The Sacred Guardians Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Omnibus

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The Sacred Guardians Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Omnibus Page 56

by Wendy Owens

  Uri grabbed his finger laughing, “What are you going to do, cupcake? Seduce me to death, in all your sexy glory?”

  “Just shut up,” Gabe groaned, pushing the door shut in his friend’s face.

  With a yawn, Rachel sat up, stretching. She allowed the sheets to fall away from her body. Gabe was pleased to see how much more comfortable she was with him already. “Who was that?” Rachel asked.

  “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  Looking at her husband, Rachel’s eyes widened, “What are you wearing?”

  “Like it?” Gabe asked striking a pose.

  “Umm,” Rachel began to giggle. “It suits you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Gabe asked with a wink, taking off into a sprint before leaping into the bed, and patting the mattress next to where he lay. The world would wait just a few more minutes while he enjoyed more time with his new bride.

  “I look absolutely ridiculous,” Rachel groaned from the bathroom.

  “Nah, I’m sure you look beautiful,” Gabe called out across the room, glancing around quickly to make sure they had packed everything. Throwing the oversized duffle bag over his shoulder, he made his way to the door and dropped it gruffly.

  “No, I look like I’m one of the X-Men.”

  “What? Let me see,” Gabe asked, shifting his focus.

  Rachel poked her head around the corner, her cheeks flushed a bright red, “Promise not to laugh?”

  “Come on, it can’t be that bad,” Gabe urged, his interest now piqued.

  Rachel stepped out revealing her silhouette. Gabe’s jaw went ajar as he stared speechless. Used to her wardrobe of gypsy skirts and t-shirts, this drastic change had taken him by surprise. Her curvy hips and legs were strapped tightly in copper colored leather pants, a slim fitting, long sleeved black shirt hugged close to her chest, and the ensemble was topped off with a black leather belt and calf high studded boots.

  “See! I told you,” Rachel exclaimed, slipping back around the wall to hide.

  “No, you look amazing,” Gabe insisted as he rushed over to her, pulling her from her hiding place by her wrists. Wrapping his arms around her hips and pulling her close, before adding, “Seriously, I’m actually a little worried you might end up distracting me all day in this gat up.”

  “Gabe!” she squealed with a flirty giggle.

  He kissed her at the base of the neck, following the line up to her ear and around until he met her lips.

  “Oh gross, come on. Do you guys ever quit?” Uri shouted from just inside the doorway.

  “Don’t you ever knock?” Gabe shot back, pulling slightly away from his bride.

  “Come on love birds, we gotta get going. Haim is waiting in the courtyard with the Dramares. Do you really want to tick them off?” Uri urged.

  “Dramares?” Rachel questioned.

  Uri and Gabe smiled at one another before Uri added, “Oh you’ll see.”

  “No, seriously, what are Dramares?” Rachel pleaded.

  “Come on,” Gabe said, grabbing a tight hold on her hand. She smiled and in an instant the couple darted for the door, causing Uri to jump out of the way. On the way out Gabe grabbed the duffle, and tossed it over his free arm and onto his muscular shoulder.

  “Hey, wait for me!” Uri exclaimed, chasing after them.

  The three raced down the crowded corridor, the newlyweds receiving random shouts of congratulations as they passed. For the moment, all of the fears and worries about Baal that had kept Gabe up all night seemed to fall away. Instead, he was consumed with the reality that he was back, among his friends, with Uri, and now he was married to one of the most beautiful and amazing women he had ever met.

  Entering the courtyard, Uri broke out ahead of the group. Once he did, his feet pounded to a stop as he bellowed, “Ha! I won!”

  Gabe and Rachel laughed at Uri’s childlikeness, coming to a stop as well. Gabe attempted to catch his breath when he heard Rachel gasp. He felt his hair stand on edge, immediately going into panic mode.

  “Are you ok?” he asked, taking a tighter hold of her hand.

  Rachel’s eyes widened as she lifted her finger slowly, pointing directly in front of her, slightly trembling, “Oh my God, look!”

  Pushing Rachel behind him, Gabe searched for the source of her fear. “I don’t see anything. What is it, Rachel?”

  “You don’t see them?” she exclaimed.

  A deep voice growled from across the courtyard, “I think she means us.”

  “It can talk? Oh my God!” Rachel cried.

  Gabe began to laugh uncontrollably, causing Rachel to suddenly become very self-conscious. “Rachel, this is Drachon, he’s the leader of the Dramares. He is going to be giving us a ride on the first leg of our journey.”

  Rachel stepped out from behind her protective husband, staring at the bizarre creature. At first glance it looked like a horse, but upon further examination she saw they were covered in scales and the feet turned into claws. Perhaps most unsettling for Rachel was that the head of the beast had similarities to a lizard, large slit eyes, its tongue occasionally flicking.

  “Nice to meet you, m’lady,” Drachon said, lowering his head and bowing as he did.

  “Thanks, I guess.” Rachel replied hesitantly.

  “Don’t worry, they don’t bite,” Gabe said, reaching out and taking hold of her arm, leading her closer to the creatures.

  “Well, we don’t bite our friends,” Drachon added, breaking out into laughter, smoke billowing from his nostrils.

  “What are they?” Rachel whispered, leaning in close to Gabe.

  “We have excellent hearing, as well,” Drachon added, his scaly lip turned up.

  Rachel covered her mouth with one hand, embarrassed by her rudeness.

  “Think of them as half dragon, half horse. They can move quickly and are great in a fight. With a cloaking spell, we will not even be noticed as we travel, so you should feel quite safe. You’ll be riding with me, if that’s all right?” Gabe explained.

  “Yes, of course,” Rachel answered, still staring in amazement.

  “You guys aren’t going anywhere without giving me a hug!” Dina commanded as she approached the circle.

  Relieved for the break in tension, Rachel rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around her new friend.

  “I can’t thank you enough for all of your help with the wedding plans,” Rachel said, not wanting to let go.

  “Hey, what about me?” Damon asked approaching.

  “Yes, you too,” Rachel added, releasing Dina and reaching out for her brother. “You were the best faux bridesmaid any sister could ask for. I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “We’ll see each other again, sis. Gabe had better make sure it’s soon, too,” Damon said.

  “Don’t worry, I promise. I’ll make sure we work something in,” Gabe called out, hearing bits of the discussion going on near him.

  The gear was loaded onto the three Dramares, Gabe looked over everything one last time and then walked to Uri. “Last chance, you sure you don’t want to duck out of this mission?”

  “Please,” Uri scoffed. “This will be like a vacation for me.”

  Gabe smiled, taking a moment to look around the circle and watch the tearful farewells. It was amazing, Rachel had only been around these people for a week, yet she had managed to make such an impact on them. It didn’t take him long to realize someone was missing, however.

  “She’s not here. I can’t believe she wouldn’t even come say goodbye to you,” Gabe said softly.

  “Who?” Uri asked.

  “Really? You don’t know who I’m talking about?”

  Uri thought for a moment before responding, “No, I know. I’m not sure why I asked who. She came to me this morning to say goodbye actually, she spoke to Haim, too.”

  “Sophie hates me that much that she can’t even be in my presence?” Gabe questioned, not concealing his shock.

  “It’s not that she hates you man, don’t you get it? Sophie thou
ght you’d come running back to her when you knew she had her memories back; instead she got humiliated in public. What did you expect? She’s hurting.”

  “I didn’t try to hurt her.”

  “I get that, but she’s still hurting.”

  “Don’t expect me to feel sorry for her. She had her memories back for a long time, before I ever met Rachel. Sophie’s the one who decided to keep that information to herself. I told her I loved Rachel and I was going to marry her; she didn’t have to try and break up the wedding. That was her choice.” Gabe defended his position heatedly.

  “You think any of us want you to feel sorry for her? How about you just try to be a little understanding of her feelings and where she’s coming from. Man, I know you’ve been a bit of a hermit lately, but come on, is it that hard to be a human being?” Uri snapped back in response.

  Gabe fought off the urge to lash back; he was a victim in this, too. He had cared deeply for Sophie for as long as he could remember, there was actually a part of him that considered her offer for a moment. In the end, he knew he was in love with Rachel. It wouldn’t have been fair to Sophie to even consider a future with her. However, taking a step back and a second to examine what Uri was saying, perhaps his expectations to simply put these feelings behind her was too much for him to ask of her.

  Before Gabe could confirm verbally that his friend had a point, Michael approached the men, slapping both on their backs. “What’s with all the grim faces?”

  “Michael—” Uri said, startled by his sudden presence. “Uh, nothing. Just—”

  “We were just going over everything to make sure we are prepared.” Gabe quickly added, not wanting to discuss Sophie’s woes of the heart with Michael.

  “I’m sure you guys are more than prepared. The way you’ve been shut up there in the study for the past few days, I doubt you’ve forgotten any detail,” Michael said, watching Rachel across the yard as he did.

  Uri looked down at the ground immediately. Gabe assumed he didn’t want to reveal anything to his mentor, unintentionally. He didn’t wish to keep everyone in the dark, but he knew most people would probably not support his decision to turn the tables on Baal. However, he was confident vanquishing Baal would be the only way he could be sure Rachel would ever be safe.

  “Ready?” Uri asked, not looking up.

  Uri shot off across the clearing towards the Dramares before Gabe could even reply. “Well, I guess this is goodbye,” Gabe said turning to face Michael, extending a hand.

  Michael grabbed ahold of his hand, pulling Gabe in for an embrace. Holding him close, Michael whispered in his ear, “I know what you’re thinking about doing, take this with you and talk to me before you make any decisions.”

  Gabe pulled away, looking in his hand he saw Michael had slipped him the amulet from when he had first come to Rampart. The memory of Anthony turning to ash sent a shiver through him. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s linked to me, just as it was then. When you need me, you can use it to locate me,” Michael explained.

  Gabe thought about what he said, “Talk to me before you make any decisions.” Did Michael already know what Gabe’s intensions were with Baal?

  “Thank you,” Seemed the only appropriate words Gabe could speak.

  Unsure what else to say, Gabe took off in the direction of the rest of the group. Once halfway, he glanced over his shoulder and realized Michael was gone. Turning back around he saw Rachel was staring at him as he approached. Determined not to frighten her, Gabe feigned a smile.

  “Hey, husband,” Rachel called out to him. “We were just talking, are you ready to get this show on the road?”

  “Why, yes — wife,” Gabe replied, enjoying the playful banter of their new marital status. “I am.”

  The final hugs were shared and with a grand line of bystanders waving and wishing them luck, the party was off. Uri led the way on the back of the Dramare named Ba’zak, Gabe and Rachel followed close behind, riding together on Drachon, and Haim brought up the rear on the fierce looking Kraynar. There was no turning back, the group would be on their own, returning to Iron Gate would only put their friends in danger.

  With a heavy sigh, Rachel closed her eyes and leaned in close to the man she loved so dearly.

  The first day was long, a chill in the air caused Gabe to feel as though his bones were brittle. He didn’t care though, wrapped tightly in Rachel's arms. He felt the exact moment her body gave into exhaustion and her head collapsed onto his back. It was a peaceful feeling to have her so close to him, to hold on to her hands, and to know she was safe, at least for the moment.

  They had been riding for nearly six hours and achieved a significant amount of distance from Iron Gate. Gabe estimated if they could keep the pace up, besides camping, they would reach Luxom in two days’ time. Luxom wasn’t the richest area in copper, but the earth was still littered with the resource, and Gabe knew it would help in shielding them from trackers. He was sure it would be a delicate balance, and someone would always have to be on watch, casting protection spells, until they reached Luxom. But with Uri and Haim along for the ride, he was confident it was a very doable task.

  “Gabe, we’re going to have to take a rest if it’s all right with you,” Drachon called over his shoulder to his riders.

  “Of course, whatever you need,” Gabe replied, motioning to the other members of his party.

  As the Dramares kneeled, Rachel awoke, slightly startled by what was happening.

  “Where are we?” she gasped.

  “Hey, everything okay?” Uri asked, leaping from the back of his Dramare. Haim followed suit.

  “Everything’s fine everyone, just taking a quick rest stop. Stretch, take some water in, and we’ll get back on the road in about thirty minutes,” Gabe explained, helping Rachel down.

  “Gabe, can I talk to you for a second?” Uri requested, motioning for Gabe to follow him away from the group.

  “Rachel, are you all right?” Gabe asked, looking at his wife that was still clearly waking up from her nap.

  “Yes, of course, go,” she reassured him.

  Gabe walked to where Uri waited for him. He could tell his friend was clearly concerned. “Is something wrong?”

  “Have you thought about what we’re going to do if we can’t hide?” Uri asked, an urgency to his tone.

  “I’m sorry, what are we talking about? This conversation is taking me completely by surprise,” Gabe answered.

  “Do you have any kind of plan? I’ve had the past six hours to really think about this. What happens if you’re wrong? I mean, at most, in the valley, there were three people? Now we have four and Luxom isn’t as rich in copper. Maybe it’s not enough to block our signature. Or what if we’re recognized? What’s your plan?” Uri was careful to keep his voice low so the rest of the group would not hear.

  “Calm down, all right? Freaking out isn’t going to do anyone any good,” Gabe urged. “What do you want me to say? No, I don’t really have a backup plan. I’m just hoping we figure out a way to defeat Baal before he finds us, I guess. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “Not exactly—” Uri said, then hesitating briefly. “Look, I know how you feel about some things, but I’ve been thinking.”

  “Why does it seem like I’m not going to like what you’re about to say?”

  “Just hear me out. Sophie is at home trying to come up with a way to defeat Baal and that’s great. Not to mention, you have Haim and I’m thinking about the problem as well. Let’s say, for arguments sake, I knew someone who could help.”

  “Help what?” Gabe asked.

  “Figure out a way to destroy Baal,” Uri replied.

  “You know someone who can help us figure out how to vanquish Baal and you haven’t told me about them yet? I have to assume there’s a reason.” Gabe continued.

  “Well, sort of— I know how you feel about Oracles,” Uri began.

  “Nope, stop right there. I don’t need to hear anymore,” Gabe
replied, his voice increasing in volume, turning to walk away and ending the conversation.

  Uri reached out grabbing Gabe’s arm, and spinning him around before pleading, “Will you just wait and hear me out?”

  “Really? You can’t be serious, you know my history with Oracles. They are simply trouble makers! Neutral my ass, I tell you what they are, they’re twisted, they get off on treating people like they’re toys, there to manipulate for their own amusement,” Gabe didn’t care if Rachel heard at this point. He wasn’t afraid to explain and defend his position on Oracles.

  “I get all that, I do, just listen, please!” Uri begged.

  “Fine, you have sixty seconds,” Gabe offered, crossing his arms in disapproval.

  “Have you heard of Mirada?” Uri asked.

  “Yeah, sure, everyone in the Guardian world has. She used to work with the elders, but decided it was shifting the power in favor of good and has since refused to help either side. I thought she was killed though?” Gabe asked impatiently.

  “Not exactly. First, you have to believe me, she’s not like the other Oracles you’ve met. She has no desire to see you in pain, she really is neutral. When Michael was young, he met and befriended Mirada.”

  “What? He never told me that,” Gabe said, his curiosity piqued.

  “The council said they wanted the Guardians to track her down, she would have to be kept by us, and that she knew too much. Michael decided he would be the one to bring her back and impress all of his peers in doing so. Well, when he finally found her, he couldn’t,” Uri explained.

  “Why not?” Gabe snapped.

  “I know it sounds crazy, but he fell in love with her. He wanted to be with her, and he went to the council to plead their case, but it became clear very quickly they weren’t going to listen, and they weren’t going to stop until they found her. That’s when he told them she had been killed in his attempt to retrieve her,” Uri’s tale of lost love made so much sense now, Gabe had always seen it in Michael, but didn’t understand.

  “There have been rumors she’s still alive. How did he keep the council from hunting her down?” Gabe inquired.


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