The Missing Billionaire

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The Missing Billionaire Page 5

by Christine Kersey

  Nathan wanted everything to be perfect. The day before when Chloe had called to set up this meeting, he’d been sure he’d found a way to take her out, but she’d figured out a workaround before he’d set anything in stone.

  Smiling at her cleverness—it reminded him of the times he’d competed with her and Lisa to see who could come up with the best ideas—he glanced at the clock, saw that she would be there in only a few minutes, then took a moment to straighten the stack of papers on his desk before glancing around his spacious office and making sure everything looked presentable.

  “Your lunch appointment is here,” Evelyn, his assistant, said, poking her head into the room.

  Nathan’s heartbeat sped up, but he gave Evelyn a curt nod before standing. Moments later Chloe walked in, a laptop bag over one shoulder.

  “Hello,” she said, her smile warm but professional.

  Nathan’s gaze swept over her attire—dark gray slacks that emphasized her slim figure, and a sapphire blue blouse that set off her eyes. Her thick brown hair fell halfway down her back and her full lips shimmered with some sort of gloss.

  She was stunning. Though he’d known her for years, there was something about her now that grabbed his attention and wouldn’t let go. Whether it was the aloof air she put off or the self-confidence she exuded or something else entirely, he had no idea. All he knew was that he desperately wanted something deeper than friendship with her. But that would be difficult if he couldn’t even achieve friendship.

  “Good to see you,” he said as he walked toward her, forcing himself to downplay the way he actually felt as he put on his professional mask. “Thank you for coming here to meet with me.”

  Holding back a smirk—they both knew meeting at his office wasn’t exactly what he’d wanted—Chloe smiled. “Thank you for making time to see me.”

  She had to admit it, at least silently. He looked really hot in his perfectly tailored suit with his trimmed beard and gray eyes. But what did that matter? He was her client, nothing more.

  Dragging her gaze away from him, she looked around the spacious office with floor to ceiling windows and fabulous views of downtown Los Angeles. “Where would you like me to set up?”

  “Over here,” he said, walking to a round table that had two chairs positioned around it.

  Chloe strode to the table and took out her laptop before setting it on the tabletop, then she sat in one of the chairs while Nathan sat in the other.

  She opened her laptop, pulled up the software that displayed how each room would look, then she turned the laptop so Nathan could see the screen. But she wasn’t able to see it well enough to do her presentation. With some reluctance, she moved her chair closer to his and swiveled the laptop so that they could both see the screen. Less than two feet separated them.

  Nathan’s musky cologne drifted into her nose and she had to work to focus her attention on the screen. “So,” she began, forcing her mind onto the project, “as you can see, this is the exterior of the house.”

  “Looks like you’ve changed the elevation to a more modern look.”

  “Yes. What do you think?” Chloe shifted her body slightly so that she could more comfortably look at Nathan, and when their eyes met, she felt a jolt of energy arc between them.

  “It looks great,” he said, his voice low and sexy. “You’re very talented, Chloe.”

  Trying to control the blush that raced up her cheeks, she looked away as if she was concerned about which key to press to move to the next screen. “Thank you.”

  With Chloe sitting so close, Nathan had to crush the urge to rest his arm along the back of her chair. Because if he gave in to it, he was certain she would leap up and scold him. She’d made it crystal clear that she wanted nothing to do with him outside of this project and he had to respect that. But he found it increasingly difficult to think of her as only his designer.

  As Chloe began going through images of all the rooms in his house and what she wanted to do, he had to work to focus on what she was telling him. It wasn’t that it didn’t interest him, because it did. It was more that his gaze kept slipping to her mouth as he imagined how it would feel to press his lips to hers. They looked so soft and full.

  “Nathan,” she said, her tone sharp, and he realized he’d been staring at her mouth as she spoke.

  His eyes snapped to hers and he saw something there that surprised him. Not anger or annoyance, but something else. Something that said maybe his hope wasn’t in vain.

  Chapter Eleven

  Why was Nathan staring at her mouth like he wanted to… Chloe didn’t want to think about what he may or may not want to do. She couldn’t think about things like that. Not if she wanted to keep distance between them. And she most definitely did.

  He’s a client. Just a client.

  The door to the office swung open and Nathan’s assistant stepped inside. “Lunch is ready, sir.”

  Confused, Chloe looked at Nathan for an explanation. They weren’t going out and no food had been brought in.

  He smiled and got to his feet. “If you’ll follow me.”

  What was he up to? Determined to keep this strictly a business meeting, she put her laptop in her laptop bag before standing, then with a meaningful glance at Nathan, who gave her a half-smirk, she walked with him out of his office with her bag slung over her shoulder.

  Moments later they entered a small conference room. But it didn’t look like a conference would be happening anytime soon. Instead, it looked like a fancy restaurant had been dropped inside.

  Several potted trees were placed around the space with sparkling lights woven through the branches. A round conference table that looked like it normally fit four people had a lovely cream-colored tablecloth spread over it and only two chairs surrounded it. In the center of the table was a gorgeous bouquet of colorful flowers and on either side were beautiful table settings—white plates with gold etching, white napkins, silver utensils, and crystal goblets. To one side stood a man in a server’s uniform.

  Kind of astonished at the elegance of the room, Chloe didn’t know what to say.

  “Please, sit down,” Nathan said as he swept an arm toward the table.

  Not knowing what else to do, Chloe set her laptop bag on the floor and made her way to the table where Nathan held the chair for her. “Thank you,” she said as Nathan helped her sit. He sat across from her, then he gave the server a brief nod.

  The server went to a nearby table where two plates with silver covers rested. He carried them to their table, setting one in front of Chloe and one in front of Nathan. The man lifted the silver lids and the delicious scent of grilled salmon with rice and asparagus filled the air, then the man left the room and it was just the two of them.

  Impressed, Chloe said, “Very nice.”

  Nathan smiled. “I remember that you like salmon.”

  Chloe wondered what else he remembered about her. She was fairly certain he had no idea that she’d crushed on him over the years. Speaking of, why didn’t she take advantage of his interest in her now? But she knew why. Before she could go there, she had to truly forgive him for what had happened to Lisa. And she didn’t know if she could ever do that.

  Not wanting to think about that, she picked up her fork and began eating. The food was heavenly, melting in her mouth.

  “How’s your mom doing?” Nathan asked before spearing a bit of asparagus and placing it in his mouth.

  Chloe thought about her mother and how devastated she’d been when she’d learned that her baby girl had died. Chloe’s parents had divorced when Chloe was young and her father lived back East with his new family, so he hadn’t been the best support system through the years and, at the news of Lisa’s death, hadn’t done anything to help comfort her or her mother. Chloe and her mom only had each other. Even so, her mom was doing much better. It had been nearly a year since Lisa’s body had been found and her mom had managed to go on, just as Chloe had.

  “She has good days and bad days.” Just li
ke me. “But she’s getting by.” Just like me.

  Nathan nodded and Chloe could see grief and regret etched in his eyes. Clearly, he was hurting too, but she wasn’t in a place where she could help him. She was still trying to help herself.

  Nathan rested his forearms on the table and gazed at Chloe. “I know I can never make up for Lisa’s absence but I want you to know how much I wish I could change what happened.”

  Discussing this with him made Chloe’s stomach churn and her heart ache. She just couldn’t do it. Then she remembered that this was supposed to be a business meeting. They were getting way off track and way too personal.

  He’s a client. Just a client.

  Chloe nodded to acknowledge his words, then she stood and retrieved her laptop bag, bringing it back to the table and taking it out before opening it and setting it on the table where they could both see it.

  “I have a few more design plans to discuss with you.”

  Nathan stared at her like he was hoping for something different, something more. Then, with a frown, he nodded.

  Chloe took him through the rest of her plans as they ate, and once she’d noted all of the changes he wanted, she set her napkin on the table and turned to him with a smile. “Again, thank you for making the time to meet with me and thank you for the lovely meal. I’m eager to take the next step in this project.” She tucked her laptop in her laptop bag and pushed her chair back before standing.

  Nathan leapt to his feet. “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?”

  Like what? she wanted to ask, but instead she shook her head and gave him one last smile before turning toward the door.

  Nathan wasn’t ready for her to leave—he’d enjoyed her company so much, even if they’d primarily talked about his house. Still, he was beyond glad that he’d cooked up the idea of buying a fixer and had managed to bring her on to the project. Otherwise, instead of spending the little time with her that he had, he’d be stewing in his regrets. At least now it felt like they were moving forward. Even if it was just baby steps.

  “When will you next be at the house?” he asked.

  “I’ll be meeting with the contractor there tomorrow morning, but I have everything well in hand so you don’t need to be there.”

  What she obviously meant was that she didn’t want him to be there. But it was his house and he could do what he liked. Although he dreaded the thought of seeing disappointment on her face if he showed up. Regardless, he would make the time to stop by.

  “All right,” he said, not committing one way or the other to his plans, “I appreciate all you’re doing, Chloe, and I’m excited to see the changes come to life.”

  With a professional smile, she held out her hand. “I’ll let you know how tomorrow’s meeting goes.”

  He stared at her hand a moment. This was so unlike the easy friendship they used to have. Giving in to their new reality, he took her hand in his, relishing the feel of the softness of her skin, then boldly stared into her eyes as he smiled. He wanted to get the message across that he had feelings for her—feelings that went beyond friendship.

  Chloe blinked several times, seemingly flustered, then she withdrew her hand from his before opening the door to the conference room and stepping into the hall.

  Watching her retreating back, he held back a smile. She had feelings for him too. He knew it. And they weren’t all negative.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Nathan pulled up to his house the next morning, he saw Chloe’s car parked in the driveway along with a truck that must belong to the contractor. Wondering how she would react to his presence, he marched up the driveway and walked inside the house, quietly closing the front door behind him. He heard voices coming from the kitchen but couldn’t yet see Chloe or the contractor so he stopped to listen. They were discussing moving a wall, and as Nathan listened, he was impressed with the commanding tone Chloe used. She was obviously confident in what she was doing.

  He thought back to the years he’d known her. Though she’d always been hesitant to do things like fly down a snow-covered hill on skis or race across the water on a jet-ski, she’d never held back from speaking her mind.

  He grinned as he remembered her furious reaction when he’d bumped into her at the amusement park, making her spill her drink all over her shirt. What if that hadn’t happened? What if he’d never met her? He didn’t want to consider what his life would be like with her not in it. Which was why he was determined to mend their friendship and then take it to the next level.

  Listening to her now, his smile grew. Clearly, when it came to leading this project she had plenty of confidence, and as an image of her face filled his mind he couldn’t wait a moment longer to see her.

  Nathan smoothed down his suit jacket and strode into the kitchen. Chloe’s back was to him, but the contractor’s was not, and when the man saw him, he straightened from the counter he’d been leaning against and said, “Good morning, Mr. Hewitt.”

  “Hello,” Nathan said in reply, and when his eyes went to Chloe’s back, he noticed her stiffen ever so slightly.

  A moment later she turned to face him, that cool, professional smile on her lips. “I didn’t realize you were stopping by.”

  “Of course,” he said, as if it should have been obvious. “I wanted to meet…” His gaze slid to the contractor, who stepped forward with an outstretched hand.

  “Keith Sampson,” the man said.

  “Nice to meet you, Keith,” Nathan said as he shook his hand. “Call me Nathan.”

  Keith nodded as Nathan released his hand.

  “How are things looking?” Nathan asked, his attention on Keith.

  “The wall we’ll be removing is weight-bearing, so we’ll need to add a beam to take the weight of the roof. I’ll have an engineer come by to look things over before we remove the supporting posts, but other than that, Chloe’s plans are solid and I look forward to working closely with her.” At that, Keith shot a smile at Chloe, who smiled back. And it wasn’t the strictly professional smile that she always gave him.

  An arrow of jealousy shot through Nathan, taking him by surprise. Swallowing down the feeling, he turned his gaze on Chloe. “I’m lucky to have Chloe on my team.”

  Chloe’s eyebrows rose a fraction of an inch, her blue eyes watching him as a small smile lifted her lips. “This is a challenging project, but one I’m thrilled to take on.” Then she turned her attention to Keith. “Together, we’ll transform this house into something magnificent.”

  Keith grinned at her like they had something special going on and Nathan felt like he was the third wheel.

  Annoyed, he had to suppress the urge to tell Keith to get out of his house and never come back.

  Why was she tormenting Nathan like this? Chloe could see jealousy sparking in his eyes, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. Teasing Nathan had been something she and Lisa had done all the time. But now it felt different, like a step below flirting. Like she wanted him to feel some sort of sting.

  “Tomorrow we start demo,” Chloe said as she focused on Nathan, repeating He’s a client, just a client in her head. On impulse, she added, “If you have a sledgehammer and a pair of safety glasses, you can join the fun.”

  To her surprise, he said, “What time should I be here?” His eyes went to Keith as he asked his question and Chloe felt slightly ignored, but she knew he was just attempting to make the point that he hadn’t been stung, which she could totally see that he had been.

  “Seven a.m.,” Keith said, then he chuckled. “I have plenty of tools, Mr.…I mean, Nathan. No need to go out and buy any.”

  Nathan nodded, then he turned his gaze on Chloe. “I’ll bring the donuts.”

  The way he said it, like he was in charge, annoyed her for a moment. She was heading this up. Then He’s a client, just a client popped into her head. Good thing she’d been repeating it so often or she might have said something rude. Instead, she smiled. “I like chocolate raised.”

  He laughed
, his gaze steady on her, which unnerved her slightly. “I know.” Then he smiled at Keith. “Nice to meet you. I’ll see you first thing.” With that, he turned and left. Chloe watched him go.

  “Nice guy,” Keith said from behind her.

  Chloe turned around. “Yeah.”

  “Is it true?” Keith’s eyes narrowed as he spoke.

  “Is what true?”

  “Was he really on a deserted island all that time?”

  It had never occurred to her to question Nathan’s story. “Where else would he be?”

  Now Keith’s eyebrows rose like he was implying something. “If I were a billionaire and I wanted to disappear for a year, I don’t think I’d go to a deserted island.”

  This line of questioning was ridiculous. Everyone knew Nathan’s yacht had sunk, killing her baby sister as well as the yacht’s captain. How could Nathan have gone anywhere but an island? How would he have gotten there?

  Not wanting to give oxygen to Keith’s absurd line of thinking, Chloe ignored his fishing expedition. “I’ve got to run, Keith. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He smiled, his attention fully on her. “I look forward to it.”

  Smirking—she’d worked with him on many projects but she’d also made it clear she wasn’t interested in anything beyond a professional relationship—she walked with him out of the house and locked the door behind them. As she drove away, she couldn’t stop her mind from filling in all kinds of blanks as to where Nathan could have been if he hadn’t been on a deserted island. But if that was the case, why would he not tell his family he was okay? He had to know how much everyone had worried about him.

  Deciding this was something she would delve into later, she turned her thoughts to the demolition that would begin the next day, wondering if Nathan would actually come to help.


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