Maid to Serve

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Maid to Serve Page 13

by Ray Gordon

  Raising her hand, she swept it down across Amy’s clenched buttocks with a loud slap. The girl jumped and let out a yelp, her body quivering uncontrollably as Hayley raised her hand and then again brought it down across the youthful firmness of her bottom. Eyeing the fleshy outline of the girl’s pouting vaginal lips through the white cotton, peeping from below her rounded buttocks, Hayley found the temptation to touch her there overwhelming.

  ‘Let that be a lesson to you,’ she said a little breathlessly, finally halting the spanking after six curt slaps, the last two of which induced the pitiful cries for a cessation that Belinda had demanded.

  ‘But I haven’t done anything wrong,’ Amy sobbed, wiping her tearful eyes as she stood upright. ‘Really I haven’t. That was so unfair.’

  ‘Bend over!’ Hayley snapped. ‘Did I tell you to stand up?’

  ‘No you didn’t,’ she sobbed, again leaning over the back of the chair. ‘Why are you doing this to me?’

  ‘Because,’ Hayley began, unsure what to say, ‘because you’re in my charge and I demand from you total obedience and respect. You’ve been snooping in areas of the house that are off limits to us.’

  ‘I haven’t been snooping or anywhere that’s off limits,’ the girl whimpered, reaching back and gingerly rubbing the stinging globes of her buttocks. ‘Really I haven’t. If anyone’s been somewhere they shouldn’t it’s—’

  ‘Lies will get you nowhere, Amy,’ Hayley cut in, worried that Belinda might still be listening. ‘If you start lying to me you’ll definitely find yourself in real trouble. This spanking is nothing compared to what I will do.’ Hayley had no idea what that ‘real trouble’ might be, but she hoped it sounded convincing.

  ‘I’m not lying,’ the bent girl sulked. ‘May I stand up now?’

  ‘No you may not. You’ll stay there until I tell you to move.’

  Gazing at the girl’s glowing buttocks, a blotchy pinkness beginning to spread from beneath her tight white panties to the tops of her creamy thighs, Hayley felt a terrific sense of power. She was in charge, disciplining the girl, controlling her. The urge to cup and caress that gorgeous bottom, to hold Amy tight and comfort her after the pain of the spanking was extremely strong. Hayley really wanted to cuddle the girl, to kiss her...

  ‘Yes,’ she whispered at length, ‘you may stand up now.’

  That evening Hayley turned from her bedroom window high up in Hadleigh Manor, from where she’d been watching the distant figure of the gardener talking to the young man she’d met in the woods, and went downstairs to check how Amy was getting on with clearing away the dinner dishes.

  The girl wasn’t in the kitchen, although her work did seem to have been completed satisfactorily, and she wasn’t in the dining room or the study either, and Hayley was just wondering where she’d got to when she noticed the basement door was slightly ajar. Hearing muffled sounds from below, she moved to it and carefully crept down the gloomy steps, desperately wishing she wasn’t such a slave to her curiosity.

  Surprised to hear Amy’s voice drifting up from the basement, she reached the bottom and peered through a slight crack in the door. Amy was with Michael, shaking her head sulkily as he asked her something. They were whispering, and apart from the odd word Hayley couldn’t make out what it was they were talking about. Did Belinda know the girl was in the so-called studio with her husband? Hayley doubted it very much. Then there was a sudden flurry of activity, and covering her mouth to prevent any noises giving her away, she watched, unable to believe what she was seeing, as Michael forced the girl to lean over the table.

  ‘I’ve been looking forward to this,’ Michael grunted, his voice more audible as he shocked the watching girl by unzipping his trousers and hauling out his erect penis. ‘It’s about time you enjoyed a good length of cock.’

  ‘No, we mustn’t,’ Amy breathed, clinging to the edges of the table as he nudged the bloated, purple helmet of his erection between the glistening lips of her pussy.

  ‘On the contrary, of course we must,’ he sniggered, holding her hips and driving the entire length of his large organ deep into her vagina with one shunt of his hips. ‘You know fucking well that you want it,’ he gasped through clenched teeth.

  Hayley was in shock, unable to believe what she was witnessing, unsure how she should react, but instinctively she turned and quietly retraced her steps out of the basement as though in a bizarre dream, her hands trembling, her heart pounding. By the time she reached the hall again she was silently admonishing herself for not helping the girl. She should go back down and stop that lecherous pig from taking advantage of her. To leave her in his hands was cowardly. But what was the girl doing in the basement in the first place? Had Michael lured her down there, or had he caught her really snooping around where she shouldn’t? That would be ironic, after all those false and unjust allegations she herself had made earlier in the day.

  Then the nagging doubt about Amy returned, confusing her spinning thoughts even more. She wondered if Amy was playing the role of an innocent girl, if she’d known Michael and Belinda better than she’d suggested before taking up her job and moving into the house. Hayley went up to her room and closed the door.

  The time had definitely come to leave Hadleigh Manor, she decided. Whatever Belinda and her husband were up to she wasn’t going to hang around to find out. She’d thought that Amy was in her charge, that she was to look after and train the girl. She’d thought that would help her get a reference so she could go and work for Dave Ruby. But she’d thought wrong, of that she was now certain. Amy was a fraud, Michael was a middle-aged lecher, and Belinda was a spiteful lesbian.

  Chapter 9

  The sun was setting behind the trees and Hayley was ready to leave. She’d heard nothing from Belinda for a few hours, and assumed the lazy woman was having another sleep. Amy hadn’t emerged from the basement, and she supposed Michael was still satisfying his lecherous lusts on her.

  She inched her bedroom door open and listened to the deafening silence of the old house, peering up and down the landing. It seemed the coast was clear.

  Creeping down the stairs she made her way across the hall into the kitchen and tried the backdoor. It was locked. Not a very good start, she thought despondently, suddenly recalling Michael’s erect penis thrusting deep into Amy’s pussy. She shuddered; if she hung around it might only be a matter of time before she, too, was dragged down to the basement and seduced by him.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Amy asked, appearing from the hall.

  ‘I... I want to go for a walk around the grounds,’ Hayley replied hastily, the sudden appearance of the girl making her jump and her heart pound in her chest.

  ‘But it’s getting dark,’ Amy pointed out.

  ‘Did you enjoy yourself down in the basement?’ Hayley asked, trying to deflect the girl’s attention away from the fact that she was trying to leave the house.

  ‘How do you know about that?’ Amy asked.

  ‘Because I saw you,’ Hayley admitted.

  ‘He – he made me go down there, and then he seduced me,’ she sobbed, wiping tears from her eyes.

  ‘He made you go down to the basement?’ Hayley said, finding that harder to believe the more she thought about it. Was the girl lying? Was this all an act, part of a strange game the three were playing on her?

  ‘He made me swear not to say anything to anyone,’ Amy went on. ‘If he thinks I’ve told you what happened he’ll be furious. Please don’t tell him you know.’

  ‘But why did you go down there with him in the first place?’ Hayley pressed, wondering why she’d not heard the girl protesting if she’d not wanted to go with him to the basement.

  ‘I was in the study doing some dusting, and he said he needed me to help him with something,’ Amy said. ‘So naturally I went with him. I didn’t see any reason not to.’

  ‘I think you’re lying,’ Hayley said. �
��You’ve been seeing Michael for some time, haven’t you?’

  Amy shook her head, looking surprised by the unexpected accusation. ‘No, of course I haven’t,’ she denied adamantly. ‘I told you what happened; I was working in the study and he took me down to the basement. He said he wanted me to help him with something and then he... and then he seduced me.’ Fresh tears sparkled in her beautiful eyes and she dabbed them away. ‘Why didn’t you help me?’ she asked. ‘If you were there watching, then why didn’t you do something to help me?’

  Hayley shifted awkwardly, knowing that if the girl was telling the truth then she was fully justified in asking that. ‘I – I didn’t know what was going on,’ she hedged, unsure of whether to believe the girl or not.

  ‘He seduced me,’ Amy again sobbed, ‘and you did nothing to help me. I want to get out of here.’

  ‘So do I,’ Hayley agreed, beginning to believe the poor girl and feeling increasingly ashamed for not intervening and saving her from the lecherous clutches of Michael Philips, ‘but the backdoor’s locked, and I suspect the front door will be too.’

  ‘I noticed a bunch of keys on the desk in the study when I was dusting in there,’ Amy said hopefully. ‘I’ll go and get them.’

  Hayley watched her flit out of the kitchen, and still couldn’t help but wonder if she was lying about what went on between her and Michael down in the basement? Could Amy be trusted as an ally, or was she working covertly for Michael and Belinda Philips? Surely Michael wouldn’t really force himself upon the girl? But whether she was lying or not wouldn’t matter if one of the keys she’d gone to fetch fitted the backdoor, which, when she quickly returned with them, it did!

  Slipping out into the back yard Hayley started to make her way stealthily around the house towards the front drive. If this was a trick, as she suspected it might well be, then Michael and Belinda would materialise from the darkening shadows at some stage and thwart her getaway. They’d probably planned it all with Amy and would be lurking by the main gates.

  Frowning as Amy hurried past her, heading towards the woods at the bottom of the vast lawn, Hayley called to her in a hushed whisper. There was no way she was going into the woods in the dark. ‘Where are you going?’ she asked.

  ‘We’ll hide in the woods,’ Amy said enthusiastically.

  ‘Until when?’ Hayley asked. ‘Until they find us?’

  ‘There’s a perimeter wall,’ Amy told her. ‘We can climb over it into the lane beyond.’

  ‘But what if it’s too high, Amy?’ Hayley objected. ‘We should go to the main gates. That’s our best option. They might be locked, but we can hide in the bushes and wait. It’s our best chance.’

  ‘Wait for what?’ Amy pressed.

  ‘Until it’s completely dark, and then we’ll climb over the gates.’ Hayley looked up at the darkening night sky. ‘We won’t have to wait long.’

  ‘The keys,’ Amy suggested. ‘One of them might be for the gates.’

  ‘Damn, you might be right,’ Hayley cursed. ‘I’ll have to go back for them. You stay here.’

  Making her way back to the kitchen, Hayley thought the girl could very well be right. She took the keys from where they’d left them in the backdoor. This was too easy, she thought, and then a question that had been nagging her for the last few minutes made itself clearer: how did Amy know about the perimeter wall in the woods, and that the lane was on the other side? Then frowning as she noticed a carrier bag on the table, she was sure it hadn’t been there a few minutes ago when they’d left. She moved tentatively towards it, and was about to peer inside when she heard someone behind her and swung round.

  ‘Hayley,’ Belinda said, making her jump, ‘I need your help. Come with me.’

  ‘Where to?’ she asked shakily, wondering where the woman had appeared from, her spirits plummeting as she realised her attempt to get away was looking like being thwarted.

  ‘Where’s Amy?’ Belinda asked.

  ‘I, um, I don’t know,’ Hayley said, somewhat unconvincingly. ‘I haven’t seen her for a while.’

  ‘No?’ Belinda sneered. ‘Well my beloved husband has. He’s seen plenty of her.’

  Following her mistress into the hall, Hayley watched her open the basement door. Something bad was going on, she sensed as Belinda ushered her through the door and down the stone steps. Should she refuse to go down to the basement? Should she simply tell Belinda that she was resigning and leaving while she had the chance? What was holding her back?

  Hesitating indecisively she descended the steps to the basement and looked about her. What help did Belinda need down here? She must have discovered her husband’s infidelity, Hayley was sure as the woman closed the door, but what did that have to do with her? Eyeing the steel rings set in the four corners of the table, and the lengths of rope dangling from them, she knew this was getting distinctly ominous.

  ‘Lie on the table,’ Belinda ordered her.

  ‘What?’ Hayley gasped. ‘Why would you want me to do that?’

  ‘Lie on the table, young lady,’ the woman repeated menacingly.

  ‘No, I won’t,’ Hayley insisted.

  ‘You stole some money from me, didn’t you?’ the woman accused her.

  ‘I did what?’ Hayley said incredulously, utterly bewildered by this turn of events. ‘Of course I didn’t steal any money from you. I’m not a thief, Mrs Philips. I didn’t even know you’d lost any money.’

  ‘I found it in your room,’ Belinda went on, regardless of the denial. ‘Initially I thought Amy was the sneaky little thief, but I kept an eye on her and soon realised that she knew nothing about it. So I had a look in your room and found it under your bed—’

  ‘But I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about,’ Hayley interrupted the woman. ‘I haven’t stolen any money from you, there’s no way it could be in my room, and to suggest such a thing is completely unforgivable.’

  ‘Later I saw you go downstairs,’ the woman went on, regardless of Hayley’s plaintive denial. ‘I’d inched my bedroom door open so I could keep an eye on you. I followed you, Hayley. You hid the money in the kitchen.’

  ‘No I didn’t,’ Hayley gasped. ‘I haven’t seen or touched your money. I wouldn’t do such a thing. Never.’

  ‘You were planning to make off with it, weren’t you?’ Michael said, emerging from the shadows.

  Hayley shook her head, backing away a couple of steps. ‘No. I’ve never heard such nonsense or been accused of such a thing!’

  ‘Either you lie on the table or we call the police,’ Belinda threatened.

  ‘No, I won’t.’

  ‘Lie on the table, young lady.’

  ‘No,’ she said again, but put up no resistance as both her accusers took one of her arms each and manoeuvred her until her bottom touched the edge of the foreboding piece of furniture. ‘No, you can’t make me do this.’

  But they were making her, and before she really even seemed to realise it she was pressed down until she was lying on her back. As she stared up at the low, vaulted brick ceiling she knew her situation was getting hopeless. If she tried to resist them they’d simply call the police as threatened with some trumped up charges and she’d be in all sorts of trouble. What could she say when questioned? Belinda would say that she found the stolen money in her room. The bag on the kitchen table probably contained the cash, and the backdoor was open. It wouldn’t look at all good for her, and her predicament would be compounded by the ridiculous but potentially potent allegations of poisoning and assault. This was an ever-worsening nightmare. Hayley couldn’t believe what was happening to her.

  She had no choice but to comply, she knew as Belinda parted her feet and secured her ankles with the hanging ropes. Michael pulled her arms behind her head and tied her wrists, rendering her completely defenceless. Just what, she wondered fearfully, recalling Michael’s penis ploughing deep into Amy, were t
hey going to do to her?

  As Belinda leaned over her tethered body and deliberately unbuttoned her blouse, laying it open, exposing the firm mounds of her breasts, Hayley was unable to speak. No words would pass her lips as cold fear gripped her. What did they intend to do to her? Would Belinda watch as her husband fucked her? No, surely they wouldn’t dare to do that. Holding her breath as Michael passed his wife a leather belt, she watched, her eyes wide with trepidation, her mouth suddenly dry.

  ‘No!’ she wailed as the leather belt lashed down through the air, landing with a loud crack across her naked breasts. ‘No, please...’

  ‘You disloyal little thief!’ Belinda hissed, again lashing the leather belt down with a cringing splat. ‘You traitorous...’






  ‘Disloyal little thief!’

  This couldn’t be happening, Hayley thought as she fearfully eyed the belt hanging from the woman’s hand. Michael moved closer, leering as he focused on the blotchy stripes crisscrossing Hayley’s milky breasts, her nipples erect and inflamed from the painful lashing. Where was Amy? Why didn’t she come and help her. But why should she, when Hayley had done nothing to help her when she was at the mercy of Michael’s lust?

  As Michael gripped the hem of Hayley’s short skirt and folded it up onto her flat tummy Belinda let out a wicked chuckle. The woman was definitely mad, Hayley thought, and Michael was a creepy pervert. They were staring at their captive, ogling her naked breasts and the smooth white panties covering the gentle swell of her pubic mound. Was Michael erect? Was Belinda turned on by having their young housekeeper strapped at their mercy to a table in their basement? Trembling, her heart racing, she looked up and tried to fathom out what was going on in Belinda’s head.


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