The Forgotten War

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The Forgotten War Page 8

by Howard Sargent

  Morgan threw a damp mossy stick that he had been fiddling with into the fire where it smoked for a long time before igniting. ‘What do they look like? Are they that different to ourselves?’

  ‘No, they are quite like us really: thinner and slightly shorter; angular faces with vividly coloured eyes, mainly blue but sometimes gold or even a light purple.’

  ‘And the famous pointy ears?’ Morgan grinned.

  ‘Exaggerated, the ears are a different shape, but then you could say the same about their noses, which are very thin. Even their eyes are slightly larger. There were only a couple of women that we saw but they were extremely beautiful, delicate-looking creatures; the men, the human men, were drooling over them but they wouldn’t let us near. I must say though that those that live in the Aelvenwood seem to have taken a different path. They sound much more savage and unforgiving than the ones I met; perhaps they just haven’t done as well as their mariner cousins.’

  ‘Interesting.’ said Morgan. ‘Well, if they don’t kill us on sight, I might let you try your Elven phrases on them.’

  Haelward shook his head. ‘I am not sure what use “My rudder needs repairing” will be in the circumstances.’

  ‘Well, you never know. Why did you leave the marines?’

  ‘After Galpa, what else was there left to do? The war down here was going badly at the time but, rather than join a group of mercenaries, I travelled here and enlisted in Felmere’s army; it seemed more honourable somehow. Of course, by the time that happened we had recovered a lot of the ground we had lost to Arshuma and since I arrived we have got more and more bogged down.’

  Morgan gave a short bitter laugh. ‘This is not the place to seek glory.’

  ‘Too true! I think Mytha God of War has determined that I am forever to miss out on parading through a city in triumph with grateful maidens throwing rose petals at my feet.’

  ‘Don’t believe all the old tales; the one time it happened to me after Axmian most of the “maidens“” I saw seemed to lack any teeth.’

  ‘Ah well,’ said Haelward wistfully. ‘If you shut your eyes...’

  Morgan threw another stick on to the fire.


  Tanaren City, Tanaren City, was there ever a jewel more radiant, any maiden so fair as thee? I remember my first glimpse of your proud beauty as I remember the birth of my only son; it is emblazoned on my mind with crystal clarity, a picture that will remain burned on my soul until the day Xhenafa clamps it to his bosom. ’Twas on the third day of midsummer just as dawn’s fiery red had started to weaken, broaching the fine sea mists as we passed Heldaras rock, that my eyes first beheld thee in gentle somnolence, nestling on low sloping hills caressing the sea that lapped gently against the harbour walls.

  I counted the hills, enclosed within the crenellated belt of its fortifications – five, just as the scholars had told me. I could even name them. The Loubian Hill, highest and fairest. From my ship I could see the white stone palaces that stood upon it, their towers and spires glinting in the emerging sunlight. And then, right next to it, lower and flatter, St Kennelth’s Hill, home of the grand cathedral of Artorus, its great belltower the tallest outside of Chira itself, standing tall and proud. And it was true! The tower was covered in gold! They say that it can be seen for many miles out at sea if the city is approached from the south and, my friends, you will not find this humble soul disputing these claims.

  And then there were the three lower hills: to the west, the Artisans’ Hill where the world’s finest craftsmen laboured ceaselessly to produce armour, clothing, glassware, brooches and necklaces for export around the world. Then there was the central hill, known as People’s Hill, the largest, broadest hill in the city and home to most of its many thousands of people, and at its centre the grand market, trading in every conceivable item, foodstuff, spices, leather, animals ... all brought in from every corner of the world. You could buy barrels, wagons, wine, silver, gold, fresh meat slaughtered in the adjoining shambles that very morning. I remember walking the smooth worn cobblestones of that market, brushing up against sons of the Duke, merchants in bold livery, maidens in fair white dresses, toothless old crones, beggars, pickpockets, cutpurses, knights with rapiers, humble priests, tavern wenches and the vendors, red-faced with voices hoarse from shouting. Then there were the smells, spices, burning incense, cooking meat, fish and sweat all mingling into a heady fragrance.

  And finally the last hill, Voyagers’ Hill, the hill adjoining the harbour. The city folk call it the poor quarter but, my friends, its dockside taverns, the small closely huddled cottages, the fish market on the harbour front, the cry of the gulls, and the shanties of the sailors repairing their nets and stitching their sails, give it a character all of its own.

  Our ship was docking now and, as it did so, I beheld the first of the city’s many statues – the statue of Hytha, Goddess of the Sea was there before me, arms outstretched, both protecting and welcoming sailors returning to shore. Before the day was ended I would see many more statues, of gods renowned and obscure, of every grand duke and duchess, typically standing alongside the fountains that were a feature of every square, no matter how small, and for which this city is justly famous.

  ...And now I must depart. No sigh is deeper nor heart heavier, for I have seen that which is incomparable in mine eyes. No more shall my sleep be a peaceful one until the day of my return here is upon me.

  Marcus snapped the book – Travels of a Humble Priest – shut; he always read that passage before arriving in the city, although he had never quite shared the awe of the itinerant brother Wolper, the author of the piece. They had been at sea for just over a day and would probably be anchoring close to Tanaren City harbour that evening, so they could arrive early the next day. The ship was one he had been on before, an old-style galley with both oar and sail and around eighty feet long. It only had one cabin, nominally the captain’s but, as Cheris was the only woman in a ship’s complement of over a hundred, he had chivalrously surrendered it to her. Marcus had wondered if Cheris might have felt intimidated by this situation but, as it had turned out, she had other problems of her own. She was about ten feet away from his position up aft, voiding her stomach contents into the briny. She had been doing this for much of the voyage, much to the amusement of the sailors. Once she had finished, she turned to walk towards Marcus, and, as she did so, a sailor no more than a boy bumped shoulders with her. He apologised but then, as she passed him, turned and smiled.

  ‘You know, my Lady, you would be a pretty girl if your skin wasn’t so green.’ She shot him a withering look, then, catching sight of her red robes, he seemed to remember exactly what she was.

  His face fell. ‘Sorry, my Lady. I meant nothing by it. Please don’t explode my head or anything.’ Many of the older sailors laughed at the boy. They were used to ferrying mages and did not have the fear of them that many others had.

  ‘I will let you off, just this once,’ she croaked and came up to Marcus.

  ‘Xhenafa take me. How much longer must I endure this?’

  ‘We will arrive at dawn tomorrow,’ Marcus said cheerfully. ‘We could be there by this evening but certain protocols have to be observed.’

  She looked alarmed. ‘You are not serious – what protocols?’

  ‘They have to fly the red flag for one hour before arrival so all on land can see it. Then on land they sound a horn every ten minutes or so as a warning that there are mages arriving. This gives everyone a chance to finish their business and go and hide, if that is their wish. Then, after we’ve docked, the knights escort us through the city to their tower in the city walls. Once there, we will get into our furnished wagon and the knights will ride us to the battle front, all the while flying a red flag so that anyone we meet on the road has the opportunity to dive behind a rock somewhere and cower in terror.’

  ‘If I didn’t feel so wretched, I would laugh.’ she said. ‘Do we really provoke such fear?’

  ‘Among many of the more ignorant com
mon folk, yes. The more educated will not hide from us; some will even stay and talk, although they will be very guarded. Unsurprisingly, it is the people who see us most often, the soldiers, these sailors and the like who are the most relaxed around us. You will get used to it. Where are you going?’

  ‘To the cabin for a lie-down. If I am not out in an hour, I have probably died.’

  ‘Well, try not to decompose too quickly. Think of my sensitive nose.’

  The cabin was tiny – a low bed, a desk with drawers, a chamber pot and a small circular window summed up its contents. Her own trunk was on the desk and she opened it, pulling out her mirror. By Artorus, she looked terrible! She wondered whether or not to put some make-up powder on but dismissed the idea; the powder was quite rare and at the moment it would be like trying to camouflage a ghoul. She pulled the belt on her robe in a little tighter; Marcus often laughed at initiates’ vain attempts to feminise their garments, but Cheris vigorously and vocally disagreed with him. She had taken a knife to both her red and blue robes when they were presented to her, trimming and gathering them in, so that they looked more like tight-fitting dresses than badges of office.

  On the bed was her staff, presented to her at her induction ceremony three days before. It was made from black metal, light and easy to carry. It included a detachable blade at the bottom in case it needed to be wielded as a weapon and it had a white orb of crystal at its head. A wizard’s staff was much more than a walking aid; it was a device that held a reserve of power which could be drawn on when required to give a final impetus to a spell, so avoiding the risk of frying a mage’s overtaxed brain. Over-estimating one’s ability and reserves of mental strength was a perpetual danger when magic was wielded and the staff served as a vital safeguard against the worst possible outcome. She took her staff off the bed and rested it against the wall; then, picking up her newly presented Book of the Magisters, a history of magic and its wielders, along with descriptions of the most common incantations, she lay on the bed and attempted to read.

  They sailed until the evening, finally weighing anchor when the lights of the city could be seen. Cheris had dozed off and on all afternoon and was feeling a lot better. Above the captain’s cabin was a small quarterdeck and she stood there now, leaning on the rail staring at those city lights. Marcus was with her.

  ‘Nervous about tomorrow?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she said wistfully. ‘But it’s not just nervousness; there’s a whole lot of other things too. My parents are out there somewhere; maybe one of those lights could be theirs.’

  ‘I wish you could see them tomorrow, but we will be out of the city pretty quickly.’

  ‘I know.’ She sighed. ‘I have been trying to remember, you know – what it was like, living in a house, being in a family, but everything is maddeningly vague at best, like a vivid dream that you forget in the morning.’

  ‘Do you remember anything at all?’

  ‘I remember mealtimes. I have a brother, you know, and a sister who was born after I left. We would sit at the table and laugh; my parents could be very funny, I remember laughing a lot. And I remember one evening, too – I had a colic or something, my temperature was high and my throat was dry and rasping – I was in bed and Mother was there, passing me water to sip, telling me Meriel would look after me. She sang to me, too – “Meriel Watches over Me”. Do you know it?’

  ‘Yes, it is a popular children’s song.’

  ‘I suppose that is true.’ She smiled and then in a plaintive and clear voice she sang softly:

  Meriel watches over me, on the land or over sea

  Pain she eases, fever calms

  Always sleep gently in her arms

  Meriel watches over me

  Wherever it is that I may be

  Safe forever in her gaze

  From now until the end of days.

  She had forgotten they were not alone and started as some of the sailors applauded her. She turned crimson and assayed a generous bow.

  ‘Do you know “The Captain’s Sword is Bigger than Mine”,’ called out one voice.

  ‘No,’ she laughed. ‘You will have to teach me.’

  ‘By Artorus!’ Marcus muttered. ‘By the time we go back you will be cursing like a tavern wench.’

  ‘I really hope so,’ she said with an impish smile.

  They took a light, simple meal – Cheris hoping she would keep it down this time – and then she retired for the night as the men slept under the stars. Tomorrow would be a day to remember.

  Tomorrow finally arrived, clear and fine. Cheris was awake early enough, though, as she found out when she left the cabin and climbed on to the quarterdeck, not as early as everybody else. Above her, large pink-tinged clouds sat motionless in a limpid blue sky. The sea was so smooth it looked as if it had been fashioned in glass. There was hardly a breath of air. She looked at the main mast – a red flag hung limply from its highest point. Marcus, who was on the main deck talking to one of the knights she assumed would be accompanying them, saw her and strolled nonchalantly up on to the quarterdeck to speak to her.

  ‘How long has the flag been up?’ she asked before he could get his breath.

  ‘About half an hour. The men are grumbling because it looks like they will have to row into the harbour. I have just been talking to Sir Dylan, the head of the knights here; he arrived by boat from the city not ten minutes ago. Normally, we get through the city as quickly as possible and leave within the hour, but it turns out the axle on our wagon is bust and won’t be repaired for some time. We will be given rooms in the knights’ tower and will leave tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Really? What will we do in the meantime?’

  ‘I don’t know. You have your Book of the Magisters to read.’

  ‘I have spent half my life reading books. Can I not go out for an hour? I could wear a cloak over my robes; I wouldn’t speak to a soul.’

  Marcus could not disguise his sarcastic tone. ‘Why don’t you ask Sir Dylan? I am sure he will be very accommodating.’

  She was not giving up. ‘I do not see that me, in a cloak, walking up to the market for half an hour is such a terrible, terrible thing.’

  Marcus sighed. ‘It is not going to happen, Cheris. The job of the knights is to keep us as well away from the non-gifted as possible; you will have to try to find your parents another time.’

  ‘I wasn’t saying that. I know which district they live in but apart from that I wouldn’t know where to start looking for them. Anyway, perhaps this separation of the gifted and non-gifted isn’t good for either of us. If we met and talked, maybe we could learn from each other; maybe their fear of us might diminish if they could see that we were just as ordinary as them in all respects bar the one.’

  ‘Ah, but that “one” is fairly significant, don’t you think? Most people cannot fry you with a lightning bolt if their drink gets spilled.’

  ‘That’s not funny.’

  ‘I know... Sir Dylan is on his way up.’

  The knight Marcus had been talking to was indeed on his way up to see them. Cheris was surprised at how young he was, probably only a few years older than her. He was obviously fastidious about his appearance, too, with his close-cropped brown hair and recently shaved jaw. His armour had a solid breastplate displaying the emblem of the thorn but apart from that it was all chain. His white cloak fairly dazzled in the low sun.

  ‘Hello there, Marcus.’ The young man spoke cheerfully. ‘Have you told the lady about our little problem?’

  ‘I have indeed, Sir Dylan, but allow me to introduce you both. This lady is Cheris Menthur, recent graduate of the College of Magisters and its most promising student for many years. Cheris, meet Sir Dylan of Mettenheath, knight prefect of the Holy Thorn.’

  Dylan gave a small bow. ‘The pleasure truly is all mine.’

  She spoke carefully, in well-modulated tones. ‘You are very kind, sir. May I be so bold as to enquire as to what arrangements will be made for us prior to our departure from the

  “We have several guestrooms in the knights’ tower where you can be accommodated, I have assurances that we will be able to leave early on the morrow.’

  ‘Then would I have permission to disguise myself for an hour and stroll around the city?’

  Dylan looked askance. Marcus smiled to himself, shaking his head slightly.

  ‘Why, by all the Gods, would you want to do that?’

  She gave her sweetest smile – strong men had been known to crumble under the force of it. ‘Come, sir, I have spent over fifteen years of my life on an island whose perimeter you could walk in under an hour – no streets, no marketplace, no taverns, just a lifetime of studious austerity backed by the cries of a thousand gulls. I would say nothing, do nothing but observe; I would truly be the epitome of meekness.’

  Sir Dylan looked troubled. ‘As you can see, Sir Dylan,’ Marcus interjected, ‘all our time in isolation can change a person. Cheris is not the sort of woman you encounter very often on the mainland – educated, bold and outspoken. She is completely unaware of this herself, of course; she imagines all women to be as she is and not consumed all hours of the day with putting bread on the table for her and her family so she can avoid a beating from a drunken husband. She has much to learn about life outside our own cosseted environment.’

  Cheris glared at him. ‘That may be the case, but surely the best way for me to learn would be for me to actually mix with the women of whom you speak so disparagingly, however restricted the circumstances.’

  Sir Dylan realised he was staring at her and turned away, looking at the sea as though jumping into it would be preferable to conversing with the two mages. ‘No one has ever made such a request before. I am answerable to a chain of command and I doubt very much that they would approve. Bear in mind that the normal procedure is to forewarn people of your arrival, so that they may clear the streets should they so choose.’


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