Bought by the Badman

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Bought by the Badman Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  “Nobody keeps me waiting,” Blackburn huffs. “He’ll pay extra for this. And who the fuck are you?” he snaps at me.

  Tilting my head to the side, I eye him up. He’s about thirty pounds lighter than me. Odds are he’s only ever worked out on a treadmill, and he hires someone to help him stay trim, but his muscles wouldn’t really hold much weight in a fist fight. He has sandy brown hair, brown eyes, and a weak chin.

  “Aidan O’Neil,” I state.

  His eyes widen, and he presses his lips together as his nostrils flare. He opens his mouth, then snaps it closed and his eyes lift to behind me, he growls the sound low but not deep.

  Before I turn around, I stand, knowing that it must be Timofei. When my eyes sweep the doorway, my breath completely escapes me. It’s Timofei and Dominik, but they’re flanking Giovanna. She’s dressed in an extremely tight black dress. Her tits are spilling out of the top and if she bent over even an inch, her ass would be hanging out of the bottom half.

  My eyes drag down to her feet, she’s wearing a pair of red high heels, a height which should be fucking illegal. They have gold studs all over them, which only makes them look even more fucking dangerous and sexy.

  Her face is covered in thick makeup and she even has bright red lipstick on her fuckable lips. Her dark hair is down, but curled, and looks messy, as if a man’s hands have recently been running through it. Goddammit, she looks like a fucking prostitute, yet I still want to bend her over this table and fuck the shit out of her.

  “Sorry I’m late, gentlemen. I had to wait for this lovely lady to join us. We all know Giovanna Rossi, don’t we now?” Timofei asks. I don’t miss the smirk he gives me as he guides Giovanna to her spot at the head of the goddamn table.

  “No women with business,” Blackburn states.

  Timofei clucks his tongue, shaking his head once. “Usually, I have to agree. However, this is a special circumstance. Since Giovanna is the business, I thought it only necessary that she be involved this evening,” Timofei announces.

  The fuck.

  He’s a fucking fuck is what he is.

  Timofei fucking Vetrov is trying to force the issue, trying to back me into a corner. I don’t do so well when I’m in a position like this. I make rash fucking decisions, and right now I want to grab Giovanna, wipe that shit off her face, and fuck her until she can’t walk again. I can feel my fucking control slipping.

  “Now, Mr. Blackburn. It’s come to our attention that you wish to acquire Ms. Rossi for an evening of pleasure,” Timofei begins.

  I feel Shaughan wrap his hand around my forearm and squeeze. “Get your shit under control, brother,” he whispers.

  I only let out a low growl, my eyes on Giovanna and nowhere else. She’s ignoring me though, she only has eyes for this political fuck. She’s giving him a low-lidded, pouty lip look, and I fucking hate it.

  “I only deal with Rossi. I shouldn’t even be here with you,” Blackburn states, his eyes focused on Giovanna.

  Timofei clears his throat. “Well, I’m sorry to say that Mr. Rossi is no longer in charge of Ms. Rossi’s schedule. I am.” Timofei grins. “Now, I’m sure we can come up with a suitable deal for an evening with her. What was your normal fee, ten thousand?” he asks, a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

  Blackburn sputters. “Ten thousand? No. I fucked that piece of shit for free. She’s lucky she gets to lick my shoes. Aren’t you, whore? You dirty, cumdumpster of a whore,” Blackburn shouts.

  Shaughan holds me down tighter and Mannix grabs my arm as well. I’m seconds, mere seconds from leaping across the table and choking the life out of this prick.

  “Now, now, now,” Timofei tsks.

  I hear it, everybody does, because all of our heads snap to Timofei. He’s cocked his handgun and he’s holding it, pointing it directly at Blackburn. The mayor’s guards reach in their pockets but Timofei’s men are faster and within seconds they all have guns pointed at Blackburn and his men.

  “I don’t like the way you talked to my girl. She is mine, too, Blackburn, least you forget. You won’t be fucking her for free, or for ten grand. Matter of fact, you won’t be fucking her at all,” he states.

  “The hell I won’t,” Blackburn shouts, his eyes narrowed.

  Timofei shakes his head again. “You won’t, Mayor. And you won’t because I have surveillance cameras in here that have recorded your every word. You won’t talk to my girls that way, and I won’t allow you to talk to Ms. Rossi that way. You’re also going to ensure that we don’t have any issues with the police department or the police commissioner from now until… forever.”

  Blackburn only growls, he knows his balls are in a vise. Giovanna stands from her chair and her lips begin to move when she speaks, but I find it hard to concentrate. “You’ll do well to listen to Mr. Vetrov, Lucian. He doesn’t bluff,” she simply states. “Also, I have more than one video of our times together. I’m sure Mrs. Blackburn would find them very interesting, so not only would the public see this. They would also see you with your pants, literally, down.”

  Blackburn lifts his chin, standing and leaving the room with his guards following behind him, all without saying a fucking word. Once they’re gone I turn to Giovanna who is standing close to Timofei and they’re talking, his hand resting on her shoulder.

  “Everybody, get the fuck out,” I roar as I stand, my eyes pointed directly at Giovanna.



  Aidan’s voice roars through the banquet room and within just a few seconds the room is empty. Everybody has left, including Timofei and his guards, leaving me alone with Aidan. He’s standing, his heated gaze directly focused on me, but I’m afraid to look him in the eyes. I’ve been afraid to look him in the eyes since walking into this room. I know that he’s probably angry, but then again, he really has no right to be.

  “How is Isla feeling?” I ask after a few beats of silence.

  He snorts. “Not what I wish to discuss with you right now. Get the fuck over here, Vanna,” he grunts.

  With my gaze focused on my feet, I move toward him, stopping directly in front of his body. I watch as he lifts his hand and places his finger beneath my chin, lifting my head, and forcing me to look up into his cool blue eyes.

  I suck in a breath when I see the anger swirling in his eyes, anger that I felt, but seeing it is completely different. I open my mouth to say something, but I am at a loss for words, so I snap it closed.

  “You are not his,” he states. I don’t move a muscle, afraid to speak.

  If I were to say something, it would only anger him, because the fact is that I go to whatever man Timofei tells me to. I am not my own person, never have been, and never will be. Saying the words aloud, they would only cause the fire burning in his eyes to roar, and he’s already unpredictable as it is.

  Aidan’s hand leaves my face. Suddenly both of his hands wrap around my waist and he picks me up, only to deposit me on the edge of the table. His hips force their way between my thighs and I spread to give him more room. I shiver when I feel one of his fingers run along the center of my panties, then he applies pressure to my clit, causing me to gasp.

  “Tell me, Giovanna,” he rasps, shifting my panties to the side. His finger slides through my center, swirling around my clit and my eyes automatically close in bliss. His lips brush mine and I feel his breath against them before he speaks. “Tell me you’re mine,” he demands, his voice soft but his tone hard and unyielding.

  I let out a shaky breath against his lips, wishing he would kiss me for more than just a mere moment. He wants me to make him some kind of promise, but I can’t. Wrapping my hand around his shoulder, I hold onto him for stability.

  Opening my eyes, I look directly into his and I shake my head. “I can’t do that, Aidan. You know that I can’t.”

  The words taste bitter and I hate them as they roll off of my tongue. Inside, I want to scream that I’m his and demand that he will be mine. The reality of it is, I can’t do th
at. Not now, not ever. I belong to Timofei. Whatever he dictates, I do. Simple as that.

  I gasp when I feel Aidan’s cock press against my entrance. Slowly, inch-by-inch he fills me wordlessly until he’s rooted deep. His hand slides up my back, tangling in my hair and I gasp when he tugs my neck back.

  “This pussy is not yours to share,” he growls. “I’ll buy it if that’s what it takes.”

  My neck is pulled too far back for me to speak if I had anything to say, which I don’t. He pulls out of me slowly before he slams back inside. The entire table jumps beneath us, but it doesn’t stop him. Aidan does it again, his hand unyielding in my hair as he fucks my body.

  “Blackburn will never touch you, nobody will, not ever again,” he growls.

  He sounds like an animal, completely uncontrolled, and I love it. I’m not afraid that he’ll hurt me again, though I probably should be, but right now I’m as lost to my body as he is to his. I want more, I want everything, and I wish that I could be his, too. Since the moment I laid eyes on him, that’s all that I’ve wanted.

  I slide my hand around his neck and hold on to him, my other hand wrapping around his bicep. He growls, again, and I know that it’s the point where I lose him. He fucks, he fucks me hard and fast, ramming into me on pure instinct alone. I allow myself to relax around him, and I accept it.

  My body begins to climb, my pussy fluttering around him as I reach for my climax. I’m so close, but I need more. Releasing my hold on his bicep, I slip my hand between us and begin to stroke my clit. I rub firm hard circles around it and let out a low mewling sound as heat rushes throughout my body.

  Aidan growls, “Come, Vanna. Fuck, A rùnsearc, squeeze my cock.” His words send me over the edge and I come, my pussy doing exactly what he demanded, squeezing his dick, attempting to keep him inside of me.

  Aidan’s fingers tighten in my hair, pulling my neck back even more as his lips press to the hollow of my throat. His hips continue moving, slamming against me with each thrust. It doesn’t take long for him to find his own release. His cock twitches inside of me and he groans against my neck, licking and sucking my skin as he does.

  He slowly releases his grip on my hair, keeping his semi-hard cock planted deep inside of me. His fingers skim the outside of my thigh, wrapping around my knee and lifting my leg higher. I bring both of my legs up, and wrap them around his waist, pulling his body closer to mine, which causes him to grunt.

  “In a perfect world, we would be like this always,” I say with a sad smile.

  Aidan chuckles. “Do you think that you’re somehow leaving me?” he asks, his lips still touching and exploring my neck.

  Shifting my fingers from his neck to touch the back of his hair, I shrug. “I’m not yours to keep,” I whisper.

  He only hums, and I think he’s going to say more, but there’s a knock on the door. “Aidan, we must talk,” Timofei’s muffled voice calls out from the other side.

  I know that he’s heard us, and my face should heat from that fact, but it doesn’t. I find that when it comes to sex, not much embarrasses me anymore. I’ve been in so many different situations that it’s practically impossible to be shy at this point in my life.

  Aidan nuzzles my neck for just a second longer, then he slips from my body. I watch as he tucks himself back into his pants, fixing himself, and he doesn’t look like he’s been ruffled at all. He reaches toward me and adjusts my panties back over in place, then helps me down to my feet.

  “I fucking hate this dress and these shoes,” he announces as I tug my dress down over my ass.

  I lift my shoulder. It doesn’t matter what he thinks about my outfit, I’m not his doll to dress. I take a shaky step toward him, my legs feeling like Jell-O. Aidan’s hand wraps around my waist, stopping me from going farther.

  “I hated his eyes on you, looking at you like he was remembering the way you tasted, the way you felt. Fuck Blackburn. He can’t have you,” he states.

  Placing my hand on his forearm, I give him a squeeze as my eyes water. “If Timofei says he can, then he can, Aidan,” I sigh. “It’s not up to me.”

  “You want him?” he growls, his voice sounding unlike anything I’ve ever heard from him before.

  I snort. “I would rather live on the streets than be with that sick motherfucker again,” I truthfully admit. “However, we don’t always get to choose our fates.”

  Aidan’s hands loosen on me and I walk away from him. It takes everything inside of me not to run back to his strong, safe, sexy arms, but I don’t.


  I watch her walk away from me. My cock still half-mast at the sight of her sweet ass moving beneath her dress. Once she reaches the door, my feet become unstuck to the floor and I quickly follow behind her. She thinks that she can’t be mine, that Timofei owns her, but I aim to make some changes.

  When I thought that Blackburn was going to have a chance with her, when I saw the way he looked at her, everything fucking changed in an instant. I can’t allow him, or any other man, to touch her. Not now, not ever.

  I don’t know how I’m going to integrate her into my life, or if I am at all. Maybe I’ll keep her away, in an apartment or house near my own, having the same situation we had before. Except, she would be mine, always, and nobody else’s. Whatever I do, I’m not letting her go.

  “Aidan,” Timofei smirks as we walk out of the room.

  I shake my head once, trying to hide my own smile. I need a fuckin’ smoke and a drink. I need to get my shit under control because right now all I want to do is pick up my woman and fuck her again. I want the whole world to know she’s fucking off goddamn limits.

  “You okay?” Timofei asks, his gaze on Giovanna.

  I watch as her chin lifts and her pretty red lips come out in a small pout before she speaks. “I am, thank you. He won’t just let that go, you know this?” she asks.

  Timofei grunts. “Yes, Giovanna, I know. Let’s get you to safety. I’ll be meeting with my men about him later. Anything else you feel the need to tell me, let your guard know and I’ll find a safe place to meet you,” he murmurs.

  “Shaughan will take her to his place to wait for me,” I announce. I hear Shaughan choke somewhere off to the side as he lets out a cough.

  Timofei’s gaze comes to mine and I swear to fuck his lips twitch. “She goes to my safe house until further notice,” he announces.

  I let out a growl, opening my mouth to argue with him but his gaze snaps to mine and his face turns hard. I know not to fuck with him, so I close my mouth and grind my teeth together. I watch as Giovanna is escorted away from me by two big ass fucking Russians. I feel fucking helpless, and I hate it, I hate every goddamn second of it. Timofei has me by my balls, he’s my fucking boss, and I want nothing more than to take my gun and fill him full of bullets.

  “Now, we’ll have our meeting. C’mon into my office, your brothers can join if you wish,” Timofei says. I watch as he turns around and walks away. Fuck him.

  “Let’s go. I’m assuming you’ve made a decision about the woman.” Mannix chuckles, slapping his hand on my back.

  The three of us follow behind Timofei, but all I want to do is grab Giovanna and take her away with me. I want to fuck her until she forgets any other man but me. Then, for whatever stupid fucking reason, I want to fill her with my baby, because I don’t have enough goddamn shit on my plate.




  I lie in my bed after showering all of my makeup off. I’ve slipped into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank, curling between the sheets in hopes of falling asleep for a nap. My hopes are completely dashed. My mind is too fucking spun up.

  All I can think about is Aidan and Timofei, about their meeting. I want to know what is going on. Does Aidan really want me? To keep me? My heart races at the possibility. Stupidly, I imagine what it would be like to live in his home with him, to be a stepmother to his children.

  I’ve never allowed myself to think
of children before. However, even if it seems silly, it also seems almost attainable—motherhood. I don’t imagine he’d want anymore, but to be a mother to his children, it would be enough for me, enough of a dream come true that I think I could feel complete.

  I let out a breath, rolling onto my back. The hope is fruitless, and I should stop dreaming of impossible dreams. Madam Carmella always taught me to be aware of what was reality. Do not let your head lift to the clouds, do not dream things that will only leave you crushed and devastated. I’ve done all of that when it comes to Aidan. A million mistakes wrapped up into a few short weeks. It’s so very stupid of me.

  With a long exhale, I close my eyes. I need to get some sleep. I need to calm down and try to relax. I need to forget Aidan, forget all about him and what my imagination has been dreaming up about him—about us. Us. I snort, I’ve totally made up the fact that there is even an us. Sure, he claims he wants to keep me, but most men feel territorial about their toys.

  A knock on the door has my heart racing as I sit up and look around. I don’t know where I am, it takes me a few moments to gain my bearings and I let out a sigh when I realize that I’m in my bed at the safe house. Without any warning, the door flies open, and I grab the sheet, pulling it up to my chest as I squeak in surprise.

  When my eyes meet his, I let out a sigh of relief. “Aidan,” I breathe.

  His eyes darken as they sweep through the room. “Say it again,” he orders.


  He smirks, closing the door behind him. “My name.”

  “Aidan,” I exhale again, watching him as he begins to remove his suit.

  He chuckles, dropping his pants and boxers to the floor before he steps out of them. I watch as he crawls up from the bottom of the bed, hovering over my body, forcing me to lie down.


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