Sex Ed

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Sex Ed Page 2

by Mia Watts

  He stepped aside and removed her blindfold. Reaching into the bag at her feet, he took out a mirror and positioned it on its stand. “Can you see? Shall I prop you up?”

  He did prop her, using his folded coat to boost her head and neck. He watched the flare of nerves and excitement bank to a burn in her dark blue eyes. She kept her gaze on him then slowly let them drop to see his demonstration.

  “The clitoris is like a small penis. When testosterone washes a baby’s brain in utero, this,” he said tapping her again, “develops into the head of a penis. Do you see how your hood is drawn back and your nub is straining forward? That would have been a shaft if you were male. Well, a portion of your shaft, anyway.”

  She was going to go mad. His light taps were like lightning bolts, making her sheath clench. As he spoke of penises and shafts, his finger idly rubbed her clitoris. Too light to satisfy, it managed enough contact to tremble her legs all the same.

  “It’s more sharply felt, if lubricated. I’ll get to that in a minute. Along here between your inner and outer lips, on both sides, is the rest of the shaft. It would have fused together with the hormone wash. In a woman, it splits down the middle to line the space between the inner and outer labia.”

  She only half heard him. He lifted his finger, sucked on it, and lowered it to her. Mina held her breath. In the mirror, she watched him deftly stroke between the two labia. Screaming seemed like a good idea until he stopped.

  “Oh God, no, it just feels so good.”

  This time, his first and second finger rubbed the erotic rut on either side. In the mirror, her labia fluttered, juice seeped from her cunt and her dark pink clitoris pressed out further still. Fire burned at her core and puffed the lips of her sex.

  The stroking stopped. She meant to protest, but one of Link’s thick, calloused fingers slid into her channel and hooked inside her to rest on a point that was both ticklish and unbelievably sensitive.

  “This is your G-spot. Pressing and rubbing firmly will give you a hard orgasm every time.” Link removed the mirror. His finger was still inside her, but he brought his head down and inhaled. “You smell delicious. I’m going to enjoy tasting you, Dr. Lasky.”

  “I—I think I’d like that, too.”

  “First, we should describe the female orgasm.”

  Her brain was barely functioning between frustration and arousal so intense her body ached, literally burned for release.

  “Orgasm is the result of blood which has gathered in your hot pussy suddenly shooting back through the rest of your body. This is accompanied by the rapid, hard shaking of your uterus. As your uterus shakes within you, the walls of your hungry little cunt will squeeze in a fisting motion to extract every last drop of your lover’s seed.”

  “I can’t handle much more, Dr. Link,” she gasped.

  “Neither can I. Let’s add some lubricant to your clit and take care of that arousal problem you have. Then, Dr. Lasky, I’m going to start all over again.”

  The finger he had inserted slid out and slicked over her pussy to her clit. Three fingers joined to massage her nub and the areas between the labia he had mentioned earlier. The heat built, stinging, burning, consuming her. He relentlessly rubbed her until he took her clit between his fingers and pinched rhythmically.

  Sensation shot through her and she felt every one of the sensations he’d mentioned. She threw her head back and screamed her pleasure at the empty clenching of her pussy and the shake in her abdomen. Her mind followed the heated flow of blood as it washed through her body, until she was nothing more than tender nerve endings and trembling thighs.

  “That was the physical release of the female organism, Dr. Lasky. I’ll give you a few minutes before I embark on the emotional journey of sexual stimulation as it applies to the female form.”

  Chapter Two

  Instantly, Mina went on the alert. Physical sex games were one thing, but if he meant to manipulate her emotionally, she wasn’t convinced she wouldn’t end up hurt. In the afterglow of release, Mina warred with herself over whether or not she should give up the promise of amazing sex.

  Logic and her body were not in agreement. After her long, sexual drought—self-imposed after she’d me Link the first time—Mina’s body was barely quenched. Not that abstinence had been a deliberate choice; rather, no man seemed to measure up to the prowess Link’s fluid grace promised.

  Withholding herself from other men smacked of sentimentality. But then, Mina didn’t date she had relationships. It always turned out that way, and it was yet another reason why signing up for Link’s sexual experiment had been a good idea. The format promised to satisfy her craving for the man, and enjoy the kink in possibly getting caught, which turned her on, while never risking her heart.

  With his words, he changed that. Emotional satisfaction? That wasn’t on the table.

  The unintentional pun nearly made her groan aloud. Her heart was the only thing not laid out on the table for him.

  Momentarily distracted when Link ran a hand from her shoulder, over her breast, to settle on her hip, Mina looked up at him warily.

  “Where did you go?” he asked. Link leaned over her, concern settled between his eyes where a small wrinkle formed.

  “I’m done.”

  His brows lifted in surprise. “The experiment is only half over. Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. Release me. My emotions aren’t available for your experimentation.” Her words cut the air abruptly, sharpened by her nerves. What if he didn’t let her go? What if he—

  What if he what? He’d already touched her body, made her come. He couldn’t actually reach within her and grasp her soul for his inspection. He couldn’t make her love him. Could he?

  With evident reluctance, Dr. Link reached over her head. The bonds on her wrists loosened and she automatically brought her forearms down to cover her breasts. Link’s frown deepened.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked as he turned away to untie her ankles. First one freed, then the other and as before, she pulled her body in on itself.


  This time she raised her knees and brought her thighs together. Her breathing came easier with each renewed piece of armor drawing up and covering her as though to protect her heart. Instinctively she knew he would be the one to touch her as no other man had. Just as he had commanded her body, he’d be able to command her heart if she let him.

  Mina had no intension of letting him.

  “Did dismissing the class make you uncomfortable?” he asked. His dark brown eyes echoed his concern and she was tempted to brush the fallen blond locks off his forehead.

  She swung her legs over the side of the lab table. Like her lab, the work surface was high off the ground for standing technicians. She knew Link was tall. It shouldn’t have surprised her that he was eye-level with her in this position, but it did. It made her body clench with regret for turning him away. There was something sexy about a man whose size and power could dominate her, yet he held it in check.

  “No, Doctor. I was prepared for a physical exploration of stimulus response. Asking me to provide an emotionally charged sexual response was never my intention.”

  “You signed the consent. It was spelled out for you.”

  It had been. Then again, she reminded herself, he wasn’t emotionally on the line: she was. He merely meant to play with her body, see how her emotional affect would alter or stimulate the sexual response. Having just shattered for him by the smallest flicks to her body, in an orgasm unmatched by any other, an emotional soul-baring would leave her catastrophically naked.

  Already she felt far more stripped by what he had done to her aching flesh than a simple nameless fuck with a stranger. How much more so would he devastate her if he involved her heart, only to shake her hand and thank her for her participation when it was over?

  Between signing the agreement and the primary orgasm, her body had recognized him as an Achilles Heel. And thus, she reacted to protect herself. Dr. Link had the p
ower to hurt her.

  “I…” she stalled briefly, looking for an excuse, “I read the disclosure, Dr. Link. But just as the class was dismissed, which altered your side of the agreement, so has my level of participation.”

  “I don’t understand. You said it didn’t bother you to have them leave. Should I recall them?”

  Link dropped his hands to her thighs. The gesture wasn’t threatening, but her pussy walls flexed to have his hands on her again. It was threat enough.

  Mina licked her lips. Link noticed and raised his hand to capture her jaw with the tips of his fingers and thumb to her chin. It was light, nearing a caress, as though he wished for the permission to touch her face in earnest. For a moment Mina wondered if she’d made the wrong choice.

  “Why did you send them away?” she asked, changing tactics.

  “I had no desire to share you.”

  Her breath caught. She scanned his face seeing only openness. “Why?” she asked, and then damned herself for letting him see her edge of vulnerability.

  “Forget I asked.” Mina leaned away from him and hopped down. The linoleum felt cold and impersonal against her bare feet. She hurried around the table to where she had neatly folded her clothes. She pulled on her panties and jeans, buttoning them in the silence.

  Dr. Link moved somewhere behind her. “If I tell you that, Dr. Lasky, I would be disclosing a completely unprofessional feeling of jealousy.”

  She froze, her back still to him. Glancing at the windows, she could see his reflection in them as he leaned against his desk. He watched her closely, covetously.

  “Jealousy? How so?”

  “In the simplest form: I want you for myself. If sharing you with my class was the only way to be with you, I determined it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Once we got started, the idea of anyone else touching you made me… distinctly uncomfortable.”

  Mina buttoned up her peasant blouse and slipped into her sandals before turning to face him. “You wanted me to yourself, you’re saying. Just me and you with no experiment between us?”

  “Do you find it so hard to believe? You are a desirable woman, Mina.”

  She thought about the experiment. She thought about the women who lined up to participate, signing away their modesty to be stretched naked before him, hoping he would offer up a similar confession to the one Mina had just received. Did they all harbor hopes that their bodies would undo him?

  Judging from the number of co-ed graduates that followed him around, waved to him and giggled as he passed on campus, she’d venture that the answer to that was a firm yes.

  He was telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. What every young woman in lust with Dr. Link would want to hear. The problem was Mina feared that after two years of staff meetings, hallway hellos, and brief encounters in the lounge, she was no longer merely in lust with him, but approaching a deeper emotion all together. It only needed a personal connection of shared likes and dislikes to push it over the edge from one to the other until she would find herself irrevocably in love with the man.

  His words were perfect. They were too perfect. And as he sat there waiting for her to answer, propping his tight ass against his desk and wearing a guarded but hopeful smile, she realized that even his posture was perfect. It was as though he had designed himself to mirror what she wanted to hear and see most.

  The emotional experiment.

  It brought her instant peace in her turmoil to recognize his intention. He was proceeding with the experiment despite her insistence that it stop. Dr. Link was appealing to her emotions to see the final stage of the experiment reached. Peace became rage.

  “Bastard,” she snapped.

  Dr. Link jolted with surprise. His eyes widened then narrowed as though he were confused. Mina knew better. He wasn’t confused; he was playing her. Well, she wouldn’t be played, and she silently thanked him for backing her away from the precipice of feeling she almost toppled over. Damn that lust hadn’t left her, too.

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “You heard me. If I wanted pity, it wouldn’t be from you Dr. Link. And next time I need sex, I’ll remember to look off campus for it. Thank you for the lesson.”

  Mina stormed past him. Dr. Link reached for her, but she dodged.

  “Wait,” he called.

  Though he stood up, he didn’t chase her. It was as she suspected. Chasing her might have made her question her assumption. Keeping his place told her his attempt was only half-hearted, an experiment he didn’t mean to pursue at much personal cost. Human nature was a bitch. Body language could be easily read and body stimulus could rebuke her even while she asserted self-preservation.

  Her heels clacked loudly as she sped down the corridor.

  “Mina,” he called, his voice echoing after her.

  “Fuck you, Link.”

  She thought she heard him swear but didn’t slow down to confirm it. She needed a bath. And a vibrator to quell the begging channel which had been denied its fill. It wouldn’t satisfy, but if she could recall his voice, his hands perhaps, it would provide a measure of relief.

  Before, wanting him had been an unattainable fantasy. Now, she knew she could have him—at a cost. But the price was too high. It wouldn’t be a real relationship. It would be a fake, and would leave her more desperate than before to obtain what she couldn’t have.

  But wanting, having, receiving, clawed at her resolve. She hated her weakness because she’d had a taste and wasn’t the least bit satisfied. Mina wanted all of him, every part, every ounce of tender feeling and hot, out of control desire. And damn him, she wanted to jump that precipice and find him waiting to catch her at the bottom.

  A sob escaped her and Mina broke into a run toward her apartment. Love, lust, hate, humiliation, desire, longing, betrayal. God, he’d wanted an emotional response from her, wouldn’t he be delighted to discover the tumult he’d caused with the fewest words?

  * * * *

  Henry stepped from behind the science building as Dr. Lasky picked up a run and took off down the street. Lasky? His supervising professor for his Chemistry double major? Oh, hell, this was too good to be true.

  Possibilities flooded his mind: Sex with the hot teacher, especially now that he knew exactly what she looked like from nipple to thatch, and guaranteed A’s for the rest of his graduate work.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and whistled happily as he headed toward Dormitory Row. With a double recommendation from Lasky and Link, he was bound to get into the Doctorate program of his choice and possibly make some money on the side.

  Too bad Link had dismissed the class. Henry would have loved to see it through to the end. For now he’d be satisfied with the knowledge that her velvety nipple had been at his disposal. Friday, when he had her class again, he would make sure there was more of that. Much more.

  Chapter Three

  What had he said? The question plagued Derek every time he saw her over the next two days. Now Friday had finally arrived. He hoped to find peace this weekend from the accusation in Mina’s eyes.

  Gone was the filmy peasant shirt and jeans. She was back to her button up shirts, sensible low heels and tied back hair. If anything, her hair seemed more severe than usual. He couldn’t figure out why, as it was in the same, clubbed bun as usual, but it looked tighter. Women’s styles made his head ache, but he couldn’t keep from thinking of every little detail about her, and it was distracting him to no end.

  This afternoon in pre-med biology class, he’d given a lecture on circulatory disorders. It was one he was well familiar with, and he had been on autopilot until the general chuckling of the class had roused him from his monotone. It was then he realized the last ten minutes had been dedicated to discussing reduced brain function at point of arousal and how women could lead a man around by his cock.

  It was how he felt. Derek hadn’t intended to put it out there, but evidently his brain went on hiatus while he continued to wonder why Mina had turned him down. He’d been s
ure she wanted him as badly as he wanted her, but had it been the experiment? Had her arousal only been because of the primary orgasm?

  He left the class at the end of the hour. The corridor was empty behind the lab to his office, and he heard the telltale clack of her shoes, her stride. As though possessing a mind of its own, his cock sprang to life and he waited for the physical sensation of seeing Mina’s efficiently rocking stride. It never failed to hit him in the gut with lust.

  She cleared the corner. Glancing up from a notepad she carried, her eyes widened upon seeing him and her steps faltered.

  He smiled but Mina’s gaze darted over the hall as though looking for escape.

  “Wait. We have to talk,” he said.

  After confirming that they were alone, Mina shook her head firmly. “We’ve discussed everything that needs to be discussed.”

  Her eyes slipped over him and a warm flush touched her cheeks. The lapse gave him hope that her words were not as final as she let on.

  “Professor Lasky?” Henry asked, poking his head out from her office door.

  “I’ll be right there, Henry. Did you set up the supplies in the lab?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good.” Mina flashed the young man a warm smile. Every possessive nerve in Derek’s body responded with white-hot jealousy. She kept her eyes on the office as though Derek no longer existed and followed Henry before shutting the door to the hall.

  Derek ran a hand over his face. The same hand he’d used to make her scream with pleasure. The same fingers which had stroked the heated, silken core of her sheath with punishing accuracy.

  He half imagined he could still smell her. Honey, musk, and Mina. There wasn’t a chance he was going to forget what she smelled like, and if he had the chance, he’d find a way to bury his face in her pussy until she confessed to wanting him as much as he wanted her.


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