Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 4

by Renee Larsen

  “So that means Saturday I’m out of work.” She said softly.

  Nicholas kissed the top of her head. “No. It just means we’ll do something else.”

  Killer ran into the living room and to the front door growing. His fur stood on edge as his growl grew deeper, more menacing. Nicholas took Danielle’s hand and stood up. “Go into the bedroom and close the door,” he ordered. Danielle looked at him and started to speak but Nicholas put his finger to her lips. “Go, now.” Danielle obeyed and went to the bedroom.

  Danielle squeezed his hand. “Be careful.”

  Nicholas looked at her. “Don’t worry, just stay in there until I come to get you.”

  Nicholas looked at Killer as he ran his tongue over his teeth. Silently he said, Let’s go. He slid the bolt and opened the door. They stepped out into the hall momentarily as Nicholas turned and locked the door. They crept silently through the dark passages of the theater. Nicholas felt his fangs extend, his fingernails grow into long razor sharp daggers. After patrolling the apartment level they slowly went down to the rigging level. Killer watched as Nicholas took a few steps in front of him and then grabbed Nicholas by the seat of his pants. Which way, you lead my friend? Nicholas asked his large gray wolf silently.

  Killer looked up at Nicholas and led him down to the lobby and into the auditorium. The theater was dark but both Nicholas and Killer spotted two men near the stage. The men had flashlights that illuminated a small area in front of them. Its dinner time, my friend, Nicholas said silently. They crept silently up on the two men. Nicholas grabbed one sinking his fangs into the vein while Killer pounced on the other pinning him to the ground. Nicholas quickly drained his victim and then focused his attention to the one Killer held. Nicholas motioned to Killer and he released the man. Nicholas pulled the man to his feet and held him in the air by his neck. “You shouldn’t have come into my theater. Now you’ll be my dinner.” Nicholas hissed viscously. Nicholas held the large man with ease as he sank his fangs into his neck. When the second man was drained Nicholas looked at Killer. “Now we have to dispose of them. We must do it quickly.” Nicholas picked up the bigger of the two by the back of his jacket and Killer grabbed the second one. They dissolved into mist and carried the two dead men to the Hudson River dropping the corpses into the murky water.

  Nicholas entered his apartment and locked the door then quickly studied his reflection in the mirror. Satisfied there was no evidence of what he had just done, he walked to the bedroom door and opened it. Danielle sat on the edge of the bed. She looked up when they entered. Killer ran to her happily nudging her leg. “What was it she asked?”

  Nicholas sat next to her draping his arm around her shoulder. “It was nothing. We checked the whole theater out. Everything is secure.” He leaned over kissing her pushing her back on the bed. Her arms went around his neck as his kisses became more demanding, more heated. “I want you so badly” Nicholas moaned as he trailed kisses along her neck. Her heart raced, her body tingled; she wanted him too.

  Nicholas’ lips covered hers as he slipped his hand under her sweater fondling her breasts. She felt his erection as he pulled her hips against his. His hungry lips covered hers; his tongue caressed hers as his hips moved pressing his hardness against her arousing her He reached between her legs rubbing her through her jeans.

  Danielle pressed against Nicholas as he touched her. Her body reacted to his touch, his kisses. He moved his knee between her legs as he again pulled her against him pressing his aching penis against her. They kissed heatedly rubbing their hips together in unison as they touched and fondled each other. Danielle ran her hands under his shirt rubbing his back, savoring the feel of his well defined muscles.

  Nicholas pushed her sweater up looking at her as he reached into her bra cupping her breast in his hand. He lowered his mouth to her breasts as he pulled the black lace demi cup of her bra down taking her nipple into his mouth. The smell of her excitement was maddening. He wanted to shred her clothing and be with her but he wouldn’t. Danielle’s lips eagerly found his as he unzipped her jeans slipping his hand into them and between her legs. He felt her excitement, her wetness though the silky fabric of her panties. She moaned softly as he ran his hand over the silky fabric. With each movement of his hand she became more aroused. Her kisses grew deeper more passionate as he slipped his hand into her panties. Skin touching skin, her moans grew louder as he manipulated her, as he inserted a finger into her. Then she was silent. It was like she was holding her breath. She reached for him kissing him deeply as he felt her body tense as her orgasm took hold.

  Nicholas held her against him listening to the pounding of her heart. Danielle clung to him; her head on his chest. Soon her heart rate was normal and her breathing told him she was asleep. He slipped out from under her and pulled a blanket over her.

  Nicholas quietly opened a drawer and pulled out clean underwear and sweat pants and then went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. He pulled on his sweat pants and walked quietly into the living room and stretched out on the couch falling into the deep sleep of a vampire.

  Nicholas awoke to the smell of coffee, eggs and bacon. It smelled good and he was glad he was one of the Vamps that could eat food without getting sick from it. He walked into the kitchen to see Danielle making toast. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her neck. “Good morning, Sunshine” he said lightly. Danielle turned in his arms and looked into his eyes. “Not morning, more like evening. It’s after five. Sit, I made breakfast.” She said taking the plates over to the table. She walked back to the counter and picked up the coffee and toast.

  Nicholas smiled at her. “This is good.”

  Danielle set her coffee cup down. “Thank you.” She said softly and then averted her eyes.

  “Danielle is something wrong?”

  Danielle shook her head no. “I’m just a little confused right now.”

  Nicholas looked up. “Confused about what?”

  Danielle shook her head. “A lot of things. I just have a lot of feelings about things and not quite sure what it all means.”

  Nicholas took her hand. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Danielle smiled. “No Drac, you did everything right, better than anyone else has.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “I told you a long time ago that I was a perfectionist.”

  Danielle looked up at him through her eyelashes and giggled. “And a perfectionist you are.”

  Nicholas lifted her chin. “What do you want to do tonight since we have no rehearsals?”

  Danielle squeezed his hand. “I think I need to go home and spend some time with Rusty. Poor kitty hasn’t seen me in twenty four hours.”

  Nicholas moved his chair closer to hers and put his arm around her. “Can I call you later?” he asked looking almost hurt that she wanted to go home.

  Danielle kissed his cheek. “You can call. If you want, come over later. I just need a little me time.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Want to go to some overpriced steak house for a late dinner?”

  Danielle kissed his cheek again. “Call me, we’ll decide later about dinner ok?”

  Danielle finished her food and stood up. “I’m going to call a cab.” She walked to the phone, dialed, gave the address and hung up. “Cab will be here in a few minutes, can you walk me down?”

  Nicholas stood up. “Let me grab a shirt.” He went into the bedroom pulled a tee shirt from his drawer and returned to the living room pulling it over his head. Danielle had her coat on and was ready.

  “Bye Killer, see you tomorrow.” Danielle called as they left they apartment. They walked down the stairs in silence.

  Nicholas unlocked the lobby door then took her hands in his. “Why do I have this terrible feeling that you’re angry with me?”

  Danielle looked into his eyes. “Oh Mr. Burnes, I’m far from angry … So very far from angry.”

  Nicholas tilted his head. “Then what is it? You’ve hardly spoken today.” The
cab pulled up and honked. She pushed the door open and started to leave. Nicholas pulled her back. “Danielle?”

  Danielle stood on her toes kissing him. “I’m falling for you, Drac.” She pushed the door open and stepped into the cold evening air. She looked over her shoulder at Nicholas. “Call me, we’ll do dinner.”


  Danielle was met by the door by her big orange cat. She took off her coat looking down at her cat. “Honey boy,” she said as she bent down and picked him up. She kissed him and set him on the floor. “Come on I’ll feed you.” She walked into the kitchen, refilled his water bowl and dry food then opened a can of cat food. Rusty rubbed against her legs meowing the whole time. She put the food down and sat on the floor next to him petting him.

  Danielle walked into the bedroom and pulled clean clothes from her closet. As she pulled her sweater over her head she paused. “Nicholas” she said softly breathing in the fragrance of his cologne that lingered on her sweater. She walked into the bathroom removed the rest of her clothes and stepped into the shower.


  Emily looked at Derek as they sipped on glasses of blood. “Guess whose back” she giggled.

  Derek took her hand and kissed it. “The proverbial son returns. Do you realize we’ve seen him more in the past month than in the last six months?” The door opened and Nicholas walked in.

  “Mishka, how are you?” Nicholas said as he ran his hand over the wolf’s thick fur.

  “We’re in the Kitchen” Derek called. Nicholas walked in after dropping his coat over a chair.

  Emily looked up. “You look very handsome tonight.” She said unable to take her eyes off him. “You look so much like your father.”

  Derek looked up. “Hot date tonight?” he asked.

  Nicholas smiled. “Yup, a very hot date,” he said as he poured himself a glass of blood and sat at the table.

  “You’ll sweep her off her feet.” Emily said softly.

  Nicholas smiled. “I hope so.”

  Derek looked at him. “Is this date with your redhead?”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Yup.”

  Derek looked at him. “Ok Nicholas, you’re here to say something, don’t keep us in suspense.”

  Nicholas sipped his glass of blood. “Tonight I’m taking her out for a nice dinner. I’m going to take her dancing, and tomorrow you’ll meet her. For the time being you’re my brother and mom is your wife. Okay?”

  Derek nodded. Nicholas continued. “Tell the others so they don’t screw up.”

  Derek looked at Nicholas. “Nick, you know that at some point someone may say something.”

  Nicholas looked at his father pleadingly. “Dad you guys have to help me with this. You guys can’t screw it up for me.”

  Emily stood behind him rubbing his shoulders. “It will be fine. I’ll make sure. Stop worrying.”

  Derek looked into his sons blue eyes. “This is serious isn’t it?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Dad, I love her. She told me she’s falling for me.”

  Derek smiled. “Son, we’ll keep everyone in line. No one will ruin this for you.”

  Nicholas stood up and started pacing.

  Emily looked at Derek. “Are you sure your not mother and father and to him. I don’t think he has any of my genes.” She laughed.

  Nicholas kissed her cheek. “Mom, I have your eyes.”

  Emily giggled. “And that’s about all you have.”

  Derek laughed. “He’s got your gentleness, kindness, love of music to name a few things.”

  Nicholas walked into the living room and called Danielle. “Hey, have you had enough alone time?” he listened then said. “I’ll be there in a little while. Wear something pretty we’re going dancing.” He snapped the phone closed and grabbed his coat as he walked back into the kitchen. He lifted his glass and finished the blood. “Gotta go. Come early tomorrow. I want you to meet Danielle before the show ok?”

  Derek chuckled. “Yes my brother. Now kiss your sister-in-law and be on your way.”

  Nicholas kissed Emily and then Derek. “I love you guys. Hey, bring my other brothers with you. See you tomorrow.”


  Within seconds Nicholas was knocking on Danielle’s door. She opened the door and Nicholas stepped inside. “Wow, look at you. I’d have never guessed you had such hot legs.” He said admiringly. Danielle wore rich emerald green wrap dress with long sleeves, a plunging neckline and a bias cut skirt that hugged her hips sensually and flared at the hemline. The soft fabric clung to her accentuating all her curves.

  Danielle smiled. “Thank you; you dress up really well yourself Mr. Burnes.”

  Nicholas took her hand and spun her around. “I love the dress.” He said pulling her against him kissing her. “Mmmm you smell good too.” He whispered against her ear. He released her looking into her eyes. “Hungry?” Danielle nodded.

  “Then let’s go for dinner.” Nicholas said as he picked up her coat.

  They walked into New York Retro and got a table off in the corner. New York Retro was the in place to be seen in New York society. They ate a nice dinner and then went into the club area for drinks and dancing. They sat at a small table near the back of the room. Nicholas ordered drinks and then chuckled. There on the dance floor was his mother and father along with rest of his clan.

  Danielle looked at him. “What’s so funny?”

  Nicholas pointed towards the dance floor. “See that hot looking blonde dancing with the tall dark haired guy? That’s my twin and his wife.”

  “I didn’t know you had a twin.”

  Nicholas took her hand. “Come with me let’s show them how to dance.” They made their way onto the dance floor. Nicholas pushed his way through the masses and took Danielle in his arms. He purposely bumped into his father. “Derek! What a surprise.” He said almost laughing.

  Derek looked at him, “Nick how’s it going?” Nicholas took Danielle’s hand. “Danielle, I’d like you to meet my twin brother Derek and his lovely wife Emily.”

  Emily smiled warmly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Derek looked at Danielle. “May I have this dance?”

  Danielle smiled as Derek led her away from


  Emily looked at her son. “Don’t stand there like an idiot, dance with me.”

  Nicholas took his mother in his arms and they danced. “Mom, he’s not going to blow this is he? Please tell me he won’t.”

  Emily caressed his cheek. “He won’t blow it for you. Honey, she likes you a lot. You can see it in her eyes when she looks at you.”

  Nicholas smiled at his mother. “Wait till you hear us sing together. It’ll blow you away.”

  Derek danced Danielle around the floor. “So, Danielle, my brother is a great guy don’t you think?”

  Danielle smiled. “Yes he is.”

  Derek listened to her thoughts as he questioned her more. “How do you like working with him? He can be a real prick sometimes when it comes to his work.”

  Danielle answered without missing a beat. “He’s a perfectionist; it’s one of the things I love about him. He’s proud of what he does and expects nothing less than the best from his co-workers.”

  Derek smiled. “You seem to know him pretty well in a pretty short time.”

  Danielle nodded. “We’ve spent quite a bit of time together. I use to be up in the morning and asleep at night. Now I’m up all night and sleep most of the day. We have fun together.”

  Derek pushed her silently. Are you in love with my son, he’s in love with you. Danielle’s brow furrowed as she thought about Nicholas and how she loved spending every waking minute with him. How sad she would be if he too threw her away as everyone else did. Derek pushed her again. Tell me what you feel for him.

  Danielle smiled easily as she looked into Derek’s green eyes. “Derek, please don’t tell Nicholas what I’m about to tell you.”

  “I won’t”

  Danielle smiled sweetly. “I’m in love with hi
m or at least I think I am. We haven’t known each other long but I don’t think I could imagine my life without him or that crazy dog of his.” She laughed.


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