Bought by the Badman

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Bought by the Badman Page 6

by Hayley Faiman

  Turning in my chair, I face my desk again and begin to pretend writing on my notepad. My cock is still halfway out, and I need to put it away, but I need to wipe this bitch’s spit from it first.

  Without looking up, I hear my office door open and close. Quickly, I grab a tissue and clean myself, then I stand and adjust my dick and pants. With a sigh, I go in search of my daughter. The party is tonight, and everything should already be set up, however, I want to make sure she doesn’t need any extra help now that I’ve fired that whore of a planner.

  “She ran outta here like her ass was on fire. What did you do to her?” Caleb asks from the sofa as soon as I walk into the living room.

  I chuckle. If the boy only knew. “Fired her.” I state.

  He laughs, which turns into a giggle before he sits up. “Good, she was a bitch.”

  I slap the back of his head and tell him not to say that shit again, even though I’m laughing the entire time I scold him. Then, I make my way toward Elowen to see if she needs any help. I hope that this party goes off without a hitch and doesn’t last too late into the evening. I really want to make it to Giovanna’s later tonight.



  Looking around my house, I can’t help but smile. It’s full. Not with just the noises of my children, but with my nieces, nephews, brothers, and sister. The O’Neil clan had a tough year, but as my eyes skirt past all of the smiling faces in the room, I know that we will come out on top.

  “You look different,” Devyn observes as she sits next to me.

  Dinner has been consumed, dessert is laid out, and we’re all just enjoying one another’s company. I lift my drink to my lips, trying to school my features, but I’m sure that she can see right through me. Devyn is the baby of the family, and me being the oldest, I’ve always had an extreme soft spot for her. She is one of the only people I’ve ever let my guard down for.

  I shake my head, swallowing my whiskey. “Not different, Devvy. It’s nice having the bitch off my back though,” I shrug, speaking of Fallon.

  Timofei, appears a few minutes later and stands in front of us, a smirk firmly planted on his lips. Devyn squeezes my knee as she stands. “I hope she deserves you, whoever she is,” she says before she walks away. My eyes widen, and I watch her go in shock.

  “I haven’t told her a fucking thing if that’s what you’re thinking,” Timofei announces from Devyn’s abandoned seat.

  Clearing my throat, I look over to him. His eyes, however, are focused on his wife. I take in his expression, and I smile. He’s so head over heels in love with my sister, and I know just by looking at them, that I made the right decision when I backed him.

  Turning on family isn’t something that I took lightly, especially since my father was the leader of our group. However, he wasn’t making the right decisions for the family, for our organization. Neither was Timofei’s father. We are much more alike than either of us probably care to admit, which is why I think that we work fairly well together.

  “You’ll be bringing Giovanna to events from now on, I assume,” he grins.

  I chuckle, shaking my head. “No, I don’t believe Giovanna will be accompanying me anywhere.”

  Timofei frowns. “You don’t like her?” he asks, obvious concern marring his features.

  I lift my chin. “I like her just fine. She’s still a whore, Tim. Not the type of woman you bring out in public, or near your children.”

  Timofei grunts, obviously displeased with my answer as he pushes to his feet. “I shouldn’t tell you who she is. I should just let you think the way you do. I should allow you to live in some closed-minded false reality,” he clucks.

  “Are you trying to tell me she’s not a whore?” I ask, raising a brow in question.

  Timofei lets out a humorless bark of laughter. “Oh, she’s a whore. The best the Italians had to offer,” he smirks. “The most expensive, too. I could be making a mint off of her. However, I stupidly thought to give her to you.”

  “Why?” I demand.

  His smile grows. “The man who got rid of his cheating wife that was a cunt to Devyn. I don’t know. I thought the fallen prince deserved a fallen princess as well. I thought she could make you happy. I’m all in love and shit, and trying to help other people.” He chuckles.

  “Fallen princess?” I ask.

  Timofei takes a step away from me. Turning his head, his eyes meet mine. “I think I’ll let her tell you that story. If you give enough of a shit to ask her about it.” Without another word, he walks away from me.

  I spend the rest of the evening sitting in my chair, watching my family around me. A few hours after Timofei’s speech, the party begins to taper down. I glance at my phone and notice that it’s already around eleven in the evening. The nanny takes my children to bed, and I thank her, as all of the guests aside from my brother, Mannix, and his wife leave.

  I watch as his wife starts walking around the house, picking shit up. She doesn’t need to, I have housekeepers for that, but I know that she’s only doing it to busy herself so that Mannix and I can talk.

  “Fallon is gone. Your kids look pretty adjusted to that, not that she was really around much anyway, and you had a successful family dinner,” he says. I lift my chin as I stand. Without looking back, I walk outside to the back patio and reach into my pocket for my cigarettes. Lighting one, I wait for the back door to close. “You’re still smoking? Shit, you’re gonna kill yourself, brother,” he chuckles.

  I offer him my pack, watching as he takes one and then pulls a lighter out of his pocket. “We’ll be buried together.” I chuckle.

  “Who is she?” he asks quietly.

  “Why do you all keep asking me that?”

  He tilts his head to the side and really looks at me. “You don’t see it when you look at yourself in the mirror, do you?” he asks.

  “What’s that?”

  I watch as he takes a drag from his smoke. “Whoever she is, she’s worked her way beneath your skin. I can see it, everybody can see it. You aren’t the miserable fuck you were with Fallon. You aren’t the resigned workaholic you were when you got rid of the cunt. You’re different. You seem hopeful, almost as if you’re full of anticipated excitement. It doesn’t ooze from you or anything, it’s just beneath the surface, but it’s there.”

  Lifting my hand, I scrub it down my face, then through my hair. “It isn’t what you think,” I murmur.

  “Oh, I believe that one hundred percent. I also believe that it isn’t what you think either,” he winks. Mannix turns around, and I watch as his eyes track his wife’s movements through the window. “It is never what you expect it to be, Aidan. Life, love, marriage, family—not ever.”

  I clear my throat, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Do you need to talk?” I quietly ask.

  He chuckles, clearing his throat. “I just mean. When I married Nola, I thought that I had it all figured out. I didn’t know a fucking thing about it, about any of it. Now, I can say that although my life hasn’t turned out exactly how I expected it to, I wouldn’t change a goddamn thing about it,” he states. “Don’t put up roadblocks. Whatever you have with this woman, let it happen naturally.”

  Mannix walks away from me. I watch him go inside of the house. Then I continue to watch when he places his hand on Nola’s back and presses his mouth to hers in a kiss. I’m unable to look away from them. She smiles up at him, placing her hand on his cheek and their love is disgustingly perfect.

  I find myself a bit jealous of my brother, I’ve never had what he has with his wife. I didn’t think that it mattered, love, not really. I had Fallon. I’ve always had love for and from my children so I always thought it was enough.

  Now, after seeing Timofei and Devyn, then really looking at Mannix and Nola, I’m thinking that I might like that for myself. Although, I don’t think I’ll find it in a whore. No matter what Timofei thinks or says.

  Giovanna is beautiful, sexy, and I have a feeling there is so much to her that I
don’t know, however, it doesn’t take away the fact that she is very much a whore. Thinking about attempting to date another woman, though. It doesn’t fill me with anything but dread.

  I stub out my cigarette and decide to ignore my thoughts for the rest of the evening. I’m going to give into the temptation that is Giovanna. Walking through the house, I flip all the lights off, quietly walking into the garage, toward my waiting car.

  Without another thought, I slip into the driver’s seat and press my finger against the button that starts the car, then punch the garage door button. It’s well after midnight, but I know that she’ll be waiting for me, just like she said she would be.

  The drive to Giovanna’s condo is quick. Timofei definitely had my home, and office, in mind when he put her up. Thinking about his words, I’m becoming more and more curious about this woman.

  A fallen princess.

  What the fuck does that even mean?

  Finding a parking spot, I pull my car in and quickly exit. Using the building key, I open the front door and head inside.

  Gripping the condo key, the leather keychain still attached, I jog up the stairs. Once I reach her door, my heart starts to race as I unlock it with my key. I shove it back in my pocket as I walk through the doorway, locking it behind me when I do. Then, I head toward Giovanna’s bedroom.

  When I left her last time, she was asleep, she looked younger and more vulnerable. Something I didn’t think possible, but at that moment, I wanted to keep her. A stupid thought, and I chastised myself for it immediately after it entered my head.

  How can you keep a whore?

  How do you make a lover out of a woman who sells her pussy?

  She could never be anything but a dirty secret.

  The light and music spilling from her bedroom are low, and I know that she’s up waiting for me. Once I make it to her doorjamb, my eyes scan the room for her and when they find her, I’m unable to hide my surprise.

  She’s lying beneath her sheets, her head propped up on two pillows but that isn’t what has surprised me. She’s got a pair of black horn-rimmed glasses on, a book in her hand, and she’s asleep. She looks like a sexy sleeping secretary with the glasses.

  I remove my suit, setting it on the fancy chair in the corner, then I walk over to her. Gently, I slip the glasses from her face, and close the book, setting them both on her nightstand. Turning the bedroom light off, I make my way back to the bed and slip beneath the sheets. I’m lucky that she enjoys too many fucking pillows on the bed, because she’s taking up two, and it still leaves two for myself.

  Rolling to my side, I wrap my hand around her belly and slip my thigh between hers. Burying my face in her neck, I close my eyes. Sleep takes ahold of me almost instantly, something that hasn’t ever happened to me before.


  Something warm wraps around me from behind. I snuggle back against it and freeze when I realize that it’s a body. Glancing down, I see a hand resting on my stomach. I suck in a breath when that hand moves to my breast. He firmly squeezes me and then his mouth is on my neck.

  “Mornin’, A rùnsearc,” he rasps against my skin.

  Instantly, I relax, but that only lasts a second. My eyes widen, and my heart begins to race when I realize that it’s no longer nighttime, but instead, the bright light of day. I didn’t stay awake late enough for him, and then I didn’t wake up when he walked into the house. I fucked up, huge.

  “Relax, Vanna,” he whispers.

  My stomach flips when his fingers trail down the center to the top of my pussy. It still aches, but after my fuck up last night, I couldn’t even attempt to tell him that. Spreading my thighs, I lift one of my legs to drape around his. His fingers lightly trail through my center, swirling around my clit before he begins to pet me.

  “Aidan,” I breathe.

  His mouth touches my neck, his tongue sneaking out to taste me before he speaks. “Just relax, let me play.”

  I do as instructed, relaxing my back against his chest as his fingers play. It doesn’t take long for that feeling, that heat that begins to fill me from inside out to roll through my body. God, the man knows how to touch, his fingers are practically magical.

  My hips shift, and I’m so close just from his petting that I whimper when he pulls away from me. “On your knees,” he demands.

  I want to scream at him, to tell him no—but I don’t. I do as I’m told, and I shift so that I’m on my hands and knees. I pinch my eyes closed, hoping that it doesn’t hurt too badly when he enters me. I jump, letting out a small yelp when I feel something soft and wet slide through my center.

  Glancing back, I catch a glimpse of Aidan’s grin. He’s on his hands and knees, too, but instead of filling me with his cock, his face is mere inches from my center. “No talking now,” he murmurs as his fingers grip my hips and he tugs me back against his face.

  I let out a long muffled groan when his tongue slides through my center before flicking my clit. I mewl, pushing my hips closer to his face, silently demanding more from his mouth. Some men love to eat pussy, some hate it, and others do it just because they feel obligated. I’m not sure exactly which one of these Aidan is, but I don’t give a shit, because he’s the absolute hands down, best I’ve ever had.

  It’s the hardest thing I have ever done, stayed quiet while having the best pussy eating experience of my life. I whimper, my hips moving involuntarily as I ride his face. I’m so fucking close to my climax that I bite the inside of my cheek, tasting blood before it becomes too much.

  When I come, my head and ass rear back as I cry out, sobbing and shaking. Aidan doesn’t stop, in fact, his tongue works overtime and only when I completely collapse on the bed does he slow down and eventually remove his face from between my legs.

  He kisses my ass cheek, then makes his way up my back until his mouth is at my shoulder. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “Aidan,” I sigh, closing my eyes. Obligated. That’s the man he is, he felt obligated to eat me as his way of apologizing. I shouldn’t let it bother me, the type of woman I am, he didn’t have to do anything at all. However, it hurts me anyway. “Thank you, now there’s no more need to mention it again, okay?”

  He chuckles, his warm breath fanning over my skin. “Okay, A rùnsearc.” I roll over beneath his body and adjust my legs, spreading them widely so that his hips fall between them. “No,” he grinds out through gritted teeth. I can feel his hard length against my slick center though.

  Lifting my hand between us, I wrap my fingers around his hard length and gently stroke him. “Aidan, please,” I exhale.

  His resolve slips, and I know it instantly. I watch his nostrils flare, moving my hand out of the way, I feel the head of his cock against my center before he slowly glides inside of me.

  His hips move slowly, and I shift my legs higher so that he slips farther inside of me with each stroke. I thought he was beautiful wrapped up in his suit, or with mildly mussed up hair, but I was wrong. He’s absolutely breathtaking first thing in the morning. There’s stubble on his cheeks, his eyes are half-lidded and lazy with sleep, his black hair is a thick uncontrollable mass, and I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life.

  Aidan’s mouth lowers, his lips brush mine, and then I suck in a breath when his tongue tastes me. My eyes close when his tongue slowly sinks into my mouth. I open for him, for our first kiss, and I accept him inside of me—completely. I stupidly open up every part of myself to this man as I allow him to make love to my mouth.

  I’m beyond in trouble now. I’m unfixable. What little guard I had in place, completely crumbles as his hips begin to speed up and his mouth consumes my own. He consumes every part of me—ruining me.



  Walking into my office, I can still taste Giovanna on my lips. Christ, the woman has consumed me. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to stay away from her. Knowing how she felt around my cock was one thing, but tasting her cunt and then her mouth, fuck, I�
�m done for.

  I’ve never had sweeter, not even my virgin wife was as sweet as this whore. I’m not sure how I feel about any of it. There is no way I should feel more for a prostitute than I did my own wife of almost two decades.

  “You’re deep in thought, brother,” Shaughan announces before he sinks down in the chair in front of me.

  Lifting my eyes to him, I smirk. “I guess I am,” I say.

  “I know you’re not telling anybody, but who is she?”

  Thinking about his words, I lean back in my chair, my eyes connecting with his. “There is someone. It doesn’t matter though. It will never go anywhere,” I shrug, admitting the truth to him.

  My brothers are my friends, and the men that I can trust the most in my life. However, my brother Callum became a traitor, so I know that I can never fully trust anyone in this world.

  “Don’t be a pussy,” he states as he stands. Lifting my brow, I wait for him to continue. “Whoever she is. You’re putting up imaginary roadblocks because you’re scared. She is not Fallon. That bitch is gone.”

  I watch as he leaves my office, not looking back at me. He’s right. Giovanna is not Fallon. I could tell within the first five minutes, even all made up, that Giovanna was nothing like my ex-wife. She’s different, and I truly enjoy her company. None of that changes the fact that she’s a whore, and in no way, could I bring her around my children. If I can’t bring a woman around my kids, then there is no future for us, even if she is what Timofei called her—a fallen princess. I still don’t know what the fuck he meant by that.

  My phone rings, distracting me from my thoughts. Reaching for it, I quickly answer. “We have a problem, boss,” one of my men, Tadhg, states on the other end of the line.

  “What kind of problem?” I growl.

  He clears his throat. “One you need to see for yourself. I’ll text you the address,” he murmurs before ending the call.


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