babes, that I am late. Got caught up with club business. I am on Main Street now, won’t be long. Don’t be pissed. -Axe”

  I have a funny feeling so I give her a ring again as I am still waiting at the lights. Ring ring ring… and nothing again except her voicemail kicking in. Fuck, she is pissed.

  I pull up to her apartment block. It’s a large, red brick building with poor fucking lighting. I get a feeling of unease and protectiveness of her living here. I take the stairs in the building, two at a time, so I can get to her and apologize sooner.

  I get to her floor and turn the corner, trying to find her door number, and then I see it. But her door is wide open like she left it open for me. She couldn’t be that careless, especially with how poor the security is in this building. I walk up to her door, calling her name. I slow down as I get to her door.

  I just stare at the object on the floor and I start to panic. I see her purse on the floor, open with the contents spread across her apartment floor. I feel sick to my stomach, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end with my breathing getting harder. I scan the apartment and call Dani’s name over and over, but no answer.

  I scream from the top of my lungs, “FUUUUCCKK!!”

  ~ Chapter 12 Dani ~

  2 hours earlier…

  I have never been so affected by any man and it’s exciting me, but more than anything, it scares the hell out of me.

  I don’t think I can let myself get close to him. I just know he could hurt me so badly and I don’t think I am strong enough to do that to my heart. He could break it so easily.

  But he draws me in and I can’t think clearly around him. It’s like he takes over my body… and I like it!

  “OHHH MY GOD, DAN!!” You, Dani Cooper, are going on a freakin’ date with Axe! AXE, the big, bad president of the Devil’s Reapers! Who is mother fuckin’ hot with a capital H-O-T! And that kiss, fuckin’ hell babe you got… Well, I got all tingly just looking at you both. I mean seriously Dani that face is beautiful tanned, a few days old stubble not to mention those stunning baby blue eyes. God just imagine that stubble in between your thighs…”

  “Zara! Have you finished? What are you like, huni. Seriously, it’s just a date. That’s all. Nothing more. The way you are going on is like he’s gonna confess his undying love for me seriously dude, chill out will you?” I look at my crazy ass best friend and shake my head with a smile on my face.

  “Look, I can’t help it, ok? I am just excited for you, huni. Is your B.F. no
t allowed to be excited for you now? You have had a really shitty time of it these past few months, years even and you deserve some good attention, and it doesn’t hurt he is beautiful to look at.”

  “I know. He is beautiful and he’s so swoon-worthy. Zara, if you think that kiss made you all tingly, how the hell do you think it made me? Bloody hell, hun, I thought my legs were going to give out if he carried on kissing me. His lips were soft and they tasted of the fresh air and peppermint and…and just perfection. Why he wants to take me on a date is another thing…” I say to Zara, but she is looking at me with pursed lips and hands on her hips.

  “Girl, if I have to tell you again, I will slap you. You know that, right? But Danielle Cooper, you need to stop being so shy around him and looking down. You deserve to be happy, you know? So tonight, hold your head up and be yourself. I know you need a little confidence boost, huni, and Axey boy is just that for you. Don’t panic about it, ok? Promise me?”

  “I will try, Zara, but you know I don’t do well with men, let alone men like Axe. He gets too me and I can’t think clearly around him. It’s like the whole world seems to blur into nothing, especially when he is kissing me and holding me,” I say to her as my breathing hitches thinking about that kiss… That kiss was so sweet, gentle, and when he nibbled on my bottom lip to give me a taste of what he can do… I have never felt so affected by a kiss through my whole body. It felt like my body was on fire, as my pussy clenched at the same time. Fuck, I want him…but I am scared of letting my barriers down.

  “Well, girl, that is something I have never experienced and I doubt I will…so you know what you got to do, Dani. Show him the real you, the girl with a wicked personality, a caring, loving heart, and a loyal nature. Just enjoy tonight, ok.”

  Zara gives me a huge hug as we are walking out of the shop for the end of the day.

  ”Right, Dani. Ring me when you get home so we can go through what you are gonna wear tonight, girl…I’m thinking either a dress, or skinny jeans and a nice top…Remember to ring me, babes.” She gives me a big hug again and walks off to get in her jeep, too.

  When I get into my apartment, I pour myself a big glass of wine, hoping this will help with my major nerves. I haven’t been on a date for like forever. What do I do? What do I talk about? Oh for god’s sake, why did I agree to this? I’m just going to ring Axe and just tell him I can’t do this. As I think that, my phone starts ringing from my back pocket. I look at it, and I swear to god, this girl has a sixth sense.

  “Hello Zara! You ok? You get home ok? I have just poured myself a drink a large drink.”

  “Right, Dani. Go to your closet and tell me what’s in there, then once you have done that, you get your ass in the shower.”

  “Ok. Ok … but I am going to screw this up, Zar. I don’t know what I am going to talk about with him! I have a few dresses… My favorite skater dresses, the coral one with the gems on the collar, a black one, a leopard print one... But I do have those new jeans that we got a few weeks back. I haven’t worn them yet.”

  “Dani, I am thinking either go for the coral dress, as you feel comfortable in that or your new jeans with your emerald green silk camisole. Just remember to be yourself, relax babes. You will be fine, ok? I will give you a ring in 30 minutes.”

  “Ok. Love ya, Zara. Thank you! I’m going now.”

  “Love ya too, girl. What are best friends for? Hey, speak to you soon.”

  Once I get out of the shower, I try not to think about the huge butterflies swimming around my stomach. I take a big gulp of my ice-cold Rosé. Mmmm. It tastes so good. Just what I need. I look in my closet and decide on jeans. I have always felt more comfortable in jeans. I pull them on and they fit like a glove, and I decide on the green camisole. I sit on my bed, putting on my makeup. Not too much, just smokey eyes and eyeliner, with lip gloss.

  I text Zara as she hasn’t rang back: Babes, you are obviously busy eating. Just to let you know, I have decided on my new jeans and the green camisole. Just putting on my makeup, smokey eyes. Love ya! Will text ya later to let you know how it’s going. Xx

  I put my phone on silent, ready for tonight, and put it back in my pocket. As I am nearly ready, I look at the clock. It’s about 6:25. I am just about to put some of my favorite perfume on, the one I wore the first time I met Axe in Ol’ Jacks bar, when the doorbell sounds. Weird. Not like a man to be early, well, not this early... I call out as I am coming out of my bedroom to the hall way, “I’m coming, won’t be a minute you’re early we said …”

  I can literally feel myself turning deathly white. I feel cold and clammy all over. I opened the door to find Paul standing in front of me with the slimmest smile, a sneer on his face I have never seen. I now feel physically sick, my excitement for tonight has disappeared in a puff of smoke.

  “Where the fuck do you think you are going, looking like that, whore? Are you shagging’ around?”

  “Paul, you need to leave. I am going out with a friend. Y-y-you have no right to be here. W-w-we aren’t together anymore.” I tell him trying not to show fear which fails.

  “JUST BECAUSE WE AREN’T TOGETHER ANYMORE, YOU LITTLE SLUT, DOESN’T MEAN SHIT! NO ONE ELSE IS GOING NEAR YOU!” He grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks so hard I swear I could hear the hair being pulled out by the root.

  I grab his hand. He has a hold of my hair and is gripping it so tightly. My knuckles are turning white just like the rest of me, but my hands are clammy from the fear and are slipping, as I can’t get a good enough hold.

  Paul says in my ear, void of any emotion, no scratch, that it’s of pure hatred towards me. “You, whore, are coming with me! Who the hell do you think you are, thinking you can go and shag some other man? You belong to me. Never forget that, bitch!”

  As I go to turn around, the last thing I see is his big, dirty fist coming towards my face. I can feel the pain, blood dripping from my face.

  But all I can see is darkness…then nothing.

  ~ Chapter 13 Axe ~

  Realization has sunk in, especially when I see the small splash of blood on the doorframe. She’s been taken and she’s hurt.

  I ring Flex and Bear to tell them what the fuck has happened. “I don’t fucking know, Bear. Last I saw of her was at the shop. No, there were a few drops of blood near the door. The door was wide open, not kicked in or anything. I think Dani knew who this person was. Get Brains to hack the cameras of the building. There aren’t many, but I want this fucker caught. I am going over to Hart’s house to see if he knows anything or can get his sister to find out. I’ll ring you when I am on the way back to the clubhouse.”

  I know, I can hear the fear in my voice, but who the fuck would want to harm her. She barely can look at me, for fuck’s sake!

  I pull up to Jake Hart’s house. I jump out of the truck. As I stride up to the front door, Jake comes out with a smile to greet me, but he sees the look on my face and his face drops as he realizes something’s wrong. “Yo, you alright, Axe? Come in. You want a drink?”

  “Nah Jake, I’m not alright. I have just been around to pick up Dani and her door was wide open, man. Her purse was over the floor. Shit, for fuck sake, if only I was there earlier!” Jake looks at me with anger in his eyes, jaw and fists clenched, I can see his knuckles turning white. “FUUUCKK! It’s got to be Paul! I need to ask Zara to come over. She knows more ins and outs of this shit. But bro, if he has got her, it ain’t gonna be good. He’s psychotic. He mentally abused her for the whole period of their relationship and I know he won’t leave her alone.”

  My heart is beating so hard. I am fuming, my nostrils are flaring, and my hands are shaking. I wanna fucking punch something. I start to crack my knuckles to release some of the anger.

  “Get Zara over here now. I want to know every fucking detail. There is no way that mother fucker is staying alive any longer!”

  About 10 minutes later, Zara comes bursting through the door with pure terror in her eyes and she’s shaking like a leaf. “Oh my god, Jake. What h
appened? Has he got her? I feel sick, Jake. Tell me what’s going on!” She looks over to me with tears welling up in her eyes, ready to spill in any second.

  “Zara, I want you to tell me everything that happened with Dani and Paul,” I say through gritted teeth, as I am trying to keep my anger in check.

  “I am not telling you anything. Dani wouldn’t want me to tell you, so please don’t ask that of me.” She looks back at her brother for support and he says what I am dying to shout out, but in a more gentle way, to his little sister. I am pacing up and down the length of the kitchen like an angry fucking lion.

  “Sis, I know you are only looking out for what Dani would want, but this shit is serious. Axe went to pick her up and her apartment door was wide open. Her purse strewn over the floor and, Zar, there was… blood on the floor. So you need to tell Axe everything so he can find her.”

  Well, that seemed to wake her up. Her face drops and so do the big tears she had been holding back. She starts shaking uncontrollably and falls into the kitchen table chair.

  “When they first got together, he was her prince charming and did things too familiar, like always buying her nice things. But as soon as they moved in together, well, things got a lot worse. First, it would start with him saying certain things about her body she could improve upon, like her ‘thick thighs’. They needed “toning up”. Then it got worse, he got more mentally abusive like saying she couldn’t wear her jeans, as she looked like a “whale with her big butt”. I told her so many times to leave him, but in the end, it had to be her decision and she needed to finally see it for herself. That night, I will never forget it. She rang me, crying her heart out. He had hit her so hard, she was knocked out cold, and he had forced her into loose fitting clothes. To quote him: “Men wouldn’t see what he owns.” She had cried so hard, she grabbed the first thing … god, I can’t, Jake. She will kill me if I tell you both.”


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