Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 2

by Maxwell Avoi

  I swept into the store, walking in my unsteady way like I had every right to be there. One of the attendants approached me and I smiled at her. “Hi there,” I said. “My name is Sherry. I need some help?”

  “Of course, how can I help you?” She gave me a look that said that she was half a second from kicking me out of the store, but I held on to my frayed emotions to keep from giving her a reason.

  “Well, you see, I need to get some clothing. I’ve been travelling for most of my life in different parts of the world, and today when I came to America for the first time, the airplane lost my luggage. I’m used to the sizing standards from other countries, so I need some help figuring out what size I actually am.”

  She glanced down at my enormous bosom, her expression by turns curious and dubious. “I’m not sure that we’d have anything that might fit you, ah, up top, hon, but we’ll see what we can do.”

  It took about an hour, an hour that I don’t want to repeat, but by the end of it I was at least decent. I was in tight jeans and a blouse that came very close to not straining over my chest. It turned out that they did have some DDD-cup bras, and that was close enough for me to wear with only a little squishing.

  I did some damage to Todd’s card, glad that he hadn’t had it canceled yet, and I headed out the door carrying a small bag. I had to find a place to stay that would allow me a room with no questions asked.

  The solution was a small, out-of-the-way motel in a neighborhood that wasn’t the greatest. The cab driver had taken me there and I’d fought the entire time to keep my growing desires for him under check. Whoever had done this to me, they’d made sure that it was embarrassing as possible. By the time we got there, it was all that I could do to keep from inviting him to spend the night with me. I was still man enough to resist my body’s powerful urges, though, so I thanked him and added a tip when I swiped the card.

  I checked in and gave a false name. The clerk’s quiet eye roll said that he knew that it was false, that he was used to such things, and that he didn’t really care. It was an expressive eye roll. I darted into my room as quickly as I could to keep from attracting attention from the people out in the parking lot. They were clustered around a pickup truck and didn’t appear to be residents of the motel.

  I sat down on the bed and tried to think things through as logically as I could. Something told me that logic wasn’t necessarily the best way to go about this, but I ignored that thought and tried to focus.

  I had been a man and now I most emphatically wasn’t. Whatever had turned me into a woman had made me a total knockout who was having trouble with lust. I didn’t know why I was like this, or what could have done it, or what I had been before being changed. I had been a man named Shane, and I remembered an office building. But why did I remember that stuff and not other things? It had to have something to do with why I was a woman instead of a man.

  Then I realized that the better question was why I could remember a few things now when I couldn’t before.

  There was precisely one thing that had happened to me to change my situation, and though I tried to think of a dozen different ways to spin it, I had to admit the truth: I had had sex with a man. My memories had come back when I’d fucked Todd, specifically when I’d come so hard that I thought it might kill me. Since then I’d gotten nothing more about anything.

  “Oh, you silly bitch,” I said out loud, still not used to my throaty new voice. What if the sex wasn’t what had done it? I could have remembered things just from the pleasure of the orgasms!

  That was a lot more palatable than the thought of taking some other guy to bed just so he could fuck some memories into me. For one thing, the idea of masturbating myself into a frenzy actually appealed. Now that I knew what I really was, sort of, I was much more interested in women than in men. I had a prime sample of the former here, totally under my control, and my goal was to send her into orgasmic frenzy?

  Oh, don’t throw me into that fucking briar patch.

  Flush with hope and desire, I stripped out of my dress and went to stand in front of the giant mirror that took up part of the wall behind the television. I had always wondered why motels seemed to like to use those mirrors, and for the first time I was glad that they did so. I could see myself from the knees up, now, and I could see that I wasn’t just a knockout; I had the body that my face implied.

  I was not slim, but fully rounded in all the right ways. I would have been worshipped as some sort of fertility goddess in more enlightened times, but I had no interest in anyone else seeing me like this. The sight of myself was enough to get my juices flowing, sad to say, but I wasn’t about to stop there.

  I reached up to touch my nipples, shivering when I encountered them. I was still clumsy with my new body, not used to how far things protruded. My nipples were stiff, and I shivered again when I pressed my fingertips into them. They were wildly sensitive. The flesh beneath was warm and spongy, and felt just like a woman’s breasts should feel. As much as I wanted to ignore half of the sensations and just focus on how they felt in my hands, I had to admit that they felt really good from the other side as well. It was like my nipples were directly wired to something deep inside of me that sent out ecstatic tingles whenever it was stimulated.

  Well, what the hell, I thought. It wasn’t like anyone was going to know. I would only get this opportunity once. I hoped.

  I kneaded my breasts, lifting and dropping them and wishing in passing that I had some oil. The idea of oiling this woman down just made the whole thing more exciting, and I started breathing faster as I pressed my tiny fingers deep into the marvelously soft flesh. The tingles didn’t die down as I did so; they left a sort of pleasurable residue, each one allowing the following tingle to affect more and more of me.

  Soon my left hand strayed downward. As a man, I was sure, I had been entirely focused on the area between my legs when it came to sex. Now, though, I saw that I had been missing entire dimensions. I stroked at my belly and shivered, a tiny moan escaping my plump lips as I did so. I traced designs all the way down to my navel, circling it a few times for good measure before I continued onward.

  The fingers on my right hand neither slowed nor faltered. They had a simple job: chase the pleasure that I was able to give myself. They did a marvelous job with their assignment, twisting and pinching my nipples to just the edge of pain, making my legs feel weak and soft from time to time.

  When my left hand stole between my legs, finding the bald lips there, it became the star of the show. Righty did remarkable backup but Lefty was in charge from then on. I soon realized that it wasn’t so much that a woman’s body was more responsive than a man’s (though that seemed to be the case), it was that my new body was just much more sensitive than it had any biological right to be.

  I circled my new lips for a time, my legs barely holding me up, and finally I realized that I had to be lying down for the rest of it. I was shaking all over, the need for release building along with the pleasure that I was getting from every square inch of skin. I went over to the bed and stretched out on clean sheets, and then I went back to what I was doing.

  I was denied the visuals, at least beyond my heavy breasts that blocked a lot of the view even when they were pooled on my chest, but that was okay. I was operating by feel by that time anyway. I started making those circled around my pussy lips, the quiet moans oozing out of me at the same time without any encouragement from my mind. I was hot, fuck, I was on fire, and every touch made it stronger.

  I had already had a cock in me, so the sensation of my finger sliding inside wasn’t completely alien, but I still opened my eyes wide when it happened. I felt around inside there, the first finger joined by another and then a third so that I felt comfortably stretched. When my hand pressed against what had to be my clit I made a sort of “Hah!” noise as all the breath fled my lungs. From there I just started sliding my fingers in and out, trying to breathe in time and eventually failing as the pleasure grew too great to allow me to th
ink that clearly.

  It wasn’t long before I was bucking against my hand, my legs clenched around it and my other hand squeezing one enormous breast for all that I was worth. I keened as I came, a high, thin noise that seemed to be the best that I could do to express myself. I pumped those amazing hips, my body striving against itself as I came and came.

  Finally I was able to relax again, to breathe on my own, though I still shivered from time to time from aftershocks brought on by my hair brushing a nipple or just the cold air conditioning kicking on. When I could think again, I delved into my own mind to see what I had remembered from this latest bout.

  There didn’t seem to be anything new, which was weird. The other times, with Todd, the knowledge had just burst onto me like a flash bulb. Last time I hadn’t even been thinking about wanting to know more, and then suddenly I’d remembered that my name was…

  Um, that it was…

  “Ohhhh fuck! ” I cried, slamming my fist into the bed next to me. I couldn’t remember what my name had been as a man. I remembered clearly that I had been a man at one time, but the knowledge of my name was gone now. Instead of gaining, I had actually lost a step.

  I wanted to cry. What the hell? What did I have to do to…

  Then I realized what had happened, and just like that I knew what I had to do to regain my memories. The facts were clear enough for only having gone through it three times now: when I had sex with Todd, I regained memories. When I came without his aid, I’d lost them. I sincerely hoped that it wasn’t just Todd’s cock that was the key to me remembering things about myself, but I didn’t have any leeway at all. If I was wrong, and for some reason Todd was the key to all this…if I…if I went to bed with another guy, I could stand to lose even the memory of what I really was! I didn’t have enough to fuck around with. I had to go back to Todd.

  I was not in a good position. Todd had seemed like a decent guy, and I had stolen his credit card. Decent guys usually called the cops in such situations. I ran it backward and forward through my head, poking occasionally at the void where my name had once lived, and finally got up to get dressed. Whatever happened, happened. Either I would wind up in jail or in Todd’s bed, and I really wasn’t sure which idea filled me with more dread. I was beaten.

  A cab came and got me. There were no cops outside Todd’s place, which I took to be a good sign. I got my bags out of the trunk and trudged up the walk toward Todd’s front door. Whatever happened, I promised myself that I would make the cash up to him somehow.

  He opened the door a moment after I knocked, as if he’d been sitting next to it. For all I knew, he had been. I stood there staring at him, with no idea of what to say, and finally he stepped to the side and said, “Glad to see you’re all right.”

  I burst into tears. I stood there sniveling and holding the bags with both hands, crying as if I would never stop, and some distant part of me wondered if I had just given up and gone insane.

  Todd’s expression of gentle curiosity never changed. He’d seen me cry once today already, and it had led to him losing his credit card, so I guess I could see why he might be skittish. When I wound down a little he took one of my wrists and gently led me inside the rest of the way. He put the bags down by the door and then set me on the couch. I sat down, staring at nothing and wishing that none of this was happening.

  He left and returned with a glass that turned out to contain a finger of scotch, which did me a lot of good when I knocked it back. When I felt the burn down in my belly I opened my eyes again and said, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Are you okay?” he said.

  I nodded and then shook my head, staring down at my folded hands beyond the canyon of my new cleavage. “I don’t know. Things are so confusing right now.”

  “We can call the authorities in the morning,” he said, reaching out to pat my hands. He looked nervous doing it.

  “No,” I said. “I mean…no, that’s not a good idea. They won’t know what to…I’ll pay you back. I got some clothes and a couple of cab rides, and a motel room. I’ll pay you back.”

  He nodded. He had the expression of a man trying to talk someone off a ledge. “It’s okay,” he said. “We’ll take care of it, don’t worry about the clothes or anything.”

  “Why are you so nice to me?” I said, my voice shaking. I really wanted to know.

  “Everyone’s gotten kicked in the head a few times in life,” he said. “I just figure that you came back, so you’re probably okay.”

  I grabbed his hand with mine and then leaned in to kiss him, but he leaned away. “Ah, maybe not such a good idea?” he said. “You’re still sort of out of it, you know?”

  “Todd, I want to…to thank you,” I said. There was no way that I was going to let him pull away from me now. I slowed my roll a little, not pressing quite so hard, but I was still firmly against him.

  He still seemed reluctant. I could sympathize. I didn’t really want to take him to bed, of course, and maybe he picked up on that, but I was determined to see this through so that I could get my memories back. Todd looked like he wanted to bolt and run but I wasn’t about to let him. When he pulled back I went with him, and soon I was practically lying on top of him. He didn’t have anywhere to go from there, so I kissed him slow and soft until he started to respond in kind.

  I was surprised at how easy it was to move him from there to his bedroom. We went in slow stages, undressing one another as we did, and by the time that we got to his room I had both of us nearly naked. My panties were the only things that I still wore, and he just had his shirt on.

  I turned from him, then, and bent forward as I slid the panties off over my incredible hips. It wasn’t easy. I had to really concentrate to keep my balance as my heavy breasts slid toward my chin, but I managed. It wasn’t quite as sexy as I hoped it would be. I was angry that I’d even had that thought, but I didn’t have much choice. At least Todd was a good guy.

  I saw him standing there, staring at my ass, and I wiggled it at him a little bit before I carefully stood up again. He was hard, as hard as I had ever seen him, and clearly visible under the bottom of his shirt. For the first time since I’d remembered that I was a man, I reached out on purpose and took hold of another man’s cock.

  He groaned when I pulled him toward the bed, and then again when I sat down. I was eye-level with his groin when I did so, but I wasn’t about to do what he obviously hoped that I would. I was horny, sure, and I was wet, but I was still a straight guy on the inside and I wasn’t about to do that to another guy.

  I don’t know why it was different to think that I was going to fuck another guy, but whatever. It was the line that I had drawn in my head.

  I drew Todd down on top of me, undoing his shirt and spreading it out to the sides as I did so. I wanted skin on skin to get as much stimulation as possible, to get this over with. Todd wanted the same thing, though not for the same reasons. I smiled at him, relying on my body’s natural sexiness to carry me through this if I balked.

  “Sherry, are you sure?” he whispered.

  I nodded and stared into his eyes. “Very sure, Todd.”

  He put one knee between my legs, nudging them out wider, and I closed my eyes when I felt him enter me. He wasn’t huge, and that was good, but he was big enough that I could feel the stretch of him pushing inside. His way was paved, my body having lubed itself up in spite of my mind’s feeble attempts to take control of my glands.

  I found that it was a lot easier to just let my body have free reign, as I had when I had masturbated my memories of my name away. I moved my legs so that I was pressing my heels into him, urging him deeper without thinking about it. I was a man, sure, but my body was incredibly female. Once I let it take charge, I didn’t have to think about what to do next. I just did it.

  I pulled him tight against me, moaning softly into his ear as he pumped. I matched his rhythm, my hips pumping with his to get him deep while the muscles in y new pussy gripped him tightly.

  Todd had al
ready had some pretty mind-blowing sex with the body that I now wore. He was old enough that the session we’d had together earlier that day slowed him down now. He seemed content to just move with me, kissing my neck and upper chest as he did so.

  My body had no such limitations. I felt the tingles and fire building inside as they had before, and it was only a couple of minutes before I started to gasp and seize up. Todd held me close as I came, hard enough that I couldn’t even draw breath for a cry of pure pleasure. When I finally gasped in some air I let it out in a shuddering gasp. It was half from the pleasure and half from the sensation of my mind unlocking. Shane! My name was Shane! How on earth could I possibly have forgotten that?

  That wasn’t important right now. My reasoning had been correct. Whatever had happened to me, Todd was going to be able to help unlock my mind. For that reason alone I redoubled my efforts. I mean my God it felt good, but almost as pleasurable was the knowledge that fucking Todd would help me learn about my own past. I was eager for more knowledge and, okay, yes, fine , more orgasms too.

  My body didn’t disappoint on the latter. Whatever had changed me had supercharged my nerves; Todd kept pumping away, and within just a few heartbeats I could feel myself starting to climb that mountain again. I was shocked at the pleasure and the way that it kept invading me. Was there no limit to Sherry’s body?

  It appeared not. I clenched tight around Todd, straining to scream as I clawed at his back. I could no more control my fingers than I could the rest of my body, and I had the passing thought that if I pissed him off by clawing him bloody I might not get a chance to find out more about myself.

  He didn’t seem to mind, though, so that was all right. As I settled back, crying out at last, I had another flash of memory. This time I saw a small apartment that I knew was mine. I had the address and everything, printed there in my head as if it had never left. I still didn’t know why I was trapped in this body, though, or what had happened to me, so I kept on pumping those spectacular hips.


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