The Sacred Guardians Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Omnibus

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The Sacred Guardians Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Omnibus Page 25

by Wendy Owens

  “Gee, guess I’m just lucky,” Gabe responded in a sarcastic tone. His youth had been a complete nightmare full of demons destroying everything and everyone around him. The last thing he thought was that he was lucky in any sense of the word.

  “Sorry, I’ve done it again, haven’t I?” Neru asked, realizing her foot was once again lodged in her mouth.

  Gabe simply nodded and flashed a friendly smile.

  “Well I am taking third year Magical Creatures and Artifacts as well. They won’t let a second year take any classes that have to do with casting, so Elementals and Incantations wasn’t an option for me, sadly.”

  “Well, maybe we will be in the same classes for Magical Creatures and Artifacts.” Gabe added.

  “Yeah, that would be awesome,” Neru said, a smile beaming from her face as she gripped tightly to the book before her. Gabe thought her behavior odd, but decided it was just because she was a girl. He didn’t really get them.

  “All right, class. Everyone, books open to chapter one,” the professor said as he walked into the room.

  Gabe stared for a moment, a bit surprised at the small man’s appearance. With pointy ears and a long hooked nose, Gabe wondered what kind of being the instructor was. A goblin or troll perhaps, he had no idea. Since he came to Rampart Manor, Gabe had met several new races or species of animals he never knew existed. This didn’t seem too strange by now. He just hadn’t expected to find one of these beings teaching his class.

  “I suppose your friend won't be coming,” Neru whispered.

  Gabe realized Sophie had not arrived for class and his concern quickly returned. He felt an overwhelming need to find out why she had been called away. His thoughts were again consumed with finding out if she was all right. Not wanting to make waves on his first day of class, Gabe decided to wait until the end of history to search for Sophie.

  “I suppose not,” he replied, masking his concern.

  As hard as Gabe tried to focus, he found himself distracted for the remainder of the class. Occasionally he would glance over at Neru and wonder more about her story. These thoughts would quickly give way to a panicked distraction. He was consumed by thoughts of what might have taken Sophie away that morning.

  Gabe watched the clock on the wall; he was eagerly waiting for class to come to an end. He had been looking forward to history. With the distraction of Sophie missing, he wasn’t able to concentrate. At last the bell sounded. Gabe hopped to his feet.

  In an attempt not to be rude, Gabe quickly expressed his appreciation for meeting Neru and then excused himself. In a hurried rush, he darted towards Sophie’s chambers. Gabe was not going to be attending any more classes unless he could get to the bottom of Sophie’s disappearance. Perhaps, he thought, he might be overreacting. After being called out this morning, she may have simply felt ill and decided to return to her room. Anything was possible, he thought.

  “Gabe! Where are you going?” Gabe heard Sophie’s voice call out to him as he rushed past. He had been in such a hurry that he had gone right by Sophie. Quickly, Gabe slowed and then stopped in his tracks. Turning, he saw Sophie standing, arms spread, and mouth open as if saying she were stumped by his behavior.

  “Sophie!” he exclaimed, rushing to her side. “I have been so worried about you.”

  “What?” she questioned. “About me? Why on Earth …?”

  “Well, this morning,” Gabe tried to explain, now embarrassed by his clearly unfounded reaction. “And then you didn’t show up in history class,” Gabe added, trying to justify his irrational behavior.

  “Oh, that,” Sophie replied. “Professor Beatrice called me to her office. She needed my help.”

  Professor Beatrice was the instructor in charge of the library and artifacts area. Sophie had worked closely with the professor since her arrival at the manor.

  “With what?” Gabe barked in an almost accusatory tone.

  “Gabe, what’s with you?” Sophie demanded.

  “I don’t know, I guess I’m just on edge.” Gabe wished he could take his words back. “At least we will still be able to go to Elementals together.”

  “About that Gabe, I guess I won’t be in any of your classes this semester after all.”

  Gabe was astonished that Sophie’s words didn’t seem to bother her. Gabe thought it was as if it didn’t bother her at all and she was almost excited by the idea.

  “What do you mean, Sophie? You were so excited this morning.”

  “Well, yeah, it’s not that I wouldn’t love to take some classes with you, but things changed.”

  “What exactly changed?” Gabe demanded, no longer concerned if he came across as insane.

  “Professor Beatrice has been tasked by Michael with the huge undertaking of cataloguing all of the material in the crystal chambers, including the newest delivery of artifacts.” As Sophie spoke, she reminded Gabe of a child on Christmas morning when they catch a glimpse of the overflowing presents under the tree. “I just feel so honored Gabe, ya know?”

  “Honored?” Gabe asked, becoming annoyed at the mention of Michael’s name.

  “Yes, Professor Beatrice said I was the first person she thought of to help with the task. She asked Michael and he has agreed to allow me to do my studies independently so that I can be a part of the cataloguing.”

  “Yeah, I bet he did,” Gabe grimaced.

  “Gabe! What’s your problem?” Sophie cried angrily as the crowd of students mingling about them lessened.

  Gabe remembered Michael’s warning about spending too much time with Sophie. He was sure Michael was behind this sudden opportunity for Sophie. Seeing how angry she was at him though, Gabe thought better of revealing his suspicions.

  “Nothing,” he grumbled. “I suppose I was just looking forward to being with you in several of my classes. But it’s clear I was more excited than you.”

  “Well, I really do not appreciate the attitude, Gabe! You know, not everything is about you.”

  “Sophie, I’m sorry,” Gabe said, trying to mask his annoyance. “You’re right. It’s really exciting news for you. I know you love working with that stuff.”

  “Later today I get to log and examine the artifacts Dina and Raimie just brought back from Iron Gate. I will be the first one here to actually touch them and record observations. This is such an honor for a student to receive,” Sophie continued to share, deciding to let Gabe's attitude pass. As Sophie gushed about her exciting opportunity, Gabe couldn’t help but be happy for her, even if he was annoyed.

  They had spent so much time together this summer that Gabe felt like she knew him better than anyone else. She had a way of calling him out when he behaved irrationally while also making him feel like he was on top of the world.

  As Sophie continued talking about her exciting new job, a flood of memories came over Gabe of he and Sophie’s time together. Right after the attack he had been terrified to even leave the manor. Over the summer when Sophie had convinced him to return to the beach where Anthony had nearly killed him just months before, he had not been convinced it was the best idea.

  He remembered how clammy his hands were that day when they started venturing down the path. His head had been spinning. He was sure he was about to pass out from the overwhelming emotions. As they cleared the rocky path and he stepped onto the sand with that first foot, he felt his heart start racing. Looking over, he saw the sun shining behind Sophie, her auburn hair blowing out to the side.

  Her close-lipped smile, shining eyes, and slightly flushed cheeks made his heart warm. He knew in that moment that he was one of the luckiest guys on earth. Without giving Anthony another thought, he had reached out and grabbed hold of Sophie’s hand. The day had been full of fun and frolicking along the shores, the waves licking their heels. It was one of the best memories he had of the summer.

  “Michael told me he thinks the project will take up a lot of my free time as well, but it’s so worth it. Don’t you think?” Gabe heard Sophie say as he came back to reality.<
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  Gabe felt flushed with anger again, but didn’t want to ruin this moment for Sophie.

  “Yeah, of course,” he replied. Afraid he would no longer be able to contain his anger at Michael, Gabe turned to walk down the hall, calling over his shoulder. “I better get to class; I wouldn’t want to be late. We will talk later.”

  “Gabe,” she called after him, but he kept walking as if he did not hear her.

  Gabe was having trouble thinking straight. All he wanted to do was march straight to Michael’s office and accuse him of the meddling. A crime Gabe was certain he was guilty of. Gabe knew what it would do to Sophie if she were to find out about Michael trying to keep them apart. It would devastate her to know she was given that job in an effort to tear them away from one another. Though he wanted to confront Michael, Gabe decided he would go to his Elementals class and try to suffer through.

  “Hi there, Gabe,” Haim’s voice came from just ahead, down the hall. As Gabe came closer, he saw Haim standing outside the door of a classroom.

  “Hi, Haim.”

  “How’s your first day of classes going?”

  “Don’t ask,” Gabe returned.

  “That bad?” Haim questioned as he laughed slightly.

  As Gabe came to a stop in front of the classroom, he looked up at the door and double-checked his class list. “Are you in this class?” Gabe asked, hopeful.

  “Yup. Apparently everyone else overwhelmingly feels you can’t brute force yourself out of every situation, so they all pushed me into taking Elementals. Waste of time if you ask me, I won’t use it,” Haim replied, rolling his eyes.

  “Oh come on, Haim, how about keeping an open mind?” Gabe said with a smirk.

  “Hi there, Gabe,” the small voice of Neru filled their ears as she passed by, waving at Gabe daintily with two fingers. A moment later, she was gone.

  “Whoa, wait a second. Who was that?” Haim asked, giving Gabe an elbow to the side.

  “Nobody, just some girl from another class,” Gabe defended.

  “Oh yeah, some girl, huh? And does Sophie know about this 'some girl’?” Haim heckled his friend.

  “Shut up, Haim! It’s not like that,” Gabe insisted as he started walking into the classroom. “Come on; let’s get a seat before we’re late.”

  While Gabe had to admit Neru was attractive, there was only one girl for him.

  The remainder of the day's classes were a blur for Gabe; his thoughts consumed by Sophie and her sudden task of cataloguing the new runes from Iron Gate. Gabe had only been aggravated with Michael after their conversation the other evening. Now he found himself completely enraged over the idea that he was meddling in Sophie's and his relationship.

  Gabe decided after his final class that he would go by Sophie’s room to apologize for his behavior. When at last the bell rang, he scooped up his books and darted for the open doorway. Neru had been in his final class as well, but he hadn’t paid much attention.

  Neru called after Gabe as he rushed out of the room, “Bye, Gabe.” However, her words fell on deaf ears. He went on down the hall towards Sophie’s room in silence.

  At last he arrived, but the room was empty. After their tense meeting in the hall earlier, he did not want to be the guy who stalked her at work. Gabe decided rather than checking in the library, he would find her in the dining hall later that evening.

  Over the summer, Gabe had grown used to spending time in the gardens where he and Sophie had shared that dance under the stars so many months ago. It had become his go-to place to clear his mind and find peace. On this particular day, the place had seemed to have lost its charm.

  Gabe bent over and picked up a smooth pebble. As he stood again, he began to roll the stone between his fingertips. He stared off into nothingness, replaying the past couple of days in his mind.

  “Gabe?” The small voice rang out behind him as he was leaning over the bridge. He loved to come and watch the Koi passing underneath, but their magic failed to capture his attention this evening. When Gabe turned around, he saw Neru walking towards him grinning.

  “Oh hey, Neru. How’s it going?”

  “Great, except this new friend I made completely ignored me in Artifacts class,” Neru jested as she came to rest next to Gabe, arms folded on the railing of the bridge.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I am a little distracted,” Gabe apologized with complete sincerity.

  “I was kidding,” Neru replied, leaning forward to catch Gabe’s gaze in an effort to show him she wasn’t upset.

  Gabe smiled at Neru. With everything on his mind, he was having trouble deciphering sarcasm.

  “Distracted, huh? Care to talk about it?” Neru probed.

  “No, I’m fine,” Gabe quickly put her off.

  “Oh, I understand,” Neru said. “Well, you did just meet me.”

  “That’s not it,” Gabe retorted. “It’s just silly stuff.”

  “I doubt that. If it has you this perplexed it must be important to you at least. Who knows? Maybe talking about it will make you feel better.”

  Gabe had never been the type of person to open up about his feelings. Before he came to the manor, he had lived a life of secrecy and pain. Even since coming here, he had only confided in his close circle of friends. Something about Neru impressed him. Her friendliness and persistence seemed to disarm him.

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  The two continued to stand in silence for a moment longer while Gabe debated if sharing anything with Neru would help. Something was strange about her, but Gabe thought perhaps it was exactly those things that drew him to her.

  “I know almost everything that’s bothering me is probably myself reading into stuff and being irrational,” Gabe smiled trying to show humor. “I tend to do that.”

  “I’m sure you’re not that bad,” Neru said, giving Gabe a slight nudge.

  “Take the tests for example, I studied all summer. I skipped nearly all the social events going on so that I would be prepared when the time came for my tests.”

  “And so you were. Are you annoyed you had to give that all up?” Neru asked, pulling a strand of hair back from her face to reveal a confused expression.

  “No,” Gabe quickly interjected. “I didn’t mind any of that. I was actually happy to do it all if it meant catching up to the rest of my friends.”

  “So what’s the problem? Seems like you nailed the tests.”

  “You would think so, wouldn’t you?” Gabe asked, looking off into the distance again.

  “Didn’t you?” Neru asked. “That’s what it looked like to the rest of us. I could have never came up with half the ideas you did.”

  “Well, I thought I did really well, but then …” Gabe thought better of revealing his frustration with Michael to this girl he barely knew. Instead he revised his statement. “Then some friends pointed out that I could have done better.”

  “Gabe, you can’t let a few friends make you doubt yourself,” Neru assured him as she reached over and took a comforting hold of Gabe’s hand, wrapping her tiny arm around his. “Your test was to defeat the three creatures and you did.”

  “Yeah,” Gabe said slowly as he considered her words. “I suppose you’re right.” He thought, If you knew it was Michael that did not approve of my methods, I bet you would be saying something else right now. He remained silent about that detail, however.

  “That’s all that has been bothering you? That’s not so bad,” Neru said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Sort of,” Gabe replied, glancing over at her with a smile again.

  “Oh my. Gabe, how much do you have going on up in that head of yours?”

  “More than you would probably care to know,” Gabe added, looking down into the water, unconsciously picking at his cuticles with his teeth.

  “All right, spill it,” Neru demanded.

  It was like a flood gate opening for Gabe. He couldn’t hold back any longer. “It’s not just one thing. There are a bunch of little things reall
y. I start classes and my girlfriend doesn’t even care that she gets pulled out of all the ones we share. Two of my friends that I consider to be the model couple are bickering. Let’s not even get started with the fact that Baal and who knows what other demons, are trying to hunt me down and kill me. I don’t even get …” Looking over at Neru’s expression, Gabe knew he had completely unloaded on her.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …” Gabe began.

  “No, it’s fine,” Neru said, pulling Gabe closer in a reassuring way. “I didn’t realize you had so much on your mind. If I were the protector I am not sure what I would be feeling. Nobody can blame you, not even your girlfriend.”

  “Gabe!” Sophie’s voice shouted behind them. Quickly they pulled apart, Gabe turning around to look at Sophie.

  “Sophie, where have you been? I was looking for you.”

  “Yeah, it looks like you were looking real hard, Gabe.”

  “What?” Gabe asked, confused by Sophie’s tone. He considered telling her that she was full of nonsense, and then thought better of it.

  “Whatever, Gabe,” Sophie said, turning to walk away in a huff.

  Gabe glanced at Sophie, then Neru, and then Sophie again. Lunging forward, Gabe took hold of Sophie’s arm and spun her to face him. “What’s your deal? This is Neru. I met her in one of my classes today. We were just talking.”

  “Yeah, Gabe, I always talk arm in arm with guys I just meet,” Sophie argued, pulling, trying to break free of his grasp.

  “Are you serious, Sophie? I’m sorry if I upset you. I didn’t mean anything by it,” Gabe pleaded.

  Sophie stopped struggling and turned to face Neru. “Hi, Peru. I’m Gabe’s girlfriend, maybe he mentioned me.”

  “It’s Neru,” the girl replied.

  “Oh, so sorry, N-e-r-u,” Sophie added sarcastically.

  “Gabe may have mentioned you,” Neru added with equal spite. “Hey, Gabe, we’ll talk later. I should really take off.”

  “Okay, thanks for the talk. Sorry about this,” Gabe told her.


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