Girl on Geek: A Lesbian Romance

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Girl on Geek: A Lesbian Romance Page 13

by Mia Archer

  “So I guess this explains everything. How you could just give me a VIP package that’s not even available to buy and act like it’s not a big deal. You own the damn company!”

  Kaitlyn shrugged and grinned. “Guilty as charged!”

  I shook my head. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't fucking believe it! Kaitlyn Morgan. My online lover was Kaitlyn Morgan! Of course at the same time that had doubt rearing its ugly head. It had my worst-case-senario center going into overdrive. It was one thing when she was just an online hottie who was interested in me, but this was one of the most successful women in the world! I didn't even know she played for the other team, and now she was interested in me?

  To say it seemed too good to be true would be one hell of an understatement.

  Kaitlyn looked at me and smiled. A smile that shot to the very core of my being. A smile that sent warmth running up and down my body and left me stunned. When she smiled like that I could almost believe that she really was that into me. That I'd gotten lucky with online dating and gotten one hell of a winner rather than the catfish I was expecting. Hey, I was nothing if not a realist, but when she smiled at me like that realism took a back seat to the fantasy for a moment.

  “So are you enjoying everything so far?” she asked. "Is everything what you expected?"

  And there was another surprise. It seemed like she was uncertain. That question was asking a hell of a lot more than whether or not I was enjoying the trip so far. Could it be that the great and famous Kaitlyn Morgan was worried about what I thought of her? I suppose if she really was genuinely interested in romancing me that could be the case, but at the same time there were those doubts. Why me? And there was the other question that'd been bothering me ever since I saw her and made the connection.

  I hadn't heard anything about Kaitlyn Morgan being a lesbian. Sure that was her own business, but I was pretty damn sure that if she was out I would've heard about it.

  "Why aren't you out to the world?" I blurted out. My hand went to my mouth as soon as I said it, but it was out there. Hanging in the air between us. Kaitlyn looked at me for a good long moment and I thought it might be over. I thought I might've ruined the entire thing before it even really got started with my ridiculously nosy question, even if it was a ridiculously nosy question that I felt like I had some right to know considering, well, everything.

  Finally she sighed. "I suppose that's a fair question. The truth is it's not really a secret with people I know and am close with. It's sort of an open secret with people I work with and at conventions like this, and it just hasn't really been a thing in the wider world because..."


  I knew I was needling her about this, but I was genuinely curious. I knew we were still pretty early in our romance, if you could call it a romance, but at the same time just coming out here to meet her considering she was a "her" was a pretty big deal for me. It was crossing one hell of a line, and I figured that at the very least I deserved some sort of an explanation if I was going to be seen hanging out with her and potentially find myself getting pulled into her "open secret."

  Especially considering that I still wasn't one hundred percent sure where I fell on the whole sexuality spectrum aside from the knowledge that I was starting to wonder if I hadn't found a reason why I inevitably got bored with most of the guys I'd been with. I definitely knew I was drawn to Kaitlyn in particular even if I wasn't sure how that translated to other women. I was still confused, and that wasn't helping things let me tell you!

  "Because I'm afraid, okay? I've got a good thing going here and a lot has changed, but the idea is still sort of terrifying because what if it all comes crashing down? What if the worst thing possible happens or something and I end up out on the street because fans won't accept it?"

  I smiled. A smile which earned an odd look from Kaitlyn. Okay, so maybe a smile wasn't the best response, all things considered, but I couldn't help it. What she was saying felt like such an accurate reflection of my own anxieties. My own tendency to project a worst-case scenario onto any situation. That was a motivation I could understand. That more than anything else went a long way towards explaining why she was so reluctant. So hesitant to come out to the public with her little secret. Okay, her big secret. Her whopper of a secret.

  Not that it should really matter. Not today. Not with the way things seemed to be going with gay rights, not that I paid particular attention to that though I suppose I was going to have to now since my dalliance with Kaitlyn meant I fell somewhere on that spectrum even if I wasn't exactly ready to dress exclusively in Birkenstocks and flannel and declare myself completely for one side.

  The important thing was I could understand her hesitation. And she did have a hell of a lot to lose considering the empire she'd built up around herself. I reached out and took her hand. A move which sent a shock running through me and caused her to smile.

  "Hey, it's okay. I totally understand," I said. "I'm always worried things will take a turn for the worst too."

  "Really? I thought I was the only one. Well, me and my mom," she said with a laugh.

  "My mom is the same way. I totally think it's a genetic thing!" I said.

  We were both almost finished with our lunch and the waiter came over and set the bill down. I grabbed it before Kaitlyn could get it. More out of instinct than anything else. I was used to trying to fight guys to pay for my half of the bill when I was out on a date. Maybe that was another sign? Either way it's not like I had a chance in hell of actually being able to pay the bill at a swank joint like this, but still my eyes bugged out of my head when I saw the price.

  “Holy shit!”

  Several of the wait staff turned to look when I let out that little exclamation. I blushed. Thankfully there was nobody else in the restaurant to hear me swearing like a sailor. I would’ve died from embarrassment if that happened!

  “Come on Amber,” she said with only a little bit of reproach in her voice. “What were you expecting? A place like this? Now why don’t you let me get the bill?”

  I looked at the bill one more time. There really wasn't a chance I was going to be able to foot this bill. Even paying for the tip would probably come close to maxing out the one credit card I had. I felt like I was spiraling further down this fairytale rabbit hole she’d constructed for me, though so far it's not like I really had anything to complain about!

  “Fine, you get this bill, but next time we’re going to the food court in the convention center and it’s my treat!”

  Kaitlyn chuckled and took the bill from me. A thin smile moved across her face as she took it. And I blushed. Damn she looked so goddamned delicious every time she smiled like that!

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said. “Though I don’t know that we’ll have much time for food courts once we get to the convention.”

  “Right. I'm guessing it's tough for you to stop at the food court with everyone stopping and asking for your autograph?”

  “We'll see. Did you bring the costume like we talked about?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I brought the costume along with.”

  Initially I’d been hesitant to wear my bikini armor costume, even if it was one of my favorite things for my character to traipse around in. Under a modest more role-playing appropriate dress, of course. I’d gotten a good reaction at the regional cons I'd attended but this was the big leagues. Even bigger league than I ever would've imagined since I had a feeling Kaitlyn had access to some of the best costuming supplies known to man. It would be hard to compete with someone who could just call up the production company doing the pay cable miniseries and ask for something custom made, and I was going to be seen right next to her in one of those costumes!

  I barely even thought about how risque my own costume was. Only now that I’d gotten a good look at Kaitlyn, now that I knew exactly who it was I was trying to impress, well let’s just say I was glad I’d decided to slut it up just a little bit for the convention.

  “What about yo
u? Did you bring along your costume?”

  She grinned. “Of course I did!”

  “So what now?”

  “How about this for a plan? You go back to your suite and changed into your costume, I’ll go back to my suite and change into mine, and then we can meet up and hit the convention floor together. Sound good?”

  I grinned. “That sounds like one hell of a plan!”

  “Excellent! So where do you want to meet up once we’re both in our costumes?”

  I bit my lip and thought about that for a moment. I knew what the right answer was. I knew what the safe answer was. I was supposed to tell her that she needed to meet me down in the hotel lobby. Or maybe even at the convention center itself. A place where there were lots of people walking around, where there was no chance I could give into some of the urges I was feeling right now that ran a very real danger of screwing everything up by going too fast.

  Only the voice in the back of my head that was telling me what I should do was quickly being drowned out by an even louder and more insistent voice that was telling me what I wanted to do. That voice was pointing out how turned on I was just looking at her. That voice was screaming about how lucky we were that this fine specimen of a girl had flown us out here and she was so nice in person as well as being so incredibly fucking hot. That voice was screaming at me that there was a gorgeous woman who was showing interest in me. That giving in and maybe taking things a little too fast wasn't a huge deal considering how we'd already gone from zero to sixty textually.

  That voice won out.

  “Why don’t you just meet me back at my suite? I assume you know where it is?”

  Kaitlyn giggled. But there was something that flashed in her eyes. Something that made me squirm in my seat. There was just the briefest flash of heat there. The briefest flash of lust. It made me want to jump on her right in the middle of this restaurant, but I held myself back.

  I was surprised that I was being this forward, this brazen, with her. I usually never acted this way, and here I was thinking about jumping her in what looked to be one of the most expensive restaurants in the city!

  I needed to calm the fuck down.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  I reached out and took her hand. Sparks danced at that touch. I took in a deep breath as I felt the contours of her hand. As I wondered what it would feel like to have those contours running over my body and not just my hand. To feel them running over me for real and not just in my imagination as I sat in front of a computer screen working on some of that two-person erotica improv I promised myself I'd never partake in.

  “I’m sure. I’ll meet you in say, a half hour?”

  Kaitlyn smiled. A warm and inviting smile. “Sounds like a plan.”

  14: Real Life Role-play

  Double-sided tape. I needed more double-sided tape. They never mention in the movies exactly how much double-sided tape goes into getting a costume like this to work. The damned prosthetic pointy elf ears were easier to get on and keep in place than the bra on this sexy fantasy bikini monstrosity.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit that I looked damn good, even if I was saying so myself. The bikini top on this costume, a combination of plastic pieces I’d ordered online and clothing material I sewed myself, looked amazing on my chest. And my body looked pretty damn good too. I wasn’t sure how I’d compare to other girls wearing similar costumes here in the big leagues, but I’d been the belle of the ball at the regional cons I went to in this thing.

  Not for the first time I considered just how ridiculous this costume was. I mean honestly. What woman in her right mind would go out to slay monsters in a bikini like this? Particularly a skimpy bikini that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Sure the books and game hand waved some of it away by saying that the bikini generated some magical field or some other such bullshit, but I think everyone knew that was just an excuse to put sexy girls on book covers or in the game for pervy guys to stare at while they adventured.

  I’d have to ask Kaitlyn about that when we had a free moment, though I found myself desperately hoping we didn't have too many free moments to ourselves!

  Not that I minded. It was one of my favorite outfits on my own character even if I did usually cover it up for role-playing and I definitely wasn’t a pervy guy. Then again considering some of the new truths I'd learned about myself with this new relationship with Kaitlyn I suppose it was entirely possible that part of the reason I enjoyed the outfit so much was because of that inclination towards the fairer sex that I hadn't been able to admit to myself until Kaitlyn came along and unlocked it. Either way I knew of one girl who I couldn’t wait to show off for. I felt a rush that went straight down between my legs as I hoped she was feeling just a little pervy today!

  I stopped cupping the bikini top and immediately it fell causing my tits to pop out. Again. Now there was something that would turn some heads. There was something that would probably get me on a couple costuming blogs, maybe even the top of the Elassa Informer itself, though not for the reasons I’d want to get on any of those sites.

  Then again I'd definitely get on there if I had that sort of wardrobe malfunction while I was walking around with Kaitlyn Morgan. No, better to play it safe. Very safe. I reached down with a sigh and pulled out more double-sided tape. I might be at this for a while.

  A buzzing from my phone pulled my attention away from trying to get my costume to stay in place. What I saw on the screen sent a red hot bolt of anticipation shooting through my body and straight to my pussy.

  It was from Kaitlyn. Two words. “I’m here.”

  Those two words sent butterflies through my stomach. Hell, it felt like more than butterflies in my stomach. I almost worried I was going to get sick, I was so nervous. I snapped up my phone and instinctively tried to put it in a pocket only to realize that my costume left absolutely no room for the phone to go anywhere. As a last resort I popped it in between my tits, praying that the phone pressing against the bikini top wouldn’t be enough to send my breasts popping out. Thankfully it held. It looked like the double-sided tape I’d put all along the inside of my top was doing its work. For now.

  I had to take the elevator down to the top floor since the suite was only accessible by said elevator. I was all ready to go by the time it dinged and started opening.


  I looked her up and down in her costume and my mouth fell open. Damn.


  I mean, I knew Kaitlyn looked good. I’d seen firsthand just how damn sexy she was back at the restaurant. Still, none of that could prepare me for seeing her in that costume. Bright green eyes, tousled short hair that she'd somehow found time to restyle in the short amount of time we were apart, a stunning smile, mouth watering tits barely contained by her bikini top that ran down to a slim waist and perfectly flared hips, all revealed thanks to the lack of clothes that went with her warrior costume.

  Then again I suppose that was to be expected considering some of the resources she had access to!

  It was completed by a warrior helmet that looked almost movie-quality it was so good. I say "helmet," but in reality it had more in common with a mask than a helmet. There had to be some in-world excuse for a magical field providing all the protection because the "helmets" that lady warriors wore in game were really just masks that covered their eyes and nose. More Zorro than knight in practical armor.

  Her mask was pulled up revealing her twinkling eyes though. She probably wanted to make sure I knew it was her and not some random sexy girl walking around in a costume that looked like it had been pulled directly from the costume department of the pay cable miniseries. If this actually blossomed into something real I'd have to talk to her about getting at her costume supply.

  "My lady elf,” she said with a bow.

  I blushed as she used the term from our role-playing sessions. Just hearing those words on her lips was enough to send another wave of warm pleasure coursing through my body
and pussy. God was she gorgeous.

  She stood up from her bow. “May I come in my lady?”

  “Sure,” I managed to get out. I gestured and we rode back up to the suite in silence. I was so nervous. Where was this going? I knew where I wanted it to go but was she on the same page? Who was I kidding? It seemed like she was on the same page as me. Was she really on the same page as me? And why was my mind running on overdrive like this?

  I turned and watched her ass sway seductively back and forth in her costume as she moved into the room. She turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Nice digs. How's a poor grad student like you able to afford all this?”

  I giggled. I wasn't normally a giggling sort of person, but for Kaitlyn it seemed that giggling was the order of the day. Only that giggle was quickly stifled. The way she looked at the suite was nothing compared to how she looked at me. Her eyes ran up and down my body like a lover’s caress. Seeing her eyes run over me like that made me want to feel her running other things all over me in a lover’s caress. I needed her. I desperately needed this to go where I thought it was going, even if it was crazy that things were moving so fast.

  Kaitlyn made me want to do things I'd never done before. Try things I'd never tried before. She made me want to speed things from zero to a hundred and damn the consequences.

  “You look amazing Maia,” she said. “Or should I say Amber?”

  The sound of her voice made me blush. There was a barely concealed lust, an obvious hunger, hidden in the way she choked out those words. It was as though this goddess standing before me, deadly curves and all, was barely able to control herself. I pressed myself back against the elevator wall both because I didn’t trust myself and because seeing her standing there in that costume brought to mind some of the naughty things we’d gotten up to in that dungeon a few weeks back. Things that I desperately wanted to repeat here.

  Only we’d just met! The rational part of me said it was too soon even as the heat in my belly, and in other more interested bits of anatomy for that matter, was screaming full steam ahead!


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